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Creativity A Major Asset For Thailand As Aec Looms


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They are very creative when it comes to finding ways of extorting money from Farang !

Not really. You make it sound as though all farang are smart and one has to be creative to extort money from them. I think a better explanation would be that they are observant in spotting the stupid and gullible farang. After all, there is nothing creative about never giving a sucker and even break. It's been going on since the beginning of animal existence.
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Like Brussels, BANGKOK is situated in the middle of ASEAN, hence will be the ASEAN capital.

Bangkok will never be the ASEAN capital (IBM tried to open its regional office in Bangkok in the early 2000's; they are now in SIngapore, most because of Thailand's absurd, ever-changing visa/work permit situation). Singapore has already established as the regional center for business, as all major multinational companies headquarter their SE Asian operations there. The most important SE Asian stock exchange is in Singapore, and many Western countries base their embassy operations out of Singapore (for example, if you're a Canadian national and you want to get a marriage visa for your Thai wife to accompany you to live in Canada, she will have to fly to Singapore for the final interview, etc, etc). Bangkok, is also not geographically positioned as the "center" of ASEAN. If you look at a map and consider the Philippines and Indonesia, it's clear that, as another poster noted, Brunei is more central than Bangkok. But nice try: standing up for poor, ol', corrupt Bangkok like that. Go Bangkok! You're number one (especially if you keep patting yourself on the back and repeating the word "hub").

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Actually, one has to give credit to Thai music and its performers. One can always question how creative it is, since it doesn't really change much, but is solidly based on traditional rythms, at least not the "to the core" Thai music that is the most popular across the country. But it's something uniquely Thai and mostly of good quality. I believe more than 90% of the music sold in this country is Thai music, which must be pretty unique.

Nothing unique about it. Most Thais think if it isn't Thai it is no good. If it is Thai they think it is good even if it is a jawbone from a horse that has been dead for ten years. It is unique because it was a Thai hoarse.

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Like Brussels, BANGKOK is situated in the middle of ASEAN, hence will be the ASEAN capital.

Bangkok will never be the ASEAN capital (IBM tried to open its regional office in Bangkok in the early 2000's; they are now in SIngapore, most because of Thailand's absurd, ever-changing visa/work permit situation). Singapore has already established as the regional center for business, as all major multinational companies headquarter their SE Asian operations there. The most important SE Asian stock exchange is in Singapore, and many Western countries base their embassy operations out of Singapore (for example, if you're a Canadian national and you want to get a marriage visa for your Thai wife to accompany you to live in Canada, she will have to fly to Singapore for the final interview, etc, etc). Bangkok, is also not geographically positioned as the "center" of ASEAN. If you look at a map and consider the Philippines and Indonesia, it's clear that, as another poster noted, Brunei is more central than Bangkok. But nice try: standing up for poor, ol', corrupt Bangkok like that. Go Bangkok! You're number one (especially if you keep patting yourself on the back and repeating the word "hub").

Not to mention that Bangkok is slowly sinking and in 50 years they will be patting themselves on the back as they sink slowly into the sunset. That is; if they survive the rubble of a major earthquake that could happen at any time before then !

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Definitely not creative. Lazy? Yes. Undisciplined? Yes. Corner cutters? Yes. Compulsive? Yes. Liars? Yes. Cheaters? Yes. Impatient? Yes. All for the most part. And on and on... From the four 10-year-old boys crammed on a motorbike, weaving like drunken sailors on Sukhumvit, to the mature adult skipping work for 3 days because he just got paid, and on to the gang of hardware store employees who don't know where the products are located in the aisles of their own store. "Solly mistuh. Mai Me"; and when you take them there and show it to them they turn red in the face and go hide somewhere after giving you scathing looks for making them lose face.

The writer seems to forget that Thai workers are not a sought after item internationally due to their lack of skills and training, which, as my opinion, is a euphemism for not wanting people who can't do the job the way it is supposed to be done because they are lazy and undisciplined and all the rest of the truthful opinions about their personal morals and ethics. Anyone living here who has had a house built by Thais, and did not oversee any of the construction will understand these points. Anyone who drives a car or truck in Thai traffic will understand as well.

I know this is harsh, but it will only take me a moment to get in my car and drive a few kilometers in Thai traffic to a department store, and then return home to my Thai built house to be reminded of all of these issues and feel justified in these regrettable yet truthful opinions.

You should write a book entitled how to survive life as a victim.

You obviously are a victim and You obviously are surviving.

So it would obviously follow that you are a qualified expert on the subject.

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Actually, one has to give credit to Thai music and its performers. One can always question how creative it is, since it doesn't really change much, but is solidly based on traditional rythms, at least not the "to the core" Thai music that is the most popular across the country. But it's something uniquely Thai and mostly of good quality. I believe more than 90% of the music sold in this country is Thai music, which must be pretty unique.

Nothing unique about it. Most Thais think if it isn't Thai it is no good. If it is Thai they think it is good even if it is a jawbone from a horse that has been dead for ten years. It is unique because it was a Thai hoarse.

Not to say that most pop music is often mimicking something else, unless it is very very special, but when you hear At Carabao or Sek Loso occasionally blatantly ripping off Western tunes and putting a Thai lyric to it, it is always amusing to explain that the originals were created somewhere else many years before.

I don't agree that Thai's are completely uncreative, it is just that they haven't successfully managed to discover something uniquely original to their culture that is exportable in popular arts. When one sees the lame imitations of the K'Pop groups and how completely unpolished they are it really is quite pitiful in comparison. They do make occasionally very grand movies portraying grand stories of their history, but it is always interesting how they tend to come a year or so after there has been a western box office smash with the similar grand battle scenes and historical feel good factor.

This as much as anything comes down to the fact that there is no such thing as venture capital in this country. The creative arts are in the hands of those largely at the top, and Somchai in Yasothon could be the next Shakespeare, but he is never ever going to get found, funded and produced because he has absolutely no access to capital. To be a performer or an artist in Thailand means you "belong" to your producing company, you are not free to be artistic, you are largely an employee.

As for the TV industry, if there was ever an example of a complete lack of creativity well this is it. The same old soap opera stories regurgitated over and over again with the same so called stars often appearing on different channels on the same evening, it is completely excreable. I don't expect everything on TV to be overtly high brow, but there is NOTHING on Thai Tv that even approaches the word creative. As for fashion, well here is a very simple example


Thakoon Panichgul was born in Thailand in 1975 and grew up in America when his family moved to Nebraska when he was eleven.

Disaya Sorakraikitikul was a graduate of Central St Martins but has returned to her hometown of Bangkok in Thailand

Nuj Novakhett was born and raised in Thailand and travelled to America to obtain a fashion degree.

Koi Suwannagate was born in Bangkok and was educated at Bangkok’s Silapakorn University and the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in Los Angeles

4 out 5 educated or brought up overseas at some point. So at least on the subject of creativity in the arts, I just don't see it, unless daddy has enough money to send you overseas.

And as for the guy who directed Dr. Boonmee, well, is he ever going to get one baht to make a movie again?

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Actually, one has to give credit to Thai music and its performers. One can always question how creative it is, since it doesn't really change much, but is solidly based on traditional rythms, at least not the "to the core" Thai music that is the most popular across the country. But it's something uniquely Thai and mostly of good quality. I believe more than 90% of the music sold in this country is Thai music, which must be pretty unique.

Those stats make sense and are consistent with a society focused/indoctrinated on national identity rather than objective global citizens.

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Like Brussels, BANGKOK is situated in the middle of ASEAN, hence will be the ASEAN capital.

Bangkok will never be the ASEAN capital (IBM tried to open its regional office in Bangkok in the early 2000's; they are now in SIngapore, most because of Thailand's absurd, ever-changing visa/work permit situation). Singapore has already established as the regional center for business, as all major multinational companies headquarter their SE Asian operations there. The most important SE Asian stock exchange is in Singapore, and many Western countries base their embassy operations out of Singapore (for example, if you're a Canadian national and you want to get a marriage visa for your Thai wife to accompany you to live in Canada, she will have to fly to Singapore for the final interview, etc, etc). Bangkok, is also not geographically positioned as the "center" of ASEAN. If you look at a map and consider the Philippines and Indonesia, it's clear that, as another poster noted, Brunei is more central than Bangkok. But nice try: standing up for poor, ol', corrupt Bangkok like that. Go Bangkok! You're number one (especially if you keep patting yourself on the back and repeating the word "hub").

Not to mention that Bangkok is slowly sinking and in 50 years they will be patting themselves on the back as they sink slowly into the sunset. That is; if they survive the rubble of a major earthquake that could happen at any time before then !

Theres certainly exceptions but much of what he said is true. He is not a victim just someone living here. One must adapt to be able to live here without pulling their own hair out. Its not bad, its not good, it simply "the way it is" I think short of an act of God, it wont change.

The builders of my hiso 99% thai bkk condo did not install a p trap for kitchen sink. Bad smell and cockroaches. A so called expert came to install a p trap. After he installed it he was walking out when I insisted he stay and we test it.

Turned on sink water and his new p trap was leaking like hell. He fixed it until it was ok. The very basis of the basic stuff "elevator simply does not reach the top floor".

Perhaps this guys company will get the pipe fitting contract for their first nuclear reactor?

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I imagine every country in ASEAN is saying the same thing... our people are the brightest and best in the region.... and with just as little justification.

Just as well the Orient's only real innovators, Japan, aren't in the mix.

Taiwan is also quite good especially about computer / motherboard, etc etc. Korea is also quite good at research and tech innovation

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Where does this blanket "Thais aren't creative" idea come from? Sure, they aren't used to thinking outside the box when it comes to politics/education etc. as they do not have anyway leeway to develop critical thinking skills.

But as for not being creative...come on. I know many talented artists and musicians that aren't copying anyone. I have also seen ingenious restaurant designs. And if converting a huge motorcycle into a tuk-tuk (Koh Sichang) isn't at least a little creative, I don't know what is.

I welcome rebuttals, but please provide an example of something creative you have personally done.

With your argument one would be led to believe that if I have done one thing cereatice Thailands population of 66,000,000 have done 66,000,000 creative things.

I understand that their is a lot of room to debate this word creative but to be honest to say all of Thailand is creative is a bit misleading.

That is part of their problem they have no creativity above the average people in the world. Yes they have there artists actors writers dancers and other forms of art. But that is some thing all cultures have.

As I say they have very little creative ability out side the arts. That is why they have problems they are unable to create answers before the problem. When given the problem they can become very creative in getting out of it but absolutely no idea how to prevent it.

Witness the recent floods no idea how to get out of it or even try. Just come up with ideas to save one city. it is wrong to countersign their B S as long as people will do that they will continue to ignore creativity. They have the brains to step forth on the world stage scientifically but they are told they are already there. Truth be known they are just followers and the labors in the field of science. That is because they are not encouraged to step out side the box and look at a project from a different position.

If Thailand would spend the same amount of money on schools over the next 20 years as they take in corruption it would be a nation of highly intelagent minds. And some of them being amongst the most creative in the world.

Thailand is the country that gave the world Baseball Pizza and most of all the Bagel

Edited by harryfrompattaya
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