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Mitt Romney Chooses Paul Ryan As Election Running Mate


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Well that is one out of 50 states. The race is effectively tied and it is time for the Republicans to roll out the big guns just when Obama's campaign funds are dwindling, gas prices are rising once again and unemployment is rising. Time for a change from this administrations kicking the can down the road on fixing our problems. Between Romney's success in business, running a state and fixing the Olympics and Ryan's expertise in economics, they are a winning team - despite all the dishonest propoganda the democrats are churning out (and their disciples repeat on the internet.)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Well that is one out of 50 states. The race is effectively tied and it is time for the Republicans to roll out the big guns just when Obama's campaign funds are dwindling, gas prices are rising once again and unemployment is rising. Time for a change from this administrations kicking the can down the road on fixing our problems. Between Romney's success in business, running a state and fixing the Olympics and Ryan's expertise in economics, they are a winning team - despite all the dishonest propoganda the democrats are churning y have said and are now saying. Liars and Hypocrites, But you are right about one thing.

Dishonesty ? Thats Romney and Ryans Ball park, Only have to look and listen to what they have said and are now saying. Liars and Hypocrites, You are a disciple Wedded to the candidates who have no policies other than what we know what one did as governor of mass and the other tries to do in Congress. Dangerous men to the middle class, seniors and anyone who doesnt have Millions as Romney has hidden away Edited by KKvampire
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That is exactly what I mean by dishonesty. A bunch of democratic talking points that have been proven to be untrue over and over again. You forgot to mention their claims that Romney killed a woman by giving her cancer, that he has never paid taxes, that he is a felon, that he wants the public to drink dirty water and all the other nonsense they have come up with to make people forget their failed economy and robbery of medicare.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Guess the Dems are finally turning the RNC's tactics back at them. Bet the GOP wishes Lee Atwater was still around. Too bad karma came around and gave that lying slimebag what he deserved. Reps whining about the Dems tactics is certainly a case of the pot calling the kettle black. Boo hoo....poor little Mitt. Romney/Ryan want to take us back sixty years.

As for Obama running up the debt, that's because he had to bail out Wall Street and stave off economic disaster that developed under what administration??? Bush's!!!

As for dishonesty, how about those WMD's that the U.S. went to war over? Total fabrication pushed on the American people. If Romney can't do something as basic as divulge his taxes, can only imagine what he will do to satisfy the rich cronies who have bought him via his super pacs. Anyone really wonder why voters are disillusioned?

Anyone espousing the virtuousity of the Romney/Ryan ticket is kidding themselves.

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Romney has divulged his taxes for two years as is required, every intelligence agency on the planet thought there were WMDs in Iraq and the economic disaster was caused by the democrat's policies that required giving housing loans to people who could not afford them. Any more deceptive DNC talking points?

Edited by Ulysses G.
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"Sir"? "messrs"? Is this the Thaivisa forum or The Economist?

The American middle class can appreciate legally avoiding paying more taxes than you have to. They cannot appreciate paying taxes just so the gov't can waste it on pork projects or pay to people illegally scamming the system.

I prefer being polite rather than using terms such as holder of knee jerk extremist views or disciples' of Limbaugh etc. It's the liberal in me that puts politeness first. wink.png

In respect to wasting taxes on pork projects, what would you call the corrupt former US GOP Senator from Alaska's pet project which is refered to a "the bridge to nowhere"? What of the US defense department's desire to avoid wasting money on the refurbishment of the now obsolete Abrams tanks that the republicans have blocked?

Mr. Ryan is no stranger to using earmarks, an activity he blames on Democrats. In ne case the receipient of $7.5million of such funding thanked Mr. Ryan at a public event last week as Mr. Ryan had voted 2X for the allocation;

Vice Presidential pick Paul Ryan was put in an awkward position on Thursday when one of the speakers at his own campaign event bragged about getting government funding to help build his business.Scott Perry is President of the Partnership for Defense Innovation, which recieved $7.5 million in earmarks over three years — under both Presidents Bush and Obama.

Mr. Ryan has a lengthy history of seeking earmarks, and outright hypocrisy. In several instances, he sought earmarks opposed by the George W. Bush administration. In 2009, he urged the Obama administration to award millions of economic stimulus dollars for “green” jobs in his district, even though he had voted against the stimulus package that year. courtesy o Washington Post 17-Aug-2012

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We know who the Mitt supporters are and I doubt they are in the 1percent. I wonder how they will feel when they get a tax increase to pay for Mitts tax cut. By the way boys they do not start balanceing the budget until 2030 after they are long gone. No pain for the america people while they are in office. When you use the argument that they stand for a balanced budget you are standing on shakey ground.

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Romney has divulged his taxes for two years as is required, every intelligence agency on the planet thought there were WMDs in Iraq and the economic disaster was caused by the democrat's policies that required giving housing loans to people who could not afford them. Any more deceptive DNC talking points?

You may want to do a google search on the housing loans to those who could not afford them. This is a standard Republican reframe to blame the poor for the housing bubble collaspe. The number of loans issued under this program were less than 10 percent not anywhere enough to cause the collaspe. Your use of this common ploy tells me alot about you and where you get your info. Use of this fraud to shift the blame to poor people away from the banks and subprime mortage companies who were more to blame than the republicans like to admit is a sham.. Start getting your info from other than conservative sources and you may have more to offer. Edited by moe666
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As to who votes for the GOP, a large percentage are people who are at the opposite end of the 1% and who will not benefit from the likes of Romney's policies. They've been conned into thinking its in their interest through fear, blame and mis-information, as well as appealing to their conservative social values. Unfortunately, they are not they able to see through this manipulation and instead vote against their own interests while the orchestraters of this sham get wealthy. Very sad that these age-old tactics are still successful.

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Start getting your info from other than conservative sources and you may have more to offer.

Sorry, but I am not interested in getting financial information from Media Matters and MSNBC.

There is very little doubt that the underlying cause of the current credit crisis was a housing bubble. But the collapse of the bubble would not have led to a worldwide recession and credit crisis if almost 40% of all U.S. mortgages--25 million loans--were not of the low quality known as subprime or Alt-A.

These loans were made to borrowers with blemished credit, or involved low or no down payments, negative amortization and limited documentation of income. The loans' unprecedentedly high rates of default are what is driving down housing prices and weakening the financial system. http://www.forbes.co...ward_pinto.html

Edited by Ulysses G.
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As to who votes for the GOP, a large percentage are people who are at the opposite end of the 1% and who will not benefit from the likes of Romney's policies. They've been conned into thinking its in their interest through fear, blame and mis-information, as well as appealing to their conservative social values. Unfortunately, they are not they able to see through this manipulation and instead vote against their own interests while the orchestraters of this sham get wealthy. Very sad that these age-old tactics are still successful.

Sent from my PC36100 using Thaivisa Connect App

The tactics are successful because the core of that demographic is not well educated.

A cynic would say, ahh that's why the Republicans always try to cut education, libraries and anything that furthers intellectual development.

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Start getting your info from other than conservative sources and you may have more to offer.

Sorry, but I am not interested in getting financial information from Media Matters and MSNBC.

There is very little doubt that the underlying cause of the current credit crisis was a housing bubble. But the collapse of the bubble would not have led to a worldwide recession and credit crisis if almost 40% of all U.S. mortgages--25 million loans--were not of the low quality known as subprime or Alt-A.

These loans were made to borrowers with blemished credit, or involved low or no down payments, negative amortization and limited documentation of income. The loans' unprecedentedly high rates of default are what is driving down housing prices and weakening the financial system. http://www.forbes.co...ward_pinto.html

No one forced the banks to abandon their fiduciary obligations. Aren't we told that the private sector knows best? Isn'tthis the Romney Ryan platform? As you may recall, the regulators did nothing during the Bush era. Countrywide, WaMu and other collapses came about in large part because of the creed that the private sector and free market would take care of things. As I recall, it was Elliott Spitzer the democratic NY State AG that took on the global insurers and caught them price fixing a decade ago, while republican lawmakers tried to stop the investigations. Sorry, but the Republicans are not fiscal conservatives and they have proven time and time again that they are not capable of policing the financial system.

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Permit me to ask one simply question about Romney's tax returns.

Do all of you transparency experts out there not believe for one second that if Obama's government enforcers, the Internal Revenue Service, could press charges against Romney for tax evasion that they would have already done so?

To make it easy, many of you will need a multiple choice answer so I have provided the only two logical responses.

1. The IRS is failing to indict alleged felons as directed by the US tax code.


2. Romney's actions are fully consistent with existing tax legislation and thereby perfectly legal.

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The tactics are successful because the core of that demographic is not well educated..

More nonsense.

Self-identified Republicans are significantly more likely than Democrats to have 4-year college degrees. The trends for the years 1955 through 2004 are shown by gender in the graphs below, reproduced from a book published by Joseph Fried.[78] These graphs depict results obtained by Fried from the National Election Studies (NES) database.





Regarding graduate-level degrees (masters or doctorate), there is a rough parity between Democrats and Republicans. According to the Gallup Organization: "oth Democrats and Republicans have equal numbers of Americans at the upper end of the educational spectrum — that is, with post graduate degrees..."[78]

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Start getting your info from other than conservative sources and you may have more to offer.

Sorry, but I am not interested in getting financial information from Media Matters and MSNBC.

There is very little doubt that the underlying cause of the current credit crisis was a housing bubble. But the collapse of the bubble would not have led to a worldwide recession and credit crisis if almost 40% of all U.S. mortgages--25 million loans--were not of the low quality known as subprime or Alt-A.

These loans were made to borrowers with blemished credit, or involved low or no down payments, negative amortization and limited documentation of income. The loans' unprecedentedly high rates of default are what is driving down housing prices and weakening the financial system. http://www.forbes.co...ward_pinto.html

No one forced the banks to abandon their fiduciary obligations.

Jimmy Carter passed the CRA and Clinton revised it to make banks meet a quota for low income loans. They would not have done so otherwise.

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Permit me to ask one simply question about Romney's tax returns. Do all of you transparency experts out there not believe for one second that if Obama's government enforcers, the Internal Revenue Service, could press charges against Romney for tax evasion that they would have already done so? To make it easy, many of you will need a multiple choice answer so I have provided the only two logical responses. 1. The IRS is failing to indict alleged felons as directed by the US tax code. Or... 2. Romney's actions are fully consistent with existing tax legislation and thereby perfectly legal.

And therefore it's perfectly reasonable to ask that these returns be released. As was noted earlier, it may be perfectly legal to stand by and let a 3 year old child drown in a river because you don't want to get your Gucci's wet. To hide the fact that you did precisely that and then trying to say "so what it's perfectly legal" is beside the point. Does the man Romney have the character to be the President? If so then stop hiding behind petty points about supposed legality and release the tax returns. Easy to do, just do it.

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Permit me to ask one simply question about Romney's tax returns.

Do all of you transparency experts out there not believe for one second that if Obama's government enforcers, the Internal Revenue Service, could press charges against Romney for tax evasion that they would have already done so?

To make it easy, many of you will need a multiple choice answer so I have provided the only two logical responses.

1. The IRS is failing to indict alleged felons as directed by the US tax code.


2. Romney's actions are fully consistent with existing tax legislation and thereby perfectly legal.

And here is a simple response:

While Romney's tax filings MAY follow the letter of the law, the fact he won't disclose them past two years suggests there is something about them that the public will likely find unfavorable. And, for him to continue to refuse like this inspire of the controversy it has caused, just makes it look worse. Just like all the birthers said if Obama had nothing to hide, just release his birth certificate. Well...he did. Ok...now its Romney's turn. Get it?

Sent from my PC36100 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Permit me to ask one simply question about Romney's tax returns.

Do all of you transparency experts out there not believe for one second that if Obama's government enforcers, the Internal Revenue Service, could press charges against Romney for tax evasion that they would have already done so?

To make it easy, many of you will need a multiple choice answer so I have provided the only two logical responses.

1. The IRS is failing to indict alleged felons as directed by the US tax code.


2. Romney's actions are fully consistent with existing tax legislation and thereby perfectly legal.

You are well aware that there is a very strong barrier between the IRS and the POTUS. The rules were changed after the Nixon (Republican) government interfered in the manner you describe. The IRS does not investigate political opponents. Mr. Bush couldn't demand it, nor can Mr. Obama.

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Permit me to ask one simply question about Romney's tax returns.

Do all of you transparency experts out there not believe for one second that if Obama's government enforcers, the Internal Revenue Service, could press charges against Romney for tax evasion that they would have already done so?

To make it easy, many of you will need a multiple choice answer so I have provided the only two logical responses.

1. The IRS is failing to indict alleged felons as directed by the US tax code.


2. Romney's actions are fully consistent with existing tax legislation and thereby perfectly legal.

And here is a simple response:

While Romney's tax filings MAY follow the letter of the law, the fact he won't disclose them past two years suggests there is something about them that the public will likely find unfavorable. And, for him to continue to refuse like this inspire of the controversy it has caused, just makes it look worse. Just like all the birthers said if Obama had nothing to hide, just release his birth certificate. Well...he did. Ok...now its Romney's turn. Get it?

Sent from my PC36100 using Thaivisa Connect App

Romney Pleads the 5th:

"I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that it may incriminate me"

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Start getting your info from other than conservative sources and you may have more to offer.

Sorry, but I am not interested in getting financial information from Media Matters and MSNBC.

There is very little doubt that the underlying cause of the current credit crisis was a housing bubble. But the collapse of the bubble would not have led to a worldwide recession and credit crisis if almost 40% of all U.S. mortgages--25 million loans--were not of the low quality known as subprime or Alt-A.

These loans were made to borrowers with blemished credit, or involved low or no down payments, negative amortization and limited documentation of income. The loans' unprecedentedly high rates of default are what is driving down housing prices and weakening the financial system. http://www.forbes.co...ward_pinto.html

No one forced the banks to abandon their fiduciary obligations.

Jimmy Carter passed the CRA and Clinton revised it to make banks meet a quota for low income loans. They would not have done so otherwise.

They did so because deregulation allowed them to do it and the industry was obsessed with short-term profits. Everyone involved was blinded by greed, the industry created the derivatives crap, the rating agencies rated them AAA, they were sold around the world, the investment banks took out credit default swaps against their own products, and when the market stopped appreciating, people who should never have been given ridiculous loans they couldn't afford began defaulting....and the whole system came crashing down.

It wasn't forced loans to the poor. It was pure unregulated greed and the people involved knew they were playing with fire. Pure short-term get rich scheme by everyone involved. But it was the banks responsibility to know better.

Sent from my PC36100 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Start getting your info from other than conservative sources and you may have more to offer.

Sorry, but I am not interested in getting financial information from Media Matters and MSNBC.

There is very little doubt that the underlying cause of the current credit crisis was a housing bubble. But the collapse of the bubble would not have led to a worldwide recession and credit crisis if almost 40% of all U.S. mortgages--25 million loans--were not of the low quality known as subprime or Alt-A.

These loans were made to borrowers with blemished credit, or involved low or no down payments, negative amortization and limited documentation of income. The loans' unprecedentedly high rates of default are what is driving down housing prices and weakening the financial system. http://www.forbes.co...ward_pinto.html

No one forced the banks to abandon their fiduciary obligations. Aren't we told that the private sector knows best? Isn'tthis the Romney Ryan platform? As you may recall, the regulators did nothing during the Bush era. Countrywide, WaMu and other collapses came about in large part because of the creed that the private sector and free market would take care of things. As I recall, it was Elliott Spitzer the democratic NY State AG that took on the global insurers and caught them price fixing a decade ago, while republican lawmakers tried to stop the investigations. Sorry, but the Republicans are not fiscal conservatives and they have proven time and time again that they are not capable of policing the financial system.

The truth is getting it's pants on.

The regulators did nothing during the Bush administration because the Democratic Congress blocked legislation to strengthen oversight of the GSEs.



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Sorry, but I am not interested in getting financial information from Media Matters and MSNBC.

There is very little doubt that the underlying cause of the current credit crisis was a housing bubble. But the collapse of the bubble would not have led to a worldwide recession and credit crisis if almost 40% of all U.S. mortgages--25 million loans--were not of the low quality known as subprime or Alt-A.

These loans were made to borrowers with blemished credit, or involved low or no down payments, negative amortization and limited documentation of income. The loans' unprecedentedly high rates of default are what is driving down housing prices and weakening the financial system. http://www.forbes.co...ward_pinto.html

No one forced the banks to abandon their fiduciary obligations.

Jimmy Carter passed the CRA and Clinton revised it to make banks meet a quota for low income loans. They would not have done so otherwise.

Exactly. Though, according to Clinton he is only responsible for 85% of the sub-prime lending crisis.

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Permit me to ask one simply question about Romney's tax returns. Do all of you transparency experts out there not believe for one second that if Obama's government enforcers, the Internal Revenue Service, could press charges against Romney for tax evasion that they would have already done so? To make it easy, many of you will need a multiple choice answer so I have provided the only two logical responses. 1. The IRS is failing to indict alleged felons as directed by the US tax code. Or... 2. Romney's actions are fully consistent with existing tax legislation and thereby perfectly legal.

And therefore it's perfectly reasonable to ask that these returns be released. As was noted earlier, it may be perfectly legal to stand by and let a 3 year old child drown in a river because you don't want to get your Gucci's wet. To hide the fact that you did precisely that and then trying to say "so what it's perfectly legal" is beside the point. Does the man Romney have the character to be the President? If so then stop hiding behind petty points about supposed legality and release the tax returns. Easy to do, just do it.

Are you now accusing Romney of standing by and permittting a child to drown? I suppose that is as believable as the claim by Democratic party, and some readers here, that Romney paid no taxes for ten years and is a felon.


Edit in for grammatical reason.

Edited by chuckd
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Permit me to ask one simply question about Romney's tax returns. Do all of you transparency experts out there not believe for one second that if Obama's government enforcers, the Internal Revenue Service, could press charges against Romney for tax evasion that they would have already done so? To make it easy, many of you will need a multiple choice answer so I have provided the only two logical responses. 1. The IRS is failing to indict alleged felons as directed by the US tax code. Or... 2. Romney's actions are fully consistent with existing tax legislation and thereby perfectly legal.

And therefore it's perfectly reasonable to ask that these returns be released. As was noted earlier, it may be perfectly legal to stand by and let a 3 year old child drown in a river because you don't want to get your Gucci's wet. To hide the fact that you did precisely that and then trying to say "so what it's perfectly legal" is beside the point. Does the man Romney have the character to be the President? If so then stop hiding behind petty points about supposed legality and release the tax returns. Easy to do, just do it.

Are you now accusing Romney of standing by and permittting a child to drown? I suppose that is as believable as the claim by Democratic party, and some readers here, that Romney paid no taxes for ten years and is a felon.


Edit in for grammatical reason.

No, I'm not. Though I can understand how a person with poor reading skills would think that I was. Read that how you like or how you can given the circumstances. But, let me make it clear for you: though something may done within the bounds of the law, that does not make it morally appropriate or socially acceptable. Hiding something because you fear it will be seen as morally inappropriate or hypocritical or socially unacceptable is inappropriate in Presidential Candidate. The issue of taxation and character go to the heart of this Candidates pitch to the electorate. There seems to be a great fear that what the Tax returns will reveal will be seen as morally inappropriate, hypocritical and socially unacceptable. It seems to a growing percentage of the electorate that this why the Governor won't release his tax returns. This is why those who should know better are trying to cover for him by saying he probably broke no laws so should not release his tax returns.

What's the big deal Chuckd, why not just have Romney release the Tax Returns and be done with it? If there's nothing there to worry about then he just do it and just move on with his proposals for governing after the election. Of course if there is a plethora of tax minimization activities and a plethora of loop hole utilization then his choice of Congressman Ryan as VP candidate is going to look fine and dandy and perhaps hypocritical because congressman Ryan would need to say that Romney types would have their taxes cut first and the loopholes closed later. Shameful, though not illegal.

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What's the big deal Chuckd, why not just have Romney release the Tax Returns and be done with it?

Even Ted Nugent gets it. The taxes are just another of the endless diversions from this administration's lousy record.

As usual, the Democrats have nothing worthy of their own to promote, so they are going after Mitt Romney to release more of his tax records.

My advice to Mr. Romney is to tell the Democrats to pound sand.

All we should want to know about a president’s tax records or the tax records of any elected public official is whether that person has cheated on taxes or has made money through illegal means. Other than that, how much money a candidate has is no business of mine or yours.

Unlike the backgrounds of Rep. Charles B. Rangel, former Sen. Tom Daschle and Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner, there is zero evidence that Mr. Romney has cheated on his taxes.

Read more: NUGENT: Class warfare is all Democrats have left - Washington Times

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Permit me to ask one simply question about Romney's tax returns. Do all of you transparency experts out there not believe for one second that if Obama's government enforcers, the Internal Revenue Service, could press charges against Romney for tax evasion that they would have already done so? To make it easy, many of you will need a multiple choice answer so I have provided the only two logical responses. 1. The IRS is failing to indict alleged felons as directed by the US tax code. Or... 2. Romney's actions are fully consistent with existing tax legislation and thereby perfectly legal.

And therefore it's perfectly reasonable to ask that these returns be released. As was noted earlier, it may be perfectly legal to stand by and let a 3 year old child drown in a river because you don't want to get your Gucci's wet. To hide the fact that you did precisely that and then trying to say "so what it's perfectly legal" is beside the point. Does the man Romney have the character to be the President? If so then stop hiding behind petty points about supposed legality and release the tax returns. Easy to do, just do it.

Are you now accusing Romney of standing by and permittting a child to drown? I suppose that is as believable as the claim by Democratic party, and some readers here, that Romney paid no taxes for ten years and is a felon.


Edit in for grammatical reason.

No, I'm not. Though I can understand how a person with poor reading skills would think that I was. Read that how you like or how you can given the circumstances. But, let me make it clear for you: though something may done within the bounds of the law, that does not make it morally appropriate or socially acceptable. Hiding something because you fear it will be seen as morally inappropriate or hypocritical or socially unacceptable is inappropriate in Presidential Candidate. The issue of taxation and character go to the heart of this Candidates pitch to the electorate. There seems to be a great fear that what the Tax returns will reveal will be seen as morally inappropriate, hypocritical and socially unacceptable. It seems to a growing percentage of the electorate that this why the Governor won't release his tax returns. This is why those who should know better are trying to cover for him by saying he probably broke no laws so should not release his tax returns.

What's the big deal Chuckd, why not just have Romney release the Tax Returns and be done with it? If there's nothing there to worry about then he just do it and just move on with his proposals for governing after the election. Of course if there is a plethora of tax minimization activities and a plethora of loop hole utilization then his choice of Congressman Ryan as VP candidate is going to look fine and dandy and perhaps hypocritical because congressman Ryan would need to say that Romney types would have their taxes cut first and the loopholes closed later. Shameful, though not illegal.

From your post...

"Hiding something because you fear it will be seen as morally inappropriate or hypocritical or socially unacceptable is inappropriate in Presidential Candidate. "

I assume you would also apply this release of documentation philosophy to Obama's college records along with his past associations with William Ayres and Bernardine Dohrn, Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezko, Frank Marshall Davis and George Soros, to name only a few? If Obama is not hiding anything, then why does he not release the information?

Then again, perhaps my reading comprehension has mistaken your statement when you really meant it to apply only to Republican candidates.

...and that wraps it up for me. No more responses to your troll posts.

I'm as bored with you as Scott is with Romney's tax returns.

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