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Chuwit Demands Urgent Crackdown On Bangkok Gambling Den


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On the contrary, you are the dreamer. If you think that the police would have killed Mr. Chuwit for bringing charges, you are wrong. He could have made sure that it was documented when he went to the police and he could have reached out to the prosecutor's office well before that.You also forget that he sits on the police oversight committee. Why hasn't he used his position to initiate effective action? Why a personal press conference and not a more effective direct action? Has it occurred to you, that maybe he isn't concerned about the gambling den? This is all about positioning himself as the only honest politician in Thailand. I believe that the man actually believes that the "people" will come to him and ask him to run the country.

Maybe my scenario was a bit tongue in cheek, but do you seriously believe that the police are going to do anything to shut down the casino? Yeah there will be some token 'raid' in a few days, after the police have had chance to relocate their profitable venture somewhere else (or at least temporarily shut it down the day before the 'raid')

And right back atcha on the dreamer comment, you seriously believe the brown mafia wont be gunning for him after he has embarrassed them (a number of times) and makes loud public moves to cut off one of their cash cows?

You need to go drink some more coffee (or perhaps something a little stronger) and wake up a bit mate, the police force here is the most corrupt 'gang' in the country, they should have come down on this 'casino' yesterday like a tonne of bricks, as stated before a search warrant can be obtained very quickly... but no, they drag their heels and do nothing, giving their comrades who run the day-to-day side of the casino long enough to clear out the offending evidence, then give the police the nod to say they are ready to be raided.

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GK - Dreaming as usual

I can see that working really well;

Chuvit: Hello Sgt Somchai, you know that really profitable Casino you guys 'protect' in Bangkok and get a % of the profits to leave it alone, well i have evidence that it exists and you guys have to shut it down right now or i will goto the press with this information!

Sgt Somchai: Mr Chuvit, please step into this room and lets fill out the report...

<sound of door closing>

<Sound of gun being fired>

<Door Opens>

Sgt Somchai: Hey, you two, yeah you cadets... come here, help me hide this body.

On the contrary, you are the dreamer. If you think that the police would have killed Mr. Chuwit for bringing charges, you are wrong. He could have made sure that it was documented when he went to the police and he could have reached out to the prosecutor's office well before that.You also forget that he sits on the police oversight committee. Why hasn't he used his position to initiate effective action? Why a personal press conference and not a more effective direct action? Has it occurred to you, that maybe he isn't concerned about the gambling den? This is all about positioning himself as the only honest politician in Thailand. I believe that the man actually believes that the "people" will come to him and ask him to run the country.

They would not have killed Chuwit of course.... But they would definitely not have done anything, and walked away with it as usual....especially if his claims are somehow true

And if they had not acted on his substantiated allegation, then Mr. Chuwit in his position of Deputy Chairman of the oversight committee could have taken action and nailed multiple corrupt officials to the wall. It would have been the perfect opportunity to do that. Instead, he opted for a public event, an event which he knew would not do anything to catch the gambling den operators or corrupt officials aiding and abetting the illegal activity. This was all about Mr. Chuwit getting some publicity.

No, and we all know that!

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"Hence, when he gets tipoffs or complaints, he can forward them to relevant authorities.

- From OP -

Since 'relevent authorities' are quite possibly entwined with the baddies, then it serves no good purpose to alert authorities. Plus, the gears of Thai bureaucracy work very slowly, if at all.

Why didn't Chuwit go to the police station and make a formal complaint and provide evidence? With his statement and evidence, the police would have consulted with the prosecutor's office and then if the evidence justified further action, a search warrant would have been obtained and the police could have raided the premises. That is how the legal system works in Thailand. It's also how it works in Australia, the UK, and the USA.

I don't quite understand how some people are all in favour of a police raid without a proper search warrant. Do they not realize that without a proper search warrant, the police cannot enter a private dwelling? Charges arising from an illegal search are summarily dismissed in court.

Oh sure, some will say, but "they" would have tipped off the gamblers. Well, not if the great Chuwit had actually followed the legally accepted procedures. Had there been a tipoff, then he could have pursued the matter in his capacity as deputy chair of the House committee on police affairs and taken a bite out of the police officals whom he alleged were corrupt and tipped off the gambling den. Instead, Chuwit took the publicity route and made sure he could get as much personal media attention as possible. There are ways to fight corruption and Mr. Chuwit's methods are not effective. If he was serious, he'd stop looking for the spotlight and use his position to haul up the alleged corrupt officials before his committee and ask for answers to his questions.

Is the above post a jest? If Chuwit or anyone goes to police and attempts to get a search warrant (for something important), and keep it secret, is near impossible in Thailand.

First off, if you're making a report with one or two officers, there's going to be a crowd within seconds - within the police station. Thais know nothing about keeping secrets in such matters. A few minutes later, someone will leak it to the people under investigation.

Clandestine operations can't happen in Thailand.

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"Now if the police don't take immediate action, the operators of the den will have time to relocate,"


this guy's such a moron.


Sure he has his scaly past history, and he admits it. So what!

With the police and other agencies ignoring many legal activities, every citizen has the right to stand up and demand action. That's what democracy is all about.

Personally I support Chuwit or anybody who stands up and demands some action. If it makes the police squirm then they deserve to squirm.

His statement that lack of action will give the den owners time to move is totally logical and a relevant point to make.

Chalerm's comment about 'cannot search with a document' is a laugh. Police have many ways to 'skin a cat' as needed. In any country there are mechanisms whereby the police can get the search warrant within minutes where needed.

Given that Chuwit has spoken up and has handed over videos, photos and more, why haven't the police already gained the the search warrant and conducted the search?

You used the word democracy in your post. Unfortunately, Thailand is not a democracy. The 2006 coup, tossing out of the constitution for convenience, and then the whole string of events since then.

The same old casual lies dropped into thread after thread. The constitution was NOT tossed out, it was modified to include amnesty for the coup plotters, removed the requirement for MPs to hols a degree, and anti-corruption measures added. If you know of any other alterations, please inform us or stop posting misinformation.

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To be fair, he is a bit of a moron. If he wasn't he would have recorded and provided all of the evidence to the police prior to going public and looking for a bit of publicity. There is no point having it published all over the papers and then ask the police to go there!

Regardless, there is no way they will stop the gambling- police gamble, military gamble, politicians gamble, civilians gamble, people in all walks of life gamble. On the grand scheme of things it is not really very important- and will go on and has gone on under any Governement. I wish Chuwit would spend more time investigating large scale contract corruptions and the like.

"Bureau spokesman Colonel Preeda Sathavorn accepted the video clips and other evidence about the alleged den and was asked to sign the receipt. Chuwit said he wanted Preeda's signature to prove that the police had officially received evidence of the alleged illegal activities."

Do you have even the slightest clue? To WHAT police should he have given the evidence? The ones not involved in, and profiting from, illegal gambling?

Does anyone here have the reading comprehension of a kindergartener? Some dim bulb quotes a sentence out of context, and you don't even bother to read the original post?

Welcome to Thailand, you'll fit right in.

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GK - Dreaming as usual

I can see that working really well;

Chuvit: Hello Sgt Somchai, you know that really profitable Casino you guys 'protect' in Bangkok and get a % of the profits to leave it alone, well i have evidence that it exists and you guys have to shut it down right now or i will goto the press with this information!

Sgt Somchai: Mr Chuvit, please step into this room and lets fill out the report...

<sound of door closing>

<Sound of gun being fired>

<Door Opens>

Sgt Somchai: Hey, you two, yeah you cadets... come here, help me hide this body.

On the contrary, you are the dreamer. If you think that the police would have killed Mr. Chuwit for bringing charges, you are wrong. He could have made sure that it was documented when he went to the police and he could have reached out to the prosecutor's office well before that.You also forget that he sits on the police oversight committee. Why hasn't he used his position to initiate effective action? Why a personal press conference and not a more effective direct action? Has it occurred to you, that maybe he isn't concerned about the gambling den? This is all about positioning himself as the only honest politician in Thailand. I believe that the man actually believes that the "people" will come to him and ask him to run the country.

This is based on the assumption that said committee is other than a toothless tiger, of course. GK, such idealism really is very refreshing, but... Come in GK, we here on earth are losing you! ... signal fades... oh dear, looks like we've lost him... let's hope we can re-establish contact at the next orbit...

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I am told the top Bangkok Casinos service 3,000 customers a day, each spending on average 30,000bt.

The local cop shop gets a % of the daily take.

It is a miracle that Chuwit is still alive.

Are you the owner of the Casino? Do you gamble there? Or did very important people tell you?

Maybe the police should investigate you.

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I am told the top Bangkok Casinos service 3,000 customers a day, each spending on average 30,000bt.

The local cop shop gets a % of the daily take.

It is a miracle that Chuwit is still alive.

it's ok though, he's only focused on one of them.

you know as much as i do that gambling itself isn't his real issue here! smile.png

From yesterday's thread:"The flamboyant MP also named other dens in Bangkok: Otto Den, Phatthanakan 77 Den and King Phet Den, whose operation he said was recorded on Monday night in a video clip."Though it does seem logical to focus on the one with the highest connections

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Gambling is illegal in Thailand as is prostitution, however without these two major industries Thailand would probably lose half it's gross income.

As with most things Thai, a blind eye is always preferred to confrontation, especially when a nice little earner is made by all.

If all things illegal were rooted out & stopped what would happen to all our city centre entrepreneurs & beach resorts ??

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To be fair, he is a bit of a moron. If he wasn't he would have recorded and provided all of the evidence to the police prior to going public and looking for a bit of publicity. There is no point having it published all over the papers and then ask the police to go there!

Regardless, there is no way they will stop the gambling- police gamble, military gamble, politicians gamble, civilians gamble, people in all walks of life gamble. On the grand scheme of things it is not really very important- and will go on and has gone on under any Governement. I wish Chuwit would spend more time investigating large scale contract corruptions and the like.

"Bureau spokesman Colonel Preeda Sathavorn accepted the video clips and other evidence about the alleged den and was asked to sign the receipt. Chuwit said he wanted Preeda's signature to prove that the police had officially received evidence of the alleged illegal activities."

Do you have even the slightest clue? To WHAT police should he have given the evidence? The ones not involved in, and profiting from, illegal gambling?

Does anyone here have the reading comprehension of a kindergartener? Some dim bulb quotes a sentence out of context, and you don't even bother to read the original post?

Welcome to Thailand, you'll fit right in.

From reading yesterdays reports, it appears he has gone public with this, before even giving the information to the police which is obviously useless.

Given he is on the police oversight commission perhaps he would know someone who he could have provided the evidence to- if there is no one who could act for whatever reason, I would suggest he is failing in his oversight position.

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mmm yeah.. nice one yunla

completely based on reality, as usual...

No but I was reacting to you calling this guy a "moron", I think it takes guts to go out there and face the oligarchs at the top, and their crime interests. I personally don't have the courage or the stamina to go out there and do what he does, but when I see somebody else doing that I don't call them a moron, because I'm just another anonymous keyboard gandalf myself.

i was calling him a moron for making such a moronic comment yunla..

but.. ok yunla

To be fair, he is a bit of a moron. If he wasn't he would have recorded and provided all of the evidence to the police prior to going public and looking for a bit of publicity. There is no point having it published all over the papers and then ask the police to go there!

Regardless, there is no way they will stop the gambling- police gamble, military gamble, politicians gamble, civilians gamble, people in all walks of life gamble. On the grand scheme of things it is not really very important- and will go on and has gone on under any Governement. I wish Chuwit would spend more time investigating large scale contract corruptions and the like.

can you do me a favour and help me out on if i'm losing my mind or not? was there a comment which i replied to you on this post.

it weirdly seems to have disappeared without any explanation whatsoever.

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I am told the top Bangkok Casinos service 3,000 customers a day, each spending on average 30,000bt.

The local cop shop gets a % of the daily take.

It is a miracle that Chuwit is still alive.

it's ok though, he's only focused on one of them.

you know as much as i do that gambling itself isn't his real issue here! smile.png

From yesterday's thread:"The flamboyant MP also named other dens in Bangkok: Otto Den, Phatthanakan 77 Den and King Phet Den, whose operation he said was recorded on Monday night in a video clip."Though it does seem logical to focus on the one with the highest connections

mick, do you really wish to insult your own intelligence by saying that this isn't just a shot aimed at thaksin...

Edited by nurofiend
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Is it that time of the year again, how time flies seems like just yesterday that they were cracking down on gambling dens.

Nah, same same but different. Last time the usual clique was demanding the Chief of Police head on a pike, not so this time.

Can't be because the chief is another member of The Family, could it?

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You have to love Chalerm's sense of police duty. A serving MP claims that a crime is in progress, and police insist that he leave the area because the criminals are angry about that and may attack him. Would it not be the duty of armed police to prevent such an attack?

Chuwit's crusade is not so much against gambling but police corruption, and gambling is a major source of that corruption. To expect much in the way of police assistance to reveal police corruption is a tad surreal.

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Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung condemned Chuwit for trying to link the government to illegal gambling activities.

"If he is so confident about it, he should have named the person," Chalerm said

The reason he hasn't named any names is because, if he did he would get his arse sued into oblivion by the likes of you Khun C.

Until they change the libel laws so that if you can prove it is true it isn't libel, fingers can only be pointed in the general direction.

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I am told the top Bangkok Casinos service 3,000 customers a day, each spending on average 30,000bt.

The local cop shop gets a % of the daily take.

It is a miracle that Chuwit is still alive.

it's ok though, he's only focused on one of them.

you know as much as i do that gambling itself isn't his real issue here! smile.png

From yesterday's thread:"The flamboyant MP also named other dens in Bangkok: Otto Den, Phatthanakan 77 Den and King Phet Den, whose operation he said was recorded on Monday night in a video clip."Though it does seem logical to focus on the one with the highest connections

mick, do you really wish to insult your own intelligence by saying that this isn't just a shot aimed at thaksin...

Actually, yes. Although a reference was made in that direction, there was no suggestion that he was involved personally. Rather than a sniper shot, it was more like a double-barrel shotgun blast at his whole criminal conspiracy family and puppet government. I hope he keeps it up.Remember that the last CoP was removed for failing to crack down on gambling, and Chalerm has assured us that there are no gambling dens operating, and shortly Thailand will be drug-free. Where is the former moral outrage and rush to investigate?

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Actually, yes. Although a reference was made in that direction, there was no suggestion that he was involved personally. Rather than a sniper shot, it was more like a double-barrel shotgun blast at his whole criminal conspiracy family and puppet government. I hope he keeps it up.Remember that the last CoP was removed for failing to crack down on gambling, and Chalerm has assured us that there are no gambling dens operating, and shortly Thailand will be drug-free. Where is the former moral outrage and rush to investigate?

all i'm asking is if you think his issue and goal is 'gambling' or 'thaksin'

and i'm satisfied with what you've answered just now, that you didn't insult your own intelligence and can see the reality.


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All Chalerm's actions and words in relation to this flap, indicate he (Chalerm) is trying to slow down or outright stop such busts.

Chalerm is a perfect example of 'speaking with forked tongue.' He pretends to support crime suppression, but his words and deeds point in a 180 degree different direction. He wouldn't be trying to nix the closing of gambling dens, would he? I mean, a man of his prestige would not be involved with the sordid gambling business (or protecting his VIP buddies, who are), would he?

Maybe he can use the excuse of drinking too much of his inner-ear medication.

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Clandestine operations occur all the time in Thailand. It's how they arrested many of the redshirts. They also undertake these clandestine operations when catching some of the drugdealers. The allegations of large gambling dens are sufficiently serious to involve the DSI, especially since it would mean that there was widescale police corruption. The reality is that until someone brings forward a serious complaint and insists on intervention, nothing will happen. Mr. Chuwit has more tools at his disposal than most anyone else to attack police corruption. Nothing is stopping him from holding hearings on the subject. Or rather I should say, that if he had the support of the Democrat opposition party he could force hearings into the subject. For the life of me, I don't understand why the Democrats won't support the man. whistling.gif

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And it's all the Democrats fault...

Gee, I'm learning so much today!

hahaha, please show us all... one place where you drew that conclusion from this thread, or discontinue spouting that absolute bs.

Don't bother me, ask GK.

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Actually, yes. Although a reference was made in that direction, there was no suggestion that he was involved personally. Rather than a sniper shot, it was more like a double-barrel shotgun blast at his whole criminal conspiracy family and puppet government. I hope he keeps it up.Remember that the last CoP was removed for failing to crack down on gambling, and Chalerm has assured us that there are no gambling dens operating, and shortly Thailand will be drug-free. Where is the former moral outrage and rush to investigate?

all i'm asking is if you think his issue and goal is 'gambling' or 'thaksin'

and i'm satisfied with what you've answered just now, that you didn't insult your own intelligence and can see the reality.


Refer to post #45.

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Actually, yes. Although a reference was made in that direction, there was no suggestion that he was involved personally. Rather than a sniper shot, it was more like a double-barrel shotgun blast at his whole criminal conspiracy family and puppet government. I hope he keeps it up.Remember that the last CoP was removed for failing to crack down on gambling, and Chalerm has assured us that there are no gambling dens operating, and shortly Thailand will be drug-free. Where is the former moral outrage and rush to investigate?

all i'm asking is if you think his issue and goal is 'gambling' or 'thaksin'

and i'm satisfied with what you've answered just now, that you didn't insult your own intelligence and can see the reality.


Refer to post #45.

yeah i seen it, still doesn't answer whether you think this about his genuine concern on the plight of gambling in thailand whistling.gif or is it an attempt to sling mud at thaksin and ptp...

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