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Yingluck Explains Absence


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What difference does the size of the check have to do with anything?

What counts is how many zero's are on it

IMO this is a final pay off from PTP to the red shirt group. Red shirts

have served their purpose now TS and YS are distancing themselves

from this group, IMO

By the time the next election rolls around, PTP will be shacked up with

another group / party that they will be able to use abuse and pay off, IMO

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The only way this image could look any more ridiculous is if she was wearing Thai boxing gloves.

It is a good thing that they are paying out compensation to some victims, but do it quietly and then issue a press release, don't turn it into a media image circus.....

oh, wait....


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You have to remember that there is a different type of decorum here the big checks are perfectly ok. Your western colonial background is rearing its ugly head trying to tell the Thais how to handle there business.

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You have to remember that there is a different type of decorum here the big checks are perfectly ok. Your western colonial background is rearing its ugly head trying to tell the Thais how to handle there business.

Well, giving money to people as compensation is what it is, irrespective of where you are...... Maybe the people themselves weren't offended, but then, there is every chance these pictures sneak themselves into the international press. Image is image, and Thailand is not in a media vacuum. If you don't want to be pilloried for showing a lack of decorum, then open your eyes. Much like being on your phone at a funeral I suppose.

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Nope, wifes whole office thinks its tasteless as well . They were also curious about the fact that she was kept away because the payments may be unlawful. If in fact this is found will the reds be returning the cash?

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excuse my ignorance but this compensation is for what ? innocent bystanders or just anyone that was taking part in the riots and got injured.

surely this sets a legal president and opens the floodgates for all sorts of victims

and yes it';s a disgrace - and our next lucky winner is

Edited by smedly
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The 2 million baht question - which organs are important (and who decides)?

Do they take into consideration how often it was used, and its performance capability? Probably not, it's still a brain.

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loss of unimportant organ?

Which one's are they then? The appendix?


I agree, I think the gov't has a lot of spleening to do......

Like spleening what the secret, high level, unexspleened meeting was all about.

...and I am sure that no matter what the unexspleened meeting was about, as it will be coming out of the mouth of a hi so, then the little lo so peons will have to accept as well as swear to it and pass it on.

PS .......word is that it was a secret meeting with Elvis at the Doi Suthep 7-Eleven

Just a good time to use some seldom used words........Nay Hark, Prithee and not to forget Pishaaawwww.

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I don't know wht anyone is surprised at the way this was handled. After all, it's simply the logical extension of removing a body from a morgue in order to parade it for propaganda purposes.

"Look at the big cheque!" "Look at the shiney shiney!" But, at least we now know how much Yingluck's brain is worth. Bt1.95 million.

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Nope, wifes whole office thinks its tasteless as well . They were also curious about the fact that she was kept away because the payments may be unlawful. If in fact this is found will the reds be returning the cash?

Maybe it's like sinsod and they quietly give it back after the show....

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Nope, wifes whole office thinks its tasteless as well . They were also curious about the fact that she was kept away because the payments may be unlawful. If in fact this is found will the reds be returning the cash?

Maybe it's like sinsod and they quietly give it back after the show....

More likely the trouble they'll have trying to cash an obviously fake cheque. I'm just surprised they didn't hand out those fake 1,000 baht notes to the recipients and then quietly arrest them afterwards for possessing them. At least they are closer in size to the real thing.

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You have to remember that there is a different type of decorum here the big checks are perfectly ok. Your western colonial background is rearing its ugly head trying to tell the Thais how to handle there business.

BS.It's self promoting tackiness at its worst where ever you come from.Don't make Thai's out to be "different".
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Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said she did not attend the ceremony held yesterday to present compensation to victims of political unrest, because she was tending to business outside Bangkok, and not because she was trying to avoid legal responsibility that comes with the payment as widely speculated.

When the government hands out the cheques, when Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Yongyuth Wichaidit presides over the ceremony, how would the PM staying away avoid her (government's) responsability?

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Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said she did not attend the ceremony held yesterday to present compensation to victims of political unrest, because she was tending to business outside Bangkok, and not because she was trying to avoid legal responsibility that comes with the payment as widely speculated.

When the government hands out the cheques, when Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Yongyuth Wichaidit presides over the ceremony, how would the PM staying away avoid her (government's) responsability?

Because she did not chair the cabinet meeting the approved it and did not participate in the handing out of the money. In Thai politics that is the equivalent of plausible deniability.


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Must admit it looks really sad that photo of the mother receving the cheque.

As other have said it is as if she had won a prize, not compensation for the loss of a daughter. Surely discreet and with respect for the family would have been less painful for her.

I wonder if they will ask her what she is going to do with her "winnings" like they do lottery winners

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Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said she did not attend the ceremony held yesterday to present compensation to victims of political unrest, because she was tending to business outside Bangkok, and not because she was trying to avoid legal responsibility that comes with the payment as widely speculated.

When the government hands out the cheques, when Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Yongyuth Wichaidit presides over the ceremony, how would the PM staying away avoid her (government's) responsability?

Because she did not chair the cabinet meeting the approved it and did not participate in the handing out of the money. In Thai politics that is the equivalent of plausible deniability.


With Tarit in charge of the DSI, it would be. IMHO that is likely to change with the next government.

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