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Shocker ! My Thai Wife Is Good...Judge For Yourselves :)


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I've been happily married to my trouble and strife for 15 years, most of it in the UK but about 10 months here.

Last week the place opposite us ( a shelter org for battered wifes ) asked me and my wife to come to downtown Kalasin Hospital.

Basically there was an elder white guy with some injuries laid up in one of the wards.

My wife asked me to come with her, I was semi-sceptical..I am that way by nature.

We went with them and met this chap who was worse for wear.

An American in his 60's who looked like the bad end of a week bender..damaged hip and on his last legs.

The problem was the fact that there was no-one with a decent command of English in the Hospital and Police, they needed to know who he was and why he was there.

I quickly founds these details out, told the powers that be and had a chat with him.

We then went home and I thought that was that.

The next day my wife was asked again to visit him - they needed a few more details and the charity were inferring that they would pay his bill as he seemed to be in need.

Anyway to cut a long story short...4 days later we visited him and he should be released in 2 days - his original story was that he had split from his wife and went on a bender.

His injuries may have been from falling but he also owes money to his landlord.

At the beginning of this I realised he was a total pisshead and beyond help - his Special forces in Somalia story re-inforced this.

But I let it slide - my wife ( who was a nurse in the UK ) is less cynical and genuinely beleived she was doing some good.

In the last few days she has brought him a few snacks and drinks, and I smiled as she told me she thought it would be nice for him.

So today when she went off to berate the nurses for not polishing his medals frequently enough he asked me this - ' Have her bring me some water tomorrow - but not that

cheap stuff '

I didn't go ballistic, I just smiled and we left - after this I told her what he said.

She still thinks he is just misguided.

So what is my point here?

None really.

I am lucky..that is all smile.png

ps sorry for any typos

Edited by chonabot
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I find these little cameos quite interesting, and often informative.

Did he have medals then?

By "Not the cheap stuff," was that code for something stronger?

Fascinated, tell us more.

Edited by Beechboy
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There's nothing wrong with being kind hearted and charitable Chonabot, as long as it doesn't tip over to being taken advantage of.

I would say that you're a lucky man being married to such a kind hearted and considerate lady.

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I find these little cameos quite interesting, and often informative.

Did he have medals then?

By "Not the cheap stuff," was that code for something stronger?

Fascinated, tell us more.

Please define cameo....I've abused these boards many times :)

Edited by chonabot
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There's nothing wrong with being kind hearted and charitable Chonabot, as long as it doesn't tip over to being taken advantage of.

I would say that you're a lucky man being married to such a kind hearted and considerate lady.

Cheers :)

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If you think he wasn't joking, then maybe that is why his wife buggred off.

If he is serious in all this, and his hip is really damaged, tell him to go and shove it.

Must be hard for him being rude and injured at the same time

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If you think he wasn't joking, then maybe that is why his wife buggred off.

If he is serious in all this, and his hip is really damaged, tell him to go and shove it.

Must be hard for him being rude and injured at the same time

What???? English please............OP nice story.........thanks for sharing
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I think your a very lucky man to find such a kind hearted lady, a woman with education, not often to see falang as clever as you, 10/10 is my vote.

also if your half as smart as you are lucky you will still be married with her for another 15 years and more.

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Nice story Chon, the diamonds are hard to find, but they are out there and you found one.

10 months here already, would imagine you are well settled back into life here?

When we eventually get round to doing a trip to your neck of the woods we will definatley be looking you up.

Can't be any harder to find than good old Wallingford


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Which medals was he sporting?. If you do not know the proper names, then what did they look like?

I think you might find that Chonabot was being a bit cynical with his mention of the medals. But if not maybe I can help.

They are usually (though not always) small discs of various metal with ribbons attached to them................wink.png

Chonabot, well done for not berating the SF veteran. It sounds like you have a special other half, but don't let her be taken advantage off. Even the best heart needs protection some times.

Just sayin'

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Does depend on how he asked, I myself can't stand the taste of the water in the glass bottles - it just tastes funny! He may just have a distinguished palette and require some Ora rather than Evian!

Sent from Android, please excuse errors in type or judgement.

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Still cannot figure out if this was in the UK or Thailand.

There was a slight hint when he mentioned police or hospital staff did not speak English.........guess that could happen in the UK these days also.

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Thanks everyone - usually I would not post this here as there are too many piss takers on TV these days but I was happy to read some nice responses.

TP - yes life is good for us so far - anytime you are in this neck of the woods please let me know !

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Thanks everyone - usually I would not post this here as there are too many piss takers on TV these days but I was happy to read some nice responses.

TP - yes life is good for us so far - anytime you are in this neck of the woods please let me know !

I will admit, I was taking the piss a bit in my previous reply. I apologize. Sounds like you have a great wife. Cheers,


Edit: FYI, the PM was not piss taking.

Edited by wannascuba
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If indeed the old chap had some medals, then it's possible that he is ex-military, and then it's possible (a long shot) that he could get assistance from some of the charities that look after veterans. Worth checking up on those medals.

Well done to your wife. It's worth bearing in mind that some older folk can be rather 'gruff', especially if they are hard of hearing, losing their marbles or on the bottle.


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