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Slow Down You Fecking Idiots!


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Driving back from Mission way, go through the lights at Central fairly big traffic but going decent speed, Rentakill pick up behind me flashing his lights, car in front of me and to my near side, where the <deleted> is he going to go, trys to take me on the inside, I give him the slow down sign multiple times, back behind me still trying to get past, then turns left, <deleted> people what is it about this place and the need to go so fast but not get very far!!!

Not a moan or complaint just thought I would mention it. tossers!!!! lol

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OP, it's the same every day in every corner of Thailand. Get used to it cos it won't change. sad.png

I am used to it just thought I would share this incident.

I could share an incident every day, and that's not including my Mrs. laugh.png
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OP, it's the same every day in every corner of Thailand. Get used to it cos it won't change. sad.png

I am used to it just thought I would share this incident.

I could share an incident every day, and that's not including my Mrs. laugh.png

Me to lol

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Every now and then when I'm being tailgated, I drop my speed considerably lower than the normal speed of traffic and let the car behind me know that he is coming too close. Then speed up again.. repeating the procedure if needed.

I never had to do a full stop yet.

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I agree. Slowing down gently as it would hurt to get hit to behind by angry driver.

This might cause more frustration on the speedy driver and it might even cause an accident later on, but it just feels good to be able to say "No, you are not allowed to do that". The driver behind might think for an moment.. or likely not.

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^ I used to do the exact same thing but the other way round. I used to speed up to close the gap in front of me which a speeding mini van was trying to squeeze in to after having undertaken me, normally on the bypass road. If the traffic isn't heavy then I don't have a problem with undertaking, it's just part of driving here, but as you mention when there is solid traffic then it's pointless and dangerous.

I realised I was just as likely to be the cause of a high speed accident doing this and now I try to resist the temptation and just let them squeeze in. I still hoot and flash my lights to make them aware of the fact they are driving like dicks, I won't be stopping that any time soon.

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^ More likely to cause a multi car pile up doing that. Better to ignore them and drive exactly as you were IMO. Two wrongs don't make a right when it comes to bad driving, no matter how frustrating people can be.

I recall this specific test question from my advanced rider motorcycle course. The answer was when a car is following to closely you should reduce your speed.

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^ More likely to cause a multi car pile up doing that. Better to ignore them and drive exactly as you were IMO. Two wrongs don't make a right when it comes to bad driving, no matter how frustrating people can be.

I recall this specific test question from my advanced rider motorcycle course. The answer was when a car is following to closely you should reduce your speed.

That makes sense I guess but that means slowing down gradually and then remaining at the new slower speed until the reckless driver was no longer behind you or had dropped back to a safe distance.

I don't think that's what Oilinki was doing. I think he was talking about hitting the brakes quite aggressively and then speeding up and breaking again, over and over, which is the internationally recognised sign for 'F~ck off from up my arse' tongue.png. That definitely won't have been in an advanced driving course.

I have often been guilty of reckless driving that was instigated by my frustration at another poor driver. Although it's hard to resist it adds fuel to the fire IMO and we should try and avoid doing it if poss.

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kp, how many farangs ride a Z1000 in Phuket?

Great question mate!! right I don't personally own one so will have to have a guess, errrrr 5, what is the prize for the person who guesses right, excited!!!!

Edited by kawapower
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your next mission is to is to collect 1 million $us from a bank and send it to me agent alpha,tango,231,and good luck orders from agent x-ray,lima 001.ph34r.png .sorry could not help it.

Edited by oggie911
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With all that rushing around, speeding and doing the dumbest things when driving, yet they still manage to come late for EVERY SINGLE meetingbiggrin.png

I'm thinking it's got to do with the extra long stops for kinkow. :rolleyes:

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Coming back from the airport last I was nearly taken out 2 times.

I was first in the queue at the central lights.Lights changed to green .The usual retards came through about 2 seconds on red.

I started off 4 secs into green which must be about 8-9 secs into red when this stupid ******** ***** came piling through at about 80 k.

If this was not the retard road carnage capital of the world I would have been after him.

And then I am coming through the Big Buddha Lights when another super retard came down the right turn lane and just cut in front of me.

Missed him by centimeters.

I had had enough now so give him a blast on the horn.He starts slowing down speeding up TOSSA.

Then he flies off down the road and nearly took out 2 bikes coming out of Villa Market

Glad I have the baseball bat claw hammer and stun gun in the car

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With all that rushing around, speeding and doing the dumbest things when driving, yet they still manage to come late for EVERY SINGLE meetingbiggrin.png

I'm thinking it's got to do with the extra long stops for kinkow. rolleyes.gif

i am surprised they can not do it while driving, as they seem to be able to do everything else, including make up, watching dvd, typing sms etc etc etc biggrin.png

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With all that rushing around, speeding and doing the dumbest things when driving, yet they still manage to come late for EVERY SINGLE meetingbiggrin.png

I'm thinking it's got to do with the extra long stops for kinkow. rolleyes.gif

i am surprised they can not do it while driving, as they seem to be able to do everything else, including make up, watching dvd, typing sms etc etc etc biggrin.png

Cannot - nothing must interrupt kinkow. :lol:

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100% agree with everything mentioned, they are truly dangerous, oh but wait, i fell a double standard and the kettle calling the pot coming on, how many of yous reading this can honestly say you don't drink drive, every place i go i see time and time again, farang drunk, some times out there heads and jumping in cars or on bikes and driving, of coarse yes i know the Thai's do it most probably worse and with there diving ability thats a bad recipe.

does anyone know the statistics for thailand or phuket for injury and death with drink driving over just bad driving.

so the next time we shout at a thai bad driver, can we honestly say it with being whiter then white, gilt free????, CHEERS!!!!

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100% agree with everything mentioned, they are truly dangerous, oh but wait, i fell a double standard and the kettle calling the pot coming on, how many of yous reading this can honestly say you don't drink drive, every place i go i see time and time again, farang drunk, some times out there heads and jumping in cars or on bikes and driving, of coarse yes i know the Thai's do it most probably worse and with there diving ability thats a bad recipe.

does anyone know the statistics for thailand or phuket for injury and death with drink driving over just bad driving.

so the next time we shout at a thai bad driver, can we honestly say it with being whiter then white, gilt free????, CHEERS!!!!

Everytime I shout at a Thai driver I am TOTALLY guilt free.

Have you seen this, from another thread. Worth a read for a laugh.


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100% agree with everything mentioned, they are truly dangerous, oh but wait, i fell a double standard and the kettle calling the pot coming on, how many of yous reading this can honestly say you don't drink drive, every place i go i see time and time again, farang drunk, some times out there heads and jumping in cars or on bikes and driving, of coarse yes i know the Thai's do it most probably worse and with there diving ability thats a bad recipe.

does anyone know the statistics for thailand or phuket for injury and death with drink driving over just bad driving.

so the next time we shout at a thai bad driver, can we honestly say it with being whiter then white, gilt free????, CHEERS!!!!

Everytime I shout at a Thai driver I am TOTALLY guilt free.

Have you seen this, from another thread. Worth a read for a laugh.

Cannot believe it does not have a section for keeping eyes open while drivingcheesy.gif

So many times, have seen drivers "take a nap" at the lights

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