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Cat And Mouse With The Cops...Oh And Remember Mr Bts Balloon?


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Those fiber glass filters take around 1000 years to biodegrade so throwing them on any living earth should be punished. Its sad that most police are only paid to serve and protect rich people in cities and rarely are they seen protecting nature or enforcing laws on burning garbage and dry foliage within the city and in rural areas..

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Those fiber glass filters take around 1000 years to biodegrade so throwing them on any living earth should be punished. Its sad that most police are only paid to serve and protect rich people in cities and rarely are they seen protecting nature or enforcing laws on burning garbage and dry foliage within the city and in rural areas..

i hope anytime you are in a country with nuclear power plants you avoid all contact with the power they generate then.

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Getting back on topic, another helpful suggestion would be to shave whilst driving.

The slightly-less-than-eagle-eyed long arm of the law will pull you over to fine you for using your mobile phone while driving, and you can say "ha ha officer, I was just trimming my sideboards"

Obviously, wet shaving would be less effective than an electric razor in this case...


EDIT: And you'd not want to do it with one of those Samsung Combination Shaver - Trimmer - Organiser - Phone - Toaster devices

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You should be ashamed of yourselves !


Its called choice.

Selfish one at that.

Out of interest, what are you trying to achieve? Do you think there is the remotest chance that he, or others, will be motivated to stop smoking or cut back because of your antipathy? Or are you trying to assuage some hurt that you feel?


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You should be ashamed of yourselves !


Its called choice.

How about my freekin choice NOT to breathe in a smokers poison, should I wear a permanent gas mask ?

Breathe anyway you want. Its not my job to make sure you have clean air to breathe.

Perhaps you could go and live in a mountain somewhere, far way from the pollutants of tobacco and diesel smoke and dodgy cooking and drains, and the internet...


EDIT: My apologies, by the way, for joining in this bickerfest.

Perhaps we could get back on topic, and propose more entertaining ways to wind up our brothers in brown

Edited by StreetCowboy
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You should be ashamed of yourselves !


Its called choice.

How about my freekin choice NOT to breathe in a smokers poison, should I wear a permanent gas mask ?

Breathe anyway you want. Its not my job to make sure you have clean air to breathe.

Perhaps you could go and live in a mountain somewhere, far way from the pollutants of tobacco and diesel smoke and dodgy cooking and drains, and the internet...


"Breathe anyway you want"

"How about my freekin choice NOT to breathe in a smokers poison"

Not to breathe would probably be better. Better for the forum anyway (IMEHO)..................tongue.png

Those dam_n choices again........wink.png

Edit: In my extremely humble opinion added as I do not represent all viewers of this topic............rolleyes.gif

Edited by chrisinth
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I vote for glass cages for smokers, so we can sit around and watch them smoke themselves to death...or half of them anyway as stated in the research data.

I vote for all the anti smokers to have their own country, but they are not permitted cars or buses, power stations (nuclear or coal), cows or sheep (too much methane) etc, etc. Ohhh! That candle smoke is burning my eyes and making me cough. Let's ban candles.

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I vote for glass cages for smokers, so we can sit around and watch them smoke themselves to death...or half of them anyway as stated in the research data.

I vote for all the anti smokers to have their own country, but they are not permitted cars or buses, power stations (nuclear or coal), cows or sheep (too much methane) etc, etc. Ohhh! That candle smoke is burning my eyes and making me cough. Let's ban candles.

I vote before all the rabid anti-smoker tree huggers get on the backs of smokers, go an annoy the Thai goverment about the air pollution in Thailand obviously most prevelant around the cities, if you get your way there and all air pollution is banished, comeback and start on the smokers until that day stuff your comments up your bottom

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I vote for glass cages for smokers, so we can sit around and watch them smoke themselves to death...or half of them anyway as stated in the research data.

Glass cages would be an excellent choice. Make sure you get a good seat closeup so we can share.

Cages? What a strange choice of wording. I take it English isn't your natural language. Enclosures would work, even boxes.


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I vote for this thread to be closed.

The OP's a legend in his own lunch box for 'messing' with the Thai coppers. We get it. You out witted them by - shock horror - not littering.

The rest is just static.

Edited by samran
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And then there is the smell of you guys, I mean seriously, have you not noticed the stench you exude ?

But they say a fox ignores its own scent and I generally love the smell of my own farts, so each to their own.

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I vote for glass cages for smokers, so we can sit around and watch them smoke themselves to death...or half of them anyway as stated in the research data.

Because they are so weak willed they not only wanna poison themselves they wanna take the rest of us with them, thats got my vote.

We could have zoos where smokers poison themselves only, us normal people could take children to these zoos and educate them, the smokers could be viewed as a sub species intent on self harm, a species we must lock away from the rest of society for our own health protection?

We put maniacs and self harmers in padded cells, smokers in my opinion are worse, yes they are maniacs and self harmers, but they affect other normal, sane people too.

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I vote for glass cages for smokers, so we can sit around and watch them smoke themselves to death...or half of them anyway as stated in the research data.

I vote for all the anti smokers to have their own country, but they are not permitted cars or buses, power stations (nuclear or coal), cows or sheep (too much methane) etc, etc. Ohhh! That candle smoke is burning my eyes and making me cough. Let's ban candles.

Oh my goodness, the sarcasm on this forum kills me lolololol. Gotta love ThaiVisa!

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I vote for glass cages for smokers, so we can sit around and watch them smoke themselves to death...or half of them anyway as stated in the research data.

Because they are so weak willed they not only wanna poison themselves they wanna take the rest of us with them, thats got my vote.

We could have zoos where smokers poison themselves only, us normal people could take children to these zoos and educate them, the smokers could be viewed as a sub species intent on self harm, a species we must lock away from the rest of society for our own health protection?

We put maniacs and self harmers in padded cells, smokers in my opinion are worse, yes they are maniacs and self harmers, but they affect other normal, sane people too.

Wouldn't you be happier in an Amish community?

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There is only rainforest in Brazil ?

And only rainforest is important enough for your argument ?


The point was that thousands of acres of rainforest are cleared for cattle production, the same isn't true for growing tobacco. If you actually have something constructive to add, please do, but try and refrain from the childish "duh" comments.

People have to eat...they do not have to smoke and poison everyone else and themselves, however if they poison themselves, I do not care, but it is kind of dumb right ?

By the way, I dont eat Bigmacs

That would be right, get right away from the point I was making and attack smokers again. If I choose to poison myself either with fast food, alcohol, or the pesticides sprayed on all our vegetables, that's no one's business but my own. This absurd argument that smokers are poisoning everyone else, is just that, absurd. Just breathing the air in Bangkok is a health hazard and you want to complain about smokers. Pathetic.

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