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Canadian Sisters Died Of 'Food Poisoning' In Thailand Hotel

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RIP Audrey and Noemi ... My condolences to the family,friends and to anyone who's world has been rocked by this very sad story.

I have been trying to upload two photo's size 3.15 and 3.25 for 35mins with no joy.... But feel i need to post this Now!!! I have poor signal here but i do have photo's!!

The picture's that i want to attach were taken yesterday by myself,although a little difficult to see from the photo but it is,and i can guarantee,fish cut up with poison covered over it. I small puppy dog lying a few meters away,foam from mouth dead. This is powerful the smell very very bad,it is lying under a bungalow as you see on a Frisbee.I am not a doctor,but if a child,adult picks this Frisbee up maybe after the fish has gone,puts fingers in mouth,what would happen?

I am not a doctor neither am i a scientist,but from what a have seen from all the comments, i could be looking at a time bomb here!!

My attempt so far was simply to turn it over,it still remains under a bungalow,the resort catering for families,35-40 bungalows maybe 6-8 children playing not so far away.This is just one heap of fish that i have seen,it's about 30mts away from my bungalow,which i'm not happy about,and 50mts from the sea.

It is madness, totally madness,that who ever put it there had one thought only,lets poison the dogs,not thinking for one minute what else this will kill that has contact.

I need your help,your advise,i personally know the Thai family who own the resort but i stay in the resort next door. I know how things work here in Thailand,i know the family concerned not great friends because many times i see things that disgust me!

I know even if i go over with my intelligence rather than anger,i will get No where,it will be " it's nothing to do with you" and could cause problems and lead to the anger,this i'm also very good at,which is why i'm keeping low key,boiling with anger at their stupidity!!

Can anyone advise me on what should be done,if i lived still back in the UK i would of picked up the phone,dialled health and safety and in less than 1hr it would be dealt with, alas i live on Koh Phangan. So my other thought is,if they receive 100 phone calls from you out there,letting them know the outside world knows it has to be removed.

Or do we have anyone reading this with any authority that can call them for it to be removed?

Ok one looks like it has attached........ Advise please and kind regards jason

On the face of it, it looks like the poison has been put within a very short distance of well water. A good down pour and your poison is in the well. I can't quite work out how they have it rigged but the poison will go into the local water system. On the top it looks like 1/2 inch pipe to take water out the well. All you can do is go and speak with them. It sounds like they dont care about the animals, but you need to emphasize the hazardous issues concerning children.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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Cause of Canadian sisters' deaths still not known but contaminated food not ruled out

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Public Health officials were dispatched to Phi Phi Island on Monday to cooperate with local officials in investigate the possible cause of death of the Canadian sisters who were found dead in their hotel room last week.

Public Health Minister Witthaya Buranasiri said officials from the Epidemiology and Occupational and Environmental Diseases Bureaux were assigned to survey environmental conditions for possible contamination in order to identify the possible cause of the deaths, so that local people and foreign countries would have fewer concerns.

The bodies of Audrey and Noemi Belanger, aged 20 and 26, from Quebec province, were found Friday by hotel staff on Phi Phi island in Krabi province.

Dr Pornthep Siriwanarangsan, director general of Disease Control Department said the initial investigation in the room found a large quantity of vomits and faeces. There was evidence of bleeding and their nails had turned black, probably caused by internal bleeding.

"We planned to send the bodies for post mortem at the Surat Thani Hospital because Krabi Hospital has no forensic doctor. However, so far we have been unable to move them because their relatives and the Canadian Embassy representative who came to Krabi did not allow us to do so," the director said.

Meanwhile Pol Col Wissawa Sanehha of Phi Phi sub police station said the initial police investigation had found that the sisters had visited a bar on the island that night before having a meal at a restaurant along the beach.

Dr Komkrit Phukrittayakami, director of Krabi Hospital said that from the condition of the bodies, it was likely that death had been caused by contaminated food but that an autopsy would be required to discover whether this was seafood, mushrooms or chemical substances.

Wiyada Srirangkul, director of Tourism Authority of Thailand's Krabi office, said tourism in the province had no yet been affected by the incident because the cause of death was still not known.

However, if it were found that they had died because of contaminated food, the image of the area would inevitably be affected.


-- The Nation 2012-06-18

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That's not a frisbee, it's a plastic lid. So they are using rat poison to get rid of stray dogs or cats. Can't see what this has anything to do with this topic. blink.png

Your right it's a lid,the smell that was coming from there i did't want to hang around to long for full inspection....very sorry...

So we have 300 posts probably 90% talking about poison (rat poison) and how dangerous and fatal pesticide can be. And my picture of a lid covered in rat poison under a bungalow has nothing to do with this topic.

If you are a father you should be ashamed,i'm glad you were not father when at 4-5yrs of age i say hey dad look dead fish "yummy"

Maybe you have been in Thailand to long if you can see that 300 topics are talking of small amounts pesticide that are fatal,and here we have children playing around it?? I have been here a long time too,but i see this as madness.. just like the person i'm writing back to.

Anyone else like to confirm that i am over reacting when i read about 2 young girls poisoned,300 posts about poison and i'm looking at a pile of dead rat poisoned fish?? Two restaurant's 50mts either way from it plus 60 odd bungalows plus children all exposed to it.

So it is also quite ok for me to come visit you and drop a little around your house,i'm 20 mts away you ignorant man,i own i cat!!

Oh but of course,you have been here that long you think just like them!! You think only stray cats dogs eat it... What about Charlie,Kidang,choke the list goes on. Start thinking like a Western again

Edited by kohphangan
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The symptoms of the two victims - may they Rest in Peace ! - clearly point to insecticide - arsenic involved - poisoning.

did you just jump on the forum and not bother to read previous quotes? Arsenic has been dismissed as a possible poison. Rat poison with warfarin etc is the likely culprit.

They were murdered until proven otherwise.

...and contains arsenic if we can believe what others posted already.

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That's not a frisbee, it's a plastic lid. So they are using rat poison to get rid of stray dogs or cats. Can't see what this has anything to do with this topic. blink.png

Your right it's a lid,the smell that was coming from there i did't want to hang around to long for full inspection....very sorry...

So we have 300 posts probably 90% talking about poison (rat poison) and how dangerous and fatal pesticide can be. And my picture of a lid covered in rat poison under a bungalow has nothing to do with this topic.

If you are a father you should be ashamed,i'm glad you were not father when at 4-5yrs of age i say hey dad look dead fish "yummy"

Maybe you have been in Thailand to long if you can see that 300 topics are talking of small amounts pesticide that are fatal,and here we have children playing around it?? I have been here a long time too,but i see this as madness.. just like the person i'm writing back to.

Anyone else like to confirm that i am over reacting when i read about 2 young girls poisoned,300 posts about poison and i'm looking at a pile of dead rat poisoned fish?? Two restaurant's 50mts either way from it plus 60 odd bungalows plus children all exposed to it.

I replied to you already. Stop being so touchy. Not everyone is going to agree with you, thats ok.

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On the face of it, it looks like the poison has been put within a very short distance of well water. A good down pour and your poison is in the well. I can't quite work out how they have it rigged but the poison will go into the local water system. On the top it looks like 1/2 inch pipe to take water out the well. All you can do is go and speak with them. It sounds like they dont care about the animals, but you need to emphasize the hazardous issues concerning children.

That's a septic tank, and not a well. The smell is probably due to a full septic tank...

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(I've seen the effect of Warfarin on Pest Control operatives .... it takes a huge dose to cause acute any symptoms in something as large as a human, and so it could not be accidental)

"The toxic dose of warfarin is highly variable.....Superwarfarins are extremely potent and can produce prolonged effects even after a small ingestion; as little as 1 mg in an adult can cause coagulopathy. ...Bleeding is the primary adverse effect of warfarin and superwarfarin toxicity and is related to the intensity of anticoagulation, length of therapy, the patient's underlying clinical state, and use of other drugs that may affect hemostasis or interfere with warfarin metabolism.http://emedicine.med...821038-overview

One milligram

. . you are on track ! This is exactly what it is pointing too. And you are right, it could have been murder, if the room-pesticide suspicion CAN be ruled out . And btw, superwarfarines contain in parts arsenics, so your first reply to my post don't hold to the facts.

Edited by metisdead
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On the face of it, it looks like the poison has been put within a very short distance of well water. A good down pour and your poison is in the well. I can't quite work out how they have it rigged but the poison will go into the local water system. On the top it looks like 1/2 inch pipe to take water out the well. All you can do is go and speak with them. It sounds like they dont care about the animals, but you need to emphasize the hazardous issues concerning children.

That's a septic tank, and not a well. The smell is probably due to a full septic tank...

Cool, I was unsure what the 1/2 inch pipe was for, i assume it is a vent then.

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now it all adds up, all mouth and no substance ..... well that takes a lot of credibility out of your comments in a lot of peoples eyes , I am sure.

Well, you certainly answered the question about whether you have a brain of your own to figure things out.

Truth, logic and reasoning don't need a 'degree', gonzo the face.

Please keep us informed when the Thai 'authorities' with 'qualifications' start spewing drivel...so we will all be sure to sit up and pay attention and nod our heads...because...because Gonzo the Face says those with 'degrees' are always right.

Thats nice....

those with degrees are not always right, but those without degrees are many times more often wrong......

Oh and you must have forgotten...... your qualifications to be so right in your opinion as to disavow others??? you forgot to post them.... come on now you want us to believe you, tell us why your point is correct and others are not.

We are all trying to arrive at what could have possibly happened, and even a blind pig finds some acorns once in a while.

The true and correct suggestion just may put someone on the proper path for the real answer.

BLIND PIGS FIND A CORN ? What did you drink last night ???

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That's not a frisbee, it's a plastic lid. So they are using rat poison to get rid of stray dogs or cats. Can't see what this has anything to do with this topic. blink.png

Bring innocent dogs and cats on the island, then poison them. That's truly compassionate.

Then street vendors sell the meat as chicken poisoning the unregulated food chain

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On the face of it, it looks like the poison has been put within a very short distance of well water. A good down pour and your poison is in the well. I can't quite work out how they have it rigged but the poison will go into the local water system. On the top it looks like 1/2 inch pipe to take water out the well. All you can do is go and speak with them. It sounds like they dont care about the animals, but you need to emphasize the hazardous issues concerning children.

That's a septic tank, and not a well. The smell is probably due to a full septic tank...

Cool, I was unsure what the 1/2 inch pipe was for, i assume it is a vent then.

No, it's also from the toilet, but when you do number 1. To save water, you know.

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That's not a frisbee, it's a plastic lid. So they are using rat poison to get rid of stray dogs or cats. Can't see what this has anything to do with this topic. blink.png

Your right it's a lid,the smell that was coming from there i did't want to hang around to long for full inspection....very sorry...

So we have 300 posts probably 90% talking about poison (rat poison) and how dangerous and fatal pesticide can be. And my picture of a lid covered in rat poison under a bungalow has nothing to do with this topic.

If you are a father you should be ashamed,i'm glad you were not father when at 4-5yrs of age i say hey dad look dead fish "yummy"

Maybe you have been in Thailand to long if you can see that 300 topics are talking of small amounts pesticide that are fatal,and here we have children playing around it?? I have been here a long time too,but i see this as madness.. just like the person i'm writing back to.

Anyone else like to confirm that i am over reacting when i read about 2 young girls poisoned,300 posts about poison and i'm looking at a pile of dead rat poisoned fish?? Two restaurant's 50mts either way from it plus 60 odd bungalows plus children all exposed to it.

So it is also quite ok for me to come visit you and drop a little around your house,i'm 20 mts away you ignorant man,i own i cat!!

Oh but of course,you have been here that long you think just like them!! You think only stray cats dogs eat it... What about Charlie,Kidang,choke the list goes on. Start thinking like a Western again

you are not off base or topic, my question would be - why are they setting these traps for local dogs ? what are they doing with the dead animals ? are they entering the food chain contaminated with deadly poison ?? is there a secret black market for these animals ? do you think if there was would we ever get to hear about such a scandal - I think not

Edited by smedly
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On the face of it, it looks like the poison has been put within a very short distance of well water. A good down pour and your poison is in the well. I can't quite work out how they have it rigged but the poison will go into the local water system. On the top it looks like 1/2 inch pipe to take water out the well. All you can do is go and speak with them. It sounds like they dont care about the animals, but you need to emphasize the hazardous issues concerning children.

That's a septic tank, and not a well. The smell is probably due to a full septic tank...

Cool, I was unsure what the 1/2 inch pipe was for, i assume it is a vent then.

No, it's also from the toilet, but when you do number 1. To save water, you know.

The air vent system is 2mts behind the wall,those are pipes leading to the bathroom system.... This is just one i know about....

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'Meanwhile Pol Col Wissawa Sanehha of Phi Phi sub police station said the initial police investigation had found that the sisters had visited a bar on the island that night before having a meal at a restaurant along the beach.

Dr Komkrit Phukrittayakami, director of Krabi Hospital said that from the condition of the bodies, it was likely that death had been caused by contaminated food but that an autopsy would be required to discover whether this was seafood, mushrooms or chemical substances.'

as posted at the beginning of this thread ... I assume that until the source of the poisoning is discovered all restaurants in the area are closed ? and that tourists are advised what is safe or not to eat .....and if there is suspicion even .005% that the poison came from around the resort then that or they should be closed too ...

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@ kohphangan

i read about 2 young girls poisoned,300 posts about poison and i'm looking at a pile of dead rat poisoned fish?? Two restaurant's 50mts either way from it

These "300" posts about poisoning does not mean anything. What could they/I/you know anything about what happened? Why not cool down and wait for the autopsy report instead of speculating too much?

And are you suggesting that the restaurants use fish from this "pile of dead rat poisoned fish" ? Yes, I'm saying that you are overreacting.

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'Meanwhile Pol Col Wissawa Sanehha of Phi Phi sub police station said the initial police investigation had found that the sisters had visited a bar on the island that night before having a meal at a restaurant along the beach.

Dr Komkrit Phukrittayakami, director of Krabi Hospital said that from the condition of the bodies, it was likely that death had been caused by contaminated food but that an autopsy would be required to discover whether this was seafood, mushrooms or chemical substances.'

as posted at the beginning of this thread ... I assume that until the source of the poisoning is discovered all restaurants in the area are closed ? and that tourists are advised what is safe or not to eat .....and if there is suspicion even .005% that the poison came from around the resort then that or they should be closed too ...

If they have already identified in which place they drank and eat, yes, the logical move would be to shut down these places until more details are uncovered. But if you shut down all the restaurants "on the beach" my guess is that they would re-sold their stocks to the places still open....

What bothers me in this story is that only the two sisters have been affected. They MUST have drank or eaten the same thing, and only them.

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Sad story all round.

Condolences to their family and friends.

Would be nice to get a proper investigation into the cause and some solid answers for the family and possibly other travellers in the area. Might be down to the girls family to pursue that avenue, that remains to be seen.

Either way, it wont bring them back

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'Meanwhile Pol Col Wissawa Sanehha of Phi Phi sub police station said the initial police investigation had found that the sisters had visited a bar on the island that night before having a meal at a restaurant along the beach.

Dr Komkrit Phukrittayakami, director of Krabi Hospital said that from the condition of the bodies, it was likely that death had been caused by contaminated food but that an autopsy would be required to discover whether this was seafood, mushrooms or chemical substances.'

as posted at the beginning of this thread ... I assume that until the source of the poisoning is discovered all restaurants in the area are closed ? and that tourists are advised what is safe or not to eat .....and if there is suspicion even .005% that the poison came from around the resort then that or they should be closed too ...

If they have already identified in which place they drank and eat, yes, the logical move would be to shut down these places until more details are uncovered. But if you shut down all the restaurants "on the beach" my guess is that they would re-sold their stocks to the places still open....

What bothers me in this story is that only the two sisters have been affected. They MUST have drank or eaten the same thing, and only them.

it doesn't matter the local police have said food poisoning ... so until the source is discovered and confirmed then all local restaurants should be closed ... as well as investigations at local markets etc ..

If they confirm it is not food poisoning then OK .

better to be safe than sorry

If it is not food poisoning then the hotel and area should be closed until the source is found .....

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"said tourism in the province had no yet been affected by the incident because the cause of death was still not known.

However, if it were found that they had died because of contaminated food, the image of the area would inevitably be affected."

THAT'S ALL THEY CARE ABOUT How it will affect tourism.... If it is food poisonning.... not if from some careless handling of a chemical .... whatever .... protect the image of Thailand at any cost !!

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"said tourism in the province had no yet been affected by the incident because the cause of death was still not known.

However, if it were found that they had died because of contaminated food, the image of the area would inevitably be affected."

THAT'S ALL THEY CARE ABOUT How it will affect tourism.... If it is food poisonning.... not if from some careless handling of a chemical .... whatever .... protect the image of Thailand at any cost !!

Plus they've got it backwards to the way most people think.

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(I've seen the effect of Warfarin on Pest Control operatives .... it takes a huge dose to cause acute any symptoms in something as large as a human, and so it could not be accidental)

"The toxic dose of warfarin is highly variable.....Superwarfarins are extremely potent and can produce prolonged effects even after a small ingestion; as little as 1 mg in an adult can cause coagulopathy. ...Bleeding is the primary adverse effect of warfarin and superwarfarin toxicity and is related to the intensity of anticoagulation, length of therapy, the patient's underlying clinical state, and use of other drugs that may affect hemostasis or interfere with warfarin metabolism.http://emedicine.med...821038-overview

One milligram

. . you are on track ! This is exactly what it is pointing too. And you are right, it could have been murder, if the room-pesticide suspicion CAN be ruled out . And btw, superwarfarines contain in parts arsenics, so your first reply to my post don't hold to the facts.

Was there a window in their room ..?? Ground level...?? So the murderer got out through a window...? since the chain was on the door according to the Fox News report ???

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(I've seen the effect of Warfarin on Pest Control operatives .... it takes a huge dose to cause acute any symptoms in something as large as a human, and so it could not be accidental)

"The toxic dose of warfarin is highly variable.....Superwarfarins are extremely potent and can produce prolonged effects even after a small ingestion; as little as 1 mg in an adult can cause coagulopathy. ...Bleeding is the primary adverse effect of warfarin and superwarfarin toxicity and is related to the intensity of anticoagulation, length of therapy, the patient's underlying clinical state, and use of other drugs that may affect hemostasis or interfere with warfarin metabolism.http://emedicine.med...821038-overview

One milligram

. . you are on track ! This is exactly what it is pointing too. And you are right, it could have been murder, if the room-pesticide suspicion CAN be ruled out . And btw, superwarfarines contain in parts arsenics, so your first reply to my post don't hold to the facts.

Was there a window in their room ..?? Ground level...?? So the murderer got out through a window...? since the chain was on the door according to the Fox News report ???

Is this woman's intuition?

'Cos I still suspect foul play from the island Police. And you could change murderer to plural? wink.png


Edited by MEL1
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it doesn't matter the local police have said food poisoning ... so until the source is discovered and confirmed then all local restaurants should be closed ... as well as investigations at local markets etc ..

If they confirm it is not food poisoning then OK .

better to be safe than sorry

If it is not food poisoning then the hotel and area should be closed until the source is found .....

Then you will have to evacuate the island. I am not saying you are wrong, but you have at least a couple of thousand people isolated on a very small island (which I know well as I used to work there for a while) with no other feeding options than to eat in the restaurants around. By now most of the tourist on the island should be aware of what happened. Are they leaving in mass ? Haven't heard about it, although I agree that they should, or resolve to not eat, drink only bottled water, sleep on the beach etc etc.....

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That's an interesting possibility that it was chemical poisoning in or around the room rather than food poisoning. Whatever the cause its sure that koh Pi Pi is fairly low on my list of idyllic Thai places to visit. Hope they shut the bungalow down and clean the place up

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More likely tainted party drugs than food poisoning

Finally a more open-minded reply.

Are you accusing these girls of cooking up some recreational drugs for just themselves in their bathroom? Even if someone supplied them the drugs then unless they were intentionally poisoned we would expect others that bought the drugs to be suffering the same consequences.. no?

Edited by Jayman
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Was there a window in their room ..?? Ground level...?? So the murderer got out through a window...? since the chain was on the door according to the Fox News report ???

To fuel your speculations, ground level and sliding glass door (not counting the chain locked door). Plus police collected various items including "headphones" with no mention of an attached device. Good luck Sherlock......

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