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Thailand Is A Developed Country


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Time to "develop" some new nomenclature based on some more meaningful attributes. If any country needs to be in a "developing country" category it is the US. And I hold all the others supposed developed countries in equally high regard. To call a country developed is an easy way to overlook all the ways that it is glaringly not developed. Every country should be a developing country or should simply be called stagnant or in even worse situations a failing state.

I do believe to be called a developed country it starts with having a functional government and since when has Thailand had that?

That doesn't wash, just look at the US. They haven't had a functioning government in 12 years and still muddle along. For how much longer I don't know, but it was fun while it lasted.

That's a far reach... The tax dollar may not always go where we want it to go but some of it do get out. Can you say the same when it comes to the Thai government?

I do believe that the US military do protect the government and do not incite anarchy on the streets... as far as I remember.

Oh dear, we seem to be addressing different points, but I will try to list a few of the things the US g'ment has been up to while you've been napping.

1. Patriot Act - Basically throws the US constitution in the toilet.

2. WMD - Need I say more? The US was drawn into a war in the middle east to protect Israel from those nasty muslims. The worst part is it was our own government leading the dis-information charge.

3. Vietnam War - It was been stated by Robert McNamara, former Secretary of Defense under LBJ, that the Gulf of Tonkin attack on the USS Maddox was a lie, never happened. The government lied to the people about this so they could go to war. All hail the military industrial complex.

4. Iran - Do a bit of research on just why the Iranians hate the US. You might be surprised.

5. In 2001, Donald Rumsfeld went before a Senate subcommittee to discuss errant accounting in the Pentagon, while a discrepancy of $2.1 Trillion. That's Trillion with a "T". Where did it go and who is minding the store.

6. How about the latest debacle, TARP. Billions of USD given to banks with zero accountability, even to how much was given to which bank.

I could go on and on and on, but you get the point. Yes, some $$$ filter down to the little people (you amd me), but the vast majority is spent trying to keep us in fear of the boogieman.

No my friend, the US government is not your friend, no matter how much koolaid you drink.

Edited by KeyserSoze01
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Thailand dropped the state of emergency declared due to reasons everyone still remembers in a relatively short time frame. This restores the rights of the Thai people which were temporarily overridden by the emergency declaration. Seems appropriate that this should be the case.

The United States has been in a state of national emergency continuously since September 14, 2001, when the Bush administration invoked it premised on the September 11 attacks. In September 2010, President Barack Obama informed Congress that the State of National Emergency in effect since September 14, 2001, will be extended another year.
The National Emergencies Act grants various powers to the president during times of emergency, and was intended to prevent a president from declaring a state of emergency of indefinite duration.

At least two constitutional rights are subject to revocation during a state of emergency:
  • The right of habeas corpus, under Article 1, Section 9;
  • The right to a grand jury for members of the National Guard when in actual service, under Fifth Amendment.

In addition, many provisions of statutory law are contingent on a state of national emergency, as many as 500 by one count.


Raises some questions in my mind about developed and developing.

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Corruption and scams by the government and elite can be found everywhere in the west... nothing new about that. The fact is that you even compare a developed country to Thailand is just plain absurd. I don't deny that the US has many problems or other countries in the western hemisphere for that matter but the fact is that it is not as bad as Thailand.

Here's a few examples:

- In the west you can go to court and win... here it's virtually impossible for a citizen to do that let along a foreigner.

- Money talks wherever you go so in a developing country like Thailand why should it be any different.

- As for standing up against government... last I checked you can do that in the states but here... good luck.

As for the other points of view. You don't really expect a superpower NOT getting criticism and making big mistakes along the way do you?

I have friends from a lot of countries even Iran so I know more than you think but in general the Iranian people don't really hate westerners. They just don't know enough about us since their government do exactly the same thing as the US government does... feed the propaganda machine as much as they can.

Bottom line is that I never said the western governments were holy I just said that in those countries you have a chance to stand up for yourself while here in Thailand among other Asian countries and communities are taught that this concept is pointless and they should just do what they are told because it's their lot in life.

Thais are not taught to be individuals although you have many of those here and I think if you look at the institutions of this country you will understand why they want like that.

Edited by maxme
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maxme - you have many good and valid points regarding the US and I think one would be hard pressed to find a country superior to the US. The point I am making is that regardless of what country you are from and how perfect and developed you consider it to be there is always much room for improvement and for one to regard their country as fully developed is ludicrous. I am certainly not accusing you of doing this but Americans have gotten a little lazy in my opinion and need to work a little harder at protecting their rights and improving their government. A 10% approval rating of congress is a travesty and a 10 year state of emergency overriding constitutional rights is plain stupid. You do not need to cross out the constitution to fight terrorism.

Thailand has its problems and definitely ranks below the US on the developing scale but the US is still a developing country as well.

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maxme - you have many good and valid points regarding the US and I think one would be hard pressed to find a country superior to the US. The point I am making is that regardless of what country you are from and how perfect and developed you consider it to be there is always much room for improvement and for one to regard their country as fully developed is ludicrous. I am certainly not accusing you of doing this but Americans have gotten a little lazy in my opinion and need to work a little harder at protecting their rights and improving their government. A 10% approval rating of congress is a travesty and a 10 year state of emergency overriding constitutional rights is plain stupid. You do not need to cross out the constitution to fight terrorism.

Thailand has its problems and definitely ranks below the US on the developing scale but the US is still a developing country as well.

Hi BuckarooBanzai.

Of course the word "developed" is just a term describing the infrastructure, social development and overall standard, it doesn't mean that a country which is developed is perfect... not even close...

I can think of gazillion things that need to be improved and that includes not only North America but also western and northern Europe but you got to look at the big picture here. A few hundred years ago the European countries were at each others throats and look now... the European Union does have many flaws but it is a start and for people who before wanted to cut each others throats to come together now and work in unison well that's pretty impressive isn't it?

It's not that we have money it is that before we were crude, unforgiving and reckless and we still are today at some level but the point is we have reached an understanding that we cannot cycles the old foot paths... we need to go foward and yes there are those who still don't believe or want to do that but that number is diminishing while in Thailand it holds steady.

While I don't believe that Thailand needs to be more western because every country has its own unique culture and history however Thai people do need to adopt the progressive way of thinking if they want to enjoy the same things we do (more or less).

Thai people believe and are indoctrinated that we were born rich and didn't have to work for it through pain, sweat and blood. With this kind of thinking they will just be do half-hearted attempts to use this as an excuse for their current status and thus the cycle continues.

People need to realize the power is in them not the government, we made that mistake before and probably do it again but here they don't even dare to speak out and that's one of things we have but they long for and still can get if they change their way of thinking and that's freedom of speech. I think we have witnessed the beginning of that now and let's hope it will continue but it is far from getting to the status of a developed country.

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With few exceptions, every item Thai manufactured (less than a few thousand baht) that I've purchased in the last number of years has been crap and usually self-destructed with few uses. Hardly representative of a developed country.

(Don't start with your keyboard diarrhea, triple-T's. There are other reasons I stay and enjoy Thailand rather than its products.)

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Thai designed is usually crap. Manufacturing with automated machines such as electronics assembly can be done anywhere with about same quality. A lot of electronics products and cars, etc come from Thailand, designed outside.

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Do developed countries have millions of mangy dogs breeding and running around out of control on the streets? Do developed countries have motorists completely disobey the rules of the road without any concern by their police? Do developed countries have roads and footpaths full of holes and broken concrete and other poor condition? Do developed countries have epidemics of numerous diseases circulating in their countries forcing closures of schools on regular or annual basis? Do developed countries have their army shoot dead the own citizens during protests? Do developed countries allow construction workers to wear flip flops in dangerous work areas? Do developed countries disregard enforcement of Building fire safety regulations? Do they have regular military coups to "protect their nation"?

If the answer to all of those questions is Yes, then yes, Thailand is a developed country.

As for people living in the real world, Thailand is a joke.

Edited by Time Traveller
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  • 2 weeks later...

You're right. I'm tired of hearing that Thailand is poor or undeveloped. I think income levels here are almost as high as in the west for most people despite what the numbers say. I see nice cars driving everywhere and nobody seems to be "broke".

Even a country like Cambodia has lots of monied people around. I'm not sure there is or ever was such a thing as "poor" country.

I don't know what stuff you're on but..... I wouldn't mind some of it.cheesy.gif

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I honestly think threads like this are meant to be trolls. Say something positive about Thailand, but go a little too far in the eyes of most, which then give the opportunity for the Thai bashers to swoop in

Regardless yes Thailand is getting pretty close to it. However they never will want to be actually recognized as such in the eyes of the world. They are happy being ignored, because they want to continue to exploit their perceived destitution as a way to continue to slap unfair trade restrictions on foreign countries. The taxes they put on imports and restrictions of foreign businesses would not be tolerated from a 'developed' country, so Thais are not in any way eager to change their classifications any time soon. They will milk it for as long as they can.

Thai bashing ? ! ! ! ? Speak for yourself , buddy .

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Nope.....not going with that argument. You could put up a case for BKK being developed but BKK does not represent all Thailand.

Does Glasgow represent all Scotland?tongue.png

Irrelevant since all of Scotland is developed. I do recommend a nosegay should you visit Glasgow however, there is a gypsy outside Queen St station selling them for a tanner.

Sorry I forgot. Scotland major production Scotch Whiskey.cheesy.gifgiggle.gif

Gutted that no one's mentioned Irn Bru yet.

WhiskEy is what people outside Scotland produce. WHISKY is our tipple!

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