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Hows The Rainy Season Looking?

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Well 3 weeks of almost non-stop rain now, in which the daily average is 8" or so. Yesterday it was so bad, it knocked out the village pump. Our 1K litre tank is empty, and we are showering Thai style with the collected rain water. It appears to be drying out at last fingers crossed

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Well we have eventually got some rain here. The last 2 days have delivered some 3 to 4 inches and things are looking up a bit. still need quite a bit more but at least a lot of the rice has been saved for now. As for dams, rivers and ponds all still pretty miserable - should be full at this time of year.

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My wife caused it to rain here. She flooded her rice paddies from the pond. I had told her that as soon as she did that, it would rain. YES, it did rain and now the pond is lower than I have ever seen it. It will now take some serious rain to bring the pond level back to normal.

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....hot and dry for a week or so same as Phuket after a moth or so of very damp weather...huhum..

...now today after 6 days of torrential rainy periods and day long downpours it is high cirrus ( pissed down for about ten minutes at about 9am though)

Have not cut or sold any rubber for a week now....

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Here in southern Surin we have had very liittle rain. As soon as a little falls it is dried up within a day or 2 before the next shower. Good for rubber farmers BUT oh so bad for the rice growers. I feel very sorry for many of them.

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Some fairly handy falls down here on the eastern tableland in the last week. But some observations. About three times this season the ground has got to saturation point where you know that one more good storm will produce runoff and fill creeks and dams. But each time it has dried back out sufficiently to absorb the next falls. That is what is happening today. Also the storms seem to be of shorter duration especially in the heavy stage. The met bureau nearly always says sw winds for Chantaburi but up where I am I gaze longingly at the clouds in the south west but the wind seems mostly west even a touch of north sometimes

I dont have to irrigate but I'm more worried about having enough water next year because to finish my lamyai off in November and December I will be drawing down dams that are nowhere near previous years levels (yet anyway).

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This year we drilled a 6 inch bore hole that ended up 38 meters deep. We haven't needed it yet but that is our insurance policy. It has very good water and the well is very strong. Hopefully we will never need it but it is there just in case. I doubt the pond will fill back up from rain alone.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well update 3 weeks since last post is that its been raining more frequently and for longer. We have had runoff, my creek is flowing for the first time in 9 months and my dams are looking better. I was speaking to a local "to and from" that I run into only occasionally when our wives tell us to take them to the afternoon market at the same time. He has been here 6 years longer than me and he commented that he thought the wet season was getting later and later each year.

Just threw 150kg of fertiliser on the trees and finished it in the pouring rain which went on for another hour. Saving on petrol for irrigation but using plenty on the brushcutters.

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Here in Buriram (Village of Khoktoom near Prachonchai) had a decent amount of rain in one day about 10 days ago which helped perk up the rice which was going very brown. Since then the odd shower but not enough to make any impact. For days here seem to have dark clouds, a lot of thunder and lightning but the rain seems always to miss us. Hope the next few days will be better for the rice farmers.

Only been here for 3 years but this is the driest i have known it.

Edited by Pormax
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  • 2 weeks later...

Travelling up to Ban Dung 80 km north east of Udon I'd say the situation is looking very worrying for farmers this year in the upper north east. There hasn't been any rain for the last 3 weeks, What a contrast to Bangkok!

The rice fields are drying out and farmers are pumping water from ponds into the fields, but harvesting is still nearly 2 months away

If there is no more rain I'd say a lot of rice may be lost.

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Travelling up to Ban Dung 80 km north east of Udon I'd say the situation is looking very worrying for farmers this year in the upper north east. There hasn't been any rain for the last 3 weeks, What a contrast to Bangkok!

The rice fields are drying out and farmers are pumping water from ponds into the fields, but harvesting is still nearly 2 months away

If there is no more rain I'd say a lot of rice may be lost.

Strange how the weather in one place can be so different from another with very little distance between them. South east corner of Issan [me] rained everyday for 6 weeks, yet down the road 15, 20 km dry. Jim
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Unusual weather here. We have had steady light rains in the early morning hours every two or three days and mostly sunny days for three weeks. Water level on the rice is falling but still an adequate cover to hold the weeds back. No winds or storms thankfully. Thunder and lightning is the distance but none here. The water table is a little below the usual height. So far so good for me.

The locals have started preparing for an early chili crop and the tractors are busy. Got to get onto the fertiliser making.

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Quite a wet September, rained on 21 days and some very heavy prolonged rain as well. It stopped on Friday morning the 28th and hasn't looked likely since, in fact the temperatures have dropped and we have a lot of low cloud which the Thais are debating whether it is fog or not because of the cool. The weather bureau says more is coming though on about the 4th or 5th.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We had a few thunderstorms in September, no real periods of steady rain and no rain at all so far in October.

With no irrigation in the field, I am getting worried that we will not be seeing any decent rain until next April.

Soil is either rock hard or powdery fine sand.

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Buriram, Prachonchai, Nanrong area. Np rain for 2 weeks now and not a lot before them. Not sounding good for the rice farmers I suspect a low yield this year. Areas already starting to look brown. This time of the year would expect to cut the grass around the house every 10 days or so but have only had to do about 3 times during this rainy season.

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Should have waited 2 days to do my previous post. Last evening a big thunderstorm with very heavy rainfall for about 90 mins. Strange this as forcast (2 sites) stated o.1 mm of rainfall. Must of had at least 8mm. But this is the norm, been following weather forcasts for a year and they are very rarely correct. Welcome rain for the rice and trees but not sure enough.

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Should have waited 2 days to do my previous post. Last evening a big thunderstorm with very heavy rainfall for about 90 mins. Strange this as forcast (2 sites) stated o.1 mm of rainfall. Must of had at least 8mm. But this is the norm, been following weather forcasts for a year and they are very rarely correct. Welcome rain for the rice and trees but not sure enough.

If you are an IPhone user, try "weathertrack"; using Grib files will give you the most accurate forecast. ( about 70% )

It will auto locate you as well.

Best regards

Edited by soidog2
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