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NASA Cancels Climate Studies In Thailand


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They sat on the request for months, while concentrating only on the bill to whitewash Thaksin, and then forwarded to Parliament to debate in August, even though the project was supposed to commence in August. Pathetic.

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This is what the US has to deal with thanks to its record of aggression and asserting itself on smaller countries. This mission was most likely in good faith and would have been beneficial to the causes of science and environmentalism, but the world is simply wary and distrustful of the US, Thailand included. I'm American, but the truth is obvious even to me.

Don't watch too many James Bond movies...I don't think world domination is on the U.S.'s agenda. What happened here is purely the fault of a dysfunctional Thai govt...both on the ruling party and opposition party sides of the house.

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Congratulations Yingluck and Abhisit, you have both done your best for helping your country moving forwards! Please continue this way and within 5 years Cambodia will overtake you with more than one length...

Meanwhile the students (the leaders of tomorrow) will continue to work hard on their tablet computers for reaching good results in international competitions, tourists continued being stabbed to death and yearly flooding despite a clear interdiction from the Minister of Science. And where is Chalerm?

But all this will soon be better once the constitution wil be amended and the amnesty granted for the convicted criminal Thaksin...

Amazing Thailand!

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Scientific community would be devasted. Opportunity to learn for young Thai scientists gone out the window due to good old fashioned beurocracy and nationalistic agendas. Sad day for Thailand.

This government want to keep everyone in Thailand stupid so they can manipulate them into believing whatever this government promises will come true

What you think the tablet computers are meant for?

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People at the old airport would have been more than happy to rent space and tarmac access had the NASA people gone to them. In the long run, it would have been substantially less than firing up U-tapao.. Admiral was sent here to try to show a friendly face for the effort and Hilliary was here in December? Atmospheric studies...So green everyone should want one.. Been there.. done that, wrote the script and got the TeeShirt.

I heard they need the super-long runway which is only in U-Tapao. Perfectly suited for the B52 wheather survey flying fortresses...

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They sat on the request for months, while concentrating only on the bill to whitewash Thaksin, and then forwarded to Parliament to debate in August, even though the project was supposed to commence in August. Pathetic.

Sorry, wai.gif , but they sat on this for years. Both sides are to blame, but I do believe if Thaksin would not have been a factor, the dems could have focused on more important issues when they were in office, as opposed to riots. thumbsup.gif

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I heard they need the super-long runway which is only in U-Tapao. Perfectly suited for the B52 wheather survey flying fortresses...

You mean the one the American's built , along with the hospital they handed over to the locals once they split.

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I heard they need the super-long runway which is only in U-Tapao. Perfectly suited for the B52 wheather survey flying fortresses...

You mean the one the American's built , along with the hospital they handed over to the locals once they split.

Aye...but they didnt build it out of the goodness in their hearts did they..whistling.gif

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This is what the US has to deal with thanks to its record of aggression and asserting itself on smaller countries. This mission was most likely in good faith and would have been beneficial to the causes of science and environmentalism, but the world is simply wary and distrustful of the US, Thailand included. I'm American, but the truth is obvious even to me.

I agree but I am not sure that the intent of the mission was to benefit science. The photo on the front page of the BKK Post showed the supposed weather plane. They used to be called U2s during the Cold War and their purpose was far from being weather data collection

Thought they were our ally!

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Thailand can feel real proud now as after securing its air space from spying by some farang country they can now move towards deployment of satellites tracking the whereabouts of aliens throughout the country. The next step will be construction of giant laser guns in orbit capable to blasting YOU out if you overstay your visa or try to grab and get away with Thai LAND.

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Good !!, I am glad they did cancel it and I hope it is canceled forever and they move it to a more rational country.

Yes i agree too, Thailand can have the chinese keep their trojans at U-tapao, their fears will br their reality!

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Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra had announced on Tuesday that her Cabinet was forwarding the NASA request to use U-Tapao naval airbase to conduct atmospheric studies to Parliament for a non-voting debate for transparency following heavy criticism from the opposition and critics.!!!!! Seems like the politicians in this country have the interlectual capacity of a fried egg.

I read that when this was previously submitted to the Dem Government it had been agreed without issue, then with the change of Government the Dems changed tact and decided to oppose the plans... can anyone shed any light on this aspect? Seems strange that they would switch stances from being in power to becoming the opposition.

Dems couldn't get their kickbacks?

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This is what the US has to deal with thanks to its record of aggression and asserting itself on smaller countries. This mission was most likely in good faith and would have been beneficial to the causes of science and environmentalism, but the world is simply wary and distrustful of the US, Thailand included. I'm American, but the truth is obvious even to me.

I agree but I am not sure that the intent of the mission was to benefit science. The photo on the front page of the BKK Post showed the supposed weather plane. They used to be called U2s during the Cold War and their purpose was far from being weather data collection

So why did NASA cancel the project instead of wait 2 months to start their spying?

The study involved the monsoon weather flow. Delaying the study puts it outside the monsoonal atmospheric flow.

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This is what the US has to deal with thanks to its record of aggression and asserting itself on smaller countries. This mission was most likely in good faith and would have been beneficial to the causes of science and environmentalism, but the world is simply wary and distrustful of the US, Thailand included. I'm American, but the truth is obvious even to me.

I agree but I am not sure that the intent of the mission was to benefit science. The photo on the front page of the BKK Post showed the supposed weather plane. They used to be called U2s during the Cold War and their purpose was far from being weather data collection

So why did NASA cancel the project instead of wait 2 months to start their spying?

The study involved the monsoon weather flow. Delaying the study puts it outside the monsoonal atmospheric flow.

It's good that dluek mentioned that as a Amarican. But, seriously, what would ther be to spy in Thailand compared to mysterious China? New secret Tom Yum ingredients?

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Thanks to the bravery of the Democrat Party and the resourcefulness of the People's Alliance for Democracy, the Thai people (and all us wise and loyal farang) now know the truth behind "NASA's" request for a so-called climate study center at U-Tapao: it's a facility to control the weather and cause natural disasters, granted to the US so that they can give Thaksin a US visa. It would be equivalent to surrendering Thai sovereignty to the US, and allowing them to use Thai soil to wage war against their enemies.

Source: http://prachatai.com/english/node/3275

The editors at Prachatai are red-shirt cowards who refused to show the full evidence that the PAD revealed: that prototype weather control facilities have already been used to cause untold harm to China and other allies of Thailand.

Source: http://www.manager.c...D=9550000075998

When the Democrat Party allowed the US to use U-Tapao for Operation Enduring Freedom, at least that was visible to the public. But who knows what nasty secret plans the US has for this scary new super-weapon?

Tin foil hat people!

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As has been reported, the issue is a purely domestic politics problem. The PTP was worried that if a cabinet resolution was passed approving the mission, someone would file a lawsuit saying they had overstepped their bounds and they cannot make an agreement involving national security and sovereignty.

The Council of State had already ruled that it was within the constitutional rights of the cabinet to approve the mission, but they could debate in a parliament and have a non-binding vote on it.

The cabinet took the easy way out and voted to have a parliamentary debate (which cannot take place until August when it reconvenes)


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As you say, you are an American, and I respect your right to your opinion, but I do feel that you should know or agree that it takes more to be a real AMERICAN than just a passport or birth certificate. Think about it.

Ah a new spin on the typical posts...American's accusing American's of vile anti-American rhetoric...Kerryk...where are you buddy ?

I shall get my popcorn and enjoy the show....

I am curious to know exactly what "A real American is ?...John Wayne ?....he was a hairdresser...laugh.png

Indiana Jones? Seriously.. if people can stop think about themselfs.. This is just sad for the Thai sceintists and the picture of the whole country...

Indiana jones cant be a real American his daddy is Scottish..!

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This is what the US has to deal with thanks to its record of aggression and asserting itself on smaller countries. This mission was most likely in good faith and would have been beneficial to the causes of science and environmentalism, but the world is simply wary and distrustful of the US, Thailand included. I'm American, but the truth is obvious even to me.

I agree but I am not sure that the intent of the mission was to benefit science. The photo on the front page of the BKK Post showed the supposed weather plane. They used to be called U2s during the Cold War and their purpose was far from being weather data collection

Yep. The US is going to use outdated U-2s based in Thailand to spy on China (or maybe they are within range of the Middle East!). Better they should have junked them, along with the SR-71s, rather than using them for scientific purposes. After all, once a spy plane, always a spy plane.

I dont think spying was on the agenda. When the US wants to spy on China they use their base in South Korea or Japan which is much closer than Thailand. Using Thailand as a base to spy makes no sense.

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Thai in-fight forces US to shelve climate study

BANGKOK, June 28, 2012 (AFP) - The United States has shelved plans for a climate research project based out of Thailand, its embassy said Thursday, after political bickering within the kingdom delayed approval for the scheme.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) had planned to use the U-Tapao air base, 190 kilometres (120 miles) southeast of Bangkok, for its study of monsoon weather patterns in August and September.

But Thailand's government missed a deadline to approve the scheme leaving NASA short of the necessary "lead time" to transport equipment, hire staff and build laboratories for the study, an embassy spokesman in Bangkok said.

"It is unfortunate to lose this important opportunity for NASA and Thai scientists to collaborate to collect data of scientific importance to not only our two countries but others in the region as well," said spokesman Walter Braunohler.

"It is too early to say at this time whether resources will be available to revisit the project next year."

The issue is the latest in a series of bitter rows between the Pheu Thai ruling party of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra -- the sister of ousted premier Thaksin -- and the main opposition Democrat Party, who respectively represent the nation's "Red" and "Yellow" shirt factions.

Yingluck had endorsed the project, but retreated from approving it amid fierce criticism from the opposition, which claimed a deal had been struck allowing the NASA study in exchange for granting a US visa to Thaksin -- who lives in self-imposed exile.

The Democrats also raised fears the study could compromise Thai sovereignty and impact on the country's relations with China, which is carefully watching US moves to establish further footholds in Southeast Asia.

Democrat leader Abhisit Vejjajiva, who was succeeded as prime minister by Yingluck in 2010, said the government had failed to sell the benefits of the project.

"It's the government's responsibility to use the half year they had but they did not explain the project to the public," he told AFP.

"During this time the government should have talked with friendly neighbours to make them comfortable (with the project)," he said, without saying which nations he was referring to.

A senior Science Ministry official said it was "pity" for flood-prone Thailand to miss the chance to "fully understand global climate" on account of a political wrangle.

"Thailand may appear a bit strange in the eyes of international scientific community because this is pure science, but we have unnecessarily tied the issue to politics," Anond Snidvongs, director Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency said.

The US has a long association with U-Tapao, using it as an airbase for its B-52 bombers during the Vietnam War.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2012-06-28

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after reading all the posts I am surprised how little some members know what the US is capable of

and how short is there memory,

it's about one month ago this was big news:

SINGAPORE – In his first speech in Asia since the president announced a strategic pivot to Asia, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta sought to reassure China that the new U.S. strategy to pivot military resources and focus to Asia is not designed to contain China.


good luck to those believing in science

And of course China is being such a good citizen:


In 1988, China and Vietnam clashed at sea over possession of Johnson Reef in the Spratlys. Chinese gunboats sank Vietnamese transport ships supporting a landing party of Vietnamese soldiers. 64 Vietnamese soldiers were killed. [4]

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This is what the US has to deal with thanks to its record of aggression and asserting itself on smaller countries. This mission was most likely in good faith and would have been beneficial to the causes of science and environmentalism, but the world is simply wary and distrustful of the US, Thailand included. I'm American, but the truth is obvious even to me.

I agree but I am not sure that the intent of the mission was to benefit science. The photo on the front page of the BKK Post showed the supposed weather plane. They used to be called U2s during the Cold War and their purpose was far from being weather data collection

I have seen this airplane up close. It came to DFW Int'l Airport in Fort Worth Texas and NASA parked this very aircraft in the American Airlines hanger 3. There was no security at all. All in the hanger could walk around it up close and observe all the antennas, probes and data collection equipment. Photographic equip was not seen. Yes it use to be a U-2. Now its declassified and painted white. Now some one post that all the antennas, probes and data collection equipment is for spying on unsuspecting nations.
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Scientific community would be devasted. Opportunity to learn for young Thai scientists gone out the window due to good old fashioned beurocracy and nationalistic agendas. Sad day for Thailand.

This government want to keep everyone in Thailand stupid so they can manipulate them into believing whatever this government promises will come true

What you think the tablet computers are meant for?

Uhhh, Angry Birds?
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Scientific community would be devasted. Opportunity to learn for young Thai scientists gone out the window due to good old fashioned beurocracy and nationalistic agendas. Sad day for Thailand.

This government want to keep everyone in Thailand stupid so they can manipulate them into believing whatever this government promises will come true

What you think the tablet computers are meant for?

Uhhh, Angry Birds?

And don't forget being hypnotized by advertising
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after reading all the posts I am surprised how little some members know what the US is capable of

and how short is there memory,

it's about one month ago this was big news:

SINGAPORE – In his first speech in Asia since the president announced a strategic pivot to Asia, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta sought to reassure China that the new U.S. strategy to pivot military resources and focus to Asia is not designed to contain China.


good luck to those believing in science

We certainly know that Fox News aficionados don't believe in science anyways, so, Good luck to anyone who watches Fox News, and doesn't realize it's not a news channel, but a propaganda channel for The American Taliban

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Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra had announced on Tuesday that her Cabinet was forwarding the NASA request to use U-Tapao naval airbase to conduct atmospheric studies to Parliament for a non-voting debate for transparency following heavy criticism from the opposition and critics.!!!!! Seems like the politicians in this country have the interlectual capacity of a fried egg.

I read that when this was previously submitted to the Dem Government it had been agreed without issue, then with the change of Government the Dems changed tact and decided to oppose the plans... can anyone shed any light on this aspect? Seems strange that they would switch stances from being in power to becoming the opposition.

The Dems, as far as I understand, did not oppose the plans, merely suggested that the proposal be put to parliamentary vote to ensure open dealings. The poweres that be had ample time to do this yet were so preoccupied with getting big brother back that they missed the boat, and now they are blaming the Democrats for the unfortunate result. Very very sad !

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Just another shoot-yourself-in-the-foot symptom of Thailand's growing xenophobia.

Notice the protagonists: Nationalists & Democrats.


I dont really believe this is to do with xenophobia per se....stupidity yes...are there a gang of child running the country ?.... yes

I really do believe a lot of this was to do with trying to playing being self important...ie the US has to ask Thailand for permission, and they puffed there chest out and thought we are important, they need us, we will negotiate and it all back-fired on them in a big way

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Does anyone have factual data as to when this request was made? Was it a few months ago, or August last year. If it was August last year, who was setting on the request, and why? If it was only a few months ago, than how can NASA think that any government would approve it in such a short time.

The original request was made under the previous government, about 18 months ago.

More contacts were made with the present government 12 months ago, and followed up by NASA since then, but because it was to use the airport run by the Thai navy the official channel was NASA - US Military - Thai Navy - Defence minister - Science Minister

As far as I know this has been stuck on the desks of the Defence and science ministers in Thailand for the last 12 months and no response from them as to a decision.

Finally, on a courtesy visit last month, Gen Dempsey raised the issue directly of why there was no response, therefore leading to articles in the newspapers and the political fuss

The planning has been available on the NASA websites for over a year.


Check out the Wikileaks. The Ambassador has raised this issue with Cabinet-level Ministers of the Democrat government for a loooong time.

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