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That Age Difference Question Again


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I as a Black Man had enough of Prejudice in my life. When I came to Thailand I promised myself I will not be Prejudice. Now I accepted young beautiful Thai women over 23. Just because they are young I will let have my money as fast as letting a older women.

Let us all live let live You have no right to judge me because my wife is 37 years younger than me.

Why she has been staying with me for 17 years already is nobodies business but hers not even mine.

I stay with her because she is beautiful not to old and yes good in bed.

I, as a white man, agree. It reminds me of the 90 year old man who is at a party when a young, beautiful women walks in, and he says 'Ah, to be 72 again."

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You managed to find ONE thread? and that comment was made AFTER you made your ridiculous statement.That really does prove your point. In your haste to score points you forgot that you actually need facts to back up your statements.

Koto's post was sitting directly under your own - demonstrating that my statement was not at all ridiculous.

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You managed to find ONE thread? and that comment was made AFTER you made your ridiculous statement.That really does prove your point. In your haste to score points you forgot that you actually need facts to back up your statements.

Koto's post was sitting directly under your own - demonstrating that my statement was not at all ridiculous.

You're grasping at straws. Correct, the post was under mine, which meant it was after your statement, but you still only managed to find one post (out of 500 or more) that you could use as some kind of evidence.

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I have my own opinions on this subject which is really none of your business what I think of old blokes dating girls in their late teens

This is true, your opinion does not matter one way or another.

I'm quite sure your opinion will not have Mick Jagger, Hugh Heffner, Rod Stewart, Peter Stringfellow, Bernie Ecclestone etc etc, rushing to the local old peoples centre to find a date that will meet your approval.

It's acctepted that rich old men can have attractive young Women in their cases, they are on a different level, they are super rich, so why not, good luck to them, lucky guys, I'd do the same IF I could, are many responses that spring to mind.

So why is it so terrible when a guy with a few quid comes to Thailand and sets up with a younger woman ?

I am quite sure they know that if it they were poor, they would not have the chance, that also applies to Mick, Hugh, Rod, Peter and Bernie etc etc.

Edited by MrsMills
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I have my own opinions on this subject which is really none of your business what I think of old blokes dating girls in their late teens

This is true, your opinion does not matter one way or another.

I'm quite sure your opinion will not have Mick Jagger, Hugh Heffner, Rod Stewart, Peter Stringfellow, Bernie Ecclestone etc etc, rushing to the local old peoples centre to find a date that will meet your approval.

It's acctepted that rich old men can have attractive young Women in their cases, they are on a different level, they are super rich, so why not, good luck to them, lucky guys, I'd do the same IF I could, are many responses that spring to mind.

So why is it so terrible when a guy with a few quid comes to Thailand and sets up with a younger woman ?

I am quite sure they know that if it they were poor, they would not have the chance, that also applies to Mick, Hugh, Rod, Peter and Bernie etc etc.

I agree, but for some strange reason the younger members of this forum seem to find it offensive. I wonder if and when they are in their 60's they will be of the same opinion? I suspect not.

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I have my own opinions on this subject which is really none of your business what I think of old blokes dating girls in their late teens

This is true, your opinion does not matter one way or another.

I'm quite sure your opinion will not have Mick Jagger, Hugh Heffner, Rod Stewart, Peter Stringfellow, Bernie Ecclestone etc etc, rushing to the local old peoples centre to find a date that will meet your approval.

It's acctepted that rich old men can have attractive young Women in their cases, they are on a different level, they are super rich, so why not, good luck to them, lucky guys, I'd do the same IF I could, are many responses that spring to mind.

So why is it so terrible when a guy with a few quid comes to Thailand and sets up with a younger woman ?

I am quite sure they know that if it they were poor, they would not have the chance, that also applies to Mick, Hugh, Rod, Peter and Bernie etc etc.

Yes, well I dont think anyone should really care what other people think of them in general anyways.

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I have my own opinions on this subject which is really none of your business what I think of old blokes dating girls in their late teens

This is true, your opinion does not matter one way or another.

I'm quite sure your opinion will not have Mick Jagger, Hugh Heffner, Rod Stewart, Peter Stringfellow, Bernie Ecclestone etc etc, rushing to the local old peoples centre to find a date that will meet your approval.

It's acctepted that rich old men can have attractive young Women in their cases, they are on a different level, they are super rich, so why not, good luck to them, lucky guys, I'd do the same IF I could, are many responses that spring to mind.

So why is it so terrible when a guy with a few quid comes to Thailand and sets up with a younger woman ?

I am quite sure they know that if it they were poor, they would not have the chance, that also applies to Mick, Hugh, Rod, Peter and Bernie etc etc.

I agree, but for some strange reason the younger members of this forum seem to find it offensive. I wonder if and when they are in their 60's they will be of the same opinion? I suspect not.

Not offensive at all, its a money thing. Starts as user Giddyup stated himself b4 with his remark only if they can see my bankbook first. It starts to become crazy then the guys are saying its their looks and humor and not their money.

There is nothing wrong with those rental agreements at all. As long as the guys don't lie to themselves and come crying here when they got swindled or worse end up like Dale Henry. (i want to state i am absolutely appealed by that murder)

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To add to that id like to state i believe there are large age gap relations that are not monetary based and do work. I believe its possible and have seen it with my own eyes. I just don't believe its prevalent, i believe in general its a money thing.

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I have my own opinions on this subject which is really none of your business what I think of old blokes dating girls in their late teens

This is true, your opinion does not matter one way or another.

I'm quite sure your opinion will not have Mick Jagger, Hugh Heffner, Rod Stewart, Peter Stringfellow, Bernie Ecclestone etc etc, rushing to the local old peoples centre to find a date that will meet your approval.

It's acctepted that rich old men can have attractive young Women in their cases, they are on a different level, they are super rich, so why not, good luck to them, lucky guys, I'd do the same IF I could, are many responses that spring to mind.

So why is it so terrible when a guy with a few quid comes to Thailand and sets up with a younger woman ?

I am quite sure they know that if it they were poor, they would not have the chance, that also applies to Mick, Hugh, Rod, Peter and Bernie etc etc.

I agree, but for some strange reason the younger members of this forum seem to find it offensive. I wonder if and when they are in their 60's they will be of the same opinion? I suspect not.

Not offensive at all, its a money thing. Starts as user Giddyup stated himself b4 with his remark only if they can see my bankbook first. It starts to become crazy then the guys are saying its their looks and humor and not their money.

There is nothing wrong with those rental agreements at all. As long as the guys don't lie to themselves and come crying here when they got swindled or worse end up like Dale Henry. (i want to state i am absolutely appealed by that murder)

You are still falling back on that off-the cuff remark that I made. It was said in jest but you don't seem to realise that. Nowhere have I said that the only way that myself or anyone else can get a relationship in Thailand is by buying it. If in some misguided way you think you have won some kind of victory, go ahead enjoy it.

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The crux of the discussion is there are posters who intimate the old guys have no other attraction to the young Thai female than money........

The old guys, and I'm sure the majority will admit they no longer have their youthful good looks, are of the opinion, in my view, that they still have something other than money to offer the relationship, and to me it appears in these cases the marriage has an improved chance of success

So the sticking point here is easy to define, the young guys desperate to try and maintain their status as the preferable choice must believe the age difference marriage is only about money

Many of the old guys in these marriages know different...smile.png

Edited by 473geo
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You are still falling back on that off-the cuff remark that I made. It was said in jest but you don't seem to realise that. Nowhere have I said that the only way that myself or anyone else can get a relationship in Thailand is by buying it. If in some misguided way you think you have won some kind of victory, go ahead enjoy it.

Strange.. nothing indicated that it was a joke you just let go and told us the truth. Now your back tracking.. not a good thing.

Im not enjoying victory, no need to win from you. I'm sure there are some things that you do better then me. I am far from perfect, but seems my AV puts everyone on a wrong track.

Even had a remark about someone who would fight me, like im the kind of guy who would fight. I worry too much about what could go wrong in a fight to ever truly let go. (not saying im the hulk or something but suppose you hit someone and they fall and die)

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The crux of the discussion is there are posters who intimate the old guys have no other attraction to the young Thai female than money........

The old guys, and I'm sure the majority will admit they no longer have their youthful good looks, are of the opinion, in my view, that they still have something other than money to offer the relationship, and to me it appears in these cases the marriage has an improved chance of success

So the sticking point here is easy to define, the young guys desperate to try and maintain their status as the preferable choice must believe the age difference marriage is only about money

Many of the old guys in these marriages know different...smile.png

Im pretty sure im preferable over an old guy by the girls that i have dated. I always made sure i gave the impression i had no money at all. As to weed out gold diggers. So i would not be fishing in the same pool of girls the old guys are.

Show me a few old guys with woman who have their own income and a good education making more then 20k a month.

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To compare age gaps between the west and LOS is absurd. The main key in a relationship is communication and in the west there is no problem with that. So let's say a 60 year old American has a relation ship with a 40 year old woman who also happens to be an American well that could work, it's still the same language after all but an old man that comes to Thailand with no intention of learning Thai and the woman not knowing any English well then there is the question or questions in this case.

- How can they understand each others goals, emotions and solve issues that may arise with this communication gap?

Most likely they can't and don't bother so conclusion would be that it's an arrangement.

- What about cultural barriers?

If the man doesn't have one ounce of understanding about the culture and doesn't even bother to learn the language (I've met plenty of those geezers) well, it's because it's not part of the arrangement and he couldn't care less.

So all in all , the man have no interest in where the woman comes from, what she wants or what her goal is. Is that love?

The disgust factor hasn't got to do really with the age gap but has to do with the exploitation of women in developing countries. I for one , don't care if there is a 10 or 15 year gap between the couples, that is their business but people who come here because they want something else than just a younger wife is what causes grief.

Rumors spread, stereotypes are created, these aspects then infects the governmental body who cracks down on fake marriages, creates a statistic which shows where these people most likely come from and make the rules harder for these groups and innocent couples who just wanna be together get caught in between this nonsense.

So yes, we do have a right to voice an opinion in this matter. Do I agree with the presumptuous western women and men that come here? Of course not. It's not that I don't like mixed marriages, I'm in one as well but people who for selfish reasons come here and destroy the chances for those who honestly try to live with their spouses here, yes those people I'm against.

Edited by maxme
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The crux of the discussion is there are posters who intimate the old guys have no other attraction to the young Thai female than money........

The old guys, and I'm sure the majority will admit they no longer have their youthful good looks, are of the opinion, in my view, that they still have something other than money to offer the relationship, and to me it appears in these cases the marriage has an improved chance of success

So the sticking point here is easy to define, the young guys desperate to try and maintain their status as the preferable choice must believe the age difference marriage is only about money

Many of the old guys in these marriages know different...smile.png

Im pretty sure im preferable over an old guy by the girls that i have dated. I always made sure i gave the impression i had no money at all. As to weed out gold diggers. So i would not be fishing in the same pool of girls the old guys are.

Show me a few old guys with woman who have their own income and a good education making more then 20k a month.

I think you will find most of the 'old guys' have experience of years with a woman as the description you provide.....smile.png

Possibly now they choose to enjoy a less stressful existance.......I think they show good judgement

Edited by 473geo
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The crux of the discussion is there are posters who intimate the old guys have no other attraction to the young Thai female than money........

The old guys, and I'm sure the majority will admit they no longer have their youthful good looks, are of the opinion, in my view, that they still have something other than money to offer the relationship, and to me it appears in these cases the marriage has an improved chance of success

So the sticking point here is easy to define, the young guys desperate to try and maintain their status as the preferable choice must believe the age difference marriage is only about money

Many of the old guys in these marriages know different...smile.png

If the truth were known they need exactly the same inducements as the older guys. I really don't understand the mentality. If a 50 year old guy in Australia marries a 22 year old and she's happy staying home and being a housewife and mother, what's the difference? It's still about money and security if he's the breadwinner.

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The crux of the discussion is there are posters who intimate the old guys have no other attraction to the young Thai female than money........

The old guys, and I'm sure the majority will admit they no longer have their youthful good looks, are of the opinion, in my view, that they still have something other than money to offer the relationship, and to me it appears in these cases the marriage has an improved chance of success

So the sticking point here is easy to define, the young guys desperate to try and maintain their status as the preferable choice must believe the age difference marriage is only about money

Many of the old guys in these marriages know different...smile.png

If the truth were known they need exactly the same inducements as the older guys. I really don't understand the mentality. If a 50 year old guy in Australia marries a 22 year old and she's happy staying home and being a housewife and mother, what's the difference? It's still about money and security if he's the breadwinner.

Read my previous post and maybe you will get a hint.

Edited by maxme
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The crux of the discussion is there are posters who intimate the old guys have no other attraction to the young Thai female than money........

The old guys, and I'm sure the majority will admit they no longer have their youthful good looks, are of the opinion, in my view, that they still have something other than money to offer the relationship, and to me it appears in these cases the marriage has an improved chance of success

So the sticking point here is easy to define, the young guys desperate to try and maintain their status as the preferable choice must believe the age difference marriage is only about money

Many of the old guys in these marriages know different...smile.png

Im pretty sure im preferable over an old guy by the girls that i have dated. I always made sure i gave the impression i had no money at all. As to weed out gold diggers. So i would not be fishing in the same pool of girls the old guys are.

Show me a few old guys with woman who have their own income and a good education making more then 20k a month.

I think you will find most of the 'old guys' have experience of years with a woman as the description you provide.....smile.png

Possibly now they choose to enjoy a less stressful existance.......I think they show good judgement

In short.. there are no relations where the girl is financially independent, and has a good eduction and chances for a good future. Tell me does your wife / gf work ? or do you pay her and her family a salary ?

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To all the folks here who think our opinions on such trivialities make a difference, go to this site, watch the trailer then if you can watch the complete ( its free) video, and ask yourselves, does it really matter, should I spend my time doing and thinking about something else ?


Watch it ( if you can ), it's an eye opener. Many can't watch it all, let me know how far you got.

I hope this link isn't removed EVERYBODY should see this, things like some old guy who is with a woman 20 years younger will somewhat pale into insignifigance.

Edited by MrsMills
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its ok to be a house wife, but why do it without kids, get her ass to work.

robblocks refering not to house wives who fell in love with an elder man, but to those hunting elderly men for a $.

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The crux of the discussion is there are posters who intimate the old guys have no other attraction to the young Thai female than money........

The old guys, and I'm sure the majority will admit they no longer have their youthful good looks, are of the opinion, in my view, that they still have something other than money to offer the relationship, and to me it appears in these cases the marriage has an improved chance of success

So the sticking point here is easy to define, the young guys desperate to try and maintain their status as the preferable choice must believe the age difference marriage is only about money

Many of the old guys in these marriages know different...smile.png

Im pretty sure im preferable over an old guy by the girls that i have dated. I always made sure i gave the impression i had no money at all. As to weed out gold diggers. So i would not be fishing in the same pool of girls the old guys are.

Show me a few old guys with woman who have their own income and a good education making more then 20k a month.

I think you will find most of the 'old guys' have experience of years with a woman as the description you provide.....smile.png

Possibly now they choose to enjoy a less stressful existance.......I think they show good judgement

In short.. there are no relations where the girl is financially independent, and has a good eduction and chances for a good future. Tell me does your wife / gf work ? or do you pay her and her family a salary ?

Tell me this robblok. As a 38 year old guy, how is it you seem to spend all your waking hours on the computer? Is this what you call living? I have an excuse, I'm 69 about to turn 70 next month, but when I was your age I was out travelling the world and experiencing new things, not trying to score points in a rather pointless argument. You might have a look at your own existence before criticising other people's lifestyle choices.

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To all the folks here who think our opinions on such trivialities make a difference, go to this site, watch the video, and ask yourselves, does it really matter, should I spend my time doing something else?


Watch it ( if you can ), it's an eye opener. Many can't watch it all, let me know how far you got.

I hope this link isn't removed EVERYBODY should see this, things like some old guy who is with a woman 20 years younger will somewhat pale into insignifigance.

Of course there are things worse then this thread but i seen you reply to other threads too. Im not worked up about this if i were id be a fool.

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Tell me this robblok. As a 38 year old guy, how is it you seem to spend all your waking hours on the computer? Is this what you call living? I have an excuse, I'm 69 about to turn 70 next month, but when I was your age I was out travelling the world and experiencing new things, not trying to score points in a rather pointless argument. You might have a look at your own existence before criticising other people's lifestyle choices.

I make my money from behind my computer, this is just a break between work. Making sure i dont go crazy with all the numbers and complex fiscal problems. Now its busy.. but normally when i have the time im outside fishing.

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The crux of the discussion is there are posters who intimate the old guys have no other attraction to the young Thai female than money........

The old guys, and I'm sure the majority will admit they no longer have their youthful good looks, are of the opinion, in my view, that they still have something other than money to offer the relationship, and to me it appears in these cases the marriage has an improved chance of success

So the sticking point here is easy to define, the young guys desperate to try and maintain their status as the preferable choice must believe the age difference marriage is only about money

Many of the old guys in these marriages know different...smile.png

Im pretty sure im preferable over an old guy by the girls that i have dated. I always made sure i gave the impression i had no money at all. As to weed out gold diggers. So i would not be fishing in the same pool of girls the old guys are.

Show me a few old guys with woman who have their own income and a good education making more then 20k a month.

I think you will find most of the 'old guys' have experience of years with a woman as the description you provide.....smile.png

Possibly now they choose to enjoy a less stressful existance.......I think they show good judgement

In short.. there are no relations where the girl is financially independent, and has a good eduction and chances for a good future. Tell me does your wife / gf work ? or do you pay her and her family a salary ?

I contribute nothing to the every day living from my salary to my wife or her family, I send a bit out of my salary for the children now and again...on avearge about 500 a month....smile.png

Tell me did your first Thai wife push you aside for an older man with money? you really should not try and make this personal not a very pleasant way to go....you think?....smile.png

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I contribute nothing to the every day living from my salary to my wife or her family, I send a bit out of my salary for the children now and again...on avearge about 500 a month....smile.png

Tell me did your first Thai wife push you aside for an older man with money? you really should not try and make this personal not a very pleasant way to go....you think?....smile.png

Im not making it personal, whatever gave you that impression. Just having an debate here.

My first wife did some things i could not accept (look it up i wrote it down somewhere). In the end it was just too much and i booted her out (stayed with her as long as i could because of her daughters i felt responsible for them). Had one of them visit me recently from Holland. The first wife was 6 years older then me and there was no man with money in her life when she left me. After me she married 3 times in a 8 years.

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