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Since I want my Visa to be changed from "ED-Visa" to "Marriage O" (Married to Thai-Wife for 9 years), we went to Immigration on Nakhon Pathom,since we live in the Ratschabury aerea with the purpose of inquiring what documents are needed.

On top of the standart documentation, including pictures of the house etc,etc, there is a requirement that shows my wife and myself together in bed. This requirement did not specify, if it should display an actual sexual act or us just drilling in each others nose, while in bed.

It gets better: I am also required to provide actual proof that I am not married to an other woman in my homeland. This information must be supplied by my embassy in Bangkok. To mention: Our Thai-Marriage papers are perfectly in order and this for the last 9 years and were always accepted in my home country.

THE POINT: As long as every little immigration employe can interpret immigration laws according to his gusto (=immigration officers can ask for additional documentation), we will be subjectet to such absurdities, regardless if in the past we (the farangs) have supported whole families in Thailand for many years.

How about this: As opposed to all the Western TV Crews that are running all over Thailand to find evil prostitutes and a handfull of paedophiles, how about a few reportages in old Europe that describe how Farangs with Thai Families have to do battle with immigration just to be allowed to stay here!

One more: If a Thai Lady marries a Farang and stays with him in his home country and she has a job, she can stay there without any burocratic hassle, even if she is divorced from the Farang. (Switzerland).

So much for a " Contrast Program", isen't it ?



Take a deep breath.

A photo sitting on bed with view of clothing hung together in closet is what they hope to see to help prove you are living together as husband and wife. Such photos, another outside home with number showing, have been standard for a few years now - previously there was no standard requirement.

The paper they want is what you filled out at Embassy to get married in Thailand and you can get a copy from the place you registered marriage if you did not keep a copy. It is a new requirement but often asked now.


While it seems that the OP has interpreted his specific set of circumstances in the most negative possible way, he nonetheless makes a valid point. Examples of vastly different interpretations of the rules abound here. The need to season bank funds when using the combination bank account/income method is but one example. I believe Prachuap interprets the rule as requiring seasoning, whereas Chaeng Wattana does not, etc.

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there's no one out to get you...


The need to season bank funds when using the combination bank account/income method is but one example. I believe Prachuap interprets the rule as requiring seasoning, whereas Chaeng Wattana does not, etc.

Just to make it clear that the combination method is for retirement extensions not marriage.

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