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Provincial Governor Demands Urgent Action On Pattaya Jet Ski Scams


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Provincial Governor demands urgent action on Pattaya Jet Ski Scams

PATTAYA:--Pattaya City Hall to discuss urgent issues relating to Jet Ski’s and scams associated with the renting of them on Pattaya and Jomtien Beaches.

Despite numerous meetings and many promises to take action, the situation remains the same and Jet Ski scams are taking place in Pattaya on a daily basis. The Governor has received many complaints from Embassies, especially those representing Russia, India and China. The Indian Embassy have now issues instructions for it’s citizens to not rent Jet Ski’s in Pattaya because of the risk of being caught-up on one of the scams.

Khun Komsan, the Provincial Governor, will now take personal control of the problem and has instructed local authorities to immediately register all Jet Ski Operators and create a regulation to place a cap on the number of Jet Ski Operators who can operate on any of the beaches in Pattaya. The Governor insists that a regulation should be put into place as soon as possible where Jet Ski operators are forced to stop conducting business if they are caught scamming tourists.

Full story:http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/60423/provincial-governor-demands-urgent-action-pattaya-jet-ski-scams/


-- Pattaya One 2012-08-10


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Yeah - meeting after meeting after useless meeting.

They need to stop talking about the problem and do something.

Note that they only want to force operators caught scamming to "stop conducting business". No talk about prosecuting anyone for conduction criminal activities.

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lets have a national shooting the jetski's in pattaya day... bring your own gun, aim, and win a price...

just forbid those dangerous noise and polluting thing and the machines they sit on :)

in most countries, you need a special licence to "play" with your jetski, same as a motorcycle exam

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A friend of mine fell for the usual trick where the paint came off and scratches showed up when he brought it back. He was asked to pay US $5000. After 2 hours of trying to argue, a policeman arrived at the scene. After another hour of arguing, the jet-ski owner pointed a gun to my friend's head. The police stood by, and told my friend he should pay the guy. He withdrew the US $3000 left in his atm and gave it to the guy.

Edited by Chads
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A friend of mine fell for the usual trick where the paint came off and scratches showed up when he brought it back. He was asked to pay US $5000. After 2 hours of trying to argue, a policeman arrived at the scene. After another hour of arguing, the jet-ski owner pointed a gun to my friend's head. The police stood by, and told my friend he should pay the guy. He withdrew the US $3000 left in his atm and gave it to the guy.

That's terrible

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A friend of mine fell for the usual trick where the paint came off and scratches showed up when he brought it back. He was asked to pay US $5000. After 2 hours of trying to argue, a policeman arrived at the scene. After another hour of arguing, the jet-ski owner pointed a gun to my friend's head. The police stood by, and told my friend he should pay the guy. He withdrew the US $3000 left in his atm and gave it to the guy.

The cop did well out of it, BUT, didn't think you could draw that sum from an ATM ?. sad.png

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A friend of mine fell for the usual trick where the paint came off and scratches showed up when he brought it back. He was asked to pay US $5000. After 2 hours of trying to argue, a policeman arrived at the scene. After another hour of arguing, the jet-ski owner pointed a gun to my friend's head. The police stood by, and told my friend he should pay the guy. He withdrew the US $3000 left in his atm and gave it to the guy.

That's terrible

That's not terrible, it's BS

What ATM will deliver 90,000 Thai Baht at one time, and what US Bank will authorize a $3,000 USD daily dollar limit crazy.gif

That's exactly what I can withdraw in one day from my Citibank account via ATM. I never carry the card with me.

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A friend of mine fell for the usual trick where the paint came off and scratches showed up when he brought it back. He was asked to pay US $5000. After 2 hours of trying to argue, a policeman arrived at the scene. After another hour of arguing, the jet-ski owner pointed a gun to my friend's head. The police stood by, and told my friend he should pay the guy. He withdrew the US $3000 left in his atm and gave it to the guy.

That's terrible

That's not terrible, it's BS

What ATM will deliver 90,000 Thai Baht at one time, and what US Bank will authorize a $3,000 USD daily dollar limit crazy.gif

Maybe it's a Citibank card as the poster before me has mentioned.

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As anyone who has lived in Thailand for any length of time knows, this has been going on for years, and we all know that it's sanctioned by the police. What's the answer? Outlaw all jet ski operators, that would be a good start. but you know it's not going to happen. Word of mouth don't seem to work too well. Posting warning signs won't work. Getting someone who's a local who has some clout would help, but who? If the local Pattaya foreign language newspaper would run a continuous warning might help. I'm stumped. Anybody have a good suggestion that will actually work?

Edited by Rimmer
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Never happen, it's a good earner for both the Police and City Hall

It will happen as soon the police and the government have find a way to compensate for the loss. May be the newly enforced booze law (no booze inside a vehicle) can make it.It is Thailand: Money talks, and bullshit walks!

As ever!

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Khun Komsan, the Provincial Governor will now take control. Is this supposed to mean something? It is a bit like saying now that George W. is president, the banking problems will diminish. Or, now that Yingluck is PM, the countries problems will be resolved. When, and only when they start arresting high ranking officials, in the Mayor's office, the provincial government, and the police department, will things start to change. When was the last time they made an arrest? Has a single person been convicted of a crime, in the past 10 years? Is this a rehearsal for a stand up comedy act? Is there anyone in a position of power who gives a rat's ass about these problems? I do not mean a knee jerk reaction of egg on the face from the foreign press. I mean give a dam_n, for the right reasons? Kudos to the Indian Consulate for issuing the warning. Kudos to Larry Cunningham, the Australian gentleman who continues his crusade against the corruption found in Phuket. Where is the Anne Hazari of Thailand? Does anyone care?

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How can it be that it is a firmly established well known fact that corruption is the status quo in Thailand i.e Normal , Polls even show that Thai people don't mind etc, then when ever an example of corruption is discussed on a board such as this the farangs start talking as if they were not in Thailand whimpering away about integrity and suggesting that whatever remedy is limply suggested 'might work';

This is Thailand the Thais pay the police so you can be damned sure the farangs will pay a special rate, ,

The Provincial Governor is near the top of the corruption tree, He has to say something but he has no will to stop the cash flow, It is obvious that if there was any will to stop the corruption, heads would roll but nothing, nothing, nothing....., What more evidence do you need to glean that there is actually no-one in authority dealing with the matter at all? Or other corrupt practices at Immigration, licensing departments et al.

Now everyone on Thai Visa say to themselves " Corruption is normal": a thousand times and they will be on the right track to existing in Thailand rather than writing farang nonsense when they should know better..

Perhaps banning comments from IP addresses outside Thailand might ease the burden of nonsense..

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How can it be that it is a firmly established well known fact that corruption is the status quo in Thailand i.e Normal , Polls even show that Thai people don't mind etc, then when ever an example of corruption is discussed on a board such as this the farangs start talking as if they were not in Thailand whimpering away about integrity and suggesting that whatever remedy is limply suggested 'might work';

This is Thailand the Thais pay the police so you can be damned sure the farangs will pay a special rate, ,

The Provincial Governor is near the top of the corruption tree, He has to say something but he has no will to stop the cash flow, It is obvious that if there was any will to stop the corruption, heads would roll but nothing, nothing, nothing....., What more evidence do you need to glean that there is actually no-one in authority dealing with the matter at all? Or other corrupt practices at Immigration, licensing departments et al.

Now everyone on Thai Visa say to themselves " Corruption is normal": a thousand times and they will be on the right track to existing in Thailand rather than writing farang nonsense when they should know better..

Perhaps banning comments from IP addresses outside Thailand might ease the burden of nonsense..

After many years here, the above is probably closer to the mark than thousands of words and thousands of hours of wasted time can achieve!

Come on guys, you are here because you are here and probably want to be here.

When we incorporate into T.V. an on-going thread which highlights all the achievements that have been made in CHANGING THINGS HERE by complaint, no matter how much proof or justification is supplied............. I will eat my words!

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A friend of mine fell for the usual trick where the paint came off and scratches showed up when he brought it back. He was asked to pay US $5000. After 2 hours of trying to argue, a policeman arrived at the scene. After another hour of arguing, the jet-ski owner pointed a gun to my friend's head. The police stood by, and told my friend he should pay the guy. He withdrew the US $3000 left in his atm and gave it to the guy.

That's terrible

That's not terrible, it's BS

What ATM will deliver 90,000 Thai Baht at one time, and what US Bank will authorize a $3,000 USD daily dollar limit crazy.gif

Where did he say it was a single transaction ?

I have taken 80k out of an AEON machines in Thailand, granted in two transactions and I am with a US bank and my daily limit is US$ 5k....with most banks you can set your own limit.

So why is this BS?

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A wild guess.....

Having made pots of dough the "concerned officials" now facing ever increasing bad publicity have decided to shut down this scam and move on to something else just as, or perhaps more, lucrative. Perhaps it's the "booze in car" as one poster has suggested, perhaps it's something else we shall not be aware of (fall for) for some time. Whatever it is you can be sure that corruption and scamming of tourists will continue.

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A friend of mine fell for the usual trick where the paint came off and scratches showed up when he brought it back. He was asked to pay US $5000. After 2 hours of trying to argue, a policeman arrived at the scene. After another hour of arguing, the jet-ski owner pointed a gun to my friend's head. The police stood by, and told my friend he should pay the guy. He withdrew the US $3000 left in his atm and gave it to the guy.

That's terrible

That's not terrible, it's BS

What ATM will deliver 90,000 Thai Baht at one time, and what US Bank will authorize a $3,000 USD daily dollar limit crazy.gif

My exact thoughts and the police stood by while he held a gun at his head???

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