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My neighbor Urinated In My Garden...


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I am getting my camera out next time and show you pics as soon as he takes it out wink.png

Why dont you walk outside and start making comments about the size of his gentleman parts ?....sure he will go away permanently if a farang lady starts laughing at the size of his willy and pointing like they do in the police photographs...thumbsup.gif

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I am getting my camera out next time and show you pics as soon as he takes it out wink.png

Why dont you walk outside and start making comments about the size of his gentleman parts ?....sure he will go away permanently if a farang lady starts laughing at the size of his willy and pointing like they do in the police photographs...thumbsup.gif

well they still have some kind of shame, they don't do it when I am around, I would have to be lucky and hide if I catch them and take pics

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He should piss in his own garden; it keeps strays away and stops Cats crapping there as well.

taxi drivers piss on our wall along the street, then eat noodles there the next morning

We have the same problem with bus and coach drivers who sit here all day and night getting pissed, only interupting their drinking to piss, drive and sleep. They are too lazy to walk 30 metres to the toilet and just piss where they drink, eat and sleep.

It's not all the coach drivers, some don't drink with them and drive home in their pick ups to their houses with their wives and kids, while the drinkers either sleep on the piss stained floor or on the coaches.

I just can't workout why some drivers manage to get on further in life than others.

Most truck/lorry drivers piss on the tires of their trucks/lorries. Toilets are for sissies.

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Is the OP really such an ass or is this just some type of weird joke I've stumbled across?

If it is real, then the fact that this has turned into a 6 page diatribe against all Thais simply because a neighbour pee'd on your lawn already shows the type of person you are. I'm guessing you are old, cynical and paranoid, and because of your partner you have built quite a lavish house in an Isaan village somewhere because it is a cheaper place to live but you have not tried or been able to fit in with any of your new neighbours so you've willingly outcast yourself and talk bad about everyone around you, and yet you still wonder why people make a pilgrimage to come from their homes to piss all over yours, and you are asking us why this could possible be??

I also just built a house in an Isaan village and live here full time but I'm young and easy going, I try to talk as much Thai and Isaan as I can, and I socialise and help out my neighbours and family here whenever I can. For the record nobody has come and pee'd on my lawn or tried to scam, rob or fight me, in fact quite the opposite as people have been very generous, helpful and caring, so you must be doing something wrong.

There are a couple of miserable old hermit farangs in this village who have never uttered a word to me in 2 years but it just amuses me that people make an effort to be so anti-social.

So where is it you live? It would be pretty funny if it turns out you are one of the miserable farangs in my village!

Move to a friendlier place in Thailand if it bothers you so much, but try not to be yourself as much as possible. smile.png

Thanks for the post....and for reaffirmation that not all farangs in Thailand are like the OP. Sadly, I don't think the OP will ever figure out that it's been HIM all along, and not those around him.

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it,s thai culture , ,

if it really bothers you ,

just tell him to p-ss off .


Ok we can all come to piss on your flowerbeds then ?

Would this be a clean catch from a clean snatch or does it matter in this instance ?...rolleyes.gif

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it,s thai culture , ,

if it really bothers you ,

just tell him to p-ss off .


Ok we can all come to piss on your flowerbeds then ?

Would this be a clean catch from a clean snatch or does it matter in this instance ?...rolleyes.gif

Forget uporn, Soutpeel & co get hot on TV's threads about urinating on flowerbeds rolleyes.gif

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it,s thai culture , ,

if it really bothers you ,

just tell him to p-ss off .


Ok we can all come to piss on your flowerbeds then ?

Would this be a clean catch from a clean snatch or does it matter in this instance ?...rolleyes.gif

Forget uporn, Soutpeel & co get hot on TV's threads about urinating on flowerbeds rolleyes.gif

This fascination with piss is rather...fascinating.

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Is the OP really such an ass or is this just some type of weird joke I've stumbled across?

If it is real, then the fact that this has turned into a 6 page diatribe against all Thais simply because a neighbour pee'd on your lawn already shows the type of person you are. I'm guessing you are old, cynical and paranoid, and because of your partner you have built quite a lavish house in an Isaan village somewhere because it is a cheaper place to live but you have not tried or been able to fit in with any of your new neighbours so you've willingly outcast yourself and talk bad about everyone around you, and yet you still wonder why people make a pilgrimage to come from their homes to piss all over yours, and you are asking us why this could possible be??

I also just built a house in an Isaan village and live here full time but I'm young and easy going, I try to talk as much Thai and Isaan as I can, and I socialise and help out my neighbours and family here whenever I can. For the record nobody has come and pee'd on my lawn or tried to scam, rob or fight me, in fact quite the opposite as people have been very generous, helpful and caring, so you must be doing something wrong.

There are a couple of miserable old hermit farangs in this village who have never uttered a word to me in 2 years but it just amuses me that people make an effort to be so anti-social.

So where is it you live? It would be pretty funny if it turns out you are one of the miserable farangs in my village!

Move to a friendlier place in Thailand if it bothers you so much, but try not to be yourself as much as possible. :)

I stopped reading this post after the first seven words, nodded in affirmation, smiled at how easily this chap had summed up the situation and went to make a cup of tea.

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you have offended someone. these things dont go this sideways over nothing

You are right here, i am fairly convinced that the fact that i am not allowing the locals to help themself free with my belonging, cause lots of resentments, as this is not what they would expect to happen from a foreigner.

You could resume their way to see things with the old say "What is yours is mine and what is mine is mine"....Tit

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To the OP. Set up a small desk, a smile pile of tissue packets and a plastic tub.

I am sure that only the sight of a toilette's paper roll on top of a table would make them think that something to eat will be served soon....

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A hose pipe and sprinkler system in your garden..... when you see uninvited guests walk onto your property its time to water the plants yourself.

I thought about this! then i remembered of where i am located and realize that what it can work in a certain environment it can also go against you in a different setup.

I mean, i am sure they will use it at their own advantage, and as soon as the word spread across the village i would have the entire population coming to have a free shower to save on their water's bill, just give it a try and you will see thumbsup.gif

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To the OP. Set up a small desk, a smile pile of tissue packets and a plastic tub.

I am sure that only the sight of a toilette's paper roll on top of a table would make them think that something to eat will be served soon....

OP, I would say your signature line says a great deal about you, and you are now under siege because of your failure to integrate.

Check out some of the You Tube parodies of that scene from the film 'Downfall'. You know, the scene where AH is ranting at why the whole world is conspiring against him and it's all going to sh#%... Paranoid delusion is the clinical term.

Seriously, you need to get out of your bunker.

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Is the OP really such an ass or is this just some type of weird joke I've stumbled across?

If it is real, then the fact that this has turned into a 6 page diatribe against all Thais simply because a neighbour pee'd on your lawn already shows the type of person you are. I'm guessing you are old, cynical and paranoid, and because of your partner you have built quite a lavish house in an Isaan village somewhere because it is a cheaper place to live but you have not tried or been able to fit in with any of your new neighbours so you've willingly outcast yourself and talk bad about everyone around you, and yet you still wonder why people make a pilgrimage to come from their homes to piss all over yours, and you are asking us why this could possible be??

I also just built a house in an Isaan village and live here full time but I'm young and easy going, I try to talk as much Thai and Isaan as I can, and I socialise and help out my neighbours and family here whenever I can. For the record nobody has come and pee'd on my lawn or tried to scam, rob or fight me, in fact quite the opposite as people have been very generous, helpful and caring, so you must be doing something wrong.

There are a couple of miserable old hermit farangs in this village who have never uttered a word to me in 2 years but it just amuses me that people make an effort to be so anti-social.

So where is it you live? It would be pretty funny if it turns out you are one of the miserable farangs in my village!

Move to a friendlier place in Thailand if it bothers you so much, but try not to be yourself as much as possible. smile.png

KunMatt, that's a very stupid reply from you, there is so much wrong stuff on it that i don't know from where to begin.....anyway, i will give it a try.

First of all, age is not a factor you should consider to judge if someone is right or wrong, you seems to believe that if a person is old, that makes him automatically wrong, just because as you wrote "but I'm young and easy going" that is not a factor that has helped you much in being wiser, hopefully with the time passing by, you will be able to see it, but (very) sadly i see many that despite all their "experience" are still falling into the same mistakes a young man as you does.....

If you have a family, you stay in your home, with your wife, kids, grandmother, grandogs and whoever else, normally, you would like to spare them the view of a fully growed up man that willingly trespass your property in an aggressive fashion, and then stop in plain view of everyone with the clear intention to show you his little dick.

The before this sev/wage started his show, we had a few words, firstly i ask what did he want and i made him aware that he was in my property, he replied with some grunts and a facial expression that resemble that of a gorilla wanting to engage in a fight.

As soon as he showed his intention to wanting to relieve himself, i politely offered him to use my toilette, but he still muttered something in thai and still showed the same attitude, when i say that there are people looking at him and he should not do that as it was not educated, he said to "call the police!".

This man was not drunk or under drugs, as i mentioned already, this is a provocation probably part of a plan to start something bigger, if you read the news or heard of what these people talk between them, you will understand why in this country there are so many foreigners falling victims of robbery,scams,murdered, etc..

Then you wrote "but you have not tried or been able to fit in with any of your new neighbours so you've willingly outcast yourself and talk bad about everyone around you", you are wrong again, i am a very friendly person and fit in easily too, but the point is, if someone try to blatantly play obvious cheats or start stealing from me, i will not let them do that, what is wrong in this? have you lost your head? it's more a case of them outcasting theirselfs with their beauvoir.

It's a fact that unfortunately, there are around very miserable and disgusting individuals, i mean westerners , that in a desperate and pathetic attempt to show how well they fit in with this glorification of crime they see all around, they will do the worst actions a person could possibly do, these people have no conscience, they are famous for their con-science instead, as they made of conning their own people and others a way of life, ready to deny any evidences of what is obvious to everyone to the point to make them look ridicolous, and carry on with their low lifes, i seriously hope that Thailand will find a way to kick away or at least put these criminals in the place they deserve and save the rest of the population, residents and tourists.

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because of your failure to integrate.

What can i add? I am proud to failing to accept crimes and become part of it, being the prospective victim thai or foreigner, now and everydays, shame on you!

I hope one day you will be failing to as i do, remember, it's never too late..

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Kun matt isn't a dumb as you think :) ...... The Real Deal is this .... If you find yourself in the 1 percent of people who feel like they are mistreated by the locals, and their seems to be plenty of them on this website, you have to ask yourself why is it that these same people treat the other 99 percent of the people just fine ? The answer much as no one want to hear it is that it's YOU who are doing something to cause it , maybe unintentionally , maybe you don't even know what it might be but for 100 percent sure it's not that the 99 percent of the people that are treated just fine are the ones that are so different it's YOU.

I have heard the most absurd stories of mistreatment in the short time I have been here and quite honestly after listening to the people whine moan and complain about how it's everyone elses fault but theirs , if I were Thai I wouldn't treat them much differently. Bottom line is I would probabbly piss on your lawn or the lawns of all the other people in self denial about their rotton personalities right along with the Thai guys and then go have a beer with them and laugh about you.

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Didn't i already made (very) clear on my post #136 and #138 of what i think of you and anybody else that shares similar thoughts?

And as you seem to be so sure that i am the one in the wrong, why don't you then also point out at what exactly it is wrong for you, so we can have another laugh??

Are you too busy with your "real deals" to elaborates further? i can imagine what they are all about....laugh.png

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Of course you don't care ! lol Because if you did you would have to recognise that people don't take a piss on other peoples lawns for no reason ! Mine bring me strange deserts , soups, and gifts from vacations. Now you might think that it's because mine are simply nice and yours are crazy lawn peeing wacko's , but the Real Deal is that the crazy lawn peeing wacko chose your particulat lawn out all the lawns available not by accident but on purpose, why ? .... I would guess from your post to me because you are a douchebag and I have only know you for 2 minutes. That poor guy has to put up with your attitude every day !

Let me rephrase , you might not actually be a douchebag I don't know you that well , it's that you come across that way, and for sure come across that way to anyone who would piss on your lawn. You didn't think he was doing it as a sign of apprechation for being the friendliest most helpfull person on the block did you ?

The exact extent of your personality flaws or exactly what they are is not really something I am going to waste my time explaining because as you said you don't care. But the proof I am correct is pretty simple and obvious ...... Your neighbors piss on your lawn and mine don't !

I am never to busy with my real deals to try and help out a fellow thai visa member smile.png

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Of course you don't care ! lol Because if you did you would have to recognise that people don't take a piss on other peoples lawns for no reason !

Mine bring me strange deserts , soups, and gifts from vacations.

RealDeal now you don't make sense at all, i mean, before you just showed up to what "group" you belong to, now you say that i don't care, when in fact by giving you a chance to explain yourself i am doing the exact opposite of what you said.

Again you insinuates that i believe that this guy did what he did for "no reason" , when i did already explain the reasons before, ohh dear, are you drunk or are you like this all the times???

Did you intentionally swap the word "scams" or "theft" with "vacations" ????

Next time you could just use "real deals" for that cheesy.gif

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look at your posts dude ...... I am just trying to help you, perhaps not all that nicely but none the less just trying to explain to you how the real world works, and you make comments like the scam or thieft comment , make smart aleck comments like in the post before that ..... I am sorry to be the one to have to tell you but you act like a jerkoff and until you change that people will keep pissing on your parade for the rest of your life.

Honestly I don't need to know your version of why he did it , I would listen to his version but not yours because you are simply in denial of how your statements to people come across to them. And you can not admit that it's absurd to believe that you have no part in the cause of what happened.

Basicly you called me (and my neighbors you don't even know) a theif and a liar , I have no idea what group you refer to but im sure it's equally absurd , all because you didnt like the truth, and you wonder why someone wouldn't like you ? Really ?

I am sorry I was a little harsh in the beginning but unfortunately until you can improve your personality and remember phrases like .. No one likes a smart ass , you will find things like this happening to you over and over. It's your choice not going to effect me but it is the truth here is another phrase that will help you ..... You create it all ...... It means that your actions are what cause the actions of others and true 99 percent of the time.

Edited by cdnvic
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