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Thailand Not The Laziest Country


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I dont agree, the Thais do very well at being lazy and so do the Cambodians, just spend some timein both places and you can see.

Yes but laziness doesn't necessarily equate to physical inactivity which is what the linked article actually refers to.........

The title of the thread seems a little tongue in cheek......

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Well let's consider a few unpalatable truths. Thailand doesn't have unemployment benefits so living off the government isn't an option, perhaps none of us have ever noticed the slavish devotion to labour exhitibed by a western governmnet road gang, single mother retirement option - nope, how many westerners engage in fruit picking back home or is that all imported labour?

I am not having a go at the west, but seems to me that there is no shortage of bludgers over there. That doesn't excuse the bludgers here, but lets keep things in perspective.

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Well it points out to me that most people have never traveled much. Just judge by what they see in there own back yard while they are clueless as to the rest of the world. Remember there are about 200 countries in the world

Here in Thailand as in many Asian countries the poverty is extreme and many of them have to walk which is the best form of exercise.

Just because they have a different work ethic than you do does not make them lazy. Many of them are still working while you are off at a movie or siting in a bar. Perhaps sitting in front of a TV or computer screen reading idiotic posts on Thai Visa.

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Some day 'loitering' is going to become an Olympic event. That's when these underdeveloped countries will put the developed world to shame. As with futball, there will be fierce competition between Brazil and Argentina.

While there may be no shortage of lazy Thais there are a lot of people here who work hard, labor of some form using up most of their waking hours. Operating a pushcart selling food is not easy. Foreigners get the impression the Thais are lazy because they see them napping at work, but a lot of them wake up before dawn.

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Well it points out to me that most people have never traveled much. Just judge by what they see in there own back yard while they are clueless as to the rest of the world. Remember there are about 200 countries in the world

Here in Thailand as in many Asian countries the poverty is extreme and many of them have to walk which is the best form of exercise.

Just because they have a different work ethic than you do does not make them lazy. Many of them are still working while you are off at a movie or siting in a bar. Perhaps sitting in front of a TV or computer screen reading idiotic posts on Thai Visa.

Then please explain to me why, in my experience, in the states every Thai restaurant I know of, although employing Thai waitstaff; all of the kitchen staff are Mexican?

I can't see any fast food worker here in LOS making it on the job for a week at Subway, McD's etc. back west

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Well it points out to me that most people have never traveled much. Just judge by what they see in there own back yard while they are clueless as to the rest of the world. Remember there are about 200 countries in the world

Here in Thailand as in many Asian countries the poverty is extreme and many of them have to walk which is the best form of exercise.

Just because they have a different work ethic than you do does not make them lazy. Many of them are still working while you are off at a movie or siting in a bar. Perhaps sitting in front of a TV or computer screen reading idiotic posts on Thai Visa.

Then please explain to me why, in my experience, in the states every Thai restaurant I know of, although employing Thai waitstaff; all of the kitchen staff are Mexican?

I can't see any fast food worker here in LOS making it on the job for a week at Subway, McD's etc. back west

Different in Sydney, all Thai restaurants have Thai staff, with fast food joints only employing people under 20 or ealry 20's.

Mexican in the states are working as everything lol. Even Italian restaurants. They are EVERYWHERE in the US.

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Well it points out to me that most people have never traveled much. Just judge by what they see in there own back yard while they are clueless as to the rest of the world. Remember there are about 200 countries in the world

Here in Thailand as in many Asian countries the poverty is extreme and many of them have to walk which is the best form of exercise.

Just because they have a different work ethic than you do does not make them lazy. Many of them are still working while you are off at a movie or siting in a bar. Perhaps sitting in front of a TV or computer screen reading idiotic posts on Thai Visa.

Then please explain to me why, in my experience, in the states every Thai restaurant I know of, although employing Thai waitstaff; all of the kitchen staff are Mexican?

I can't see any fast food worker here in LOS making it on the job for a week at Subway, McD's etc. back west

Different in Sydney, all Thai restaurants have Thai staff, with fast food joints only employing people under 20 or ealry 20's.

Mexican in the states are working as everything lol. Even Italian restaurants. They are EVERYWHERE in the US.

Yeah but that's for a reason... There is speed in them.

Problem with Thailand is management because the ordinary worker isn't capable of being pragmatic and won't ask even if he needs to.

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Well it points out to me that most people have never traveled much. Just judge by what they see in there own back yard while they are clueless as to the rest of the world. Remember there are about 200 countries in the world

Here in Thailand as in many Asian countries the poverty is extreme and many of them have to walk which is the best form of exercise.

Just because they have a different work ethic than you do does not make them lazy. Many of them are still working while you are off at a movie or siting in a bar. Perhaps sitting in front of a TV or computer screen reading idiotic posts on Thai Visa.

Then please explain to me why, in my experience, in the states every Thai restaurant I know of, although employing Thai waitstaff; all of the kitchen staff are Mexican?

I can't see any fast food worker here in LOS making it on the job for a week at Subway, McD's etc. back west

Different in Sydney, all Thai restaurants have Thai staff, with fast food joints only employing people under 20 or ealry 20's.

Mexican in the states are working as everything lol. Even Italian restaurants. They are EVERYWHERE in the US.

Yeah but that's for a reason... There is speed in them.

Problem with Thailand is management because the ordinary worker isn't capable of being pragmatic and won't ask even if he needs to.

Well I deal with Thai staff of my own.

I will say the younger generation are starting to ask if they get stuck on something, I think they are realizing now they do need to ask.

Probably figured it out from the power of the internet and research (facebook) :)

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Well it points out to me that most people have never traveled much. Just judge by what they see in there own back yard while they are clueless as to the rest of the world. Remember there are about 200 countries in the world

Here in Thailand as in many Asian countries the poverty is extreme and many of them have to walk which is the best form of exercise.

Just because they have a different work ethic than you do does not make them lazy. Many of them are still working while you are off at a movie or siting in a bar. Perhaps sitting in front of a TV or computer screen reading idiotic posts on Thai Visa.

Then please explain to me why, in my experience, in the states every Thai restaurant I know of, although employing Thai waitstaff; all of the kitchen staff are Mexican?

I can't see any fast food worker here in LOS making it on the job for a week at Subway, McD's etc. back west

Simple the Mexicans have a different work ethic.

What has that got to do with this article.

Or perhaps un related but there are not really that many Thai's getting into the states. In case you haven't noticed it take a look at a map of the world. There is the biggest ocean in the world between the two countries. Kind of hard to walk across it. Piece of cake to ,walk across the Rio at some points or just a short row boat trip at other points.

You should talk about some thing you know some thing about. My wife manages a subway shop she has trouble getting help she has discovered that middle aged immigrant women are the most reliable. She is in Vancouver British Columbia. I am in Chiang Mai I live close to a subway with all Thai staff.

We also have KFC, Burger King, McDonald's, Dairy Queen and donuts shops all with all Thai staff. Not a mexican in the lot. I even know of a couple Mexican restaurants manned by all Thai's not a Mexican in the lot.

Admit it you are clueless and just looking for a reason to bash Thai's. Probably lost a lot of money to a Thai woman who you met at a bar.

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Well it points out to me that most people have never traveled much. Just judge by what they see in there own back yard while they are clueless as to the rest of the world. Remember there are about 200 countries in the world

Here in Thailand as in many Asian countries the poverty is extreme and many of them have to walk which is the best form of exercise.

Just because they have a different work ethic than you do does not make them lazy. Many of them are still working while you are off at a movie or siting in a bar. Perhaps sitting in front of a TV or computer screen reading idiotic posts on Thai Visa.

Then please explain to me why, in my experience, in the states every Thai restaurant I know of, although employing Thai waitstaff; all of the kitchen staff are Mexican?

I can't see any fast food worker here in LOS making it on the job for a week at Subway, McD's etc. back west

Simple the Mexicans have a different work ethic.

What has that got to do with this article.

Or perhaps un related but there are not really that many Thai's getting into the states. In case you haven't noticed it take a look at a map of the world. There is the biggest ocean in the world between the two countries. Kind of hard to walk across it. Piece of cake to ,walk across the Rio at some points or just a short row boat trip at other points.

You should talk about some thing you know some thing about. My wife manages a subway shop she has trouble getting help she has discovered that middle aged immigrant women are the most reliable. She is in Vancouver British Columbia. I am in Chiang Mai I live close to a subway with all Thai staff.

We also have KFC, Burger King, McDonald's, Dairy Queen and donuts shops all with all Thai staff. Not a mexican in the lot. I even know of a couple Mexican restaurants manned by all Thai's not a Mexican in the lot.

Admit it you are clueless and just looking for a reason to bash Thai's. Probably lost a lot of money to a Thai woman who you met at a bar.

Have you ever wondered why there are no foreigners working at McDonalds, KFC or Subway in Thailand? Before you go on protecting the Thai culture to the extent of ignorance you should take a look at that first.

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I take it you are a westerner or am I wrong?

I am half.

Kinda explains it, don't it?

Explains what?

There are those who like to bash Thais , there are those who protect them no matter what they do and then there are those like to look upon things with a objective point of view.

Take the McDonalds where I live... It takes sometimes 20 mins to get through the dam_n drivethru and sometimes no one is at the other end even if you just ordered it a few seconds ago. They usually forget to add the fries when people order sets and when they do get them , they are soggy and inedible. When asked for something that is actually is fried, they ask you to park and wait inside.

Now McDonalds are many things, I give you that... but at most of them they have a certain standard, here they don't... So what is the difference between this place and yours?

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I am half.

Kinda explains it, don't it?

Explains what?

There are those who like to bash Thais , there are those who protect them no matter what they do and then there are those like to look upon things with a objective point of view.

Take the McDonalds where I live... It takes sometimes 20 mins to get through the dam_n drivethru and sometimes no one is at the other end even if you just ordered it a few seconds ago. They usually forget to add the fries when people order sets and when they do get them , they are soggy and inedible. When asked for something that is actually is fried, they ask you to park and wait inside.

Now McDonalds are many things, I give you that... but at most of them they have a certain standard, here they don't... So what is the difference between this place and yours?

McDonalds? lol

You should hear what they say in Oz about McDonalds, some spit in the burgers, put hairs in them etc. I had friends working there when I was a teen and some of the stories would make you never want to go there again.

The McDonalds I go to, the drive thru has never missed anything with me, but I don't go to McDonalds often.

Also what did I "Kinda Explain" ?

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But in OZ customers do have some rights, don't they? What are the rules here and if there is a complaint will it be processed... not likely...

Before I answer your question you would have to answer a follow up question from the previous. Were you raised here on in OZ?

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