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Advice On How To Deal With A Street Party(My Personal Experience)


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Great story, thanks for sharing this. I wonder this 8 am/10 pm rule applies to the whole country or it's just the local by-law.

Well done.

And no, we are not guests, I wonder why some people keep saying this. blink.png

Post 4, maybe you are a guest and you feel like it, I feel sorry for you.

Edited by garrya
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great description of the mother and father cheesy.gif

gonna send the OP a PM about the daughter wub.png

joking aside I wouldn't be too worried about physical retribution...however if you do have any pets i'dkeep an eye on them....and check your tyres on your vehicles before you go anywhere thumbsup.gif

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We had some street parties and these white monks are noisy and annoying but for a short time only.

Drinking not permitted. Telling and inviting in advance. Giving food for every house and ask if everything is OK and nothing blocked etc etc etc.

Not only giving a gift but inviting everyone and people who don't come will brought some food and invited again. This much friendliness can be boring....

Nothing ever seen like you describe....

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great description of the mother and father cheesy.gif

gonna send the OP a PM about the daughter wub.png

joking aside I wouldn't be too worried about physical retribution...however if you do have any pets i'dkeep an eye on them....and check your tyres on your vehicles before you go anywhere thumbsup.gif

yes we need pics (from the daughter)...

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Well how will the neighbours know who if anyone called city hall? It could have been anyone in the village or a random licence check? Forget it and get on with life, even be nice and polite to your new neighbours

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We ARE all visitors (guests) except a very few with LOS passport. You can be chucked out at will. sad.png .

Feel sorry for you to not understand that.rolleyes.gif

I usually agree with you TA, but in this instance I feel the is a little too much paranoia.

While we are guests the rules can, are and will be enforced if we help the system along.

The Op is a good example of such.. I've witnessed similar in the past.

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We ARE all visitors (guests) except a very few with LOS passport. You can be chucked out at will. sad.png .

Feel sorry for you to not understand that.rolleyes.gif

clap2.gif ...... little bit paranoid, aren't we?

I am not going to give them the reason to have me chucked out.

It's entirely up to you if you deem yourself as a guest with no rights. The example, above, shows exactly the opposite of your theory.

By the way, is there any survey done on the number of people having been chucked out of the country without any cause? I have never heard of any yet.

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This has happened to me on rare occasions.

Each time I was not aware that a street party was going to take place until I heard the sounds of speakers and vehicles pulling up during the early hours of the morning. Then I would ask my wife was what happening and she replied, they`re having a house warming party or a party for some other event on that day.

Easy peasy. I just packed my bag, got on my motorbike and went to stay at a hotel during that day and for the night. As a matter of fact, I found this as a good excuse to get away and have a good night out somewhere. Then when I arrived home the following day, all was quite and back to normal again.

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This has happened to me on rare occasions.

Each time I was not aware that a street party was going to take place until I heard the sounds of speakers and vehicles pulling up during the early hours of the morning. Then I would ask my wife was what happening and she replied, they`re having a house warming party or a party for some other event on that day.

Easy peasy. I just packed my bag, got on my motorbike and went to stay at a hotel during that day and for the night. As a matter of fact, I found this as a good excuse to get away and have a good night out somewhere. Then when I arrived home the following day, all was quite and back to normal again.

Thats it then! excellent I want some do you think your wife could talk to mine ? think I would need a better excuse than a street party.. ermm.gif

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Good to hear they closed the F****ers down they should do more of this, in fact they should have fined em anyway, too many people have no consideration for others and instead use the daft system of never complaining or the complainer being the one who is thought badly of......................CRAP

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This has happened to me on rare occasions.

Each time I was not aware that a street party was going to take place until I heard the sounds of speakers and vehicles pulling up during the early hours of the morning. Then I would ask my wife was what happening and she replied, they`re having a house warming party or a party for some other event on that day.

Easy peasy. I just packed my bag, got on my motorbike and went to stay at a hotel during that day and for the night. As a matter of fact, I found this as a good excuse to get away and have a good night out somewhere. Then when I arrived home the following day, all was quite and back to normal again.

Thats it then! excellent I want some do you think your wife could talk to mine ? think I would need a better excuse than a street party.. ermm.gif

My wife fully understands that I enjoy peace and quite, plus my nerves would not tolerate the noise, disruption and disorder of a 24-hour local street party. If I were to stay at home during one of those events, I would be complaining, unsettled and miserable the whole time, so my wife knows it is better for everyone if I was off the scene and would have thought that any understanding wife will have no objections and realise that under the circumstances hubby has genuine reasons for seeking solitude somewhere else while all this is going on. Perhaps your wife doesn’t trust you?

The only other alternatives is to grin and bare it or as in the OPs case, to contact the local authority and set all the local community, his neighbors against him, which is not smart, considering one has to live with these people.

Most of these parties are few and far between and I prefer the easy solution, which means after the ball is over I am still on friendly terms and liked by my neighbors and I get no hassles later on.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Not only has the OP stopped the party, he's almost certainly stopped the ordination of the would-be monk. (It's the tradition here to cancel the ordination if anyone objects at any stage during the preparations, including the pre-ordination celebration.) The latter will probably be more upsetting to the family than the former.

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Just thought will make a small thread and give people some advice on how to deal with those loud street parties where no one seems to care about people living near by

There has been a few threads asking for advice, but no one could really come up with a sure proof answer.

I have now been a victim of such and found a solution which worked very well, so here it is

Little background

I live in a small soi, village alike with about 15 houses. Everyone is friendly and knows each other well.

Few months ago we had farm fresh Isaan family rent one house. Mother and father do absolutely nothng but lie around the house while the sexy daughter is a bar girl

Anyhow, i noticed there was alot of movement in their house and appeared as more Isaan was moving into the same house, though all looked busy with something.

The other day, one of them approached me and asked if i could move my car away from MY driveway, as they wanted to put something there for 3 days.

Note, they did not ask if they could put something there, they asked for me to move the car.

Naturally i refused.

The next day more movement all around and from what i gathered, either the mother or the father or the bar girl daughter was going to be a monk so the preparation for the ceremony began

Cut the story short, in the morning at 6am i was woken up by MASSIVE speakers right outside my house, when i looked out, they had blocked the entire street, put up the tents and so on

Basically no one could drive in or out, no one could even get to or from their house, including myself.

I work 7 days, so my home and sleep is my sanctuary and by now i had enough. It took me 15 mins to try to get out of MY house on the bike to get to work. already with a massive headache from the sound system

I was not going to be living this for 3 days.

The action

I contacted city hall but not to lodge a complaint but to ask what was legal and what was illegal, This is what i was told

1. It is illegal to block the entire street, unless have permission from Police or City Hall and it does cost

2. It is illegal to block people from accessing their homes, even if have permit as per point 1

3,It is illegal to play loud music before 8am and after 22pm

The result

The nice lady on the phone, asked for my address, after asking a few questions as i explained earlier and said she would send someone over to check it out.

I made the call at 14.30pm

I returned home from work at 17:00pm, to find not only the whole thing is gone, but there is not even an evidence of anything being there.

I mean they spent all night making the tents and everything else, and all was gone in less than 3 hours.

From what i over heard from relieved neighbors, city hall official arrived and asked for the permit, which naturally they did not have. He offered them to either pay t a huge fin(50 000 baht) or clear out the street.

From what i know, when locals want to make such a party, the tradition is to visit every neighbor in advance to ask for permission and also offer a gift for inconvenience.

Anyhow, hope it helps, though i doubt it will work somewhere in Isaan village, but sure worked in the city smile.png

Well done pal all this watch ya back ,be careful ,loss of face sorry f...kum if they don't respect u don't respect them when r expats gonna grow balls and say enough and yes I have done it and had problems and would do it again...

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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It will be interesting to see what the neighbors do to get back at you. Surely they will not stand for this massive loss of face by a farang.

How would they know that the OP made the phonecall to city hall? blink.png

BTW. Wonder what the party was all about? Maybe could've been fun to participate in the festivities with the daughter being a sexy barlady and all. biggrin.png

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It will be interesting to see what the neighbors do to get back at you. Surely they will not stand for this massive loss of face by a farang.

How would they know that the OP made the phonecall to city hall? blink.png

BTW. Wonder what the party was all about? Maybe could've been fun to participate in the festivities with the daughter being a sexy barlady and all. biggrin.png

If there is a street party, does that mean everything (food, drink, daughter) is for free?

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