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I know BKK is one big flashmob but...

It's a guilty pleasure, what can i tell you?!

I'd like to throw a flashmob for my fiancé in Bangkok. Anyone know how to go about it? Hiring a group, Who to payoff etc. ideally it would be in hualamphong station?? Would that even be possible?

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Just put up a load of adverts saying that a Farang has some money left and will be at the station at a certain time - you will get your flash mob.

Why not spice things up and do a flash mob at a police station? Now that would be funny. 4000 Farangs turning up on mass at the coppers back door.

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given the current climate and concerns over terrorism you would think the US consulate would know better than to have a group of random people throwing packages around a busy public market place.

how do you reckon homeland security would have reacted to that cute little show?

you would think the fact that thais lay down on the pavement without laying down newspaper first would have set off alarms.

Edited by nocturn
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Find an active group or club and get them involved as your seed mob. Maybe a local school choir or drama group. Check on Google maps as to "what's nearby"

There's nothing wrong with thinking inside the box on this one and then moving the box or taking it outside aftewards. Good luck.

Does Chula have a Facebook group? Can you get a company like Chang to provide water and/or tshirts for exposure (guerilla marketing)

Keep it sanook and you'll get your flash mob

Sent from Android, please excuse errors in type or judgement.

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I have been to and helped a few flashmobs in the UK. They're extremely fun

Social networking is the best for spreading the word and organising it. Facebook event and then pass it on etc. I imagine doing it in Thailand though would be trickier. Maybe get someone who speaks Thai to help you write the advert for it. Also put up signs and posters - however I am not sure what the police would think of this if they saw the advertisements.

Basically I think you will need someone who is very outgoing and Thai to help you pull the punters in for the flashmob. You may also have to inform the station beforehand. Also another thing... Flash mobs are usually done by the younger people so maybe do it at a time when the younger people can attend (weekend or something) Try and sell the flashmob thing a love story, maybe you can make a video before hand and let it go viral etc. Thai people love the cheesy love stories so will be more inclined to help if they know what it's for.

I would be up for helping if I am available.

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Phuturatica has it right. You should go the social networking route. I think you need Thai assistance, though. I would go to some sort of local dance group and enlist their help. They can recruit through Teenee or whatever and then take care of the choreography.

I doubt that it would be too hard to get dancers. Quite a few Thais know about flash mobs, and I think many would love to participate.

Good luck! And if you do it, make sure to video it. Your fiance will be overwhelmed with it and won't be able to appreciate it 100% at the time, so having it on video will let her sit down later and really enjoy the entire experience.

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Phuturatica has it right. You should go the social networking route. I think you need Thai assistance, though. I would go to some sort of local dance group and enlist their help. They can recruit through Teenee or whatever and then take care of the choreography.

I doubt that it would be too hard to get dancers. Quite a few Thais know about flash mobs, and I think many would love to participate.

Good luck! And if you do it, make sure to video it. Your fiance will be overwhelmed with it and won't be able to appreciate it 100% at the time, so having it on video will let her sit down later and really enjoy the entire experience.

Can't help thinking it would be easier as another poster suggested and just offer free som tam! biggrin.png

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Some genuinely good pointers and advice. Thanks.

Oh and I believe it's spelled 'puerile'.

No, I'm sure its spelt 'Flash Mob'

You would need to be careful, if you advertised it as 'puerile' you would get a lot of childish people turning up at a rather serious event. What would your GF think? biggrin.png

Best of luck with it, look forward to the video...........wink.png

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Spel it ennie wae yu wont, Its a load of imported american tv crap that is designed to appeal to the masses so the stations can claim big viewer numbers so in turn they can charge more for advertis(z)ing fees.

It's nearly as bad as the kardashians and the other one with the skinny blond and her husband, somebody and bill.

Educational or even entertaining it is not.

Compare it to the people you see doing cartwheels on the beach etc, look at me, I'm an attention bitch/handsome man

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Spel it ennie wae yu wont, Its a load of imported american tv crap that is designed to appeal to the masses so the stations can claim big viewer numbers so in turn they can charge more for advertis(z)ing fees.

It's nearly as bad as the kardashians and the other one with the skinny blond and her husband, somebody and bill.

Educational or even entertaining it is not.

Compare it to the people you see doing cartwheels on the beach etc, look at me, I'm an attention bitch/handsome man

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