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Norwegian Man, Thai Woman Killed In Chon Buri Road Accident


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Of course in the UK the vast majority of sexual relationships at the age of consent would be between partners of the same age or within a very few years of each other, not somebody old enough to be their grandfather.

Your spouting of what is at best a generalism does not prohibit older people from being with younger people.

If 16 is the legal age for sex, then if the partner is 17 to 70, it makes absolutely no difference what so ever how old the other is. And like I said, this has nothing to do with the incident in discussion.

You find it distasteful that an old man has a young girl, I find it more loathesome that you would use age discrimination to try to demonise an older man for having any sort of relationship, which you, through this report alone, in your perverse condemnation, assign to be sexual in its nature.

Now now now, calm down and stop being on the defensive. Its a question of ethics. Some people find that age difference unethical for a number of reasons. Lets say for instance that the legal age of consent in Thailand was 13 (like Spain). Would you still say that it makes no difference how old the other one is as they are technically in a legal relationship? Would your thoughts on a 60 year old in a sexual relationship with a 13 year child old bring out the same loathsome distaste for age discrimination if people thought this was slightly weird at best?

It's not "age discrimination" it's abuse. The man is old enough to be her grandfather. An equitable relationship is impossible. The intelectual boundaries insurmountable. Her father was probably young enough to be his son. We scoff when a rich westerner marries a young model but 17 is a child. In bed with grandpa is no place to be. It is sick and it is disgusting.

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DazelToad, I do concede you have a fair point. If this gentleman was to survive and his "girlfriend" had passed away as a direct result of this 'accident', do you think he would be changed and convicted of causing the death of this young girl, or it would be just a accident? (Presuming he was not rich and bribed the cops and or judge of course)

Actually it's an accident. Wikipedia definition... An accident or mishap is an unforeseen and unplanned event or circumstance, often with lack of intention ornecessity. It usually implies a generally negative outcome which may have been avoided or prevented had circumstances leading up to the accident been recognized, and acted upon, prior to its occurrence.

I think this is what the vast majority would count as an accident.

You not think Granpa picking up a child prostitute was unavoidable?

You not think Grandpa getting drunk and not making other arrangements to drive was not unavoidable?

You not think getting on the bike drunk with out a saftey helmet (required by law for sober drivers) wasn't unavoidable?

The description of him driving fast and erratic was not avoidable?

The child who go on the bike, it is debatable if it was unavoidable as she was working and probily considered it pat of the job.

I think you will find the insurance company if one is involved will fins that this "accident" if you call it that was avoidable,

Sorry my good fellow, as long as they didnt plan to crash, I would say it was an accident. You are talking about conscious choices, it was not a conscious choice to crash and die, but merely a consequence of some ill made decisions on the part of both involved.

My friend, it would still have been an accident.

The matter of whether or not he 'would' have been charged or not, is futile. This kind of speculation is at a dead end since both the gentleman and young lady are deceased.

If you are asking, however, if he should have been charged, then I would not argue with you if you suggested 'yes'. However, this matter does not take away the fact that what happened was unintentional, and accidental.

By the way, I would hope that justice would have prevailed in the case of one or both surviving.

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A 52-year-old drunk Norwegian tourist and 17 year old GIRL. What a shame.

Your dead right there, she was just a kid - IF its proved that he was intoxicated, then its another grim statistic.

Sooner the police clamp down on drinking and driving in Thailand, then the safer we'll all be.

Commit any crime you like in Thailand, Just don't murder anyone (in some cases that is) break immigration laws, or get involved with drugs. Anything else goes.

Obviously, your list of crimes that do not go unpunished (unless one hides very well) is far than exhaustive.

Murder, attempted murder, rape, serial thievery, paediphilia, breaking immigration rules are on top of the list. Any others?

Maybe I did not word it properly. I should have said the main priority is drugs and immigration.
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I would propose this, if two 16 year olds had sex, then you wouldnt kick up a fuss about it. If a 16 year old and a 60 year old had sex however, you suddenly consign it to the pits, ridiculously and wrongly deeming the behaviour as 'paedophilia' or any other such perversion.

That is because one relationship is sick and twisted and unhealthy. It is a bit alarming that you don't see this while the vast majority of the civilized world without mental disorders do.

The implication that anyone not agreeing with this outrageous stereotype of anyone out of an age bracket that suits you, having any consensual relationship, of being retarded or somehow mentally challenged, destroys the credibility of your posting.

Take a moment to consider that.

Interesting that non-violent child molesters all believe they are not abusing or taking advantage of the children and believe their relationship healthy. There is no classification difference between a man who enjoys sexual relationships with post-pubescent children be they 16,15,14,13,12 or 11 and they tend to think just like the pedos who con little 8-year old children into being controlled by an adult who has mental issues so strong that they cannot manage to control the inadequacies they have to behave in way that is considered proper in society and instead try to justify what is labeled as sick.

Maybe these folks have issues that need to make them feel in control of others or maybe their penis is so small they think that only a child would feel it but what is clear is there is clearly something wrong with a 50+ year old man having sexual relations with a child that just turned 16.

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DazelToad, I do concede you have a fair point. If this gentleman was to survive and his "girlfriend" had passed away as a direct result of this 'accident', do you think he would be changed and convicted of causing the death of this young girl, or it would be just a accident? (Presuming he was not rich and bribed the cops and or judge of course)

Actually it's an accident. Wikipedia definition... An accident or mishap is an unforeseen and unplanned event or circumstance, often with lack of intention ornecessity. It usually implies a generally negative outcome which may have been avoided or prevented had circumstances leading up to the accident been recognized, and acted upon, prior to its occurrence.

I think this is what the vast majority would count as an accident.

You not think Granpa picking up a child prostitute was unavoidable?

You not think Grandpa getting drunk and not making other arrangements to drive was not unavoidable?

You not think getting on the bike drunk with out a saftey helmet (required by law for sober drivers) wasn't unavoidable?

The description of him driving fast and erratic was not avoidable?

The child who go on the bike, it is debatable if it was unavoidable as she was working and probily considered it pat of the job.

I think you will find the insurance company if one is involved will fins that this "accident" if you call it that was avoidable,

Sorry my good fellow, as long as they didnt plan to crash, I would say it was an accident. You are talking about conscious choices, it was not a conscious choice to crash and die, but merely a consequence of some ill made decisions on the part of both involved.

" If this gentleman was to survive"

Not wishing to be pedantic, but the use of the word "gentleman" really is inappropriate.

Perverted, sick, alcoholic <deleted> would maybe be more appropriate.

Edited by coma
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What has age got to do with anything. It seems OK for old film stars and Billionaires, so why the problem with an ordinary guy. PLEASE explain you lot ?. thumbsup.gif

I find old film stars and Billionaires having relations with children disgusting also ! She was a child ! And who said it was OK for old film stars and Billionaires ?

What film stars and billionaires are being talked about. I cannot think of any in modern history where people saw a rich or famous person over 50 being with a girl who just turned 16 and finding it acceptable ... especially when the guy is western and chooses a less developed nation to search out a child for sex.

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Please, if there is nothing to say, do not post anything. If every member would post the same, with no information, and nothing to learn, ThaiVisa would be abandoned by most members.

Maybe Thaivisa could have a seperate section where those that regularly feel the need to offer their condolences can do so among like minded individuals.
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It's not "age discrimination" it's abuse. The man is old enough to be her grandfather. An equitable relationship is impossible. The intelectual boundaries insurmountable. Her father was probably young enough to be his son. We scoff when a rich westerner marries a young model but 17 is a child. In bed with grandpa is no place to be. It is sick and it is disgusting.

First of all it IS age discrimination. The age means nothing, as long as it is within the law and consented.

Your assertion that an 'equitable' (fair or reasonable) relationship is impossible is nothing more than your own opinion and has absolutely nothing to justify itself. Insurmountable intellectual boundaries? Oh now come on, your deciding that a girl of 16 cannot be intellectually equal with an adult of 20, 40 or even 80 is a shocking insult towards human development and capability. You have nothing to support these outrageous remarks other than your charged disrespect of this mans relationship.

It is disgusting when you try to reduce this to an innocent young lady who fell victim to an evil old grandpa who just wants to take advantage of her.

She was with him through her own consent.

Imagine this analogy. I go and take a gun and murder someone. Do I blame the gun maker, the store owner or even the gun itself?

No, I can attribute the severity of my crime, at least somewhat to the availability and ease of access that I have to firearms, but in the end it was me who chose to take it and let loose.

The girl has an old man but has infinite free choice of whether or not to get on the bike , or even be with the old man in the first place. Unless she was held against her will and forced on to the bike, she has a natural amount of blame on her shoulders.

Also, if I may be as brave as to reassert a point of an above poster, sixTEEN or sevenTEEN are teen aged young adults, approaching the western definition of what an 'adult' is, pertaining to age.

Edited by Dazzletoad
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It is possible this guy didn't know the girl was so young and we don't know for sure the circumstances but I find it rather sick that some people are so warped that they actually post comments here saying a relationship between a 50+ year old and a girl turning 16 last month is acceptable or normal. One can only imagine the things they are not saying.

It is one thing for an older man (50+) to be attracted to a hot looking and developed 16 year old but it is another to act on those feelings and then to go on and on posting about how there is nothing wrong with it. Not much different than wishing you could drive away with an armored truck full of cash. Anyone who believes a 16-year old is mature enough to handle such a relationship and not be scared by it is just sick and in complete denial over their sickness.

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Perverted, sick, alcoholic <deleted> would maybe more appropriate.

When listening to your over the top and assumed opinions of this man, I wonder how much better you are than people who put themselves into these situations.

Let's just say I am a hell of alot better than this man. wink.png

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It's not "age discrimination" it's abuse. The man is old enough to be her grandfather. An equitable relationship is impossible. The intelectual boundaries insurmountable. Her father was probably young enough to be his son. We scoff when a rich westerner marries a young model but 17 is a child. In bed with grandpa is no place to be. It is sick and it is disgusting.

First of all it IS age discrimination. The age means nothing, as long as it is within the law and consented.

Your assertion that an 'equitable' (fair or reasonable) relationship is impossible is nothing more than your own opinion and has absolutely nothing to justify itself. Insurmountable intellectual boundaries? Oh now come on, your deciding that a girl of 16 cannot be intellectually equal with an adult of 20, 40 or even 80 is a shocking insult towards human development and capability. You have nothing to support these outrageous remarks other than your charged disrespect of this mans relationship.

It is disgusting when you try to reduce this to an innocent young lady who fell victim to an evil old grandpa who just wants to take advantage of her.

She was with him through her own consent.

Imagine this analogy. I go and take a gun and murder someone. Do I blame the gun maker, the store owner or even the gun itself?

No, I can attribute the severity of my crime, at least somewhat to the availability and ease of access that I have to firearms, but in the end it was me who chose to take it and let loose.

The girl has an old man but has infinite free choice of whether or not to get on the bike , or even be with the old man in the first place. Unless she was held against her will and forced on to the bike, she has a natural amount of blame on her shoulders.

Also, if I may be as brave as to reassert a point of an above poster, sixTEEN or sevenTEEN are teen aged young adults, approaching the western definition of what an 'adult' is, pertaining to age.

No, his assertion that an equitable relationship is impossible considering both the cultural and age gap is dead on. It's also guaranteed to be "just" the "opinion" of nearly everyone on the planet, as it's just common sense that that kind of age differential would preclude a meaningful relationship on all fronts and in nearly all situations. If you want to pretend that fifty-year-olds dating seventeen-year-olds is normal, then that's your prerogative; nevertheless, I guarantee you would be contradicted socially and legally in nearly every developed country in the world. Your argument sounds more like a justification for the way you choose to live in Thailand. Good for you for being so open about your pedophilia issues.

Edited by Unkomoncents
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It's not "age discrimination" it's abuse. The man is old enough to be her grandfather. An equitable relationship is impossible. The intelectual boundaries insurmountable. Her father was probably young enough to be his son. We scoff when a rich westerner marries a young model but 17 is a child. In bed with grandpa is no place to be. It is sick and it is disgusting.

First of all it IS age discrimination. The age means nothing, as long as it is within the law and consented.

Once again I must go back to your post of your claiming it legal in some countries to have sex (marry) with 6-year olds. Based on your using the law to defend a 50+ year old having sex with a child who just turns 16, I must again assume you believe it okay to have sex with 6-year olds if the laws in that country allow it.

Or how about ... You have repeatedly stated your preference for 16-year olds being old enough because they can conceive. Do you not see any problem with a 50+ year old having sex with an 11 year old who has reached puberty or how about a 9-year old as long as there is no law against it?

Edited by Nisa
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It's not "age discrimination" it's abuse. The man is old enough to be her grandfather. An equitable relationship is impossible. The intelectual boundaries insurmountable. Her father was probably young enough to be his son. We scoff when a rich westerner marries a young model but 17 is a child. In bed with grandpa is no place to be. It is sick and it is disgusting.

First of all it IS age discrimination. The age means nothing, as long as it is within the law and consented.

Your assertion that an 'equitable' (fair or reasonable) relationship is impossible is nothing more than your own opinion and has absolutely nothing to justify itself. Insurmountable intellectual boundaries? Oh now come on, your deciding that a girl of 16 cannot be intellectually equal with an adult of 20, 40 or even 80 is a shocking insult towards human development and capability. You have nothing to support these outrageous remarks other than your charged disrespect of this mans relationship.

It is disgusting when you try to reduce this to an innocent young lady who fell victim to an evil old grandpa who just wants to take advantage of her.

She was with him through her own consent.

Imagine this analogy. I go and take a gun and murder someone. Do I blame the gun maker, the store owner or even the gun itself?

No, I can attribute the severity of my crime, at least somewhat to the availability and ease of access that I have to firearms, but in the end it was me who chose to take it and let loose.

The girl has an old man but has infinite free choice of whether or not to get on the bike , or even be with the old man in the first place. Unless she was held against her will and forced on to the bike, she has a natural amount of blame on her shoulders.

Perhaps the girl, like many others here, was from an impoverished background, and like many, was in Pattaya to escape that poverty. There are older farangs here who are only to happy to enter innapropriate relationships with girls young enough to be their grandaughter. Even if she was with him by her own consent it doesn't mean that the majority shouldn't find these relationships distasteful. Edited by BirdsandBooze
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Some posts that had confusing methods of quoting another member have been edited to correct the errors. In the tool bar above when posting is a Quote function. Copy and paste the content you wish to respond to in your reply window, highlight the content, then click on the Quote icon in the tool bar above. This would help to alleviate confusion as to who said what.

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It's not "age discrimination" it's abuse. The man is old enough to be her grandfather. An equitable relationship is impossible. The intelectual boundaries insurmountable. Her father was probably young enough to be his son. We scoff when a rich westerner marries a young model but 17 is a child. In bed with grandpa is no place to be. It is sick and it is disgusting.

First of all it IS age discrimination. The age means nothing, as long as it is within the law and consented.

Your assertion that an 'equitable' (fair or reasonable) relationship is impossible is nothing more than your own opinion and has absolutely nothing to justify itself. Insurmountable intellectual boundaries? Oh now come on, your deciding that a girl of 16 cannot be intellectually equal with an adult of 20, 40 or even 80 is a shocking insult towards human development and capability. You have nothing to support these outrageous remarks other than your charged disrespect of this mans relationship.

It is disgusting when you try to reduce this to an innocent young lady who fell victim to an evil old grandpa who just wants to take advantage of her.

She was with him through her own consent.

Imagine this analogy. I go and take a gun and murder someone. Do I blame the gun maker, the store owner or even the gun itself?

No, I can attribute the severity of my crime, at least somewhat to the availability and ease of access that I have to firearms, but in the end it was me who chose to take it and let loose.

The girl has an old man but has infinite free choice of whether or not to get on the bike , or even be with the old man in the first place. Unless she was held against her will and forced on to the bike, she has a natural amount of blame on her shoulders.

Also, if I may be as brave as to reassert a point of an above poster, sixTEEN or sevenTEEN are teen aged young adults, approaching the western definition of what an 'adult' is, pertaining to age.

Yes you said it right! "Approaching the western definition of what an 'adult' is, pertaining to age." ...... She was not there yet she was still a child!

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So your point is that sex with a 6-year old is okay? I can't see any other reason for making this statement unless you are trying to prove that the law in England may be wrong when you are using this law to justify your opinion that sex with somebody under 18 is okay.

It appears that you have fatally misinterpreted my point. My point is this, and please let me make it clear.

I support the legal age of consent to sex, smoking and gambling to be at the age of 16. I also support giving children in schools as young as 7 years old, sharp metal scissors and support things like abortion and secular thinking.

If we give a good education, and rely on the persons common sense and give them some credibility, instead of treating young girls like they are brain dead magnets to foreign men, who are teen and therefore incapable of making rational decisions, then we can take an objective view on cases like this.

Children who are given scissors with the taught responsibility are less likely or wont cause themselves or others harm, and giving women control over their own bodies and giving them rights goes somewhat to supporting them in the face of societies like you lot.

You take my words and twist them, no, I am explicitly NOT condoning sex with a 6 year old girl. That is disgusting, and a biological, as well as criminal violation. At the age of 13 the human body may be ready for intercourse but I don't think it is appropriate. 16 however, is something I support.

My link was to say to you, if you want age of consent to complain about, go and find a muslim forum board who say its ok to have sex with a girl, in the words of mohammeds sex life for example, when she (aisha) turned 9 years old.

What people forget is that if you say 18 should be the legal age for sex then explain to me the different between 17 years of age with one hour to turn 18, or 1 hour and 5 minutes after. What miraculous change does the body go through in that time?

Back on topic in reply to Kananga:

I would appreciate the references to these quotes you have taken from whatever source you got them. Mapping consent age is very difficult and not in such a scientific context, rather depending instead on the social and cultural norms of the country in question.

I would propose this, if two 16 year olds had sex, then you wouldnt kick up a fuss about it. If a 16 year old and a 60 year old had sex however, you suddenly consign it to the pits, ridiculously and wrongly deeming the behaviour as 'paedophilia' or any other such perversion.

This is a fallacious argument:

Children who are given scissors with the taught responsibility are less likely or wont cause themselves or others harm, and giving women control over their own bodies and giving them rights goes somewhat to supporting them in the face of societies like you lot.

Thai people are often poorly educated and impoverished. Responsibility?! Taught in Thailand?! I would refute your argument on the basis of the scissors alone. I know of no kindergartens that present their charges with full scissors like those used by a tailor, etc. They are usually plastic/safety-enhanced and are very small, for the exact reason that they CANNOT be trusted to use such objects responsibly. I expect that next you'll be suggesting that twelve-year-olds should be able to drive cars if they are "taught responsibility"; even though every statistic known to man suggests that when you drop the driving age, accidents attributed to young people sky-rocket.

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Perverted, sick, alcoholic <deleted> would maybe more appropriate.

When listening to your over the top and assumed opinions of this man, I wonder how much better you are than people who put themselves into these situations.

Let's just say I am a hell of alot better than this man. wink.png

There you are again Mr HangemHigh who set you up as judge and jury????? Anybody who has a different view to you is inferior in your opinion - well you are a model of free speech

No. Just your like. The ones who think taking advantage of young Thai girls is o.k. whistling.gif

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It's not "age discrimination" it's abuse. The man is old enough to be her grandfather. An equitable relationship is impossible. The intelectual boundaries insurmountable. Her father was probably young enough to be his son. We scoff when a rich westerner marries a young model but 17 is a child. In bed with grandpa is no place to be. It is sick and it is disgusting.

First of all it IS age discrimination. The age means nothing, as long as it is within the law and consented.

Your assertion that an 'equitable' (fair or reasonable) relationship is impossible is nothing more than your own opinion and has absolutely nothing to justify itself. Insurmountable intellectual boundaries? Oh now come on, your deciding that a girl of 16 cannot be intellectually equal with an adult of 20, 40 or even 80 is a shocking insult towards human development and capability. You have nothing to support these outrageous remarks other than your charged disrespect of this mans relationship.

It is disgusting when you try to reduce this to an innocent young lady who fell victim to an evil old grandpa who just wants to take advantage of her.

She was with him through her own consent.

Imagine this analogy. I go and take a gun and murder someone. Do I blame the gun maker, the store owner or even the gun itself?

No, I can attribute the severity of my crime, at least somewhat to the availability and ease of access that I have to firearms, but in the end it was me who chose to take it and let loose.

The girl has an old man but has infinite free choice of whether or not to get on the bike , or even be with the old man in the first place. Unless she was held against her will and forced on to the bike, she has a natural amount of blame on her shoulders.

Also, if I may be as brave as to reassert a point of an above poster, sixTEEN or sevenTEEN are teen aged young adults, approaching the western definition of what an 'adult' is, pertaining to age.

Yes you said it right! "Approaching the western definition of what an 'adult' is, pertaining to age." ...... She was not there yet she was still a child!

"Western definition" of what an adult is, huh? Now you're trying cultural relativism to justify pedophilia, just as Imams in North Africa do to justify female-circumcision. Before you know it, we will start applying this to murder: "That's just a 'Western' definition of murder, man." I'd love to see that hold up in an court of public/legal opinion. For some, eating endangered tiger penis to enhance male sexual virility is acceptable. For others, it's disgusting. You're obviously in the former category based on your tools of debate.

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Since he's the only one using arguments instead of emotions, I'll side with Dazzletoad on this issue (so far).

To the bigots let it be clear, I'd personally never date someone who'd be younger than my hypothetical daughter. So don't try any obvious strawman arguments.

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A 52-year-old drunk Norwegian tourist and 17 year old GIRL. What a shame.

Your dead right there, she was just a kid - IF its proved that he was intoxicated, then its another grim statistic.

Sooner the police clamp down on drinking and driving in Thailand, then the safer we'll all be.

Unfortunately, money talks and sh** walks...

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Some posts that had confusing methods of quoting another member have been edited to correct the errors. In the tool bar above when posting is a Quote function. Copy and paste the content you wish to respond to in your reply window, highlight the content, then click on the Quote icon in the tool bar above. This would help to alleviate confusion as to who said what.

Thanks smile.png

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If he hadn't died, they'd have caught him anyway for pedophilia for taking a barely 16-year-old girl from the bar! It's a lose-lose situation either way.

By the way, I wish reports wouldn't keep referring to Pattaya as "Chonburi". Chonburi is 60 km away from Pattaya. Tambon Naklua is in the north of Pattaya, right next to the centre of downtown Pattaya. Not even close to Chonburi!

Not stolen the name.... "FalangBaa"... whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

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Perverted, sick, alcoholic <deleted> would maybe more appropriate.

When listening to your over the top and assumed opinions of this man, I wonder how much better you are than people who put themselves into these situations.

There you are again Mr HangemHigh who set you up as judge and jury????? Anybody who has a different view to you is inferior in your opinion - well you are a model of free speech

No. Just your like. The ones who think taking advantage of young Thai girls is o.k. whistling.gif

Here you are jumping to conclusions again - how do we know it wasn't the girl seducing the man? exploiting his drunken state to gain money. maybe slipped him some yabaa!!!

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If he hadn't died, they'd have caught him anyway for pedophilia for taking a barely 16-year-old girl from the bar! It's a lose-lose situation either way.

By the way, I wish reports wouldn't keep referring to Pattaya as "Chonburi". Chonburi is 60 km away from Pattaya. Tambon Naklua is in the north of Pattaya, right next to the centre of downtown Pattaya. Not even close to Chonburi!

Not stolen the name.... "FalangBaa"... whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

Unfortunately Pattaya is in Chonburi province, but it sounds better when they report stories like this if they avoid using Pattaya.

"Upsets the natives at breakfast" , you know.

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It's not "age discrimination" it's abuse. The man is old enough to be her grandfather. An equitable relationship is impossible. The intelectual boundaries insurmountable. Her father was probably young enough to be his son. We scoff when a rich westerner marries a young model but 17 is a child. In bed with grandpa is no place to be. It is sick and it is disgusting.

First of all it IS age discrimination. The age means nothing, as long as it is within the law and consented.

Your assertion that an 'equitable' (fair or reasonable) relationship is impossible is nothing more than your own opinion and has absolutely nothing to justify itself. Insurmountable intellectual boundaries? Oh now come on, your deciding that a girl of 16 cannot be intellectually equal with an adult of 20, 40 or even 80 is a shocking insult towards human development and capability. You have nothing to support these outrageous remarks other than your charged disrespect of this mans relationship.

It is disgusting when you try to reduce this to an innocent young lady who fell victim to an evil old grandpa who just wants to take advantage of her.

She was with him through her own consent.

Imagine this analogy. I go and take a gun and murder someone. Do I blame the gun maker, the store owner or even the gun itself?

No, I can attribute the severity of my crime, at least somewhat to the availability and ease of access that I have to firearms, but in the end it was me who chose to take it and let loose.

The girl has an old man but has infinite free choice of whether or not to get on the bike , or even be with the old man in the first place. Unless she was held against her will and forced on to the bike, she has a natural amount of blame on her shoulders.

Also, if I may be as brave as to reassert a point of an above poster, sixTEEN or sevenTEEN are teen aged young adults, approaching the western definition of what an 'adult' is, pertaining to age.

Yes you said it right! "Approaching the western definition of what an 'adult' is, pertaining to age." ...... She was not there yet she was still a child!

"Western definition" of what an adult is, huh? Now you're trying cultural relativism to justify pedophilia, just as Imams in North Africa do to justify female-circumcision. Before you know it, we will start applying this to murder: "That's just a 'Western' definition of murder, man." I'd love to see that hold up in an court of public/legal opinion. For some, eating endangered tiger penis to enhance male sexual virility is acceptable. For others, it's disgusting. You're obviously in the former category based on your tools of debate.

where in what i said that i was "trying cultural relativism to justify pedophilia" ????

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R.I.P. to Ms. Somying and Mr. Lundsvoll, whatever the story behind might be.

The majority of members in this forum obvioulsy haven't read the part of the bible that says, "let he who is without sin, cast the first stone"...

Most of you should simply be ashamed of your stupid and hypocritical comments and that useless babble. Two lifes have been destroyed and most likely there are family members who read all this and hurt even more having to read all this rubbish. Keep it down, folks - please!

Edited by metisdead
: Tiny font re-sized to normal so people can read it.
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