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The Phases Of A Farang In Thailand - Stuck On 3Rd Phase - 1-2 Months


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Nearly every guy that I have met over the years would prefer to stay in Thailand rather than the UK, the ones that can't stay in Thailand are generally unable to stay for financial reasons.

The guys I have known who lived in Thailand and have left Thailand, in general, had no choice, again, financial reasons.

Thailand is a great country when you have money, but it's no country to be skint in.

As always, it depends on your own, personal experience.

Whilst I don't know anyone who has left for financial reasons (apart from one poor guy who hanged himself sad.png ), I know a few who left 'cos they decided it was not the right country for them after living here for a few years. (2-7 years)

Personally, I prefer the lax traffic laws - most of the time... laugh.png . But it takes a while to get used to it as I hated driving here on a scooter initially! And no, its not 'cos I drink/drive - I did that a few times but quickly realised it was a good way to die...

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Without a doubt Thailand has a lot of warts. Some things are getting better such as my province now has Tesco Lotus, Makro and a Big C. Things such as the thieving bastards are getting worse. Thailand needs a massive drug cleanup. Not just the local pushers but the kingpins. As always the kingpins are the untouchables.

Please tell me a country that hasn't got the same problems? Western countries besides having the same problems have become PC nanny countries and I hate that.

I soon have to make a duty visit to my former home country and that three weeks will be a LONG three weeks. I'm always happy to come back to my new home in Thailand.

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you are entitled to your opinionsand if your opinions and experiences have been negative, thats also okbut whats not ok is to sprout violent thoughts on this forum

Domestic violence is a crime - a serious one at that. Thaivisa will not allow posts condoning such a practice.

a post has been edited to remove such line of thinking and a warning given. Whether its rhetorical, or you are actually promoting that idea - it is totally unacceptable.

any more repeat of that and you will also get some time off to cool down, or at least learn to keep such thoughts to yourself

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I think there are two things I am stuck on. One is the weather, often discussed here. I notice that many Westerners living in Thailand come from Britain and Northern European Countries, and I can understand that. If I had a choice between lousy cold weather and lousy hot weather I would choose lousy hot weather every time.

But as others have said, I can deal with the weather. The bigger problem for me is the lack of rules, or the lack of enforcement of the rules. From reading these forums, I think many come to Thailand because they like that. My neighbor here in the US thinks the Western countries are becoming a "nanny" society - trying to protect everyone from everything. But I like traffic laws and leash laws (I can't ride my bike in Thailand because a pack of soi dogs will be on me in a matter of minutes - good for the speedwork though).

I don't want this to sound like an anti-Thailand rant, there are many things I love about Thailand - I have found the people to be warm and friendly, the street food the best in the world, and I have never been asked for money by the police.

But for the moment I think I am a short-timer. That could change, if I meet a sweet, kind-hearted, Thai woman who can take care of me in my advanced years, which is, I believe, how many Westerners ended up living in Thailand.

Thailand and like America has many different areas that offer up different things in the weather catagory. luckily Thailand is never as cold as a mid west winter, but areas can get doen nearing freezing, and some areas can get very hot but I don't think as hot as that summer in Vegas when I was there. I can from Hawaii so not much real difference for me.

America is now a Nanny state as your friend says. From the matress you sleep on, the PJ's you wear, how much corn in your corn flakes and let's not even start on the coffee, juice or milk ruyles and regulations. Doctors can't do what's best, only what htey are allowed. The list goes on and on. 61 in a 60 mph zone that will be $200 and a mark aginst your Dl for higher rates. Can't park your car in the driveway to fix it or infront of the house. you have to water your lawn. The list goes on and on. And don't start me on Taxes.

The goevernment has everyone living in fear in the states now. I didn't know what my neighbor looked like or even his/her name. What a change from when I grew up and we all ran and played. Now children must stay inside or under the watchful eye of a parent so they don't get taken. Here my neighbors stop by and share food and stories, when I was sick they helped me, and I often find the neighbor kids sleeping on my sofa, maybe it's softer than there home. In 3 years I have only locked my home once for a week when we went away.

As for riding your bike, I know areas where you won't see a dog or person for hours. Think about trying a different area or getting out more and seeing Thailand.

I started in Pattaya, I was a Handsome guy ! Now I live up north and eat and talk with my friends who call you a handsome guy hoping to take care of you and your extra funds for a week or two while on holiday.

Live here or not, you have to do what's best for you. but when here get out and really see Thailand. And a week or a month really is not enought time to judge anywhere (Except maybe Alaska for being too cold !)

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OP, if you have very, very low standards, you will enjoy it here to no end. If you have a conscience or any sense or right and wrong, you will likely find it most unbearable over time.

So all the thousands of expats, myself included, who are happy living here have no conscience or any sense of right or wrong?

What an arrogant, pompous tosser you must be!

Edited by elwood
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OP, if you have very, very low standards, you will enjoy it here to no end. If you have a conscience or any sense or right and wrong, you will likely find it most unbearable over time.

sign me up for the gutter standards club then.

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OP, if you have very, very low standards, you will enjoy it here to no end. If you have a conscience or any sense or right and wrong, you will likely find it most unbearable over time.

So all the thousands of expats, myself included, who are happy living here have no conscience or any sense of right or wrong?

What an arrogant, pompous tosser you must be!

Seems like you have trouble with data sufficiency and logic. You cannot logically conclude what you did from what I posted, right? Think carefully about it. Think back to your high school days and standardised college entrance exams.

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Seems no-one really read my first line on my previous post, but anyway, how's this for a completely of the wall radical suggestion.

No matter where you live it's up to you to get the best out of it, Apart from your nearest and dearest no-one else is here to make your life wonderful. The whole thing is "up to you", to coin a well known phrase or saying.

Give me the strength to change the things I can,

The serenity to accept the things I can't, and

The wisdom to know the the difference.

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My third phase,,,, wait a minute, Iowa is cheap too, but I don't want to live there (apologies to anyone here from Iowa).

Hey now! It is cheap, that's why I struggle a lot with the monetary planning. I think the cost of living in Iowa is pretty close to the cost of living in Bangkok. I think it's a bit easier to spend less in Thailand though (but that's surviving, not living). It's also just as humid and hot in Iowa as it is in Thailand during the summer time. Sometimes it is hotter in Iowa in July than it is in Thailand.

Europe - March - September.

Thailand - October - February.

I think this is what I will end up doing. 60 day Thai tourist visa, then a week long trip to another ASEAN country, 60 day Thai tourist visa, then a week long trip. Then back to the Isaan of the USA :)

Of course I'm sure the plans would change if I had a wife and/or family.

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OP, if you have very, very low standards, you will enjoy it here to no end. If you have a conscience or any sense or right and wrong, you will likely find it most unbearable over time.

So all the thousands of expats, myself included, who are happy living here have no conscience or any sense of right or wrong?

What an arrogant, pompous tosser you must be!

Well, as the saying goes, ignorance is bliss. Either that or you are blind, one of the two.

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Phrase 4.

You are married with a Thai wife and have kids. You spend tons of money getting your kids to be educated in English. The education in a local school back in farangland is peanuts when u compare the tuition fees/ school donations; ......

But there is no way you are going back to the farangland.

Sent from my XT910 using Thaivisa Connect App

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OP, if you have very, very low standards, you will enjoy it here to no end. If you have a conscience or any sense or right and wrong, you will likely find it most unbearable over time.

So all the thousands of expats, myself included, who are happy living here have no conscience or any sense of right or wrong?

What an arrogant, pompous tosser you must be!

Seems like you have trouble with data sufficiency and logic. You cannot logically conclude what you did from what I posted, right? Think carefully about it. Think back to your high school days and standardised college entrance exams.

l have thought back about my college and high school days and the standards of women here are much higher than back home. Is it right ? is it wrong? who knows. I won't conclude what others have already done so, so very eloquently but do me a favor, remove that flag from your avatar or at least redo it with your eyes open a bit more ;)

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OP, if you have very, very low standards, you will enjoy it here to no end. If you have a conscience or any sense or right and wrong, you will likely find it most unbearable over time.

So all the thousands of expats, myself included, who are happy living here have no conscience or any sense of right or wrong?

What an arrogant, pompous tosser you must be!

Seems like you have trouble with data sufficiency and logic. You cannot logically conclude what you did from what I posted, right? Think carefully about it. Think back to your high school days and standardised college entrance exams.

l have thought back about my college and high school days and the standards of women here are much higher than back home. Is it right ? is it wrong? who knows. I won't conclude what others have already done so, so very eloquently but do me a favor, remove that flag from your avatar or at least redo it with your eyes open a bit more wink.png

1. you missed the point

2. what you do or don't do is your business

3. i will do you no such favours


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