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Whats Needed In Thailand?

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Hi Probably a silly question.......

I have some spare time between now and March next year, before I move to Thailand.

Currently in Uk, I want to spend this time usefully, in preparation for the move. Im wondering what does thailand need that I could

consider training for in that time period. Examples might be IT / web design. Electrical work/ plumbing / etc etc.

Any ideas would be welcome!


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There are a lot of diesel engines here, and the typical mechanic that works on them sucks. If you could get trained and somehow get an in with a company like say kubota (really have no idea if they would hire a farang, just an example), that could be golden.

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are you sure a farnag is allowed to do that work the first port of call would be the list of jobs that only thais are allowed to do...not trying to sound to glum but what could you reasonably learn in 7 months? I would spend the time learning how to speak thai

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You are planning on MOVING here an then finding a job? I think you are putting the cart before the horse. First off you don't even know what work foreigners are allowed to do here? Maybe you should first come for a visit then look for work THEN make the move?

I think you need to do a lot more research before moving and you are on the right track now asking here but first thing you need to do is look at the top of Thai Visa and read all you can on working here, visas, work permits etc.

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Being in an associated profession/trade , what Thailand does need are trained arbourists , but i doubt their skills will ever be well received here as the attitude here, unlike places like Singapore and Hong Kong, is anybody with a machette and can climb a tree can do the job .

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You are planning on MOVING here an then finding a job? I think you are putting the cart before the horse. First off you don't even know what work foreigners are allowed to do here? Maybe you should first come for a visit then look for work THEN make the move?

I think you need to do a lot more research before moving and you are on the right track now asking here but first thing you need to do is look at the top of Thai Visa and read all you can on working here, visas, work permits etc.

I actually think just doing things, and figuring them out, is a highly effective and time efficient way to do things. I get stuck on the dam_n computer a lot, if I just got out there id have figured it all out in like half the time.

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I'm assuming from your desire to move to Thailand that you've been here, enjoyed it and want more of it.

Keep in mind tourism represents a flow of money in one direction and it's very easy for the tourist to go with that flow- money leaving your pocket.

Once you decide to try to reverse that flow of money into your pocket, it's very different- and more difficult. Get ready for a long swim upstream in a swift current and all kinds of roadblocks set to undermine you.

Good advice has been given above regarding doing online research. Honestly, I don't know of any openings that 7 months of training would prep you for. If you can get trained up in 7 months, those jobs are filled- and usually by locals at local salaries.

My only recommendation is to come here with a budget and a deadline and have a backup plan "back home" before you run out of time and funds and do something desperate that's going to get you in real trouble.

I wish you good luck.

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As previously posted some good advice above.

My only recommendation is to come here with a budget and a deadline and have a backup plan "back home" before you run out of time and funds and do something desperate that's going to get you in real trouble.

After almost 4 years of living in Thailand I'm now back in the UK, I worked as a teacher for 2 years and had a great time and learned so much.

If I had 7 months free time before I moved over again I would spend it learning how to make a living online, which is what I did in my spare time while in Thailand. But plans dont always work out as you hope which is why you do need a back up plan which is what I'm on now.

You will find it incredibly difficult to find gainful employment in Thailand which is why working online is about the best way forward IMHO.

Best of luck

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Agree with Mr P Phanter learn online skills.Start do affiliate,You dont need no investment money and you have time now to learn all there is,Just google affilate,Internetmarketing,SEO, But if you are not at all intrested to spend many hours on the computer forget it.What moste people

that start is missing is comitment.If you are serios about it I have a great link but cant put it here,forum rules but PM me and i give u the link.Its a great starter to open your eyes.

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Thailand is not a good country to be a low-level employee so any skills you can learn in 7 months are unlikely to be worthwhile. Learning to teach English is one option but the pay is very low (unless you start your own school potentially).

Instead I recommend you spend the 7 months setting up a small business back home and/or online, or just try to save as much money as possible so you are better positioned to set something up over here, after you have settled in.

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imho, anything you try will of been treid before by many many falang trying toi stay here,,

i consider myself as living in thailand, we have a small farm farming pigs ,chickens and fish aswell as a few fruit trees, but im in the possition that i can still go to work in the oil and gas industry in verious countrys around the world and comand a good wage,very good, but im one of the lucky ones i no this,

i cant see what you can do in the 7 months that you are talking about, there are jobs to be had but your very lucky if you find one, i once worked as operations manager at a fabrication shop in bangkok, samutpracarn, but again i was lucky to be offerd that job,

there is jobs out there but youll be very lucky to find one,

you could come here and see if you could invest in something,


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