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Bypassing Someone In Need


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Console yourself with the fact that you helped this man as best you could in the circumstances. You did what the majority wouldn't in the same position and it is not necessary for you to do more. You can't help every poor person that you see in a country that is full of them.

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I commend your intention, particularly after just having read this.

Just saw the video link broken, found this updated one.

But take my word you're much better off not watching it, but be safe for work, but actually "not safe for life" IMO.

Edited by BigJohnnyBKK
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...arriving by minibus in Bangkok, directly in front of the palace, we also saw a body lying on the road near the central reservation. Our crazy f++++** of a driver just swerved around him, as did all the other cars, nobody stopped. Discussing it with my wife she explained yet another scam:

you go help the guy, a motorcycle messenger that quite by chance is nearby will come to help and before you know it you are shelling out to stop him calling the police (his cousin) to tell them that you just caused an accident, to pay for an ambulance and to pay for hospital treatment.

This evil practice of course results in genuinely injured people being abandoned to their fate. I also am a guy that goes to help when everyone else is just gaping, but I think I might hesitate in the future. I read somewhere that this happens in China also, thus the horrible video above.

You did good, the label Farang baa is to be worn like a medal sometimes.

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I commend your intention, particularly after just having read this.

Just saw the video link broken, found this updated one.

But take my word you're much better off not watching it, but be safe for work, but actually "not safe for life" IMO.

I was going to post the identical video which I only saw recently; kinda glad I didn't have to. I've never seen anything so horrifying in my life. I'm not sure I've processed it yet. The sheer callousness. They all see her, she's moving the entire time...

They just had more important things to do than make a phone call, I guess?

I think using the scam excuse is lame as can be.

If someone appears to be hurt you should stop and help, regardless of the danger of maybe your action costing you money.

Yes. But there should be a special kind of law that targets those who take advantage of the humane. Or something. bah

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I commend your intention, particularly after just having read this.

Just saw the video link broken, found this updated one.

But take my word you're much better off not watching it, but be safe for work, but actually "not safe for life" IMO.

The initial driver who hit her admitted to police that the second time he ran over her was on purpose. He knew that if she was dead, he would have to pay less than if she lived and needed medical care.

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"I think using the scam excuse is lame as can be.

If someone appears to be hurt you should stop and help, regardless of the danger of maybe your action costing you money."

try http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander_effect

I know that I am not a bystander as I worked for some years as the guy that had to go and pick up damaged hockey players and on one occasion pull somebody out of the deep end of a pool. I'm also the guy that insults people by saying good morning to them in elevators but I am also the guy that goes to render aid when it's needed. I've helped in 2 accidents where people were driving by and staring without stopping.

The 'scam excuse' sounds ok when used in a derogatory fashion, but you will never know until you've been there, don't judge

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You did well Bonobo, i just wish there was more people as you.

That goes against the belief of some of the honorable members here, that very firmly think that we should adopt the same choices the locals do because we are "guests" here....

Nevermind if there is a reported risk of running straight into a scam, there are ways to fight that and leaving someone that might die and possibly cause even more casualties on the road is certainly an heavier bargain to carry it with you.

Personally i even stop and try to rescue if i see an injuried pet, as i know if i don't do it, that remorse could just come and haunt me for the rest of my life, so it doesn't takes me much time to see which is the best way to go for...

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...arriving by minibus in Bangkok, directly in front of the palace, we also saw a body lying on the road near the central reservation. Our crazy f++++** of a driver just swerved around him, as did all the other cars, nobody stopped. Discussing it with my wife she explained yet another scam:

you go help the guy, a motorcycle messenger that quite by chance is nearby will come to help and before you know it you are shelling out to stop him calling the police (his cousin) to tell them that you just caused an accident, to pay for an ambulance and to pay for hospital treatment.

This evil practice of course results in genuinely injured people being abandoned to their fate. I also am a guy that goes to help when everyone else is just gaping, but I think I might hesitate in the future. I read somewhere that this happens in China also, thus the horrible video above.

You did good, the label Farang baa is to be worn like a medal sometimes.

Yes, it is a conundrum, one that thankfully I have not had to resolve, yet.

Nearest I've come in LOS was seeing a truck driver having an crash on the central reservation when his truck jacknifed, but I was in a minivan, and the driver would not stop. He did call the authorities though.

However, in Saudi, as part of the orientation program, we were told never to stop and assist an injured person as the authorities would automatically consider that if the victim died it was our fault, and we would be found guilty of murder- go figure!

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You did well Bonobo, i just wish there was more people as you.

I concur. One is constantly warned for Westerners not to get involved with accidents here. It takes real courage to ignore what might be dam_n good advice.

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I am rather disturbed today, and have been thinking about this most of the morning instead of concentrating on work.

During my commute this morning, I hit my first u-turn as usual. This is a fairly high speed u-turn going under a bridge. There are three lanes. Two are adjacent with one going each way. There is a raised median, then another single lane which is one way. The exit off the main road is about 300 meters from the actual u, so cars get up a good bit of speed going, especially in the single, one-way lane.

I was in the one-way lane when I saw an old beat-up bike in the road, so I shifted a bit not to hit it. As I passed it, I realized that there was an unmoving man underneath. I could not stop due to cars coming in back of me and there being no room to back up with those cars, so I went to the next u-turn and doubled back, which took a bit of time. But the man was still there, so I stopped my car and blocked him from on-coming traffic.

The man was very still, and I thought he was dead. But he had a pulse, even if he was unresponsive. A motorcycle messenger driving on the other lanes over the median saw me and stopped, first asking me if I hit him. I told him no, so he got on the phone. Once the two of us were standing there, others took notice.

They guy was skinny man, filthy, with no shirt nor shoes on. He had two thumbs on his left hand, and one was very obviously broken. With us standing over him, he opened his eyes. One pupil was pointed up somewhat, and the other had almost disappeared in the inside corner is his eye. He would not respond at first, but then he seemed to get a hold of himself and told the other guy that he had crashed sometime during the the night. I didn't catch if he just crashed or if a car had hit him.

The guy needed helped, so I told him, through the other guy, that I would take him to the hospital, but he refused, and got up before I could stop him (afraid of brain damage, I didn't think he should move.) He thanked us, then got on his bike and rode off unsteadily.

I could smell no alcohol on him, so I don't think this was a drunk falling down and passing out. I think he either fell or was hit and was unconscious.

What bothered me was that probably a thousand cars swerved to miss him (I am amazed that none ran over him), but no one stopped to help. He obviously was in trouble.

And I wondered at this man's life. Filthy, no short nor shoes, two thumbs on his hand. His eyes probably were like that before, but these are things which regularly addressed within the medical system back in the west, even for the poor. Regardless, one of his thumbs was badly broken, but he didn't seem to feel he should get medical care.

I have been bothered thinking about this throw-away man. I come to work in a big factory. Our employees are not rich, by any stretch of the imagination, but they live well, I live in a nice complex, and everyone there lives well. But this man does not. And when in trouble, he is treated no different than a soi dog who gets hit by a car and left to rot at the side of the road.

He is gone now, but I wish I could track him down and see just how he lives, and how can his life be made better.

Faith in humanity, restored.


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