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North Or Beaches


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There are so many options+reasons where one would like to live in Thailand.

Chiang Mai/Rai area


Beaches areas:

such as:

1. Pattaya/Rayong/Samet/Chang

2. Samui/Phangan/Tao

3. Phuket/Krabi/southern area

It seems to me that the prices, especially in the Chiang Mai area, for renting/buying/building of houses are much cheaper than the other options.

Is that just because the sea/ocean is not near or are there other reasons?

I would welcome your ideas and suggestions.



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There are so many options+reasons where one would like to live in Thailand.

Chiang Mai/Rai area


Beaches areas:

such as:

1. Pattaya/Rayong/Samet/Chang

2. Samui/Phangan/Tao

3. Phuket/Krabi/southern area

It seems to me that the prices, especially in the Chiang Mai area, for renting/buying/building of houses are much cheaper than the other options.

Is that just because the sea/ocean is not near or are there other reasons?

I would welcome your ideas and suggestions.



I would think that a lot of Thai Visa posters would opt for the choice you left out.....................ISAAN :o

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There are so many options+reasons where one would like to live in Thailand.

Chiang Mai/Rai area


Beaches areas:

such as:

1. Pattaya/Rayong/Samet/Chang

2. Samui/Phangan/Tao

3. Phuket/Krabi/southern area

It seems to me that the prices, especially in the Chiang Mai area, for renting/buying/building of houses are much cheaper than the other options.

Is that just because the sea/ocean is not near or are there other reasons?

I would welcome your ideas and suggestions.



I would think that a lot of Thai Visa posters would opt for the choice you left out.....................ISAAN :D

And Kan also West of Bangers :o

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I would think that a lot of Thai Visa posters would opt for the choice you left out.....................ISAAN :D

Just got back from there (Chaiya Phuum) and although it's nice to see the Mrs parents and family, i get bored very quickly. So it's a vote for the 'Beaches' for me :o

On another note (without going off topic) :D this time on the bus there was 4 Farangs going that way. The most i have seen yet. Maybe it's catching on, or is it 'High Season' in Isaan too :D

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Mountains,cool rain and lots of fresh air :D

Grow your own spuds,catch some local fish and slice up a couple of pinapple rings(sapparot) to mix with the home made "mai thais" to serve up at the BBQ....

Eventually one day hope to to be able nip over the border to "occupied" Burma for a spot of sightseeing and tiffin.

Also if its a case of needing some intelligent verbal company then of course Arti "C.M" is just 20 minutes drive along the new... almost empty motorway. :o

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I would think that a lot of Thai Visa posters would opt for the choice you left out.....................ISAAN :D

Just got back from there (Chaiya Phuum) and although it's nice to see the Mrs parents and family, i get bored very quickly. So it's a vote for the 'Beaches' for me :D

On another note (without going off topic) :D this time on the bus there was 4 Farangs going that way. The most i have seen yet. Maybe it's catching on, or is it 'High Season' in Isaan too :D

Funny as it might sound, but Issan certainly does have a "high season" :o:D December and January sees a huge influx of Farang visiting family and friends. As well as some of the more adventurous holiday makers, looking for a little bit more than what the major destinations can offer :D

I'm with Lampshade on this one.....Issan :D

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I'm sorry but I am not familiar with other options like Isaan or other areas; haven't been there yet.

But, the question was also meant to ask WHY there is such an enormous difference in housingprices, whether rent or buy/build between Ciang Mai and the beach areas.

Ok, I know, I know, that landprices near beach-areas are much higher than land in Isaan, Chiang Mai/Rai etc. BUT the construction costs would not differ very much, or am I wrong?

Most construction workers are from Isaan anyway, whether be it on Samui or Phuket/other areas.

Do you agree that the constructionprices are also much higher than CM/Rai ?


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On this issue, I've already voted with my feet, from Chiang Mai to Hua Hin.

Housing prices are always higher at the beach. Get just a few hundred meters from the beach, and the prices take a nosedive.

The surf was up today, and we plunged right in, like it was the Texas Gulf Coast instead of Prachuap Kirikhan.

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Beaches .... but I'd want the right balance of Thailand with a few western conveniences available.

Blondie beat me to it, but in my opinion Hua Hin suits best .... but if you like Pattaya or one of the islands, then go for it.

Having done a bit of research around HH, I also agree with the comment that if you don't have to have a beachfront location then prices come down a lot.

Have never researched prices up in CM or similar so can't comment on how that compares.


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The surf was up today, and we plunged right in, like it was the Texas Gulf Coast instead of Prachuap Kirikhan.

The waves can get a bit big for me on the Texas gulf coast. However, when I am able to make the move it will definately be beaches. (there's too many grumpy farts in Issan :o )

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There is a great big lump of land on the way from Bangkok to Chiang Mai that is called Central Thailand and where I live up in the hills it is pleasant, there are a lot of very nice Thai people, very few of whom will try to rip you off.

I get fresh air all the time, no pollution, a few farangs and we mostly keep to ourselves, very little crime, and nothing to do but relax and live out the rst of your life in peace and harmony.

I personally have never cared much for the beach and up here there are a lot of National parks for recreation. I haven't been to Pattaya for about 5 years though I do go to BKK for my 90 day sign up etc.

Beaches and big cities, you can have them all but don't look out for me, cos I won't be there.

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Prachuap Kirikhan has it all except for a farang ghetto. A beautiful bay, good beaches and the mountains close by. That would have been my first choice and Nong Kai my second choice. My wife already had land and a western style house in Loei so I have to settle for mountains. Chiang Mai would be the last place I would want to be. I'd rather live in Bangkok. The traffic in Chiang Mai is horrible as is the smog. It takes a back seat to Bangkok because at least Bangkok has the sky train and subway. :o

On this issue, I've already voted with my feet, from Chiang Mai to Hua Hin.

Housing prices are always higher at the beach. Get just a few hundred meters from the beach, and the prices take a nosedive.

The surf was up today, and we plunged right in, like it was the Texas Gulf Coast instead of Prachuap Kirikhan.

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I personally am not a beach person. I cant understand why anyone would want to lie on a beach all day damaging their skin :o

I love Bangkok, imho you cant beat the buzz of a big metropolis something happening all day and night, never get bored. I also like CM, only because the weather isnt quite so oppresive.

When we finally make the move it will be to the outskirts of Bangkok.

Edited by daleyboy
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> Is that just because the sea/ocean is not near or are there other reasons?

Well, aside from being basically on/next to the beach, it's not the case that prices in the South are that much higher than Chiang Mai. Yes Phuket and Smaui and the like are expensive, but I'm sure you realize how many miles and miles of land there is in Southern Thailand close-ish to the sea, where prices really aren't that high. Phuket and Samui are high priced because of tourism. Loads of Thai beach / coastal areas arent that heavily touristed, and prices are very reasonable.

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Chose where you want to live. If you like the ocean/beaches, then by all means live there. If you like the Mts. then move there. I am not much of a beach person (I enjoy it, for about an hour and then it just looks like a lot of water to me). I love the mts. and can look out endlessly, go hiking etc. If I have a choice, it will be mts.

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> Is that just because the sea/ocean is not near or are there other reasons?

Well, aside from being basically on/next to the beach, it's not the case that prices in the South are that much higher than Chiang Mai. Yes Phuket and Smaui and the like are expensive, but I'm sure you realize how many miles and miles of land there is in Southern Thailand close-ish to the sea, where prices really aren't that high. Phuket and Samui are high priced because of tourism. Loads of Thai beach / coastal areas arent that heavily touristed, and prices are very reasonable.

As chanchao says you can still live near beaches without paying an arm and a leg. We live on a small mountain only 10 minutes from the beach, and 30k's from Pattaya and yet when I bought my bungalow 18 months ago it was only 600,000 baht for 2 bedroom bungalow. The new phase has increased to 700,000 baht! I like Isaan, but like to keep a distance from the family. In fact they have had a large man made sand beach, and lake created in my wife's home town. So if you really wanted both, Isaan can provide.

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There are so many options+reasons where one would like to live in Thailand.

Chiang Mai/Rai area


Beaches areas:

such as:

1. Pattaya/Rayong/Samet/Chang

2. Samui/Phangan/Tao

3. Phuket/Krabi/southern area

It seems to me that the prices, especially in the Chiang Mai area, for renting/buying/building of houses are much cheaper than the other options.

Is that just because the sea/ocean is not near or are there other reasons?

I would welcome your ideas and suggestions.



There must be SO many different reasons for SO choosing many different areas of Thailand because there are SO many different types of people with So many different viewpoints and circumstances etc ........ we ended up choosing Chiangmai because that's where we found the plot of land that suits us. It helps that there are mountain views, cool weather some months of the year, less peole / traffic / pollution where we are - and so on - but I know it wouldn't suit a lot of people. And beaches - we've done those - and can go any time (school holidays permitting) - so there you have it - you can't live ON a beach (or live OFF a beach for that matter) there's school to think of for those who have the little darling/s.

It seems the original poster of the thread is comparing beach vs north for a place to live (settle) ? Then right, it's probably cheaper to rent / buy / build in the north - and if you're not 'attached' to a beach -outside of Chiangmai centre itself is definitely much cheaper according to a farang who did just that - moved away from Hat Hai Harn beach area of Phuket - which is much more 'touristy' than Chiangmai - even in the town centre. We were there last year in December - it was awful - even without the tsunami. We sussed the beach areas last year in preparation for the grandkids coming to stay for a month - previously we went with them to Hua Hin which was fine - last year we had decided that Khao Lak was the place to be. Hah !!! We were so lucky not to have been there when the waves hit - just missed by a day ! Luck - yes - but we haven't won the big lottery yet ! Maybe it's all used up ?

Does that answer your question ? If not, post more.

As to an Isaan family, the alternative to visiting them and staying there in conditions less than you're accustomed to ( ! ), the answer to that may be to have the family come to you ? We haven't been back for 4 or 5 years but the family comes to us 2 or 3 times a year - in small tranches - that makes it easier for all concerned too - not having the whole bunch at once.


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There are so many options+reasons where one would like to live in Thailand.

Chiang Mai/Rai area


Beaches areas:

such as:

1. Pattaya/Rayong/Samet/Chang

2. Samui/Phangan/Tao

3. Phuket/Krabi/southern area

It seems to me that the prices, especially in the Chiang Mai area, for renting/buying/building of houses are much cheaper than the other options.

Is that just because the sea/ocean is not near or are there other reasons?

I would welcome your ideas and suggestions.



Probably beaches for me but no where near Pattaya!

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On this issue, I've already voted with my feet, from Chiang Mai to Hua Hin.

Housing prices are always higher at the beach. Get just a few hundred meters from the beach, and the prices take a nosedive.

The surf was up today, and we plunged right in, like it was the Texas Gulf Coast instead of Prachuap Kirikhan.

Bring back memories of S.P.I. Blondie? Better scenery in Hua Hin for sure.

Me...I'm a couple hours from those beaches out in the bucolic, pastoral rice fields of Suphanburi listening to the 'gow wow' birds as opposed to surf crashing (that's a stretch) on the shore... :o

Edited by Boon Mee
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Issan for my permanent residence

Bangkok condo for weekend visits to the big smoke

An Island hideaway for fishing, diving and sunbathing... probably koh samet

But 'till me n the mrs have enough magic beans... I'll have to make do with Sunny South West England :o

Edited by rio666uk
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I'd say beach, because i spend a lot of time reflecting and gathering my thoughts whenever i get a chance to go to one. Definatly not a tourist area - but somewhere that would at least have hot and cold running electricity.

Mind you, i'll prolly end up in Chon Buri with the in-laws :][

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500 metres from HUA HIN Beach ... unbeatable!

Thank for the input...for all posters that is.

Are you on a hill side having seaview?

Small weak point of Hua Hin is that you don't have sunset....and I like sunset :o and I'm most of the time too late for the sunrise :D


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My friend, who just moved to another side of Khao Takiab south of Hua Hin, has a sunset view from his penthouse. And when I lived on the southernmost coast of Mexico (also, while visiting Puerto Escondido), I got so jaded by sunsets I started thinking, "Oh, that's normal and boring."

As for mountains versus beaches, that's not a dilemna in Thailand, as it is on all of the American Gulf of Mexico coastline and 100 km south to Veracruz. Thailand doesn't seem to have any coastal plains.

SPI - hey, Boon Mee, have you been there and done that?

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We have us installed 400 meter to the ocean and 35 Km to Pattaya, seaview, mountain(s) in the back and to the Sukumvit is it about 200 meters.

I'm more for the mountains but Miss Patex makes money on the eastern seaboard, so other priorities, mai ben arai.

In the last 7 years I/we went to the ocean just because there is a ocean, maybe 10 times. Swim? About 5 times in the first 2 years. :o


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