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Thailand - Land Of Smiles Or Tourist Trap?

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Thailand is losing her luster, that is for sure. Everyone who lives here can see the quality of tourists going down as crime against tourist rise. But that can happen anywhere. It is how the Thais are dealing with the problem (or lack of) that is the real issue. As one example, their solution for trying to control Phuket crime was a media black out on crime, instead of trying to deal with the root of the problem. There should not be foreign diplomats urging Thai officials to stop the scams. The fact that this is even happening, says just about everything that needs to be said about the Thais unwillingness to fix the problem. I'm sure much of it has to do with the fact they profit off of those scams.

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Thailand is losing her luster, that is for sure. Everyone who lives here can see the quality of tourists going down as crime against tourist rise.

The quality of tourists has nothing to do with crime against tourists. There have always been scams and crime against tourists here and it has not gotten any worse.. It is the lousy world economy that is hurting tourism in Thailand.


I agree - the numbers are up but is the quality of holiday still there?

These young college kids seem to think all of their "Dreams can come true" in Soi Bangla Phuket.

Awesome filmclip promoting Soi Bangla and Phuket's crazy nightlife.

There is only one Thailand and with all its flaws and faults it will continue to draw tourists because no other Souteast Asian nation delivers so much "Culture Shock"in one punch. It's a heady mix compared to the stilted experiences on offer in Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia and Philippines. Seasoned travelers seem drawn back like moths to the flame...

You can't have the seeming chaos without some real danger... but for some this just adds to the experience.

This video was pretty funny. Props for the guys for managing to pull it off.

...however the rest of this topic bores me.

The video is great. Makes me want to be there dancing with them!

Kudos to the boys for pulling that one off. thumbsup.gif

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I agree - the numbers are up but is the quality of holiday still there?

These young college kids seem to think all of their "Dreams can come true" in Soi Bangla Phuket.

Awesome filmclip promoting Soi Bangla and Phuket's crazy nightlife.

There is only one Thailand and with all its flaws and faults it will continue to draw tourists because no other Souteast Asian nation delivers so much "Culture Shock"in one punch. It's a heady mix compared to the stilted experiences on offer in Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia and Philippines. Seasoned travelers seem drawn back like moths to the flame...

You can't have the seeming chaos without some real danger... but for some this just adds to the experience.

This video was pretty funny. Props for the guys for managing to pull it off.

...however the rest of this topic bores me.

The video is great. Makes me want to be there dancing with them!

Kudos to the boys for pulling that one off. thumbsup.gif

Agree,,, but some don't like watching video's of the Tourist area's as they may see there tilac who is supposed to be back in her village biggrin.pngbiggrin.png


I've lived in Thailand for 3 years now, and although tourists do no deserve to be attacked I don't think they are completely innocent. High tourist places in Thailand tend to attract a certain type of tourist. Ones who have done little if any research into the country and have little if any respect for the culture and the differences. Over the years those tourists have build up bad feelings in the area and a hardened attitude towards westerners. Westerners are slowing changing Thailand and it is not necessarily for the good. The government has just made it compulsory for all university students to take an extra unit in 'being Thai'. Basically they are saying that Thai people are loosing their soft, calm manners and becoming disrespectful.

Thailand is a big place and if you only go to areas where disrespectful and careless tourists go then yes you are going to see Thai's that have some kind of resentment to Westerners and tourists. Look at Phatong beach, I went there when I had a stop over in Phuket to see what people go on about. I felt embarrassed to be there and I felt embarrassed for the Thais. It is so out of the culture and degrading to them, but do it because it brings in money from tourists. After visiting places like that I can understand why Thais can build up a resentment and bitterness. When I travel Thailand I always go to the non-touristy places, and always behave in a manner similar to other Thais. I have had so many good experiences and people are always happy and welcoming. I will admit that speaking Thai does help but even knowing just a few words really impresses Thai people and they are always so happy that you have tried.

Basically go off the beaten track. Do a little bit of research before you come to Thailand (or any country for that matter). Thailand really is the land of smiles! Just stay out of the bad spots. Every country has them.

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Increased tourist numbers is not the reason that Thailand's quality of life for tourists and for Thais is suffering. Government negligence, infrastructure underspending and unchecked corruption are the reasons that quality of life is suffering for everybody. Thailand will continue to go downhill until it gets a modern reformist government to tackle those problems.

The thread title is obviously meant to trigger debate, but it is a nonsense question. Land of smiles was only ever a slogan, and tourist traps are where you find them.

People visiting Thailand were visiting because they loved Thailand for whatever reason, not because of LOS or miracle amazing slogans, but because we felt that Thailand as a nation has a unique personality which it has had for thousands of years. If the people in charge of Thailand do not make efforts to retain its original Thai qualities, and spend massively on improving the quality of life for everyone here, then it will continue to go downhill fast.


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I've lived in Thailand for 3 years now, and although tourists do no deserve to be attacked I don't think they are completely innocent. High tourist places in Thailand tend to attract a certain type of tourist. Ones who have done little if any research into the country and have little if any respect for the culture and the differences. Over the years those tourists have build up bad feelings in the area and a hardened attitude towards westerners. Westerners are slowing changing Thailand and it is not necessarily for the good. The government has just made it compulsory for all university students to take an extra unit in 'being Thai'. Basically they are saying that Thai people are loosing their soft, calm manners and becoming disrespectful.

Thailand is a big place and if you only go to areas where disrespectful and careless tourists go then yes you are going to see Thai's that have some kind of resentment to Westerners and tourists. Look at Phatong beach, I went there when I had a stop over in Phuket to see what people go on about. I felt embarrassed to be there and I felt embarrassed for the Thais. It is so out of the culture and degrading to them, but do it because it brings in money from tourists. After visiting places like that I can understand why Thais can build up a resentment and bitterness. When I travel Thailand I always go to the non-touristy places, and always behave in a manner similar to other Thais. I have had so many good experiences and people are always happy and welcoming. I will admit that speaking Thai does help but even knowing just a few words really impresses Thai people and they are always so happy that you have tried.

Basically go off the beaten track. Do a little bit of research before you come to Thailand (or any country for that matter). Thailand really is the land of smiles! Just stay out of the bad spots. Every country has them.

so its all the tourists fault for thais in many areas being so impolite and disrespectful? Nothing to do with Thais looking at falang visitors as a means of making money anyway they can? You,re wrong.

Sent from my LG-P350 using Thaivisa Connect App


Now it seems to me that Khun Charlerm said he was going to "Get Rid Of The Mafia In Tourism In 3 Months."

I wonder how the Old Boy is doing in reachng that oh so Nobile goal Goal...coffee1.gifermm.gif

Does anyone have any info regarding his Promise...????????

What is that old saying about Promises?


June 6th, 2012...Khun Charlerm . says he will clearn up the mafia in Thai Tourism. Lets see from June 6th, 2012 he has little time left.

What are the odds that he will reach his goal...Are they Slim or None?????????


I've lived in Thailand for 3 years now, and although tourists do no deserve to be attacked I don't think they are completely innocent. High tourist places in Thailand tend to attract a certain type of tourist. Ones who have done little if any research into the country and have little if any respect for the culture and the differences. Over the years those tourists have build up bad feelings in the area and a hardened attitude towards westerners. Westerners are slowing changing Thailand and it is not necessarily for the good. The government has just made it compulsory for all university students to take an extra unit in 'being Thai'. Basically they are saying that Thai people are loosing their soft, calm manners and becoming disrespectful.

Thailand is a big place and if you only go to areas where disrespectful and careless tourists go then yes you are going to see Thai's that have some kind of resentment to Westerners and tourists. Look at Phatong beach, I went there when I had a stop over in Phuket to see what people go on about. I felt embarrassed to be there and I felt embarrassed for the Thais. It is so out of the culture and degrading to them, but do it because it brings in money from tourists. After visiting places like that I can understand why Thais can build up a resentment and bitterness. When I travel Thailand I always go to the non-touristy places, and always behave in a manner similar to other Thais. I have had so many good experiences and people are always happy and welcoming. I will admit that speaking Thai does help but even knowing just a few words really impresses Thai people and they are always so happy that you have tried.

Basically go off the beaten track. Do a little bit of research before you come to Thailand (or any country for that matter). Thailand really is the land of smiles! Just stay out of the bad spots. Every country has them.

Amazing Thailand ....... your post must qualify as the most unbelievably pretentious ever on TV.

You expect tourists to do research before coming on holiday? Not everyone is a shoestring backpacker.

Most men in the world already know there are plenty of hookers in Thailand.


In every touristic hot spot in the world you get trapped! You pay more for less...

A local wants a share of the cash flow, some do it fairly and some unfair.

There can always be a psycho around. You don't need a touristic place for that.

I never liked touristic places, no matter if it's BKK or NY or some beach... See how the normal people live and nature is the best without people. So check it out, you might learn something :)


I've lived in Thailand for 3 years now, and although tourists do no deserve to be attacked I don't think they are completely innocent. High tourist places in Thailand tend to attract a certain type of tourist. Ones who have done little if any research into the country and have little if any respect for the culture and the differences. Over the years those tourists have build up bad feelings in the area and a hardened attitude towards westerners. Westerners are slowing changing Thailand and it is not necessarily for the good. The government has just made it compulsory for all university students to take an extra unit in 'being Thai'. Basically they are saying that Thai people are loosing their soft, calm manners and becoming disrespectful.

Thailand is a big place and if you only go to areas where disrespectful and careless tourists go then yes you are going to see Thai's that have some kind of resentment to Westerners and tourists. Look at Phatong beach, I went there when I had a stop over in Phuket to see what people go on about. I felt embarrassed to be there and I felt embarrassed for the Thais. It is so out of the culture and degrading to them, but do it because it brings in money from tourists. After visiting places like that I can understand why Thais can build up a resentment and bitterness. When I travel Thailand I always go to the non-touristy places, and always behave in a manner similar to other Thais. I have had so many good experiences and people are always happy and welcoming. I will admit that speaking Thai does help but even knowing just a few words really impresses Thai people and they are always so happy that you have tried.

Basically go off the beaten track. Do a little bit of research before you come to Thailand (or any country for that matter). Thailand really is the land of smiles! Just stay out of the bad spots. Every country has them.

Amazing Thailand ....... your post must qualify as the most unbelievably pretentious ever on TV.

You expect tourists to do research before coming on holiday? Not everyone is a shoestring backpacker.

Most men in the world already know there are plenty of hookers in Thailand.

I live 3 years in Thailand, BKK, Chiang Mai... But never seen any hookers. Maybe some Free Lancers hahahaha wub.png

I've lived in Thailand for 3 years now, and although tourists do no deserve to be attacked I don't think they are completely innocent. High tourist places in Thailand tend to attract a certain type of tourist. Ones who have done little if any research into the country and have little if any respect for the culture and the differences. Over the years those tourists have build up bad feelings in the area and a hardened attitude towards westerners. Westerners are slowing changing Thailand and it is not necessarily for the good. The government has just made it compulsory for all university students to take an extra unit in 'being Thai'. Basically they are saying that Thai people are loosing their soft, calm manners and becoming disrespectful.

Thailand is a big place and if you only go to areas where disrespectful and careless tourists go then yes you are going to see Thai's that have some kind of resentment to Westerners and tourists. Look at Phatong beach, I went there when I had a stop over in Phuket to see what people go on about. I felt embarrassed to be there and I felt embarrassed for the Thais. It is so out of the culture and degrading to them, but do it because it brings in money from tourists. After visiting places like that I can understand why Thais can build up a resentment and bitterness. When I travel Thailand I always go to the non-touristy places, and always behave in a manner similar to other Thais. I have had so many good experiences and people are always happy and welcoming. I will admit that speaking Thai does help but even knowing just a few words really impresses Thai people and they are always so happy that you have tried.

Basically go off the beaten track. Do a little bit of research before you come to Thailand (or any country for that matter). Thailand really is the land of smiles! Just stay out of the bad spots. Every country has them.

so its all the tourists fault for thais in many areas being so impolite and disrespectful? Nothing to do with Thais looking at falang visitors as a means of making money anyway they can? You,re wrong.

Sent from my LG-P350 using Thaivisa Connect App

No she is not wrong, she can not be wrong because she starts with: I don't think they are completely innocent...

​ Witch is true, nobody is innocent, only unborn and people who passed away already.

I see tourists who start cursing at Thai first or put there feet up in the tuc tuc with there shoes on almost in the neck of the driver. Seen so many westerns with so much attitude talking so loud in restaurants, just because they can pay for this life at the moment and not even back at home....

No need to give any examples anyway, good and bad everywhere, you get what you look for (90+%), just try to read before you respond

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Putting your feet up in a cramped toy style tuk tuk is culturally insensitive, but no more so than charging people extra because they are foreign.

If you want to charge special foreigner prices seems fair they should expect the same cultural sensitivity in return


Awesome filmclip promoting Soi Bangla and Phuket's crazy nightlife.

There is only one Thailand and with all its flaws and faults it will continue to draw tourists because no other Souteast Asian nation delivers so much "Culture Shock"in one punch. It's a heady mix compared to the stilted experiences on offer in Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia and Philippines. Seasoned travelers seem drawn back like moths to the flame...

You can't have the seeming chaos without some real danger... but for some this just adds to the experience.

Why is this awesome? Bangla is an embarrassment. I walk that street regularly and it is terribly sad to see the old guys sitting in the bars early in the day drinking. Coming home at night I pass the McD with the drunkards being rude, sloppy and littering. I see the usual altercations between the hookers and their johns,and the arguments with the tuk tuks. Never a cop to be seen to protect the tourists.

Have you ever looked into the faces of the assorted prostitutes and touts that work that strip? As much as I despise them, I still have pity and compassion for them. Women well past their prime and that have aged beyond their years work the bars and everyone is exploited by the entrenched oligarchy that controls the strip. It's all about people chasing a dream and losing their money, and their dignity. Hardly anything to celebrate. It's nice to see once or twice, but that's it. The bars are loud, the clubs suck and it attracts the lowest of the low that prey on the visitors.

I agree geriatrickid, so sad. I've never been to Phuket, or Pattaya, but I've seen similar on Soi Nana and Cowboy, Sukhumvit Road, and it's not pretty. Grubby old western men, dyed hair swept across their bare scalps, most incapable of holding together a realtionship back home, or supporting an erection, drinking themselves into oblivion while the 'hired help' is texting on her mobile 'phone, thinking she just wants a big payout, one that will probaably never come, so she can return to her province and live a semi decent life.

It's the ugly side of what is a nice place to visit, but there is certianly nothiing awesome about the 'culture shock in one punch' that bloodnut writes of, and I don't believe that's what tourists come to see.


My friends love thailand,they stop off in phuket every year on the way back from england to oz,

stay in a fivestar hotel,sit around the pool all day,drink chang and eat pad thai goong.

Shop for fake diesel shirts and billabong shorts and rave about how they love the thai way of life and how its good for their children to experience other cultures!!!!!!

Yep jingjoe, they're the same ones who 'love' Bali, but never leave the Kuta 'strip' have their drinking competitions, and go home with their T shirt emblazoned with how many beers they downed in 24 hours!!??

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Yeah ok cute video, but really I could give a rats behind that some spoiled affluent kids might get there dreams to come true here.....most show up having paid no dues in life to teach them anything, what little they do know is usually some regurgitation of politically correct crap about social responsibility that their lefty college prof. has pounded into their mushy little heads.....they and the world they travel to would be better off if they were home washing dishes and digging ditches to unlearn all the years of crap their schooling has mis-educated them about before they venture overseas.....but hey, thats just me....always the romantic.

You are 100% correct.

Since the lawyer infested western governments have started pounding the "everyone should go to uni" BS, youths have stopped learning how to actually do something useful as opposed to learning a load of PC BS!

What's a degree in "media studies" worth in a depression? Meanwhile, they scrapped apprenticeships- losers.

  • Like 1

I've lived in Thailand for 3 years now, and although tourists do no deserve to be attacked I don't think they are completely innocent. High tourist places in Thailand tend to attract a certain type of tourist. Ones who have done little if any research into the country and have little if any respect for the culture and the differences. Over the years those tourists have build up bad feelings in the area and a hardened attitude towards westerners. Westerners are slowing changing Thailand and it is not necessarily for the good. The government has just made it compulsory for all university students to take an extra unit in 'being Thai'. Basically they are saying that Thai people are loosing their soft, calm manners and becoming disrespectful.

Thailand is a big place and if you only go to areas where disrespectful and careless tourists go then yes you are going to see Thai's that have some kind of resentment to Westerners and tourists. Look at Phatong beach, I went there when I had a stop over in Phuket to see what people go on about. I felt embarrassed to be there and I felt embarrassed for the Thais. It is so out of the culture and degrading to them, but do it because it brings in money from tourists. After visiting places like that I can understand why Thais can build up a resentment and bitterness. When I travel Thailand I always go to the non-touristy places, and always behave in a manner similar to other Thais. I have had so many good experiences and people are always happy and welcoming. I will admit that speaking Thai does help but even knowing just a few words really impresses Thai people and they are always so happy that you have tried.

Basically go off the beaten track. Do a little bit of research before you come to Thailand (or any country for that matter). Thailand really is the land of smiles! Just stay out of the bad spots. Every country has them.

<Basically they are saying that Thai people are loosing their soft, calm manners and becoming disrespectful>

Do tell, LOL.

I've been coming to Thailand a LOT longer than you, and if what you say is true it was also true long into last century, and that was before the advent of the "gap year" tossers or cheap flights.

Since when is someone going ANYWHERE for a 2 week holiday going to do "research" or go off the beaten track!!!


Putting your feet up in a cramped toy style tuk tuk is culturally insensitive, but no more so than charging people extra because they are foreign.

If you want to charge special foreigner prices seems fair they should expect the same cultural sensitivity in return

That happens everywhere. Taxi drivers are notorious for it, in SE Asia, Australia, and everywhere. I've had taxi drivers try me on for non existent (except in their own minds) surcharges in London and LA. From my experience, Singapore is about the straightest in that regard, licence on show, a 'phone number on show to report drivers, and appropriate penalties for trangressions.


Putting your feet up in a cramped toy style tuk tuk is culturally insensitive, but no more so than charging people extra because they are foreign.

If you want to charge special foreigner prices seems fair they should expect the same cultural sensitivity in return

That happens everywhere. Taxi drivers are notorious for it, in SE Asia, Australia, and everywhere. I've had taxi drivers try me on for non existent (except in their own minds) surcharges in London and LA. From my experience, Singapore is about the straightest in that regard, licence on show, a 'phone number on show to report drivers, and appropriate penalties for trangressions.

Ahhhhhhh...Gull Wing.....

Then again Singapore is a "FINE" nation!!!! With a fine line between

totalitarian regime and police state...combined into one. Mind you...it

is clean and efficient!


What I particularly like about Singapore is that there are no idiots walking the streets, inconveniencing the rest of us. We're so politically correct in Autralia, so sensitive about losers' civil liberties, that those of us who contribute via taxes are screwed to appease the down and outs, and that doesn't happen in Singapore.

The 'Fine City' is an oldie, and I recall seeing it on a T shirt 20+ years ago. I'm surprised the authorities didn't burn them.

It is clean and efficient, and the crime rate one of the lowest in the world.


Putting your feet up in a cramped toy style tuk tuk is culturally insensitive, but no more so than charging people extra because they are foreign.

If you want to charge special foreigner prices seems fair they should expect the same cultural sensitivity in return

Yes, definitely. Whenever I go to France I always make sure I'm rude to all French people because once, a Frenchman short-changed me.

I know living in Thailand is hard, but some people don't make it easier for themselves...


If you get into any form of trouble even if you're the innocent party, you'll definitely know that it is more a tourist trap. The Thai police usually just side their own kind even if there is an English interpreter. Corruption, corruption corruption......

It is no longer a worthy place to visit. Nightclubs are full of mafias who will extort money from foreigners who think they are going in for a good time just to find themselves becoming hundreds of dollars poorer by force....

Stupid place. All my friends who have lived there long enough call it the Land of many Morons. It's Moronland, folks!!!!

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Thailand is losing her luster, that is for sure. Everyone who lives here can see the quality of tourists going down as crime against tourist rise.

The quality of tourists has nothing to do with crime against tourists. There have always been scams and crime against tourists here and it has not gotten any worse.. It is the lousy world economy that is hurting tourism in Thailand.

Sorry I'm bashing Thailands Image-IT HAS GOT WORSE, the second sentance is relevent-world economy. By the way because there have always been scams here, does that excuse them to have to stay ?????
  • Like 1

I've lived in Thailand for 3 years now, and although tourists do no deserve to be attacked I don't think they are completely innocent. High tourist places in Thailand tend to attract a certain type of tourist. Ones who have done little if any research into the country and have little if any respect for the culture and the differences. Over the years those tourists have build up bad feelings in the area and a hardened attitude towards westerners. Westerners are slowing changing Thailand and it is not necessarily for the good. The government has just made it compulsory for all university students to take an extra unit in 'being Thai'. Basically they are saying that Thai people are loosing their soft, calm manners and becoming disrespectful.

Thailand is a big place and if you only go to areas where disrespectful and careless tourists go then yes you are going to see Thai's that have some kind of resentment to Westerners and tourists. Look at Phatong beach, I went there when I had a stop over in Phuket to see what people go on about. I felt embarrassed to be there and I felt embarrassed for the Thais. It is so out of the culture and degrading to them, but do it because it brings in money from tourists. After visiting places like that I can understand why Thais can build up a resentment and bitterness. When I travel Thailand I always go to the non-touristy places, and always behave in a manner similar to other Thais. I have had so many good experiences and people are always happy and welcoming. I will admit that speaking Thai does help but even knowing just a few words really impresses Thai people and they are always so happy that you have tried.

Basically go off the beaten track. Do a little bit of research before you come to Thailand (or any country for that matter). Thailand really is the land of smiles! Just stay out of the bad spots. Every country has them.

<Basically they are saying that Thai people are loosing their soft, calm manners and becoming disrespectful>

Do tell, LOL.

I've been coming to Thailand a LOT longer than you, and if what you say is true it was also true long into last century, and that was before the advent of the "gap year" tossers or cheap flights.

Since when is someone going ANYWHERE for a 2 week holiday going to do "research" or go off the beaten track!!!

Yup, agreed. I doubt too many tourists come to Thailand with the idea of going on a nature trail. Trekking doesn`t count these days either now that the hill villages are little more than theme parks.
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If Thailand (or at least Pattaya) is smart, it stays with its image of being the #1 "naughty fun" destination in the world.

It costs millions of Dollars to create a trademark - Pattaya has it already, but should utilize it a smart way.

Keep the action and fun going - but get rid of the criminal elements that can turn a fun holiday into a nightmare.

It can't be so hard - but of course requires a clear goal, some courage, a real 'crackdown' (how I love this word!) on *graft* and to force a few influential figures to cut off their ties to the mafia.

The problem is not the sex as some do-gooders never seem to get tired to suggest - the problem is most of everything else that goes on in the city (the pollution, the traffic chaos, the bad roads, the pollution of the sea, 'condos' replacing the last remaining green dots in the city, and then of course the endless ripoffs, scams, murders, robberies, KO drop attacks, bad attitudes of some Thais who can't get enough against tourists etc. etc.

well there are certainly people who wouldn't go to thailand precisely due to it's 'seedy' image

the tourist numbers tell exactly the opposite however. wink.png

Whether many tourists come "despite" the naughty / fun / adventure (or as you call it "seedy") image

or if many come exactly for this reason (and would rather go to the Maledives, Vietnam or very soon,

to Myanmar if they were really just looking for exotic cultures, food, people and stunning beaches)

both you and I don't really know if we are honest.


What I particularly like about Singapore is that there are no idiots walking the streets, inconveniencing the rest of us. We're so politically correct in Autralia, so sensitive about losers' civil liberties, that those of us who contribute via taxes are screwed to appease the down and outs, and that doesn't happen in Singapore.

The 'Fine City' is an oldie, and I recall seeing it on a T shirt 20+ years ago. I'm surprised the authorities didn't burn them.

It is clean and efficient, and the crime rate one of the lowest in the world.

Never been there. Can you park your motorbike on the side walk.


I've lived in Thailand for 3 years now, and although tourists do no deserve to be attacked I don't think they are completely innocent. High tourist places in Thailand tend to attract a certain type of tourist. Ones who have done little if any research into the country and have little if any respect for the culture and the differences. Over the years those tourists have build up bad feelings in the area and a hardened attitude towards westerners. Westerners are slowing changing Thailand and it is not necessarily for the good. The government has just made it compulsory for all university students to take an extra unit in 'being Thai'. Basically they are saying that Thai people are loosing their soft, calm manners and becoming disrespectful.

Thailand is a big place and if you only go to areas where disrespectful and careless tourists go then yes you are going to see Thai's that have some kind of resentment to Westerners and tourists. Look at Phatong beach, I went there when I had a stop over in Phuket to see what people go on about. I felt embarrassed to be there and I felt embarrassed for the Thais. It is so out of the culture and degrading to them, but do it because it brings in money from tourists. After visiting places like that I can understand why Thais can build up a resentment and bitterness. When I travel Thailand I always go to the non-touristy places, and always behave in a manner similar to other Thais. I have had so many good experiences and people are always happy and welcoming. I will admit that speaking Thai does help but even knowing just a few words really impresses Thai people and they are always so happy that you have tried.

Basically go off the beaten track. Do a little bit of research before you come to Thailand (or any country for that matter). Thailand really is the land of smiles! Just stay out of the bad spots. Every country has them.

<Basically they are saying that Thai people are loosing their soft, calm manners and becoming disrespectful>

Do tell, LOL.

I've been coming to Thailand a LOT longer than you, and if what you say is true it was also true long into last century, and that was before the advent of the "gap year" tossers or cheap flights.

Since when is someone going ANYWHERE for a 2 week holiday going to do "research" or go off the beaten track!!!

Yup, agreed. I doubt too many tourists come to Thailand with the idea of going on a nature trail. Trekking doesn`t count these days either now that the hill villages are little more than theme parks.

Well it is quite obvious you have never traveled any place in Thailand that was not a tourist attraction. The truth is most of Thailand rarely sees tourists. It is only the tourist areas where you get ripped off the same as any tourist area in the world.

Most of the Thai's would not even know how to scam. But you stick to your tourist areas and judge all Thai's by the ones you see there.

Unrelated sort of but aren't a lot of the people coming to Thailand for the Tourist areas trying to scam. They are trying to get some thing they can not get back home for the same price.


Unrelated sort of but aren't a lot of the people coming to Thailand for the Tourist areas trying to scam. They are trying to get some thing they can not get back home for the same price.

Paying for services here, that cost much more than you can afford back home, is not a scam.

I mean come on, really.

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