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Flyers Beware...Thieves In The Air


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I might well investigate this wee gadget ..


That would have been awesome on last Thursday nights ten and half hour flight that was about 75% air turbulence!

I read this article before that flight and for the first time in many years, I locked both my carry on bags. The one with the non-valuable stuff and duty free's stayed in the overhead locker and the one with the laptop and other 'spensive stuff was by my feet (window seat) and locked. My mobile phone, passport and other travel docs are always in the buttoned pocket of my cargo pants, whatever side is nearest the window.

My brother has invested in the said gadget and found despite turbulence it worked perfectly.. having said that some of the reviews were complaints re the lack of volume.

I quite like the fact that it can be used on hotel rooms, lap tops etc..

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And I always remove my laptop and a spare battery from my bag so that I can watch movies of my choice during the flight... and yes, I do take it to the loo with me when I have to go.

What sort of movies are you watching in the loo ....does it involve hand cream and tissues ?....whistling.gif .....what an honest chap...joined the mile high club on a solo mission...I salute you sir...but not going to shake your hand..thumbsup.gif

What a daft comment!

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And I always remove my laptop and a spare battery from my bag so that I can watch movies of my choice during the flight... and yes, I do take it to the loo with me when I have to go.

What sort of movies are you watching in the loo ....does it involve hand cream and tissues ?....whistling.gif .....what an honest chap...joined the mile high club on a solo mission...I salute you sir...but not going to shake your hand..thumbsup.gif

What a daft comment!

It's Soutpeel and it's the weekend.... whadya expect?

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Not trying to paint all airline staff with a very wide brush but when I worked in hospitality the biggest thieves of stuff from the rooms were airline staff on layover. We had to institute a policy ( and hurt feelings be damned ) of checking all airline staffs luggage when they left. It wasn't just the usual stuff ( slippers. bathrobes etc ). We've caught some walking out with hairdryers, pillows, duvet covers,TV Remotes (?), the bedside control panel for the lights. telly, alarm clock etc, weight scales and unbelievably the light bulbs. Basically anything that wasn't nailed down.

I'm glad you are not trying to paint Airline staff. If there are any as TV readers, they will probably not be happy. Bet you got some good stories when the bags were opened and evidence revealed. Your hotel must have had a small telly to fit in a crew suitcase.

Slightly off topic, I wondered if valuables have been stolen at airport security checks. Sometimes laptop or phones can be sitting on the belt and not easy to see through crowds while the owners wait in line or are checked for what ever set off the metal detector.

Good point Jitar.......

I make an absolute point of when going through Security Check of holding back in line until their are no hand luggage bags waiting to go through on the belt........

If the guy on the body scanner is trying to pull me forward I just say wait (for a few seconds) and then whisk through the Body Scanner as my bag is going through its own scan......

Knowing that the Body Scanner is never going to send off its alarm anyway I'm already watching my bag as it comes through the other side.....

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And I always remove my laptop and a spare battery from my bag so that I can watch movies of my choice during the flight... and yes, I do take it to the loo with me when I have to go.

What sort of movies are you watching in the loo ....does it involve hand cream and tissues ?....whistling.gif .....what an honest chap...joined the mile high club on a solo mission...I salute you sir...but not going to shake your hand..thumbsup.gif

What a daft comment!

Maybe so....but I also note you are not denying it either...whistling.gif

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This is a terrible incident for the OP and I do hope you get some compensation. However, there are a couple of bits of the story that require comment.

Firstly, thefts on any mode of transport can occur. That is one reason to keep valuables close to your person and more importantly check those valuables PRIOR to disembarkation. I always have a quick check of my carry on prior to leaving my seat to disembark (as others have similarly mentioned they do). It is just prudent practice. If I had US$10K worth I'd be even more vigilant. However, one can understand how 1 or 2 small items in a large bag could be pilfered without being noticed.

Secondly, if I had a comp bag with a laptop I would definitely notice that it was no longer there given the weight even if it was a 1-2kg laptop.(Mine is about 2.5kg) Another reason to check but one would think such a weight difference in ones bag with a laptop and many other items would be immediately apparent upon taking ones computer bag from the overhead bin - if not in weight then at least in dimension. Okay, perhaps the OP was tired, the comp bag was heavy with other items etc. However, comp bags are primarily to house a laptop - most times it should be noticeable that the laptop is missing. I do find that fact unusual.

Thirdly, if a theft is noticed after return to the residence AND it is after office hours AND you took an international airline not based in the country you are currently AND their airport number is not answering; then bloody well ring that airline in their home country! Don't wait until morning until the office opens.

All international airlines (save many LCCs) have 24 hr operations in their home country and a emergency incidents section - though a theft may not qualify for such a response. Lodge the report ASAP and see if they can contract ground staff at the airport. I note that CX 709 departs BKK for Mumbai at 1:20am. Had you contacted CX in HK at 1am or soonafter when you became aware of the theft they may have (unlikely) at least been able to contact CX staff on the flight to start making some initial queries (assuming no change of crew). At the very least when the plane arrived in Mumbai given the stated financial loss involved.

Every time you contact someone ask for their name as this makes further follow up and ref. easy. Easier than saying "some guy".

4thly, make a police report ASAP in the jurisdiction you are in. You don't mention having done so. This is a basic requirement for any insurance claim.

The OP stated that the bag containing his laptop and other electronic goods was stuffed with in-flight magazines so what are you babbling on about the weight for? Don't you bother to read posts before you reply?
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