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Guy Beating Up Girl In The Street. What To Do?


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i have intervened twice in my 10 or so years here, one time girl was very thankful, so thankful that she insisted on staying with me.

Oh boy....

"I insist! Take me, I'm yours to do with what you will, handsome and brave hero!"

"I couldn't take advantage of this situation like that, madam."

"I insist! I will stay with you!"

"Well, okay, if you put it that way. Don't let my cape hit you in the face when I fly away with you under my arm."

I can't imagine why anyone would intervene in something that they know nothing about and have absolutely no business in.

If you saw two people arguing, would you walk up and try to be Dr. Phil? What a presumptive thing to do.

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Okay you rush in and stop the woman getting bashed . Then what ? You have made the Thai man (,or any other male including if he is falung because women bashers have very similar morals and intellect) look foolish or loose face. Repercussions will follow and maybe you will not be so lucky next time or it will involve your family. And the woman you have saved will go home and get a worse bashing because she somehow caused the man to loose face. A man enraged has no logic and will strike out if he thinks caused the problem if he is to regain his position again.

Not saying it is right but standing by is often the right thing and will have less repercussions than do the macho thing with another Macho male and we all know if you you get into a fight with a Asian Male , other Asians will join in on side of the Asian so the situation is immediately worse. Just call the cops, let them do their job.

However having just said that , if it was going to be a murder or anything equally as bad then i am not to sure i would think rationally and stand back.

oh, lets watch them all get away with murder, rape, beatings shall we.....after all lets not show them up in any way.

too much emphasis on loosing face, thats their problem, and its complete 8ollox. Im sure its a reason why so many eastern countries are so backward; becasue there are no rules, no discipline, and spineless people not doing the morally correct thing becasue of this "face" crap.

In the West we are oblivious to it, do whats right, say what you think, give your opinion and if they dont like it..then tough.

as for repercussions, you are dreaming, its hype and hearsay, there is a very small minority of aggressive people around here, and as for them being linked to your paticular person losing face, slim slim chance.

But if you want to watch someone be at the receiving end of a rape or murder..........then I say to you for ever more "who now lives with a "lost face"

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I can't imagine why anyone would intervene in something that they know nothing about and have absolutely no business in.

If you saw two people arguing, would you walk up and try to be Dr. Phil? What a presumptive thing to do.

If YOU saw a grown man beating the crap out of a small child, would YOU walk up and try to help the child? Or would you think that presumptive?

Now let's imagine that you ARE the small child and see another grown-up that could help you just walking on by. What do you think would be going through your mind right about then? Or for the rest of your life...

There ARE times when it's right and proper to intervene. There are also times when it's prudent NOT to personally intervene but instead alert the powers responsible for protecting others. And... yes, there are times simply not to get involved between two strangers at all. It really is a case-by-case situation requiring some thought.

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Unless I missed it, no one mentioned that you don't REALLY know what you are seeing. You see little girl getting beat up by big bad man. Another choice COULD be, girl thief and male victim making payment. What do you do THEN? My instincts are, if it really bothers you, call the police. Other than that, stay out, unless you are SURE you are protecting someone's life, or the lives of children and innocents.

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At most you can call out Jai Yen Jai Yen...

Anything more and It's possible that he'll have a go at you, she'll help him, you'll go home battered and bruised, they'll get back on the Motocy, go home, make passionate love and laugh at your foolishness.

Edited by TantraMantra
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Unless I missed it, no one mentioned that you don't REALLY know what you are seeing. You see little girl getting beat up by big bad man. Another choice COULD be, girl thief and male victim making payment. What do you do THEN? My instincts are, if it really bothers you, call the police. Other than that, stay out, unless you are SURE you are protecting someone's life, or the lives of children and innocents.

go to specsavers Kevin

I hinted at it post 21

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This is just one small disgusting behavour of humans that is happening all over the world. I guess there is something radically wrong with us humans that we still have not recognized. Do animals resort to this type of behaviour? Any recorded incidents?

Example http://video.foxnews...ntcmp=obnetwork

Even the cops in the west with their drones, tasers, shotguns & brass knuckes hate domestics as they are so unpredictable. In Thailand it is not unknown for a group of passing Thais to attack a westerner if seen in a fight with another Thai. If you want to wade into a that scenario go ahead. Honestly your motives are pure, but things here just aren't black and white.

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This is just one small disgusting behavour of humans that is happening all over the world. I guess there is something radically wrong with us humans that we still have not recognized. Do animals resort to this type of behaviour? Any recorded incidents?

Example http://video.foxnews...ntcmp=obnetwork

Chimpanzees hunt, mutilate, then kill their own kind. They are our closest genetic relative.

Any proof of that. I'd be interested to read it.

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What would you do if it had been a farang beating a Thai woman? Or a farang beating a farang woman?

now hold that thought..................

Now ask yourself how much of your soul you have sold in Thailand. coffee1.gif

I haven't lost any of my soul. However, I do still possess common sense.

I also think that people don't know how they will react until the event happens. Whether it's a farang would make a difference though as the probability of extreme violence is far less.

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Back in the states, I would have gone over and pulled the guy off the woman and try to keep them separated until the situation cooled down a bit. Unfortunately here in Thailand I would just look the other way and keep riding. Not my business and won't stick my head out for most anyone anymore. Same as an accident along the road, keep driving as if you never saw it and keep you and you're family out of harms way. May seem like a very hard view to most people here and it bothers me as well, but I've been there and done that so this is the course I would always follow, but even now still a bit reluctant to admit.

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Unless you are prepared to fight both the girl, the guy, and any other Thais who may be passing by who jump at the chance to beat on a farang, and risk the chance of getting stabbed or shot then have the entire incident blamed on you, you keep on driving and mind your business. This isn't your home country where logic and law applies. Such a thing could turn on you faster than you know what hit you, and I've seen exactly that happen several times when foreigners try to get involved in Thai affairs.

The reality is, even if you were to not get gang jumped and you actually saved the girl from that beating, she will be right back with him in a few hours or a day at the most, and catch another beating later.

Best advice

Mind your own business keep on driving/walking - I met a UK fella a years back in CM on holiday who thought he was doing the right thing by splitting up a nasty fight between

a Thai lad and his girlfriend, they both turned on him and he ended up with a broken wrist and a large hospital bill.

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If that's domestic violent in some cases the women will not appreciate your help.

you can ask her, if you can help her in any way... offer her to make a phone call, a relative, a friend... give her a kleenex...

just not talk to the guy... fully ignore him...

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It kinda depends how bad it is, using a girl really as a punching bag and doing damage or just slapping her face with a flat hand. I don't condone either but the first is a lot more pressing as the latter.

I really hate violence and i think in most cases i would hope for someone else to step in. I do speak some Thai but in a situation like that you need to be real good at it to defuse something like this. Others have pointed out that the woman might turn on you, my friend who is a police officer in the Netherlands told me this does happen and bystanders could also help the guy. It happens, just be really sure about what you do.

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What would you do if it had been a farang beating a Thai woman? Or a farang beating a farang woman?

now hold that thought..................

Now ask yourself how much of your soul you have sold in Thailand. coffee1.gif

I haven't lost any of my soul. However, I do still possess common sense.

I also think that people don't know how they will react until the event happens. Whether it's a farang would make a difference though as the probability of extreme violence is far less.

It wasn't aimed at you but you haven't answered the question....what if it had been a farang?

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I wonder how people that think about retiring in CM would feel about a thread like this?

It's better they know it's not Nirvana, and they still need to look after themselves and their property...........CM is a holiday location for many but it's also home to people who live ordinary lives with all that entails.

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happens everywhere, not a Thailand problem.

yep, and people who never smoke get lung cancer too...

people who wear seatbelts die in car accidents too..

you could lock your car and still have it stolen.

Bill Gates dropped out of college, so you should too..

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I wonder how people that think about retiring in CM would feel about a thread like this?

It's better they know it's not Nirvana, and they still need to look after themselves and their property...........CM is a holiday location for many but it's also home to people who live ordinary lives with all that entails.

That's not my point. Would you look forward to coming to a place where the standard response to domestic battery is 'don't get involved (for a million valid reasons given the culture), call the cops who aren't going to stop or do anything'? Is that a place you'd be proud to call home? -- I realize every place has its share of problems, but........

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What would you do if it had been a farang beating a Thai woman? Or a farang beating a farang woman?

now hold that thought..................

Now ask yourself how much of your soul you have sold in Thailand. coffee1.gif

I haven't lost any of my soul. However, I do still possess common sense.

I also think that people don't know how they will react until the event happens. Whether it's a farang would make a difference though as the probability of extreme violence is far less.

It wasn't aimed at you but you haven't answered the question....what if it had been a farang?

I thought I had.

"Whether it's a farang would make a difference though as the probability of extreme violence is far less."

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