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American Stabbed To Death By Burglar


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Tragic....one minute you're having a peaceful time at home and the next you are dead!

RIP and my condolences to his family.

People pay fees to maintain these security guards and IMO they aren't worth a dime. Most just stand at the gate and click their heels when a Merc or Lexus passes through (if they're awake). No idea about checking around where burglars might enter.

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A very sad story indeed.

I once had my house broken into while I was asleep in it. Thankfully I didn't wake up, a belly full of beer chang saw to that. I count myself lucky I chose to have a drink that night as I know I would have confronted him. Lucky I had my bedroom door locked too.

The thief had took a knife out of the kitchen to cut the wires from my stereo to the speakers.The thought of someone walking around my house in the dead of night with a particularly large and sharp knife in their hand sent shivers down my spine.

May the poor guy RIP.

Edited by LucidLucifer
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There is an old adage about weapons being turned on the owner - if you bring one make sure you are willing to use it, and fast (and know how to) - otherwise, just make a lot of noise and give them an escape route - so you lose a few trinkets (whatever is easy to carry during a dash escape) but keep your life.

This is excellent advice, wolf.

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Never been robbed here - ever. In the Philipines someone cut my backpack to steal a Bic pen!

In the UK I was burgled many times until I moved from the suberbia to countryside. Once while I was away, someone broke into my house - the house was going to be done up for resale, so was basically empty as work hadn't started yet - it had been occupied before I bought it, so not a known empty lot - so it was basically empty - that didn't stop the theives stealing every light switch, plug socket, light fitting and the mantle peace - none were expensive (just the usual white plastic things that cost less than a quid each from Homebase - and a cheapo chipboard matle piece surround). Caused me real problems as I had to have the electrics fully checked to replace as no one knew what was going where (ceiling-roses were taken too) and could not trust how it had been removed. Wonder what they got for them - can't be worth the time and effort surely!

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There is an old adage about weapons being turned on the owner - if you bring one make sure you are willing to use it, and fast (and know how to) - otherwise, just make a lot of noise and give them an escape route - so you lose a few trinkets (whatever is easy to carry during a dash escape) but keep your life.

This is excellent advice, wolf.

I second that.

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What a shame for his family. You have to wonder if he would have been attacked by the robber, if he had not brought the knife.

Give these posts a little thought. You might argue that he shouldn't have confronted the robber (however without knowing the circumstances I won't rush to blame the victim), but a knife is a common household tool. I use mine to slice tomatoes and bread.

My condolences to the family.

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I was burgled in Chiangmai many years ago. the burglar had a knife, and went into a room where my partner was at the time, and where he thought there might be some valuables. I was in the next room. My partner shouted out, "Burglar", and of course I ran to see what was happening. Luckily for us the burglar took fright, grabbed what he could, and fled (leaving his trainers behind! of course he took his shoes off before entering the house). I think we were very lucky. The best thing to do if you are burgled is... nothing until he's gone.

In this case, the burglar was someone we knew, and he was caught a few weeks later. We got much of the stuff back, losing a couple of gold chains. A very silly burglar!

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RIP the deceased and condolences to his family.

Certainly gives us a shock when we live in the area, which is normally very quiet and appears to be relatively crime free in and around the modern Moobahn's. We have a 24/7 two hour security patrol around ours and three gates out of four are closed at night. There hasn't been a burglary since the project was started 16 years ago but there is always going to be a first time. This has focused me more on beefing up security measures around our home.

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This really is a sad story.

Unfortunately this moo baan has had over 10 robberies since Songkran 2011.

This is the first time the thieves have entered a house while the owner was at home ..with tragic results.

Hopefully the Hang Dong police will be able to catch those responsible before they strike again...

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Tragic....one minute you're having a peaceful time at home and the next you are dead!

RIP and my condolences to his family.

People pay fees to maintain these security guards and IMO they aren't worth a dime. Most just stand at the gate and click their heels when a Merc or Lexus passes through (if they're awake). No idea about checking around where burglars might enter.

Just curious, do you think burglars are driving Mercedes and Benzs? Is that how you'd profile them?

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Tragic....one minute you're having a peaceful time at home and the next you are dead!

RIP and my condolences to his family.

People pay fees to maintain these security guards and IMO they aren't worth a dime. Most just stand at the gate and click their heels when a Merc or Lexus passes through (if they're awake). No idea about checking around where burglars might enter.

Just curious, do you think burglars are driving Mercedes and Benzs? Is that how you'd profile them?

Not worth a response as usual......oops I've made one.

BTW aren't Mercedes Benz the same car?

Edited by uptheos
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Last year we moved to a house further out in the countryside in Maerim. We were woken up at 4 am by a couple of guys breaking into the kitchen. They had already got into the kitchen and were trying to push open the door into the main part of the house. I went downstairs and banged as hard as I could on the door and yelled BYE ,the kamoy yelled BYE and I banged again and yelled again and they both ran out across the yard and knocked the fence down they hit it so hard. We called the police who looked around but didnt do much. We now know who the guys are who were trying to break in a couple of punks who live across the canal from us. They wont even look at us now and will change direction when they see us walking towards them,they look so guilty it is funny. I found out later that they thought i shot the gun into the door and now all the people around think I am crazy farang which is good i guess. We had my wifes brother drive his police car back and forth in front of their house a few times over the next month so they know we know it is them. What really pisses me off is it freaked out my wife for a few months,could have been a lot worse I guess.

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What a shame for his family. You have to wonder if he would have been attacked by the robber, if he had not brought the knife.

Give these posts a little thought. You might argue that he shouldn't have confronted the robber (however without knowing the circumstances I won't rush to blame the victim), but a knife is a common household tool. I use mine to slice tomatoes and bread.

My condolences to the family.

I don't think anyone is blaming the victim here, I certainly am not. But it's an interesting discussion that maybe needs to had about what is the best course of action to take, should you find yourself in the same unfortunate situation. Mistakes are made by us all, but unless we are willing to reflect on them and learn from then, the same situations will rise time and again, possibly with the same tragic consequences.

Knives are of course common household objects, but the point has already been made that unless you are actually willing to use it, it is as good as useless, and it might well end being turned on you.

After I was broken into, I gave some thought to this, and always kept a large pestle (from the missus' bok bok) in the bedroom. I figured an basball bat/cricket bat would be too unwieldy and large to use effectively in the confined space of a house, and once swung with force, with the follow through, would likely leave you open to attack if you missed.

I for one don't think I could use a knife on someone, unless in the most extreme of circumstances, to give them a bash if I needed to, that's a different thing, and if it did get turned on you, there is less likelyhood of a mortal injury unless it was a sustained attack.

All in all though, I think Wolf's advice is the best, 'make a lot of noise and give them an escape route - so you lose a few trinkets (whatever is easy to carry during a dash escape) but keep your life.' thumbsup.gif

RIP Mr Walker, and I pray the BiB do their job for once and catch the scum.

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Tragic....one minute you're having a peaceful time at home and the next you are dead!

RIP and my condolences to his family.

People pay fees to maintain these security guards and IMO they aren't worth a dime. Most just stand at the gate and click their heels when a Merc or Lexus passes through (if they're awake). No idea about checking around where burglars might enter.

Just curious, do you think burglars are driving Mercedes and Benzs? Is that how you'd profile them?

Not worth a response as usual......oops I've made one.

BTW aren't Mercedes Benz the same car?

meant to write bmw's. thanks for pointing that out, GENIUS!

FWIW, as the discussion is going, I'd feel much more comfortable with a golf club or a baseball bat type of weapon. With a knife, you have to know how to use the thing, and even if you're successful, it doesn't inflict the type of trauma that suddenly effects someone. (I guess).

The best weapon might be your voice.

Sad sad story.

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meant to write bmw's. thanks for pointing that out, GENIUS!

FWIW, as the discussion is going, I'd feel much more comfortable with a golf club or a baseball bat type of weapon. With a knife, you have to know how to use the thing, and even if you're successful, it doesn't inflict the type of trauma that suddenly effects someone. (I guess).

The best weapon might be your voice.

Sad sad story.

Always happy to help you out as usual, Larry.

Don't you think a 'driver' might be too big in a confined space and the only thing that gets smashed are the lights?

I do agree on the knife thing - it needs skill to inflict a serious wound.

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One time when leaving a friends appartment around 2am i found a security guy leying under my car with tools attempting to unmount something, The second security guy was standing around keeping watch but did,nt see me coming...as i got there he seen me and gave a whistle to warn the one under the car but i was fast enough to jump on his leg while he tried to crawl out,

The incident was reported to the management but nothing happened...the same 2 guys are still working there.

Edited by tingtongfarang
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One time when leaving a friends appartment around 2am i found a security guy leying under my car with tools attempting to unmount something, The second security guy was standing around keeping watch but did,nt see me coming...as i got there he seen me and gave a whistle to warn the one under the car but i was fast enough to jump on his leg while he tried to crawl out,

The incident was reported to the management but nothing happened...the same 2 guys are still working there.

What happened after you jumped on his leg?

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meant to write bmw's. thanks for pointing that out, GENIUS!

FWIW, as the discussion is going, I'd feel much more comfortable with a golf club or a baseball bat type of weapon. With a knife, you have to know how to use the thing, and even if you're successful, it doesn't inflict the type of trauma that suddenly effects someone. (I guess).

The best weapon might be your voice.

Sad sad story.

Always happy to help you out as usual, Larry.

Don't you think a 'driver' might be too big in a confined space and the only thing that gets smashed are the lights?

I do agree on the knife thing - it needs skill to inflict a serious wound.

Do you think the burglar had the skill? Serious question... not trying to be funny.


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"Don't you think a 'driver' might be too big in a confined space and the only thing that gets smashed are the lights?"

Are you this obtuse in real life, or were you making another joke that wasn't funny?

Either way, everyone knows to use a sandwedge.

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meant to write bmw's. thanks for pointing that out, GENIUS!

FWIW, as the discussion is going, I'd feel much more comfortable with a golf club or a baseball bat type of weapon. With a knife, you have to know how to use the thing, and even if you're successful, it doesn't inflict the type of trauma that suddenly effects someone. (I guess).

The best weapon might be your voice.

Sad sad story.

Always happy to help you out as usual, Larry.

Don't you think a 'driver' might be too big in a confined space and the only thing that gets smashed are the lights?

I do agree on the knife thing - it needs skill to inflict a serious wound.

Do you think the burglar had the skill? Serious question... not trying to be funny.


Good question. Without looking back, I think it said the victim slipped and lost the knife. This would give the burglar an easy advantage to put the knife somewhere it would do a lot of harm. In a face to face, one on one situation, it does take a lot of skill to inflict a mortal wound on someone, with a knife unless you're an expert.

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"Don't you think a 'driver' might be too big in a confined space and the only thing that gets smashed are the lights?"

Are you this obtuse in real life, or were you making another joke that wasn't funny?

Either way, everyone knows to use a sandwedge.

I'm saying, in a confined space you need a short, heavy object.

Maybe a baseball bat is OK, but make sure you get a hit first time.

Regarding obtuse; it wasn't me who asked the ridiculous question about how I profile a burglar.

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