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What Did You Do Today In Thailand


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I woke up, made a nice ginger drink, used the internet, cooked food (today is my non-Thai food lunch day biggrin.png ) - fried duck liver, mashed potatoes - listened to music, watered the plants, sweat, ohhh, and broke my favourite cup I got from my cousins' in Europe. Little bit of work later then go out somewhere with wife. Kind of boring day.

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Wake up around 5pm. Do 30-45 minutes of exercise and stretching (I'm disabled). Go for a shower taking a dam_n good slug of home made iced tea on the way. Hang the bedding out to air. Check my email if there is anything urgent and read news. Log into the charity I volunteer for which helps women (and men) who have abusive partners and do 3-4 hours of that. Make something to eat. Log into another charity in America which deals with people who have come out as being atheist resulting in them being abandoned by there family, friends and ofter job. Do that for perhaps 3-4 hours. Eat again. Listen to some music which dealing with emails and legal matters which is usually an hour or so. Perform administrative work on my forum and update my website. Do research until it gets light. Walk a short way down to the local market to do some food shopping and grab a nice bowl of Jok. Take a shower when I return, crack open a beer or two while watching a movie or some such. Go to bed. Don't go out much so I do that 12-13 out of 14 days. If I have time I try to pop to the beach for a short swim before shopping.

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My typical day when in Thailand would be to wake up at around 5.0am and go for a run.

Down to the Chinese market to buy freshly baked bread from the Vietnamese, back to put the coffee on.

Listen to the locals talk about politics at the cafe 2 doors down the road.

Feed the fish and water the plants.

Put the world to rights with my Dad.

Walk down to the Mekong to do some fishing with the kiddies (if they are with me).

Back down to the market to eat some freshly BBQ'd fish at our favourite restaurant on the water watching the boats come to and fro from Laos across the river.

The children love a German bakery where their favourite cakes are made, so more coffee or fruit juices before heading down to Tescos to stock up on groceries.

Love making up meals for my Dad for the freezer, so that usually takes care of the evenings.

A typical uneventful, peaceful day doing ordinary things and we love it.

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What am I doing today?!?

Exactly the same than everyday:



I may be going blind but can you make that one a bit bigger? Can't read the punch line.

Here you go


Edited by MJCM
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Yesterday in Thailand I went to the office and checked my emails. I had a coffee with a lawyer, and met one of my team for her performance appraisal. I then wrote a business proposal to the Thai operations of an oil company who wants a law firm relationship. It was submitted at 2pm. I then jumped in a cab to the airport for my flight to HK, where I am now.

And where, this morning, we heard we have been appointed. I am completely brilliant.

So . . a typical work day, irregardless of whether it's Bkk, London, HK, Singapore or wherever.

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My typical day:

Wake up when my wife's alarm goes off

Go back to sleep till she goes to work

watch English language news and opinion on tv till I get bored of that, get up and have breakfast.

Do some work around the house or outside.

Tidy the house

Have a shower and go to the IT cafe where I get to answer questions like this for a few hours.

Go back to the house and watch tv

Have supper

Watch tv

Have a shower

Go to bed

Who needs facebook when we've got TV!

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I will be visiting Thailand in Aug for ten days. I have used this forum to do some research prior to traveling. I an interested in hearing what day to day life is like for people living there. It could be related to vacation or just daily life. Retired or business related is fine too. Just want to hear more about everyone's experiences.

This is an EXPAT forum not a tourist information website.

! went to work until miday - had enough by them - came home had a nap and played some poker, the picked one of my kids up from school. Smoked a nice cigar, Had 1 kg of Durian.

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Woke up at 7:30, make a cup of cappuccino in my Italian stovetop Bialetti (handspun the milk), caught two catfish for the wife, had a bowl of cornflakes with a banana from our backyard. Took the wife to the market and browsed the vendors there. Came home, helped the gardener with some yard work. Then helped the tetsabahn (city hall) workers trim some trees along the soi that comes into our property. Surfed the internet. Then spent a half hour learning about the heart of a coconut tree.....the innards of the tippity top of the tree. Once the outer part is trimmed away, my gardener and a neighbor went National Geographic on me and couldn't resist several mouthfuls of the tender part of the tree. The stuff sells for 300 baht a kilo.....we got about 4 kilos from a single tree.

A Thai friend came over with 6 kilos of fresh talapia that he caught in the nearby reservoir. Our maid filleted them up.......and we had lahb for supper.

Just another day in the jungle.

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I will be visiting Thailand in Aug for ten days. I have used this forum to do some research prior to traveling. I an interested in hearing what day to day life is like for people living there. It could be related to vacation or just daily life. Retired or business related is fine too. Just want to hear more about everyone's experiences.

This is an EXPAT forum not a tourist information website.

! went to work until miday - had enough by them - came home had a nap and played some poker, the picked one of my kids up from school. Smoked a nice cigar, Had 1 kg of Durian.

So basically no tourist can post on TV looking for information?

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I will be visiting Thailand in Aug for ten days. I have used this forum to do some research prior to traveling. I an interested in hearing what day to day life is like for people living there. It could be related to vacation or just daily life. Retired or business related is fine too. Just want to hear more about everyone's experiences.

This is an EXPAT forum not a tourist information website.

! went to work until miday - had enough by them - came home had a nap and played some poker, the picked one of my kids up from school. Smoked a nice cigar, Had 1 kg of Durian.

So basically no tourist can post on TV looking for information?

They can but there's probably a more appropriate one like Lonely Planet.

Incidentally, when I was a backpacker here more than 20 years ago, I had a lonely planet, which I lost on the way here, which was probably the best thing that could have happened. Why on earth would I want to go to a foreign land and end up at the same places as people like me.

Have an adventure.

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I will be visiting Thailand in Aug for ten days. I have used this forum to do some research prior to traveling. I an interested in hearing what day to day life is like for people living there. It could be related to vacation or just daily life. Retired or business related is fine too. Just want to hear more about everyone's experiences.

This is an EXPAT forum not a tourist information website.

! went to work until miday - had enough by them - came home had a nap and played some poker, the picked one of my kids up from school. Smoked a nice cigar, Had 1 kg of Durian.

So basically no tourist can post on TV looking for information?

They can but there's probably a more appropriate one like Lonely Planet.

Incidentally, when I was a backpacker here more than 20 years ago, I had a lonely planet, which I lost on the way here, which was probably the best thing that could have happened. Why on earth would I want to go to a foreign land and end up at the same places as people like me.

Have an adventure.

I am visiting Thailand on vacation because I will most likely be going there on assignment there for a year for work. This is my trip to check out the area and visit our location there. So although I am not an expat yet, it is likely that I will be in a year.

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wife got me up at 8-30 to go to the local hospital,as one of the royal princess was visiting,stood around for 2 hours,well really was made to sit,for a 5 minute visit and glimpse of royalty,quite a experience though,never seen so many different armed forces in my life,and the brass there was amazing,came home had a kip,then went out for a itailian meal,waiting for the england game on tele now.

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Up at four, out for a run and kick the ball with my boy, on the way to work by 5:30, back by dinnertime, showered and then ate with the kids read them bedtime stories and put them down by 7pm, bit of a nap, up at midnight for some TV'ing, out the door by 5am tomorrow.

Will get back to a more relaxed lifestyle one day but gotta catch up on the back rent and save for school fees first. . .

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Broke the habit of doing nothing (except going out to catch food) and went to the Nong Khai Aquarium with wife and 16 months young/lovely baby girl.

Recommend visiting the Nong Khai aquarium smile.png

My children love it also, one of our favourite places.

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I will be visiting Thailand in Aug for ten days. I have used this forum to do some research prior to traveling. I an interested in hearing what day to day life is like for people living there. It could be related to vacation or just daily life. Retired or business related is fine too. Just want to hear more about everyone's experiences.

This is an EXPAT forum not a tourist information website.

! went to work until miday - had enough by them - came home had a nap and played some poker, the picked one of my kids up from school. Smoked a nice cigar, Had 1 kg of Durian.

So basically no tourist can post on TV looking for information?

They can but there's probably a more appropriate one like Lonely Planet.

Incidentally, when I was a backpacker here more than 20 years ago, I had a lonely planet, which I lost on the way here, which was probably the best thing that could have happened. Why on earth would I want to go to a foreign land and end up at the same places as people like me.

Have an adventure.

I think the vast majority of us could be classed as reasonably well travelled, therefore you are teaching many to suck eggs!

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Got up 7.30 did half hour on the walking machine ,took the car to the garage ,we then came home and the wife went to do the garden while i played about on the computer ,went out to oversee the gardening , the wife was doing fine so i came in and watched a prog that i had downloaded from uk nova ,went out to make sure the wife wasnt slacking and took her an iced drink ,(it was delicious ) she then came in had a shower and we had a little lunch ,she is such a good cook ,i then chilled out while she did the washing after that i watched her do the ironing. God its such a stress that i took a nap before tea ,we then sat down and talked and watched a little tv untill going to bed,just another action packed day in Pattayathumbsup.gif

Edited by thenervoussurgeon
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I am visiting Thailand on vacation because I will most likely be going there on assignment there for a year for work. This is my trip to check out the area and visit our location there. So although I am not an expat yet, it is likely that I will be in a year.

Aha! So you were not totally honest in your answers on the first page! That means you will not only fit on easily on TV Forum, Thailand's most disingenuous expatriate forum, but will equally easily slip into the acquiescent, conforming, non-challenging workplace here.

So NOW you can be more specific about your possible location and see if all these farang hayseeds that get up early to variously exercise, go to market, walk in the 'jungle', post interminable claptrap on the internet, etc., have any real bearing on what you see your future life in LOS as looking like.

Could be worse mind you; could be like our bendix, if not online here being pontifically prolific, then always jetting about the region, making winning corporate decisions and keeping his creaking joints supple with all the self-congratulatory pats on the back.

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I am visiting Thailand on vacation because I will most likely be going there on assignment there for a year for work. This is my trip to check out the area and visit our location there. So although I am not an expat yet, it is likely that I will be in a year.

Aha! So you were not totally honest in your answers on the first page! That means you will not only fit on easily on TV Forum, Thailand's most disingenuous expatriate forum, but will equally easily slip into the acquiescent, conforming, non-challenging workplace here.

So NOW you can be more specific about your possible location and see if all these farang hayseeds that get up early to variously exercise, go to market, walk in the 'jungle', post interminable claptrap on the internet, etc., have any real bearing on what you see your future life in LOS as looking like.

Could be worse mind you; could be like our bendix, if not online here being pontifically prolific, then always jetting about the region, making winning corporate decisions and keeping his creaking joints supple with all the self-congratulatory pats on the back.

I tell you what I don't do anymore Nan ... wank.
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If I am honest I do very little but that was the idea when I retired . When we first came out we came on a multi entry and had to leave every 90 days which was a good excuse to take a holiday ,Singapore, Malaysia and so on however since getting my retirement visa we no longer have to do this and as this is now our home we do the normal home owners thing like potter around the garden, take a dip in the pool , skype the grandkids and so on. Our funds have to be brought in from the UK and where as six years ago we were getting 74 to the pound sterling today we are getting no more than 49 so you can see that this is a big drop but hey we still live a much better life style than back home so we are not complaning just means that the money does not go as far as it used to, but when family are out to visit we make sure they see all the wonderful sites and Temples and when they go home I normally would spend a few days on the good old hammock recovering. Have a good visit and enjoy !!!!!!

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If I am honest I do very little but that was the idea when I retired . When we first came out we came on a multi entry and had to leave every 90 days which was a good excuse to take a holiday ,Singapore, Malaysia and so on however since getting my retirement visa we no longer have to do this and as this is now our home we do the normal home owners thing like potter around the garden, take a dip in the pool , skype the grandkids and so on. Our funds have to be brought in from the UK and where as six years ago we were getting 74 to the pound sterling today we are getting no more than 49 so you can see that this is a big drop but hey we still live a much better life style than back home so we are not complaning just means that the money does not go as far as it used to, but when family are out to visit we make sure they see all the wonderful sites and Temples and when they go home I normally would spend a few days on the good old hammock recovering. Have a good visit and enjoy !!!!!!

Apologies I have run out of "likes" A good honest post! May you live a long and positive life!

Edited by edwinclapham
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If I am honest I do very little but that was the idea when I retired . When we first came out we came on a multi entry and had to leave every 90 days which was a good excuse to take a holiday ,Singapore, Malaysia and so on however since getting my retirement visa we no longer have to do this and as this is now our home we do the normal home owners thing like potter around the garden, take a dip in the pool , skype the grandkids and so on. Our funds have to be brought in from the UK and where as six years ago we were getting 74 to the pound sterling today we are getting no more than 49 so you can see that this is a big drop but hey we still live a much better life style than back home so we are not complaning just means that the money does not go as far as it used to, but when family are out to visit we make sure they see all the wonderful sites and Temples and when they go home I normally would spend a few days on the good old hammock recovering. Have a good visit and enjoy !!!!!!

Apologies I have run out of "likes" A good honest post! May you live a long and positive life!

Many thanks !!! I have to admit I do not normally read all the OPs but I took the time to read everyone on this subject and I have to be honest the tears were running down my cheeks by some of the remarks . I have not laughed so much in many a year !!!!!!!

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Got up, had two double strong coffees, cleaned my outdoor kitchen (it's on the balcony), had brekky, read online newspapers from home, laughed at a 26 year old from BKK on Thaifriendly who is looking for true love and who thinks I'm a really hansum man, played a little World of Warcraft (I have no idea what I'm doing there) online, showered/shaved, worked on my Thai language lessons homework, tried to get a date with a very cool 40 year old prof from Majeo University here in Chiang Mai – maybe next week she says, cleaned the rest of my apartment then off to the grocery to get some...um...groceries. The rest of the day hasn't arrived yet but, the plans so far are, get a hair cut, find a local travel agent who can get me a tourist visa for Laos before I get on the plane next month, travel across town to the Big “C” grocery store to get some frozen hamburger patties, then home for a nap and later a BBQ'ed burger. Then head downtown to visit my falang friends, sit out front a local convenience store (a Brit and his drop-dead gorgeous Thai wife own it) on a side soi drinking beer at retail store prices (50 baht for a large Leo) for a while, then off to the night market area to a local blues bar who have a surprisingly good crowd of falang musicians from all over the world sit in on jam nights, then back down to the party street and hang out with some buddies at a bar owned by this Canadian guy, shoot some pool and talk about how good we have it here, next it's off to small bar compound (about a dozen or so bars) to catch some reggae, watch the silly youngster falangs make fools of themselves, and make some noise myself (I will probably have a pretty good snoot full by this time). After getting thrown out of there I'll wander up to the little jazz place that's not too far from where I live, have a night cap and then have no idea how I got home. Oh yeah, the security guy at the front door of my building will be really nice and laugh at me because I can't find my keys again. Kind of a typical Saturday in Thailand for me. Forgot to mention – I'm 63.

BTW - you will find, after you've been around TV for awhile, a large quantity of the responses you get will have nothing to do with your post, you'll even get flamed once in a while for no discernible reason. Just get used to it, let them slide off your back and stay with the helpful ones, there is a lot of good stuff here. Have a great one.

Edited by DowntownAl
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I am visiting Thailand on vacation because I will most likely be going there on assignment there for a year for work. This is my trip to check out the area and visit our location there. So although I am not an expat yet, it is likely that I will be in a year.

Aha! So you were not totally honest in your answers on the first page! That means you will not only fit on easily on TV Forum, Thailand's most disingenuous expatriate forum, but will equally easily slip into the acquiescent, conforming, non-challenging workplace here.

So NOW you can be more specific about your possible location and see if all these farang hayseeds that get up early to variously exercise, go to market, walk in the 'jungle', post interminable claptrap on the internet, etc., have any real bearing on what you see your future life in LOS as looking like.

Could be worse mind you; could be like our bendix, if not online here being pontifically prolific, then always jetting about the region, making winning corporate decisions and keeping his creaking joints supple with all the self-congratulatory pats on the back.

I tell you what I don't do anymore Nan ... wank.

Oh but you should never have given that up. Among other things, it clears your vision.

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Yesterday in Thailand I went to the office and checked my emails. I had a coffee with a lawyer, and met one of my team for her performance appraisal. I then wrote a business proposal to the Thai operations of an oil company who wants a law firm relationship. It was submitted at 2pm. I then jumped in a cab to the airport for my flight to HK, where I am now.

And where, this morning, we heard we have been appointed. I am completely brilliant.

So . . a typical work day, irregardless of whether it's Bkk, London, HK, Singapore or wherever.

There is a delicious irony in posters attempting to boost their competence in the eyes of their peers, yet only serving to illustrate their incompetence in the process.

Hmmm..now should that be “disincompetence”? ...no, maybe “irrincompetence”, how about “unincompetence”.

I know, I’ll ask the washing machine repair man! biggrin.png

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Yesterday in Thailand I went to the office and checked my emails. I had a coffee with a lawyer, and met one of my team for her performance appraisal. I then wrote a business proposal to the Thai operations of an oil company who wants a law firm relationship. It was submitted at 2pm. I then jumped in a cab to the airport for my flight to HK, where I am now.

And where, this morning, we heard we have been appointed. I am completely brilliant.

So . . a typical work day, irregardless of whether it's Bkk, London, HK, Singapore or wherever.

Congratulations on the successful pitch.

I hope you escape from wage-slavery soon.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

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My day is made up of attempts to decipher potential coded messages which would signal me to burst into action. It was touch and go yesterday. I opened up an ice cream container and amidst the swirls of milky goodness was a barely legible number 13. This by itself means nothing, except for the fact that two days ago a lady selling mangos gave me 13 baht change instead of 12. My heart was pounding in my chest until I remembered a Shaolin meditation chant I learned in the SAS. Eventually I calculated that this was not my go signal, but now I have identified the mango lady as my underground contact. The ice cream lady is likely an asset too. Since Mango season will be finished very soon I might not have the opportunity to post again; as any day now I will be off the grid. Be safe out there

Edited by canuckamuck
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My day is made up of attempts to decipher potential coded messages which would signal me to burst into action. It was touch and go yesterday. I opened up an ice cream container and amidst the swirls of milky goodness was a barely legible number 13. This by itself means nothing, except for the fact that two days ago a lady selling mangos gave me 13 baht change instead of 12. My heart was pounding in my chest until I remembered a Shaolin meditation chant I learned in the SAS. Eventually I calculated that this was not my go signal, but now I have identified the mango lady as my underground contact. The ice cream lady is likely an asset too. Since Mango season will be finished very soon I might not have the opportunity to post again; as any day now I will be off the grid. Be safe out there

There have been a lot of posts on this thread that have been very useful to me, but this one is by far the most entertaining one. I cant stop laughing!

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