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Turned Down For A Thai Visa In Vientiane

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ok just get a new passport,easy and you can start over.

Immigration will always know where you've been, they also keep record of all overstay entries etc. Shouldn't UNDERESTIMATE other peoples' intelligence..biggrin.png

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savannaketh is the place to go now

Some friends just came back from SN with a on year Non-O without showing money. Problem might be if you've got a red stamp in your passport....smile.png

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ok just get a new passport,easy and you can start over.

When I came to Thailand my first year, I went to PP to get a tourist visa and the embassy guy had a printout of every entry and exit to and from the country. I always wonder why people think getting a new passport somehow wipes their history clean. That experience was way back in 2004 when PP was cracking down but those days are over

ok just get a new passport,easy and you can start over.

When I came to Thailand my first year, I went to PP to get a tourist visa and the embassy guy had a printout of every entry and exit to and from the country. I always wonder why people think getting a new passport somehow wipes their history clean. That experience was way back in 2004 when PP was cracking down but those days are over

The only way to clear your history before was to change your name but when the chipped passports were introduced I don't even think thats possible anymore although I could be wrong.

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Name changes are tracked. Global software vendors are the likes of SITA and CSC

But we have no way of knowing if name changes are tracked in Thailand. I mean someone changing it in their home country not from here as it isn't possible to change ones name from abroad.

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...There are annual visas available for everyone, aren't there?

No, there aren't.

For annual visas, ie visas (from a Thai conslulate) valid for entry into Thailand for one year from the issue date of the visa, see http://www.mfa.go.th/web/2482.php?id=2489, or if the website is not accessible see http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=162415

For one-year extensions of stay, ie from the local immigration office in Thailand, see http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=153821

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Name changes are tracked. Global software vendors are the likes of SITA and CSC

This is Thai immigration, not the NSA

They have no idea if you get a new passport under a new name .

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Name changes are tracked. Global software vendors are the likes of SITA and CSC

This is Thai immigration, not the NSA

They have no idea if you get a new passport under a new name .

Exactly, some people say these things but have absolutely no idea if there ist any truth behind it.

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Name changes are tracked. Global software vendors are the likes of SITA and CSC

This is Thai immigration, not the NSA

They have no idea if you get a new passport under a new name .

Exactly, some people say these things but have absolutely no idea if there ist any truth behind it.

it's nothing to do with USA versus Thailand, it's globally available technology. Subject of course to the Thai government making the necessary investment. However, as one post stated with the advent of embedded chips with passports I would assume info would be tracked

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Actually I have seen public reporting that Thailand had some; and was getting full access to US data base for air travelers at airport. Do not know if more then entry information is being used but they obviously do have access to international data files. In this age of terrorists it would be foolish to believe any country is an isolated island.

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I wonder how following up a non-immigrant O visa with a request for a tourist visa would fly--- Does anyone have experience with this?

Tnanks-- I'll take any replies with a cup of Java. coffee1.gif

Edited by Maestro
Deleted off-topic part of post.
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The Cambodian Hotel meant that I would have no problem getting a Thai visa with their agent in Phnom Penh.

I went to Laos to see my former maid, should have gone to PP and waited for her to come down here in two months instead.

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ok just get a new passport,easy and you can start over.

This is the best advice it is the path I took. Dont bother transferring the stamp at Chiang Wattana they will just tell you to do it at the border. The office opens at 8:30am Thailand side of the border to transfer your visa. If you go with a visa service company there might just be a person who comes into work early and takes care of everything before 8<walked out as the Kings song played> and the cost? 20Baht<No kidding> They do not write anything bad in your new passport just dates and you will be good to go<Or at least I was>. Replacing my passport was easy I just asked because my old one was full.It is a very simple process if you are American make an appointment at the embassy go down fill out the form<Have the link if you need it> pay the 110$ 2 weeks later new 56page passport. You do not need to destroy it, pretend like it was stolen or whatever other nefarious scheming I am sure have been suggested. That just puts you old name and number on a list you do not want to be on to protect your old passport from being trafficked.

Also one thing that people are pointing out about your previous passport history. You guys realize when you get a new passport you get a new number. I had a Red stamp for 3 BTB TV's There was no problems I even talked to all the immigration people along the whole process <First suggested "Get married, get a new passport or travel to Malaysia consulate"> If it falls into them doing their job they are more than helpful.I have never once had a problem with any immigration offices in Thailand the tend to be helpful and professional.

Edited by BigRick
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i am on the last few days of my 3rd (extended) TV,; 3 x back to backs from Penang..these were after my 2 previous Ed visas..naturally i am concerned that i will be given a further visa of any description, i am 64 living on a limited pension (27k baht monthly) from the UK, that is below the required Thai limit , i do not have the 800k bank deposit, nor likely to..i have taken some encouragement from the successful visa application stories here and intend Savannakhet as my next consulate application, though Vientienne sounded good too... i wanted to say that people like me need to use TV or EDs ..purely because we cannot meet the financial requiremnts as set by Thai gov. but i am however able to live with a good standard of living, with my commonlaw wife on my pension which is a figure much higher than possibly 75% of the working nationals.... my wife does earn a further 7k per month, most of which goes to her family... even if i married her tomorrow, i couldnt satisfy the fin. requirements of 0 visa.. ( or afford the sinsod ..however low ..;) )...i should mention i live on Koh Samui..not the cheapest of places and need to budget 2k bht per month for visa requirements........any tips about the bus trip from Mo Chit (bkk) to Savannakhet or Mukdahan........... a whinge from a now poor uk expat

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What marriage might provide is a multi entry non immigrant O visa of 90 day stays so less travel/extensions required. It would also open any stay to a 60 day extension to visit spouse. And if by some means you could get 400k into a bank account one year extensions of stay possibility. Sorry can not help with the bus to Savannakhet information but believe some have posted so a search might turn up information if nobody posts here.

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ok just get a new passport,easy and you can start over.

This is the best advice it is the path I took. Dont bother transferring the stamp at Chiang Wattana they will just tell you to do it at the border. The office opens at 8:30am Thailand side of the border to transfer your visa. If you go with a visa service company there might just be a person who comes into work early and takes care of everything before 8<walked out as the Kings song played> and the cost? 20Baht<No kidding> They do not write anything bad in your new passport just dates and you will be good to go<Or at least I was>. Replacing my passport was easy I just asked because my old one was full.It is a very simple process if you are American make an appointment at the embassy go down fill out the form<Have the link if you need it> pay the 110$ 2 weeks later new 56page passport. You do not need to destroy it, pretend like it was stolen or whatever other nefarious scheming I am sure have been suggested. That just puts you old name and number on a list you do not want to be on to protect your old passport from being trafficked.

Also one thing that people are pointing out about your previous passport history. You guys realize when you get a new passport you get a new number. I had a Red stamp for 3 BTB TV's There was no problems I even talked to all the immigration people along the whole process <First suggested "Get married, get a new passport or travel to Malaysia consulate"> If it falls into them doing their job they are more than helpful.I have never once had a problem with any immigration offices in Thailand the tend to be helpful and professional.

That's why those stupid criminals obtain false passports because immigration cannot track by name, what a waste of time and money

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......any tips about the bus trip from Mo Chit (bkk) to Savannakhet or Mukdahan........... a whinge from a now poor uk expat

Buses are available to Mukdahan from MoChit. Then a bus from Mukdahan to Savannaket. Having 35 US$ will save paying 1600 baht for lao visa on arrival (have a photo for visa). You could also go by train to Khon Khen and then bus to Mukdahan. If your schedule puts you arriving early morning in Mukdahan it can be a bit of rush to get to consulate on time. I suggest arriving the day before and spending night in Savannakhet. You can find hotels for about 500 a night there.

Edited by ubonjoe
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If the bus arrives on time and a few other things than can delay your arrival at consulate.

Unless it is a necessity it doesn't hurt a thing to spend one extra night in a hotel just to make the trip a little bit less of a rush.

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  • 2 months later...

Had my Business Visa refused the second time in Vientiane. First time as I didn't have my Por Por 50 (which I never needed before) but I got a doubble entry Tourist Visa. Now just got back from Vientiane (yes, I had my Por Por 50) and had my Non B refused again. This time they wanted a letter from the labour office. Something I didn't need before either. As for the Tourist Visa, I this time I only got 60 days. I was told I had too many Thai stamps (73 entry/exit stamps, 3 for overstay and 11 Visa stamps) in my Passport all ready. Well, what does the Thai Embassy expect if we have to make a visa run every 90 (or 60) days. The advice of the Embassy was, go back to Euroe, apply for a new passport (I still have 12 pages and 4 years left on my passport) and get your business visa in Europe.

I've been in Thailand since 1978 (on and off) and since 1999, I have my own company and investments in a couple of local Thai businesses. I thought, Yingluck said not that long ago, our investments are safe in Thailand. If people with business here in Thailand start having problems applying for their visas, how safe are our investments?

I'm not sure what kind of business you have in Thailand, but I don't see why you were refused a business visa. I don't think you really wanted that tourist visa they gave you. Personally, I'd try another embassy or consulate in the region unless you have a good reason to head back to Europe in the meantime.

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Did you have your work permit with you and the heap of company documents that is a standard requirement for the multiple-entry non-B visa, or in lieu of the work permit the WP3 (receipt for work permit application) for a single-entry non-B visa?

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