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Law Question

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My and a ex thai partner opened a business a while ago, he got in an argue with the landlord and was not allowed to sign a new contract, i signed a new contract but a few month after the landlord decided to sell the lease so i was basiclly kicked out aswell.

Ex partner is know asking me for XXX amout of money, if not he will go to the court. I lost about twice as much as him so obviously wont give him a single bath!!!

Question is: Planning to visit a friend in cambodia, will there be any problems to exit thailand cos of this?


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I'm not a lawyer. I'm a nice guy. But here's my two bahts worth anyway

"My and a ex thai partner opened a business a while ago, he got in an argue with the landlord and was not allowed to sign a new contract, i signed a new contract but a few month after the landlord decided to sell the lease so i was basiclly kicked out a swell."

I assume by "contract" you mean lease. You either have a lease or you don't. If the landlord sells the property he can't legally kick you out (unless there was provision made in the lease that gave him this right)

"Ex partner is know asking me for XXX amout of money, if not he will go to the court. I lost about twice as much as him so obviously wont give him a single bath!!!"

On what basis is he making this claim? civil or criminal or both?

"Question is: Planning to visit a friend in cambodia, will there be any problems to exit thailand cos of this?"

My response would be probably "no problem" but that is subject to the fact that you have only provided a few pieces of what might well be a much bigger picture. Clearly if you have cause for serious concern then consult a lawyer asap

Edited by ThailandInvestmentGuide
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I'm not a lawyer. I'm a nice guy. But here's my two bahts worth anyway

"I assume by "contract" you mean lease. You either have a lease or you don't. If the landlord sells the property he can't legally kick you out (unless there was provision made in the lease that gave him this right)"

We subleased to be exact, after 1 year was up the leese informed that i can continue but must change partner.

"On what basis is he making this claim? civil or criminal or both?"

Civil i guess, basiclly he wants me to give him the money that we invested (then lost)

"My response would be probably "no problem" but that is subject to the fact that you have only provided a few pieces of what might well be a much bigger picture. Clearly if you have cause for serious concern then consult a lawyer asap"

My thought aswell, just wanted to check cos a close friend told me he can contact the immigration and give me problems with my visa. Then on the other hand the case must go to court first i guess? So far only got a letter from a lawyer firm telling me to pay in 7 days, if not.... :S

" Edited by kollart
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The only problem, I can see for you, is if Cambodia will let a "pettycriminal" whistling.gif like you into the country. They are more used to a little heavier guys coming across.

On a more serious note, the letter from the lawyer, just ignore it. As this is clearly a civil case, it will take at least a couple of years before it comes before a judge. coffee1.gif As for the immigration, if you are not here on a workpermit related to the now collapsed business, I wouldn't worry to much about that either.

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The only problem, I can see for you, is if Cambodia will let a "pettycriminal" whistling.gif like you into the country. They are more used to a little heavier guys coming across.

On a more serious note, the letter from the lawyer, just ignore it. As this is clearly a civil case, it will take at least a couple of years before it comes before a judge. coffee1.gif As for the immigration, if you are not here on a workpermit related to the now collapsed business, I wouldn't worry to much about that either.

Are you totally nuts? Your posting is total rubbish! Secondly a lease is a SIGNED lease regardless of who signed it AND what business? signing a lease does not imply that you ever ran a business. As for your ex-partner tell him to go to hell, he has even less knowledge of Thai law that the poster above!

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The only problem, I can see for you, is if Cambodia will let a "pettycriminal" whistling.gif like you into the country. They are more used to a little heavier guys coming across.

On a more serious note, the letter from the lawyer, just ignore it. As this is clearly a civil case, it will take at least a couple of years before it comes before a judge. coffee1.gif As for the immigration, if you are not here on a workpermit related to the now collapsed business, I wouldn't worry to much about that either.

Are you totally nuts? Your posting is total rubbish! Secondly a lease is a SIGNED lease regardless of who signed it AND what business? signing a lease does not imply that you ever ran a business. As for your ex-partner tell him to go to hell, he has even less knowledge of Thai law that the poster above!

Had a bad day at the barstool ?ermm.gif Please don't answer, I realize I do not stand a change against such a brilliant legal mind !cheesy.gif
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The only problem, I can see for you, is if Cambodia will let a "pettycriminal" whistling.gif like you into the country. They are more used to a little heavier guys coming across.

On a more serious note, the letter from the lawyer, just ignore it. As this is clearly a civil case, it will take at least a couple of years before it comes before a judge. coffee1.gif As for the immigration, if you are not here on a workpermit related to the now collapsed business, I wouldn't worry to much about that either.

I showed the letter to a lawyer and he just laughed and said no serious lawyer would ever take on a case like this, just ignore it he said. just afraid if he can file a police report on me that can cause problems exit the country until this mess is sorted :S

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KOLLART....it sounds to me like your ex partner is trying you on for size. I had problems with a sth korean who shared an office with me. His Korean friends were sleeping in the office with the a/c blowing all night.!!

Took me months to sort that mess out. How could the landlord sell a lease?? leases are pretty much water tight here in BKK...never had a problem.

Ignore any threats from your ex thai partner...its unlikely he will take you to court because he knows you can leave Thailand tomorrow. He will try and scare you which is what Thai's including bar hooker gf's and wives love doing to farangs . farangs are considered a soft touch and easily frightened into shelling out money or running away when threatened.

Be very careful entering into business partnerships with any Asians.

typical thai quotes...

"be careful farang, you not know thailan"

"you no unerstan Thailan"

"you too seriat"

jai yen yen farang

"no pobem"

"you no boxing farang, he has police friend maybe big trouble you farang"


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How could the landlord sell a lease?? leases are pretty much water tight here in BKK...never had a problem.

Ignore any threats from your ex thai partner...its unlikely he will take you to court because he knows you can leave Thailand tomorrow.

Sorry we were subleasing from the leasee, i had first option to take over the lease but chose not to so no hard feelings.

My main question was, if it goes to court am i able to leave thailand?

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