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Republic Of Ireland Euro 2012


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What an informative offering from your good self. I really appreciated that in-depth analysis of our chances in the tournament.

Oh, and nobody cares about whatever your selling, I see your on the Dutch site as well and believe me your out of your depth there as well with those lads. They will have ye for breakfast.

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ireland's fans welcome the england team to krakow. fantastic.

Really , u think fantastic? I think unnecesary rather unpleasant and a totally unsporting thing to do,. and it shows what of the irish FOOTBALL fans? Nothing positive IMO,

One of the papers here yesterday were very critical of their behaviour. After watching the video it did make me cringe. It just goes to show every country has their quota of <deleted> including ours.

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I feel that Croatia will have us on the back foot for a large portion of the game on Sunday. They will see it as a must win game, where the general feeling here is any result will do. I remember when they played us in Dublin a while back and should have had a few penalties.

I am beginning to get a really bad feeling that we might not score in any of the three games.......I hope I am wrong. Its not like the world cup where you can get one or two average teams in your group.

In the Euros nobody can hear you scream............


You were always a glass half full kind of guy on previous posts on Ireland and I tended to be more pessimistic. I would not die with the shock if that is how things turned out but we live in hope.

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ireland's fans welcome the england team to krakow. fantastic.

Really , u think fantastic? I think unnecesary rather unpleasant and a totally unsporting thing to do,. and it shows what of the irish FOOTBALL fans? Nothing positive IMO,

One of the papers here yesterday were very critical of their behaviour. After watching the video it did make me cringe. It just goes to show every country has their quota of <deleted> including ours.

The mind boggles doesn't it as to why anyone would find that behaviour "fantastic".....Christ knows the media response if that were England fans, eh stevie? By the way, if you want an example of incorrect asinine stereotyping then you need look no further than the bigoted incorrect asinine stereotyping of an England football fan.

This is also an example again to you Mr Santi of incorrect asinine stereotyping, so you should like this post too.

good luck ireland anyway, hope you have a good tournament. thumbsup.gif

Edited by carmine
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From todays Irish Times.

YOU’LL SURELY have seen by now the YouTube video of a rather large contingent of Irish fans ‘welcoming’ the English squad to their Krakow hotel on Wednesday afternoon.

As the players got off their coach they were, eh, greeted with boos and choruses of “Youll never beat the Irish, “John Terry is a racist”, “Maradona”, “Ole Ole Ole,” “Come on you Boys in Green” and even a lusty rendition of Amhrán na bhFiann.

The watching England fans were heavily outnumbered, but you have to doff your cap – according to The Daily Telegraph’s Henry Winter on Twitter, they responded with cries of Thierry Henry.

And: Youre going down with the euro.


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ireland's fans welcome the england team to krakow. fantastic.

Really , u think fantastic? I think unnecesary rather unpleasant and a totally unsporting thing to do,. and it shows what of the irish FOOTBALL fans? Nothing positive IMO,

Stumbled across this in another sub-forum. As you say, that link was unsporting and this is much better.


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From todays Irish Times.

YOU’LL SURELY have seen by now the YouTube video of a rather large contingent of Irish fans ‘welcoming’ the English squad to their Krakow hotel on Wednesday afternoon.

As the players got off their coach they were, eh, greeted with boos and choruses of “Youll never beat the Irish, “John Terry is a racist”, “Maradona”, “Ole Ole Ole,” “Come on you Boys in Green” and even a lusty rendition of Amhrán na bhFiann.

The watching England fans were heavily outnumbered, but you have to doff your cap – according to The Daily Telegraph’s Henry Winter on Twitter, they responded with cries of Thierry Henry.

And: Youre going down with the euro.


Touché indeed, it shows the English fans have a sense of humour. I haven't seen the link yet, so wont comment, but Carmine calm down, there are a plenty of threads for angst, leave this one for the Irish and our eternal hope until inevitable vanquish.

I leave you with a quote from the inimitable W B Yeats

Being Irish, we have an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustains us through temporary periods of joy.
I have adjusted to suit. Edited by Mossfinn
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I feel that Croatia will have us on the back foot for a large portion of the game on Sunday. They will see it as a must win game, where the general feeling here is any result will do. I remember when they played us in Dublin a while back and should have had a few penalties.

I am beginning to get a really bad feeling that we might not score in any of the three games.......I hope I am wrong. Its not like the world cup where you can get one or two average teams in your group.

In the Euros nobody can hear you scream............


You were always a glass half full kind of guy on previous posts on Ireland and I tended to be more pessimistic. I would not die with the shock if that is how things turned out but we live in hope.

Problem is there seems to be a fair amount of quality around in this tournament, eg Denmark, Germany, Russia. Only time will tell.

The glass half full spongeman will return tomorrow, when I get absolutely toasted before the match......................

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Bad times for Munster Moss and the chaps got hammered today. Hopefully fingers and everything else crossed the lads can provide us with some temporary joy tomorrow.

Hey Salty, yes indeed bad times, I have some awful highs and lows this season, last minute drop goals in two successive H Cup games by the Rog and then got bullied off the Park by the Ulstermen, and a fairly innocuous time in the league. To cap it all, the old stagers are getting old together and not enough talent coming through and a desperate loss yesterday, things can only get better!!

As James Joyce would say

Your battles inspired me - not the obvious material battles but those that were fought and won behind your forehead.

We will have to rely on the wiles of the Trapp today and hit them on the break I fear

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Victory has a thousand Fathers, but defeat is an orphan. JFK

My boy is in bed, my dogs are in bed, the other half is watching a film, I know what the big fellah meant, but

Hope springs eternal in the human breast; Man never Is, but always To be blest: The soul, uneasy and confin'd from home, Rests and expatiates in a life to come. With Spain an Italy to come.........

Edited by Mossfinn
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Outclassed I am afraid.

I was very impressed by Spain and a quite a bit impressed by Italy.

Possibly, I guess I actually agree, but football is a world of half chances and luck, a panicked pass, a headed own goal,if it had gone anywhere else it would have been cleared, a nailed on penalty.............

I just don't think the Irish turned up, however I bet they turn over Italy or Spain

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A dissapointing but not surprising outcome to game tonight. We played poorly and did not enjoy good fortune but our limitations were exposed. The Croation goals were bad from our point of view.

Given unsighted possibly for the first, the guy falling backwards got a decent header which caught him out. When we equalised we did nothing afterwards. I felt it was omnious the way we were falling back further and further in the closing stages of the 1st half and inviting trouble. Ward was fouled as he tried to kick clear and the ball broke to Jelavic for the 2nd. The 3rd was unlucky as it rebounded off Given and in.

When he took off McGeady it was crying out for McClean to come on who might have made a difference and supplied a few decent crosses for Walters. A stonewall penalty not given would have been a chance to have made a fight of it. But overall Croatia were better and deserved to win.

After watching the superb Spain- Italy game earlier in the day I do not think we would have qualified even if we had won. I would be very surprised if Croatia qualify. We do not have a snowball's chance in hell. At least we scored spongeman.

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When I watched the quality that was on show in the Italy-Spain game I started to panic a bit, what a game that was. Great goalkeeping, fantastic defending, great chances.

I was disappointed with our performance overall. Yes there was some poor decisions by the officials but when you let the likes of Modric have a free run in midfield the you have no chance. I know we are not the greatest exponents of the game but I was really taken aback by our midfield - there was'nt one. Croatia are a team that are very comfortable on the ball and fully deserved their win.

For example for the third goal we did not touch the ball for three minutes before they scored. For the second goal we gave the ball away leading up tp it. For the first goal it was a free header. There may have been dodgy decisions but the team who attacks more is likely to get more decisions.

For Thursday I would like to see Keane and Walters up from, McClean in midfield, and Doyle rested.

Rosary Beads at the ready.

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thought ireland were decidedly un-traplike really. shame that their defending let them down when it really came to it. perhaps a bit of big tournament lack of experience kicking in. they can definitely play better but given who is left to play it's an enormous ask.

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From todays Irish Times.

YOU’LL SURELY have seen by now the YouTube video of a rather large contingent of Irish fans ‘welcoming’ the English squad to their Krakow hotel on Wednesday afternoon.

As the players got off their coach they were, eh, greeted with boos and choruses of “Youll never beat the Irish, “John Terry is a racist”, “Maradona”, “Ole Ole Ole,” “Come on you Boys in Green” and even a lusty rendition of Amhrán na bhFiann.

The watching England fans were heavily outnumbered, but you have to doff your cap – according to The Daily Telegraph’s Henry Winter on Twitter, they responded with cries of Thierry Henry.

And: Youre going down with the euro.


''John terry is a racist''? I will ask again on here, what about Roy Keane calling McCarthy an English c#nt, was or was not that racist? And never one word of criticism from all the ''progressive and inclusive'' Irish fans, or the mealy-mouthed English press or any of the lefties.

If the boot had been on the other foot McCarthy would have been out of football for good.

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<deleted> Guys,

Lets get back on track here. Red Tops are suggesting Walters will start against Spain in place of Kevin Doyle but McClean will not start. I think he could be a good impact sub for McGeady who by and large promises but rarely delivers.

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<deleted> Guys,

Lets get back on track here. Red Tops are suggesting Walters will start against Spain in place of Kevin Doyle but McClean will not start. I think he could be a good impact sub for McGeady who by and large promises but rarely delivers.

Hear Hear there is a lot of stupidity on this thread about Ireland/England and lets stick to the football, We all read English papers and follow English teams so lets all cop on. I thought Hodgson did well last night, blooded a few players and we should have done the same............

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Roy Keane is no Irishman for leaving us in the lurch after we had got out of a qualifying group with Holland and Portugal, under the stewardship of McCarthy.

A little mixed here Spongy, 2002 was the group with Germany, Cameroon and Saudi.

McCarthy/ Keane split Ireland awfully and I remember it well, I was disgusted with keane's attitude, but to be fair, professionally he was right in a lot of cases, but his rant was mindless and altogether pointless.

I still believe that with him, we would have beaten Spain who were down to 10 men in extra time due to injury and McCarthy didn't notice, we would then have met RoK, we would have won and then Germany in the semi final, we had played them off the park in the group game.

Brazil in the final, anything can happen in a final.......................ahhh Sweet dreams

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I'm with Salty, abusive posts and deletions and a continued attack on a video that was hand bags at best, not Ireland's finest hour by any means, but hand bags all the same.

Vent your ire elsewhere, we are not interested

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we had got out of a qualifying group with Holland and Portugal, under the stewardship of McCarthy.

A little mixed here Spongy, 2002 was the group with Germany, Cameroon and Saudi.

Apols Spongy, you meant the qualifying group into the finals, I was referring to the qualifying group in the finals, I felt was wrong as I typed.

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From todays Irish Times.

YOU’LL SURELY have seen by now the YouTube video of a rather large contingent of Irish fans ‘welcoming’ the English squad to their Krakow hotel on Wednesday afternoon.

As the players got off their coach they were, eh, greeted with boos and choruses of “Youll never beat the Irish, “John Terry is a racist”, “Maradona”, “Ole Ole Ole,” “Come on you Boys in Green” and even a lusty rendition of Amhrán na bhFiann.

The watching England fans were heavily outnumbered, but you have to doff your cap – according to The Daily Telegraph’s Henry Winter on Twitter, they responded with cries of Thierry Henry.

And: Youre going down with the euro.


''John terry is a racist''? I will ask again on here, what about Roy Keane calling McCarthy an English c#nt, was or was not that racist? And never one word of criticism from all the ''progressive and inclusive'' Irish fans, or the mealy-mouthed English press or any of the lefties.

If the boot had been on the other foot McCarthy would have been out of football for good.

Roy Keane is no Irishman for leaving us in the lurch after we had got out of a qualifying group with Holland and Portugal, under the stewardship of McCarthy.

Totally agree, he was a disgrace for doing that. It really showed the person that he is that he couldn't put personal issues aside to play for his country.

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