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Overstay And You'Re Deported......Take Your Chance At Your Peril..

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Do not believe the constant postings re pay the Overstay and you're welcome back. Overstay now at your Peril....!!

This morning a Facebook friend has started detailing his deportation for overstaying and will post further information hopefully as I get it.......

I have constantly made the point that should you overstay than you risk not coming back in but have been constantly berated for it with pay the 20,000 and no problem....

Well now we have a live individual in exactly that situation...

Will update when I can...

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One individual allegedly deported versus how many that aren't and simply pay the overstay? Makes me think there's more to his particular story than is being let out. Please do keep everyone informed as to the outcome.

Received your second post after I sent my reply. So, it wasn't just a case of overstay. Thanks for updating and giving the clarification.

Edited by hedonist44
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If he's not allowed back, and you don't even know that yet, or is having other problems, it's because of the drug test not the overstay. People that have problems tend to lie about what really happened to them. People leave and come back with 20k overstay fines all the time. Unless you are guilty of something else they do not care. If you have a big overstay you should pay the fine and go home to get a real visa and come back. They want people to get legal.

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Getting caught as opposed to turning up at the airport makes a world of difference.

Caught on a motor bike with some Glass Pipe (whatever that is)

54 weeks overstay, 8,000 Baht fine for the offence, no overstay fine, and straight deportation after 10 weeks banged up.

If I get more will give it to you.

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My friend had no visa, no passport, he was held at Pathum Thani jail for something else instead of at IDC, he was deported upon payment of the fine from the courts, and also for the passport. He left at the end of last year and is already back.

So do not believe all you hear. Also a piss test for drugs shows that the original OP's friend was also breaking a serious law in Thailand about Drugs, maybe he or she had more on them as well.

A glass pipe is used to smoke Ice, which again is illegal, however you can purchase them easy enough if you know where to go.

Edited by beano2274
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Getting caught as opposed to turning up at the airport makes a world of difference.

Caught on a motor bike with some Glass Pipe (whatever that is)

54 weeks overstay, 8,000 Baht fine for the offence, no overstay fine, and straight deportation after 10 weeks banged up.

If I get more will give it to you.

Yeah so he's a drug criminal. This sounds like it really doesn't have anything to do with him overstaying. If he'd just been on overstay without the drug pipe, he would have payed the 20k fine and been deported and come back 9 weeks ago.

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Getting caught as opposed to turning up at the airport makes a world of difference.

Caught on a motor bike with some Glass Pipe (whatever that is)

54 weeks overstay, 8,000 Baht fine for the offence, no overstay fine, and straight deportation after 10 weeks banged up.

If I get more will give it to you.

glass pipes are used for smoking ice (drug, widespread but very illegal).

so there is much more to the case than a simple overstay.

what was the result of the piss test?

what would be the result of a follicle (hair) test if one was performed?

then this is 13 months overstay... not just a couple of weeks.

personally, I don't wish people driving around with glass pipes be allowed to stay.

I'd bet a guy with no tattoos (not implying your friend has tattoos) and wearing a shirt with sleeves (not implying your friend didn't wear one) and not carrying drugs or items associated with drug use would have been able to sweet-talk/ bribe his way out without a problem.

Edited by manarak
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Getting caught as opposed to turning up at the airport makes a world of difference.

Caught on a motor bike with some Glass Pipe (whatever that is)

54 weeks overstay, 8,000 Baht fine for the offence, no overstay fine, and straight deportation after 10 weeks banged up.

If I get more will give it to you.

glass pipes are used for smoking ice (drug, widespread but very illegal).

so there is much more to the case than a simple overstay.

what was the result of the piss test?

what would be the result of a follicle (hair) test if one was performed?

then this is 13 months overstay... not just a couple of weeks.

personally, I don't wish people driving around with glass pipes be allowed to stay.

I'd bet a guy with no tattoos (not implying your friend has tattoos) and wearing a shirt with sleeves (not implying your friend didn't wear one) would have been able to sweet-talk/ bribe his way out without a problem.

I love the hypocrisy and generalisations shown in this post.....overstay is ok, but someone getting caught with a glass pipe kick them, black list them, hang them high...LOL

both acts in the eyes of the law are illegal...

Another post which illustrates the need to invoke a mandatory IQ test before being issued a visa for Thailand

As to an earlier post stating "they dont care" for now...one day they might start caring

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Deported for another offence. Overstay irrelevant...but why people overstay beggars me...try at all costs to stay legal visa wise!

Here is Uncle Souties solution to the overstay problem:

7 days or less = fine as normal

more than 7 days first offense = 1 week lock up & banned from Thailand for 3 months

second offense = another week in lock up and banned for 6 months

third offsense = 1 month in lock up deported and banned for 10 years

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As stated if you are on your way out of the country its a case of pay the fine at the airport. Numerous posters on this topic always warn that the danger is being caught by the BIB before you get to the airport or Border crossing as that will include some custody and a court appearance....it seems that is the case with your friend topped with the fact that he was not on his way out of the country but found in possession of some equipment used for drugs make him a prime case for deportation, lets hope for his sake no drugs were found on him or his premises or he may well find himself on a fish head soup diet for the foreseeable future

Edited by Tafia
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Deported for another offence. Overstay irrelevant...but why people overstay beggars me...try at all costs to stay legal visa wise!

Here is Uncle Souties solution to the overstay problem:

7 days or less = fine as normal

more than 7 days first offense = 1 week lock up & banned from Thailand for 3 months

second offense = another week in lock up and banned for 6 months

third offsense = 1 month in lock up deported and banned for 10 years

I really think you are way off the mark here imagine the overcrowding in the prisons and detentions centre's which are already at breaking point.......Or are you just aiming this at Farang and not the thousands of Loatian Cambodians and Burmese? which would be immigration discrimmination wouldn't it! tongue.png

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Deported for another offence. Overstay irrelevant...but why people overstay beggars me...try at all costs to stay legal visa wise!

Here is Uncle Souties solution to the overstay problem:

7 days or less = fine as normal

more than 7 days first offense = 1 week lock up & banned from Thailand for 3 months

second offense = another week in lock up and banned for 6 months

third offsense = 1 month in lock up deported and banned for 10 years

I really think you are way off the mark here imagine the overcrowding in the prisons and detentions centre's which are already at breaking point.......Or are you just aiming this at Farang and not the thousands of Loatian Cambodians and Burmese? which would be immigration discrimmination wouldn't it! tongue.png

I propose to introduce these changes in the law in 2015, once the Asean thing is in place and then Loatians, Cambodians and Burmese should not be a problem...tongue.png so certainly not dicrimination

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glass pipes are used for smoking ice (drug, widespread but very illegal).

so there is much more to the case than a simple overstay.

what was the result of the piss test?

what would be the result of a follicle (hair) test if one was performed?

then this is 13 months overstay... not just a couple of weeks.

personally, I don't wish people driving around with glass pipes be allowed to stay.

I'd bet a guy with no tattoos (not implying your friend has tattoos) and wearing a shirt with sleeves (not implying your friend didn't wear one) would have been able to sweet-talk/ bribe his way out without a problem.

I love the hypocrisy and generalisations shown in this post.....overstay is ok, but someone getting caught with a glass pipe kick them, black list them, hang them high...LOL

both acts in the eyes of the law are illegal...

well, my experience with druggies, tattooed or grunge-dressing persons (categories which are often overlapping) is that not only do they seem to attract trouble, but they also create problems for many people.

the problem does not lie in breaking laws, the problem lies in bad people.

treating everyone in an equal manner under the law leads to the stupidity of the current system in Europe: as a honorable and law-abiding citizen of a Shengen country, just try to obtain a visa for your Thai girlfriend to visit you in Europe, since they have to treat everyone the same, you will be treated as a criminal.

Different treatment according to criminal record, position in society, status... nuisance potential... yes please!

After years of being treated as a criminal by my own country, I am sick of it.

Paid taxes, never arrested for anything, hardly a couple of traffic tickets here and there, no debt, etc. and I am treated the same as the trash down the street who got arrested several times for drugs, theft and beating his wife andcouldn't pay back his loan(s) and lives from welfare.

Another post which illustrates the need to invoke a mandatory IQ test before being issued a visa for Thailand

I don't need a visa...

And while I agree that we at Mensa aren't the smartest, I also think that it would be a serious nail in the coffin of the Thai tourism industry if you set the limit at above the 98th percentile.

On one hand I would still be able to visit on a visa, and on the second hand, the mandatory IQ test would probably keep almost all the scum out. Suits me just fine.

Edited by manarak
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Simple fix just take away the 20,000 limit so if you are captured on a overstay of say 60 days 500 bt times 60 = 30,000 bt if you can't pay go to jail untill you can it would take away the incentive to try and cheat the system right now anyone overstaying longer than 40 days has no reason to give them selfs in

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looks like the piss test went badly then.........meth heads,.... worse than useless...... should change the thread title.......... smoke crystal meth at your own peril....... risk being deported from reality.

Edited by chinook
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I cant give you any more than what I gave you in Post 7......

The facts I gave you were the hard detail. He has commented elsewhere in the interim that he "believes" he will be let back in but I hazard a guess thats Bravado. The guy is very well known and I had expected his name to have cropped up but somewhat surprisingly it hasn't here, or not yet anyway......

I still have no idea exactly what a Glass Pipe is apart from detail within this thread but as several have mentioned it appears that the Deportation was strictly down to that offence, although am surprised he didn't get hit for the 20,000 Baht as well.

I suspect he will not be re entering Thailand in the future.

If something else is posted I'll report it here.

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Simple fix just take away the 20,000 limit so if you are captured on a overstay of say 60 days 500 bt times 60 = 30,000 bt if you can't pay go to jail untill you can it would take away the incentive to try and cheat the system right now anyone overstaying longer than 40 days has no reason to give them selfs in

this is correct ,leaving the maximum fine at 20k would work out cheaper than doing it properly when you take into account visa runs ,buses, flights ,immigration stamps and taxis + wasted time

it costs 25,000 to get a 1 year ED visa and another 1700 to extend it every 90 days

people will take liberties if they are there to be taken

some of the fines are completely inappropraite

the maximum fine for carrying a concealed weapon (like a flick knife ) is 400 thb IIRC ,what kind of deterrent is that ?

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Just curious, what about if you know someone who is a consistent overstayer, who also impreganted a 15 year old girl here in Phuket and runs an illegal gambling site based out of Phuket and Chiang Mai....where would one report that? Ive looked on the internet and cant find out where to report this insect

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Here you go....

Deportation was for "Exceeding One Calander year on Over Stay" and the normal fine (or whatever you may call it) waived in lieu of Deportation. Deportation not linked to the other offence.

From the horses mouth but am only repeating Verbatim what I was told...

Inotherwards dont shoot the messenger !!

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Just curious, what about if you know someone who is a consistent overstayer, who also impreganted a 15 year old girl here in Phuket and runs an illegal gambling site based out of Phuket and Chiang Mai....where would one report that? Ive looked on the internet and cant find out where to report this insect

I think falls into "do not get involved category"!

Unless it is affecting you or your family directly.

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13 months overstay and got stopped re a Piss Test.....

10 weeks in Deportation centre.

If he was in the Immigration Detention Centre (IDC) for the entire ten weeks he was probably not convicted for a drug offence, only to pay 8,000 Baht for the overstay, but he had no money or was otherwise unwilling to pay the fine. Usually, the court applies one day of detention per 200 Baht fine, which would mean detention for 40 days, and this leads to the assumption that he had no airline ticket out of Thailand after these 40 days and thus was held in IDC until he got a ticket.

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