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Democrats Slam Thaksin Criticism Of Court

Lite Beer

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What is the main criteria to select a spokesman for PTP - credibility, or the ability to lie with a straight face?

That would be after Thaksin sycophancy, of course.

Seriously, both sides are just as bad when it comes to veracity. You guys are the puppets. Every time a Dem opens their mouth and says anything about Thaksin or the reds, you guys are jumping up and down flapping your arms saying the same things over and over. No wonder Thialand is such a disaster politically. When something doesn't work, you just bash it with a hammer in hopes that it will fit and yet are amazed when it not only fails to fit, but it's now broken. Time for a new tact.

And vice versa.

Haha, and that somehow makes it alright. Like children fighting. He hit me first . . . Someone needs to step up and be the bigger man for once.

Fun isn´t it, a big sand pit. but I bet the man 2afar" has a gigant sand pit to play in.
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"Thaksin and his cronies thought the verdict was an obstacle in their bid to amend the charter" Get real! There are no obstacles for Taksin. His power is limitless. Even the thaivisa.com spell checker underlines his name in RED! (course, thaivisa comes up red, too). Thaksin moves in mysterious ways.

Point being... None... Next.

Read it slowlysmile.png 1. There are no obstacles for Taksin 2. His power is limitless. Interpret that how you like, but I think it's clear that the Nation is not only NOT biased, but for some reason, they are once again holding back on telling the whole ugly truth.

That hurt (fell off the chair and banged my head thru excessive laughter)

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Quick poll:plague or cholera- what is the better choice???IMHO it is slowly time to reorganize the whole crap(education,corruption,brain washing,information)for the sake of this beautiful country and it's lovely people.and perhaps some of the valued members of this forum should think twice before bashing the rural people here.did you guys know how freedom is look like before you got it...?

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Interpol dont think Thaksin is a criminal. The Thai court does not have much credibility (where Thaksin is concerned) outside of your head.

Will you go tell that to the families of the thousands of people that Thaksin had shot dead without trial? Maybe their loss is only in their heads too.

Or the 30% state overspending during Thaksin's time in office, much of it to his family's businesses. Just in my head too.


Edited by Yunla
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Seriously, both sides are just as bad when it comes to veracity. You guys are the puppets. Every time a Dem opens their mouth and says anything about Thaksin or the reds, you guys are jumping up and down flapping your arms saying the same things over and over. No wonder Thialand is such a disaster politically. When something doesn't work, you just bash it with a hammer in hopes that it will fit and yet are amazed when it not only fails to fit, but it's now broken. Time for a new tact.

About 99.9% of posters here are foreigner and have no influence on Thailand politically. It seems most just like to compare situation at home with the Thai situation and complain, complain, complain.


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Now that we're talking about slamming, yesterday the other newspaper had a newsflash with Abhisit slams red-shirt attack on him on Friday near ChiangMai. Nothing special, for the red-shirts that is. Just the usual democratic shouting, rock throwing, trying to cordon of an area, blocking roads, battering cars.

Wonder if I missed this story here on TV or does theNation censure ?

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But later, Thaksin and his cronies thought the verdict was an obstacle in their bid to amend the charter so they criticised the court through the foreign media.

Omg, Thaksin and his cronies talked to the foreign media. What a crime, he is truly evil.

Grow up.

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Or the 30% state overspending during Thaksin's time in office, much of it to his family's businesses. Just in my head too.


The only verifiable figure is that debt fell from 57% of GDP in January 2001 to 41% in 2006 under Thaksin.

A figure plucked out of fine air of 30% overspending by Supannee Chai-amporn and her yellow shirt colleagues at NIDA is hardly something that should be taken at face value.

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he accepted the verdict even though he was not satisfied with every point made by the judges

I'm sure that the views of Thaksin, the convicted-criminal fugitive, are extremely impartial and valid to the process of law.

"He was not satisfied." Who cares if he is satisfied or not, he should be in jail for life meaning life, picking the maggots out of old breadcrusts.

Does he meddle in politics i all the other countries he is a citizen Of?

Or does he just save his disrespect for the system that found him to be a crook?

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Or the 30% state overspending during Thaksin's time in office, much of it to his family's businesses. Just in my head too.


The only verifiable figure is that debt fell from 57% of GDP in January 2001 to 41% in 2006 under Thaksin.

A figure plucked out of fine air of 30% overspending by Supannee Chai-amporn and her yellow shirt colleagues at NIDA is hardly something that should be taken at face value.

% means nothing it was boom years and the GDP was going up.

To simplify it for you

57% of 1,000 baht is 570 baht.41% of 2,000 baht is 820 baht. So you see where in fact the debt could have gone up rather than down. By the way I have this bridge

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But later, Thaksin and his cronies thought the verdict was an obstacle in their bid to amend the charter so they criticised the court through the foreign media.

Omg, Thaksin and his cronies talked to the foreign media. What a crime, he is truly evil.

Grow up.

Have to agree with you on that one grow up. Thaksin is talking to the foreign press because they are the only ones who will listen to him.

As I said in a earlier post the day will come when he is talking to a reindeer herder in Lapland. Giving him the inside on what is wrong with Thailand and right with him.

The man is a fading star. And not a very bright one to begin with.

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Seriously, both sides are just as bad when it comes to veracity. You guys are the puppets. Every time a Dem opens their mouth and says anything about Thaksin or the reds, you guys are jumping up and down flapping your arms saying the same things over and over. No wonder Thialand is such a disaster politically. When something doesn't work, you just bash it with a hammer in hopes that it will fit and yet are amazed when it not only fails to fit, but it's now broken. Time for a new tact.

About 99.9% of posters here are foreigner and have no influence on Thailand politically. It seems most just like to compare situation at home with the Thai situation and complain, complain, complain.


Well I agree with you but I think the 99% figure is a little high. I would put it down in the low 80s. That is for the complainers.

For the other poster what choice do we have the deed is done the horse is out of the barn. Quit trying to get a different answer there is only the one. Thaksin's red army did invade a hospital. If we wanted to we could not change it we just get tired of listing to the verbal diarrhea that would have us say some thing different. And even if you could convince us to say some thing different it would just be to

shut people up we would not believe it.

But keep on trying.

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Or the 30% state overspending during Thaksin's time in office, much of it to his family's businesses. Just in my head too.


The only verifiable figure is that debt fell from 57% of GDP in January 2001 to 41% in 2006 under Thaksin.

A figure plucked out of fine air of 30% overspending by Supannee Chai-amporn and her yellow shirt colleagues at NIDA is hardly something that should be taken at face value.

% means nothing it was boom years and the GDP was going up.

To simplify it for you

57% of 1,000 baht is 570 baht.41% of 2,000 baht is 820 baht. So you see where in fact the debt could have gone up rather than down. By the way I have this bridge

% of GDP is nothing when you are balancing a budget biggrin.pngbiggrin.png I take it you're not a business owner...


Does it make him a good prime minister? no it doesn't. taken in isolation it's of little value. still a better snapshot than the figures Kun Supannee Chai-amporn and her yellow colleagues magically came up with..

Edited by firestar
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Naturally Thaksin would criticize any adverse comments that may be made against him and further delay the plans of the P.T. to have Thaksin return to Thailand so as he can re-start his looting of the public purse along with his rampant nepotism and the re-alignment of the judicial system to his and his family's benefit.

If my memory serves me correct it is an offence to cast aspersions upon a court judgement here in Thailand,yet strangely enough when it suits Thaksin he uses the court system to sue others.

Interesting to note what value Thaksin and his lap dog Arisman puts upon the price of loyalty.

On the occasion of Thaksins 64th birthday Arisiman donated 64,000 doughnuts to underprivileged children and their families as a present from Thaksin and of course himself and the clique he is involved with.

Such an action leads one think that the purse strings are being tightened by Thaksin along with his and Arismans utter contempt for the people who received this fine donation in exchange for the promise of a vote in the next election and of course to follow the cause sponsored by both Thaksin and Arisman.

''Let them eat cake,'' indeed rings true in this particular instance indeed a cheap gesture looking at the price of doughnuts.

How can one stoop so low so as Thaksin and Arisman and to be able to walk under a snakes belly whilst standing upright ?

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Now that we're talking about slamming, yesterday the other newspaper had a newsflash with Abhisit slams red-shirt attack on him on Friday near ChiangMai. Nothing special, for the red-shirts that is. Just the usual democratic shouting, rock throwing, trying to cordon of an area, blocking roads, battering cars.

Wonder if I missed this story here on TV or does theNation censure ?

Well apart from the fact you're off topic again just trying to get a poltical dig in, I'll indulge you. So important a breaking story was it that it didn't even appear in the on line version of the paper, just some nonsense about abhisit threatening to sue the defence minister this time over his draft dodging, anbhisits draft dodging that is, not the defense minister.

In the old fashioned paper version of the paper the dem mp for lampang or somewhere was complaining that the red shirts barracked abhisit from the airport to the hotel where he was due to give a talk. Then they unsucessfully blocked a road with two pickups which abhisits car got through without any incident which suggests that they either tried to do it on the the dual carriageway or they weren't terribly interested in blocking the path of such an important man and then the brutes supposedly threw some pebbles at the car (abhisit wasn't in it at the time apparently) according to disgusted of lampang. Poor love, the things he has to go through, they're a tough crowd up north.

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uhm.... who cares?

the democrats are always slamming something or other, whinging and moaning...

maybe they'd be better off speaking to the electorate through the media in concise points about how they would be better at governing with their policies.

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^ #55 nurofiend (sorry, still in Opera browser, quote doesn't work)

It is indeed interesting to read that Pheu Thai (MPs) mostly only condemn, tell us they'll sue, or (by Jove the cheek) report!

Anyway k. Thaksin is full of forgiveness and still loves all (unlike TV posters who like to hold on to their grudge :-))

(fake smiley, sorry, again doesn't work in opera browser)

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I miss the good old days when the reds could muster thousands to disrupt ASEAN meetings and assault government ministers, 2 pickups, a bit pathetic don't you think.

The red shirts here in Chiang Mai are pathetic. Every time they have a rally the Thai bars get emptied out of patrons.

Picture this here we are in Chiang Mai the red shirts have just shown the depths of depravity they will sink to and can't even afford a ride home to Chiang Mai the heart of red shirt land. The red shirted heroes arrive on a train paid for by the government and all the central stronghold of red shirt democracy can do is muster 200 people to welcome them home.

O they did manage two other things they managed to get big shopping malls closed down and they managed to burn up a fire engine. A real bunch of winners.

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uhm.... who cares?

the democrats are always slamming something or other, whinging and moaning...

maybe they'd be better off speaking to the electorate through the media in concise points about how they would be better at governing with their policies.

O for crying out loud ask a hard one.

The electorate is not interested in good policies. And you presume that their message would even be allowed in a red shirt village.

All they are interested in is money in their hand now. They will take 500 baht in hand now over 500 baht a month for the rest of their life.

What media I went to a friends wedding in a Issan village not one TV dish in the village. News papers they could not afford. But they were sure When Thaksin came back he would change all that. Just try to tell a Thai to bank 10% of his income against a rainy day. There idea of the media is what the head man tells them.

As for the democrats always slamming something or other, whinging and moaning. That is because the PT screws up so much they don't have time to do any thing else. Get a Government in that is willing and will work for the good of the people and you will see a lot more cooperation from the Dem's

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uhm.... who cares?

the democrats are always slamming something or other, whinging and moaning...

maybe they'd be better off speaking to the electorate through the media in concise points about how they would be better at governing with their policies.

O for crying out loud ask a hard one.

The electorate is not interested in good policies. And you presume that their message would even be allowed in a red shirt village.

All they are interested in is money in their hand now. They will take 500 baht in hand now over 500 baht a month for the rest of their life.

What media I went to a friends wedding in a Issan village not one TV dish in the village. News papers they could not afford. But they were sure When Thaksin came back he would change all that. Just try to tell a Thai to bank 10% of his income against a rainy day. There idea of the media is what the head man tells them.

As for the democrats always slamming something or other, whinging and moaning. That is because the PT screws up so much they don't have time to do any thing else. Get a Government in that is willing and will work for the good of the people and you will see a lot more cooperation from the Dem's

The electorate is not interested in good policies


What media I went to a friends wedding.....etc etc

my point was that the only time you ever hear them in the media, they're whinging.

so they should try another method, like showing that they are working for the good of the country.... you know, that thing they keep accusing ptp of not doing.

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