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What Did You Do Today In Thailand


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I will be visiting Thailand in Aug for ten days. I have used this forum to do some research prior to traveling. I an interested in hearing what day to day life is like for people living there. It could be related to vacation or just daily life. Retired or business related is fine too. Just want to hear more about everyone's experiences.

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It's not Mars you know, you'll be coming on a Boeing 747, not a space shuttle.

First answer then: It's hot.

WOW! My first topic posted and what do I get as a first response? A totally Schizophrenic response that has nothing to do with what I posted! Thanks for the input....til now I had no idea it was hot there.

Anyone else care to chime in on what they do in Thailand or places they like to visit? I would like to hear about them.

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Well Beechboy's comment is not far from the mark.

Where you live it might be Summer but here in the Southern Hemisphere it's Winter.

So something that might help with responses closer to what you are looking for is defining where in the Kingdom you might be heading.

Also look in some of the other Forums here as there is much written on the subject.

Below are some links to recent topics asked already.

Name Me Half A Dozen Good Things To Do Around Bkk

5 Things To Do In Bangkok

Recommended Wife-Friendly Bar Or Nightclub In Bangkok?

Plus are you travelling alone?

One last tip ... if you start to abuse those who respond to you ... others, with the information that you want, may not bother.

Just saying like ...

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Well Beechboy's comment is not far from the mark.

Where you live it might be Summer but here in the Southern Hemisphere it's Winter.

So something that might help with responses closer to what you are looking for is defining where in the Kingdom you might be heading.

Also look in some of the other Forums here as there is much written on the subject.

Below are some links to recent topics asked already.

Name Me Half A Dozen Good Things To Do Around Bkk

5 Things To Do In Bangkok

Recommended Wife-Friendly Bar Or Nightclub In Bangkok?

Plus are you travelling alone?

One last tip ... if you start to abuse those who respond to you ... others, with the information that you want, may not bother.

Just saying like ...

I asked an open ended question with no specifics because I wanted responses from all people on the forum on what a typical day for them is like in Thailand. So far I have one response from kurnell which answered just that (and thank you kernell).

And now I have a response from you defending another poster and asking specifics about myself. I do appreciate you taking the time to find links for me and inquire about my traveling situation, but it does not relate very well to my post.

I am going to sit back and read what people have to say. i want this thread to be something useful for all who may want to know a little more about experiences from everyday life in Thailand.

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I'm an American. I got up at 0330 as I always do, let the dogs out (I have 11, 10 sleep in the house), cooked food and rice for the dogs, made coffee, made myself breakfast, turned on the TV and computer, washed the bedclothes and cleaned the bedroom, fed the chickens and fish, went to the market to buy stuff for my wife's noodle shop(no work permit), (It's now 0600). I intend to finish the day by watching some reruns on True DSTV, reading some of the cheap shots everybody likes to take at each other on TV(when the internet is working), working in my workshop, eating some more, feeding the dogs, making the bed, and finally ending the day by going to bed. I watch Euro 2012 on AV2 which is connect to my 6" Thaicom satellite dish.

I live in the last house on a dirt road in the middle of sugar cane and corn fields and enjoy every minute of it and being able to disconnect from the "real" world by turning off the TV and computer. Sure it's hot but not as uncomfortable as southern Louisiana is in the summertime with a daily humidity well above 80%. I have air conditioning in my house but it hasn't been turned on in over 2 years.

I go to Tesco or Big -C once a month and Bangkok once a year to get my income affidavit so that I can get a new 1 year retirement extension.

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david48 well almost southern hemisphere 7deg ++ northern actually.....lol

anyways OP...most people on vacation just laze about, sight see, eat, drink ,shop etc same as Costa Brava et al..being the tropics loads of different stuff to do and see. The permanent residents do much the same unless they are employed.

What did I do yesterday? .....

Went to renew my driving license, bit of DIY fixing/cleaning stuff around the house/farm, did some weeding, cleaned our bathroom,drank a couple of pints of Chang, went to market, came home ate blue crab in coconut milk........all rather vanilla really...but that is retirement for you..

......probably go sky diving,bungee jumping and pot holing next week if I have any energy left after the all nighter at the local karaoke bar...:cheesy:

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It's a bit early in the morning but thoughts for today .......

Breakfast Graprow Moo with sticky rice (Basil leaves fried with chillis and chopped pork)

Not raining so might start off with an early morning walk through the jungle

Followed by a drive into the 'big city' for coffee

Lunch in a traditional Lanna restaurant, probably Cow Soy Moo (egg noodles with stewed pork in curry sauce with fried egg noodles on top)

Afternoon read a book, listen to music and play with baby (9 months old)

Evening off to a beer bar for a few Changs, they have coyote dancers on the tables Friday night ...... oi don't kick my beer over!

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Wake up at 6 AM to get ready for work...

Go to work and finish up at work usually between 6:30 8 PM at night

Normally get home between 7:30 and 8:45 PM...

Then normally eat dinner watch about one hour of TV then check my work emails, answer any urgent emails and then go to bed

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I live in Phuket. Right now as I am typing this, my wife and two kids (4 and 6 years old) are sleeping in the same room. Around 7, I will wake everyone up, get the kids in the shower and dressed. After a breakfast of eggs and rice, all four of us will get on the Honda, and head for school. Drop the kids off, and back home. Our work is mostly from our home, with some trips around town to visit customers. About 11 or 12, we’ll eat lunch at our favorite noodle shop. At 3 p.m., pick the kids up from school, come home, and feed the kids a snack. Late afternoon (5 ish) we usually take a walk on the beach, or play badminton, the kids ride their bikes. The rest of the evening will be spent doing a little work, cooking dinner, talking with the kids about their day at school, shower and bed. Maybe a beer or two somewhere in there.


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I also live in Phuket, with business at the nearby airport. I'm usually out of bed by 0430 because I have to send guests to the airport. By about 9am, everyone has left and I can relax, have breakfast, watch the TV. After that I check my email for new guest bookings. Then for the rest of the day I generally relax - I'm learning Burmese language right now.

In the evening, new guests start to arrive. Often I need to stay up till about 0200 because guests arrive very late at the airport. So my day doesn't provide for a period of work and a period of sleep - it's more cat-napping throughout the 24 hour period. I've worked this way for 8 years and well-used to it - life is OK :)

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As a few of the posters have already said, it really depends where abouts in Thailand you go, and what you would class as fun/enjoyment.

But to answer your question, a typical day for me would be to get up at about 05:30, shower and start the day with the necessary caffine and nicotine intake. Get to work at about 07:00 and am there until 16:30 ish. Come home, take the dogs for their evening walk and swim for about an hour. Come home, have dinner with the missus and chill for the rest of the evening, getting to bed about midnight ready to start the routine the next day.

Now, if I was single and here on holiday I may go sight-seeing, visit a few temples and take lots of photographs of the locals, try some Thai food and get back to my hotel early in anticipation for the next day. Or not................................blink.png

There would also be the option of visiting a place like, say Pattaya. The routine there would likely be to get something to eat and be in the bars by say, 18:00. Aim to drink a minimum of a dozen bottles of beer (depends on what mood I was in as to what flavour this would be) during the night. Visit the go-go's and maybe end up with a take-away (obviously after doing the under-carriage check first!) and getting back to where I was staying sometime in the early hours. Get up at about 15:00-16:00 and start all over again!

So as you can imagine, Thailand is quite versitile as to whatever activities you want to participate in. As you are only going to be here for 10 days, I wouldn't waste time on getting a job, and as it is the rainy season, that would (for me anyway) rule out the temple visits.

Still, everyone to their own. Enjoy your visit...............thumbsup.gif

Edit: The last option (Pattaya) was based on previous experience, but that was a few years ago!!

Edited by chrisinth
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Well it's 09:12am so it's still a little bit early... But I can tell you what I have done and what I am planning on doing today...

Woke up at 5am, Did 30 minutes of exercise, had a shower and got ready for work, popped into 7Eleven and got myself a gatorade, jumped in a taxi to work for 07:00am (I work in a government high school), had some ryvita crackers with cream cheese on for breakfast, did some organising and lesson planning, went to assembley at 07:30am, sang the Thai National Anthem and took part on the school's buddhist prayers (I'm not Buddhist though) at 08:10am assembly is over and I have free periods until my lessons starts at 09:50am...

Then I will be teaching all day until 16:30

Then I am going home, having a shower, meeting friends for dinner and dancing like a normal Friday night!

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David48, Thailand is in the Southern Hemisphere?!

david48 well almost southern hemisphere 7deg ++ northern actually.....lol

*sigh* where did I say Thailand was in the Southern Hemisphere?

Where you live it might be Summer but here in the Southern Hemisphere it's Winter.

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David48, Thailand is in the Southern Hemisphere?!

david48 well almost southern hemisphere 7deg ++ northern actually.....lol

*sigh* where did I say Thailand was in the Southern Hemisphere?

Where you live it might be Summer but here in the Southern Hemisphere it's Winter.

You answered your own question with your own quote! Saying 'here in the southern hemisphere' in a thread about Thailand implies you are in Thailand, if you are not then apologies.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Woke at 6.00am, scratched balls whilst making a coffee, coffee consumed then into the shower, dick around on the PC for a bit whilst getting dressed then at 7.00am it's in the car heading to work.

Luckily it is Friday and we all know what that means, POETS day !!!

Edited by Spoonman
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Woke up, fired the computer up, went downstairs and turned the hot water pot on for coffee. Went back up stairs, showered and dressed. Back down to the kitchen to fix my coffee and back up to the computer to browse Thaivisa for a bit to see how members are behaving. whistling.gif

Drove to the lab at the university, checked Thaivisa again and proceeded verifying status of my various research projects. Close to lunch time, have a couple of donuts and Coke Zero ready (yeah, a bit self defeating but balances out). biggrin.png

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This topic must be Thaivisa's version of Twitter. wink.png

** sigh **

Not to Tywais ... but that this OP actually generates interest.

Must be a generational thing.

I will quietly slide off into the Sunset and leave you fine folk to discuss such important matters ... cool.png

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My life (on a day-to-day basis) here in Bangkok is about 99% the same as it was in London. The differences between Bangkok and London are far fewer and less significant than the similarities.

The way each of us expats spends our day in Thailand has much more to do with our personal circumstances and responsibilities (or interests) than the fact that we are living in Thailand.

As the OP is just coming for a holiday I suggest he researches the best tourist sights, tours and activities (maybe by starting a new thread titled "Interesting things to do in Thailand").

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

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My life (on a day-to-day basis) here in Bangkok is about 99% the same as it was in London. The differences between Bangkok and London are far fewer and less significant than the similarities.

The way each of us expats spends our day in Thailand has much more to do with our personal circumstances and responsibilities (or interests) than the fact that we are living in Thailand.

As the OP is just coming for a holiday I suggest he researches the best tourist sights, tours and activities (maybe by starting a new thread titled "Interesting things to do in Thailand").

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I used to live in London and my daily routine is nothing like what it was in London. However I did do the whole career change thing from working in a law company to teaching. London was a very scatty time for me. However I guess that is because of the kind of social circles I was involved in and whatnot.

My day to day life does not feel like a holiday anymore as I've settled into the daily grind of things but I am still consciously aware that I'm not in the UK anymore... It's so different.

(apologies for hijacking post with this)

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My life (on a day-to-day basis) here in Bangkok is about 99% the same as it was in London. The differences between Bangkok and London are far fewer and less significant than the similarities.

The way each of us expats spends our day in Thailand has much more to do with our personal circumstances and responsibilities (or interests) than the fact that we are living in Thailand.

As the OP is just coming for a holiday I suggest he researches the best tourist sights, tours and activities (maybe by starting a new thread titled "Interesting things to do in Thailand").

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

I used to live in London and my daily routine is nothing like what it was in London. However I did do the whole career change thing from working in a law company to teaching. London was a very scatty time for me. However I guess that is because of the kind of social circles I was involved in and whatnot.

My day to day life does not feel like a holiday anymore as I've settled into the daily grind of things but I am still consciously aware that I'm not in the UK anymore... It's so different.

(apologies for hijacking post with this)

I know what you mean. I am also "aware" that I am not in the UK, but really do you think the way you spend your days would be much different if you were teaching in London?

For me, I am asleep c.40% of the day (same dreams as when I was in London). I spend another c.40% of my time hanging around with my daughter (doing the same things as when I was in London including simultaneously sending emails, browsing the net, etc). I spend c.10% of the day eating (same food as London) and the rest of the time doing random stuff (same as in London).

The only real difference in my day is that in London I had to take the rubbish out and help with household chores occasionally (as we didn't have a full-time maid). This probably accounted for 15 mins per day (about 1%). As I said, the other 99% is the same.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

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