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Red Shirts Urged To Gather Outside Court To Offer 'Moral Support' To Their Leaders


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I shall be heading up to the family village in Loei for a 10 day break very shortly. It always recharges the batteries. Spicy food and a cold beer followed by an early night. Cockerel call early morning.

The family and others in the village simply never talk about either Thaksin or the red shirts and generally if the subject comes up they dismiss it as an irrelevance.

Their lives rotate on eating food, tending the farm, socialising and having fun. The sense of community is strong. The local kids come to take a look at the farang sometimes!

In this little world it's easy for me to believe that Thaksin and Thida hold roughly as much relevance to the locals as William Shakespeare.

I think you've made a very good point. I've posted elsewhere on TV that it's likely that most red shirts are just trying to better their lives. Unfortunately they follow leaders who don't really have the same goals and if they could break away from the trouble makers they might be better off. Of course the same is true, albeit to a lesser extent with the other side. Taking over an airport is never going to be a good thing. If the moderates from both sides could get together they could probably do a lot of good for Thailand.

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If the moderates from both sides could get together they could probably do a lot of good for Thailand.

You mean like a unified group of all walks of life, the Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Farmers, Millers, Shop Keepers, Cooks, Builders et al, all working for a common goal of making Thailand better, which is well within their capabilities.. that is a wonderful idea.

For it to happen though, you would need to exclude all the politicians, the army and the police.

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Don't these rent a mob muppets have proper jobs?

One of the more arduous rural jobs in Thailand is Cow-watching which involves untying the cow every morning, walking until you find some grass, then observing the cow until sunset when it is returned. Those with experience sometimes watch more than one cow.

One of the job benefits is plenty of time to consider what you will do with all that money when Thaksin makes you rich.

Bit like some gin jockies...................

Why do you feel it necessary to insult rural Thailand ?

Insult? Do you think that my description was inaccurate, that this does not occur? And <deleted> are "gin jockies"?

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If the moderates from both sides could get together they could probably do a lot of good for Thailand.

You mean like a unified group of all walks of life, the Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Farmers, Millers, Shop Keepers, Cooks, Builders et al, all working for a common goal of making Thailand better, which is well within their capabilities.. that is a wonderful idea.

For it to happen though, you would need to exclude all the politicians, the army and the police.

The middle class are apathetic, because the PTP doesn't represent them and nor do the Democrats. It seems Thai politics doesn't have a mature moderate party who will look after their needs even tho they are he only group paying taxes.

Edited by waza
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Don't these rent a mob muppets have proper jobs?

One of the more arduous rural jobs in Thailand is Cow-watching which involves untying the cow every morning, walking until you find some grass, then observing the cow until sunset when it is returned. Those with experience sometimes watch more than one cow.

One of the job benefits is plenty of time to consider what you will do with all that money when Thaksin makes you rich.

At least their endeavours produce tangible resuts

Unlike Thaksin thread watching.....

Well I am retired. OTOH all that a cow produces in tangible results is manure (a lot like you). How many cows does it take to gain B300/day in value to match the minimum wage for a cow watcher?

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Don't these rent a mob muppets have proper jobs?

One of the more arduous rural jobs in Thailand is Cow-watching which involves untying the cow every morning, walking until you find some grass, then observing the cow until sunset when it is returned. Those with experience sometimes watch more than one cow.

One of the job benefits is plenty of time to consider what you will do with all that money when Thaksin makes you rich.

At least their endeavours produce tangible resuts

Unlike Thaksin thread watching.....

Well I am retired. OTOH all that a cow produces in tangible results is manure (a lot like you). How many cows does it take to gain B300/day in value to match the minimum wage for a cow watcher?

From this little interchange, it is reasonably clear which poster has spent any time in rural Thailand.

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If the moderates from both sides could get together they could probably do a lot of good for Thailand.

You mean like a unified group of all walks of life, the Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Farmers, Millers, Shop Keepers, Cooks, Builders et al, all working for a common goal of making Thailand better, which is well within their capabilities.. that is a wonderful idea.

For it to happen though, you would need to exclude all the politicians, the army and the police.

Also to exlude the man from "afar"
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One of the more arduous rural jobs in Thailand is Cow-watching which involves untying the cow every morning, walking until you find some grass, then observing the cow until sunset when it is returned. Those with experience sometimes watch more than one cow.

One of the job benefits is plenty of time to consider what you will do with all that money when Thaksin makes you rich.

At least their endeavours produce tangible resuts

Unlike Thaksin thread watching.....

Well I am retired. OTOH all that a cow produces in tangible results is manure (a lot like you). How many cows does it take to gain B300/day in value to match the minimum wage for a cow watcher?

From this little interchange, it is reasonably clear which poster has spent any time in rural Thailand.

Obviously......... as the cow will produce milk, to feed the calf, it will also produce on an annual basis. The calf if female will in 2-3 years be ready to breed itself, increasing the size of the herd and lowering the breeding stock age, if male it will go for beef around the same age. The manure is a by product. Also if you spend time in rural Thailand you will know that most of the cows are put out to grass on a tether, which negates the need to watch them all day, but they do require a water source.

Pity you guys are not half as clued up as you think you are.....please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further accurate knowledge to add to your fabricated manure.

Edited by 473geo
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At least the Reds stand for the working class.So very unlike the pro militarist elitest fascist Yellows.

But apparantly all you folks here are not aware of that.

And that is the veritable Big Lie peddled by the Thaksin apologists.

Well if you accept that the rural Thai are working class, go back a few posts and see if the posters proclaiming they carry only self interest are 'Thaksin apologists'............unless you are claiming the rural Thai are not reds.....you really ought to make your mind up.......for me I would never class all the rural Thai as reds in fact far from it........but this broad brush stroke appears to suit the agenda of some posters

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At least the Reds stand for the working class.So very unlike the pro militarist elitest fascist Yellows.

But apparantly all you folks here are not aware of that.

And that is the veritable Big Lie peddled by the Thaksin apologists.

Well if you accept that the rural Thai are working class, go back a few posts and see if the posters proclaiming they carry only self interest are 'Thaksin apologists'............unless you are claiming the rural Thai are not reds.....you really ought to make your mind up.......for me I would never class all the rural Thai as reds in fact far from it........but this broad brush stroke appears to suit the agenda of some posters

No the reds are the wanna be armarts

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At least the Reds stand for the working class.So very unlike the pro militarist elitest fascist Yellows.

But apparantly all you folks here are not aware of that.

And that is the veritable Big Lie peddled by the Thaksin apologists.

Well if you accept that the rural Thai are working class, go back a few posts and see if the posters proclaiming they carry only self interest are 'Thaksin apologists'............unless you are claiming the rural Thai are not reds.....you really ought to make your mind up.......for me I would never class all the rural Thai as reds in fact far from it........but this broad brush stroke appears to suit the agenda of some posters

First of all the rural Thai are not working class. Landed interests never are. The second point is that Thaksin is in alliance with the rural landowners and it is their class interests he is careful not to threaten. Thirdly, you will look in vain for any class programme formulated by either the PTP or the reds. Thaksin represents a split in the ruling class. Everything else is just for show. The tactics and strategy of the reds are not the actions of a class force representing class forces. The fact that the remnants of the old Stalinist Thai Communist Party represented by dear old Thida plus some wannabe academics are along for the ride just make their white-washing of Thaksin even more embarrassing.

Edited by yoshiwara
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At least the Reds stand for the working class.So very unlike the pro militarist elitest fascist Yellows.

But apparantly all you folks here are not aware of that.

And that is the veritable Big Lie peddled by the Thaksin apologists.

Well if you accept that the rural Thai are working class, go back a few posts and see if the posters proclaiming they carry only self interest are 'Thaksin apologists'............unless you are claiming the rural Thai are not reds.....you really ought to make your mind up.......for me I would never class all the rural Thai as reds in fact far from it........but this broad brush stroke appears to suit the agenda of some posters

First of all the rural Thai are not working class. Landed interests never are. The second point is that Thaksin is in alliance with the rural landowners and it is their class interests he is careful not to threaten. Thirdly, you will look in vain for any class programme formulated by either the PTP or the reds. Thaksin represents a split in the ruling class. Everything else is just for show. The tactics and strategy of the reds are not the actions of a class force representing class forces. The fact that the remnants of the old Stalinist Thai Communist Party represented by dear old Thida plus some wannabe academics are along for the ride just make their white-washing of Thaksin even more embarrassing.

Sorry your attempt to link the procrastinations and extreme views of a handful of politicians and Thaksin to the ambition of the rural Thai is rather weak........I have stated on numerous occasions the Thai people voted for change.....as they are entitled to do.

Like many others I hold no fascination for Thaksin, I see he is visiting USA........didn't even open the thread....coffee1.gif .......but you guys carry on thinking the electorate as obsessed as you are.....

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Sorry your attempt to link the procrastinations and extreme views of a handful of politicians and Thaksin to the ambition of the rural Thai is rather weak........I have stated on numerous occasions the Thai people voted for change.....as they are entitled to do.

Like many others I hold no fascination for Thaksin, I see he is visiting USA........didn't even open the thread....coffee1.gif .......but you guys carry on thinking the electorate as obsessed as you are.....

To put some emphasize on the wise words of geo and illustrate how representatives of the poor regards k. Thaksin, let me quote from another topic on how impressive the 1st female Thai Pm is with Ms. Thida of the UDD saying:

"Some people dislike her administration, but even a man as good as Thaksin Shinawatra has people who dislike him."

As for "he's visiting USA", you refer to a topic not written yet. For now we only have "Thaksin Gets Ready For Two-Week Us Visit" wink.png

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I`ve always thought that politicians in the UK are petty and infantile but the ones here actually make them look like grown up adults.

Even by Thai standards, Jatuporn isn't really a politician - really just a bought and paid for street thug.

25% of Thai MPs are appointed via the party list system with no electorate to face. This is a perfect recipe for corruption and for obtaining seats fro persons otherwise unelectable.

Thanks for that. I've never really understood Thai politics in particular the party list system so I didn't know about the 25%. I still don't understand why it's done like that. It must be a much easier job than in the UK where even if you are a minister or prime minister you still have to meet with your constituents and deal with their problems even if they didn't vote for you. I would imagine that this is also true in many other countries.

I've tried to find out more about Thai politics from my gf but I detect a reluctance to explain much, assuming she understands it herself of course.

The number of proportional seats was raised under the democrats (this was one of their constitutional amendments) because it gives them more seats in parliament.

Yay for Red Democracy.... ?


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Best way to neutralize the grannies with yellow hand clappers

Unattributed media removed

A rally of locals and residents against the threats of The Red Shirts behind barricades on the other side of Rama IV Road.

The red shirts later responded by firing 5 grenades from a launcher into Silom Road

"The red shirts later responded by firing 5 grenades from a launcher into Silom Road"

Did they? Were you there - has the person / persons responsible been caught, and proved responsible? If you read about it in a newspaper or this forum all bets are off.


Ah yes Supachai the one man army responsible for most of the grenade launchings and general mayhem in 2010 allegedly, well so the DSI said at the time. Aide to Seh Daeng amongst other things , whatever happened to him (see below). Was going to confess all when the DSI threatened to pull his wife and mother into arms selling case and then changed his mind when the UDD got a lawyer involved. Was even accused of being trained in Taiwan by the government which peed them off considerably seeing as it was a lie.

Offer planned for Thai "red-shirt" in exchange for revealing masterminds

The Justice Ministry's Department of Special Investigation (DSI) plans to give an offer to arrested "red-shirt" guard Surachai Thewarat in exchange for him to reveal the masterminds of major incidents during the recent "red-shirt" rallies, DSI chief Tharit Pengdit said on Wednesday.

The Bangkok Post's website reported that DSI investigators are going to visit Surachai, who has been detained at the Bangkok Remand Prison, in the next day or two days, and will offer that his one-month-old baby girl be protected and his wife and mother be spared as witnesses in illegal arms trading case, Tharit said.


Heres some more info on his arrest and the charges all but one of he denied.


Then we find out he was offered an immunity for confession deal, the government obviously getting desperate seeing as this was supposed to be the first "man in black" arrested


Supposedly there was a hearing on June 1st.


Should be interesting to hear the outcome of that, Oh, its August 6th......................

Edited by phiphidon
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Police said today they are expecting 3,000 Red Shirts to rally outside the court building tomorrow.

They have advised motorists to avoid Ratchadaphisek Road due to expected traffic and congestion.


Are those Red leaders so insecure that they need 3000 people to go to the court for moral support?

If you hear them on stage you would think differently.

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The other paper is reporting this morning that the Chief Judge was alluding to that based on the evidence presented thus far, only a few of the Red Shirts stand a good chance of having their bail revoked.

Meanwhile, Red Shirt Leader and Pheu Thai Party MP Vorachai Hema had said he expects up to 10,000 Red Shirts to show up at the court today.


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The other paper is reporting this morning that the Chief Judge was alluding to that based on the evidence presented thus far, only a few of the Red Shirts stand a good chance of having their bail revoked.

Meanwhile, Red Shirt Leader and Pheu Thai Party MP Vorachai Hema had said he expects up to 10,000 Red Shirts to show up at the court today.


I hope that there will be a very very hard rain...

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The other paper is reporting this morning that the Chief Judge was alluding to that based on the evidence presented thus far, only a few of the Red Shirts stand a good chance of having their bail revoked.

Meanwhile, Red Shirt Leader and Pheu Thai Party MP Vorachai Hema had said he expects up to 10,000 Red Shirts to show up at the court today.


Pheu Thai Party MP Vorachai Hema had said he expects up to 10,000 Red Shirts to show up at the court today..............so we should expect about a dozen?

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Police set up security checkpoints around Criminal Court

Police have set up security checkpoints around the Criminal Court since Wednesday night to avert untoward incidents when red shirts gather in front of the court for the bail hearing against their leaders.

Metropolitan Police deputy commissioner Pol Maj Gen Parinya Chansuriya said the checkpoints were set up since 8 pm Wednesday to check whether someone would bring in weapons to the court and to prevent a third party from creating a situation.

Parinya said some 50 policemen would guard the court and red-shirt people would not be allowed to enter the court's compound.


-- The Nation 2012-08-09

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The court has deferred deciding on the bail revocation for 4 of the 24 Red Shirt defendants who also Pheu Thai Party MP's. The deferment is to November 29th and is due to their parliamentary immunity.

They are Deputy Agriculture Minister and Pheu Thai Party MP and Red Shirt Leader Nattawut Saikuar, Pheu Thai Party MP and Red Shirt Leader Weng Tojirakan, Pheu Thai Party MP and Red Shirt Leader Korkaew Pikulthong, and Pheu Thai Party and Red Shirt Leader Wiphuthalaeng Pattanaphumthai.


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The other paper is reporting this morning that the Chief Judge was alluding to that based on the evidence presented thus far, only a few of the Red Shirts stand a good chance of having their bail revoked.

Meanwhile, Red Shirt Leader and Pheu Thai Party MP Vorachai Hema had said he expects up to 10,000 Red Shirts to show up at the court today.

Pheu Thai Party MP Vorachai Hema had said he expects up to 10,000 Red Shirts to show up at the court today..............so we should expect about a dozen?

So far, it's a heck of a lot closer to 12 than it is to 10,000.




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