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Women From Ghana And Thailand ‘Most Unfaithful’: Study

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an ex girlfriend once said .. "if i tell you the truth you dont like it , if i tell you a lie you dont like it, what can i say ? "...this was after rinsing our joint account in favour of her family........ Thailand has different values.... the farang will always be business....just love the climate though ;)

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I must have picked up gential warts from that woman who said she was a nun, but come to think of it a catoLICK friend of mine told me a joke one time that was in the form of a question.

He asked me if I knew what kind of meat Priests eat, and I said no.

He said they eat nun.

So go figure! giggle.gif

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I must have picked up gential warts from that woman who said she was a nun, but come to think of it a catoLICK friend of mine told me a joke one time that was in the form of a question.

He asked me if I knew what kind of meat Priests eat, and I said no.

He said they eat nun.

So go figure! giggle.gif

How could you turn a thread about Thai women into an anti Catholic rant? Wow.

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Since when has condom use and infidelity been shown to have some sort of direct correalation? Are all condom users unfaithful?

And if you are using condoms in an unfaithful moment, isnt this better than not using condoms?

More importantly the statistical skew and the methodology of the data collection and analysis (use the words loosely here) suggest a marketing buffoon not a genuine statistician, nor someone trained in objective research methods.

Titillating and Sanook, but, in the words of the great John MacEnroe, " mann you cannnnot be seeerious"

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So Ghana gets the GOLD MEDAL, and Thai women get the SILVER.giggle.gif

Whats the Score on Thai Men; its got to be a lot higher than Thai Woman!

So Ghana gets the GOLD MEDAL, and Thai women get the SILVER.giggle.gif

Whats the Score on Thai Men; its got to be a lot higher than Thai Woman!

Also from the Durex survey, "New Zealand was the only country where women were more promiscuous than their men."

Way to go New Zealand. I'll bet tourism goes up somewhat after this little statement. clap2.gif

and by the by, I love David Allen Coe.. "It was all that I could do to keep from cryin."

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I must have picked up gential warts from that woman who said she was a nun, but come to think of it a catoLICK friend of mine told me a joke one time that was in the form of a question.

He asked me if I knew what kind of meat Priests eat, and I said no.

He said they eat nun.

So go figure! giggle.gif

How could you turn a thread about Thai women into an anti Catholic rant? Wow.

And I always thought they gobbled up little choir boys? and this brings me to (or cum to the question) wonder how unfaithful priests actually are? will the condom company do some research on that group? This would be much more interesting than something that is so utterly obvious.

Edited by newermonkey
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So Ghana gets the GOLD MEDAL, and Thai women get the SILVER.giggle.gif

Whats the Score on Thai Men; its got to be a lot higher than Thai Woman!

So Ghana gets the GOLD MEDAL, and Thai women get the SILVER.giggle.gif

Whats the Score on Thai Men; its got to be a lot higher than Thai Woman!

Also from the Durex survey, "New Zealand was the only country where women were more promiscuous than their men."

Rum will do that to you! The men want to fight and the women do the other "f" thing.
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How many Thai guys have a wife and a 2nd wife? Does this survey also include the girlfriends and wives who work in the bars for hubbies whisky and gambling money?

New Zealand women have the most sexual partners in the world, according to a global sex survey.

They have an average of 20.4 sexual partners, according to a survey by condom-maker Durex - well above the global average of 7.3.

Global average of 7.3? More like 107.3. Who on earth really thinks the average is really that low? How many women admit the dozens of affairs, and one night stands they have had? Really. Come on. The feminist movements would love us to believe that women are really that chaste, but are we really that gullible? Do BJ's count?

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They must have surveyed my ex-wife.

And mine , now there is an interesting survey , how many T.V. readers have been Cuckolded ( sorry its normal use is gender based but use it in the broader sense) , I think that is the right term , or simply put been the victims of adultery , and how did you discover the awful truth .. For my part working away from home I fibbed about my flights and returned home late evening when I should have been on a plane ... it still stings a bit ...after many years ..

Well being an old retired guy from the intelligence gathering field it was quite easy. One day I discovered a phone in her purse while I was searching for beer money. Turned it on and there were only two numbers for incoming and outgoing calls. The call log was full. I confronted her and she said it was not her phone it belonged to her aunt. Liar, liar pants on fire. So I told her ok no problem. I went to a website in the US that sells sw to capture all incoming and outgoing calls in the stealth mode (no beeps) and is hidden in the phone. Cost me $25. Bought her a new Nokia phone that the sw works on. She was very happy with her new phone. I had installed the sw on it. Each night when she was in the shower I would download the calls by blue tooth to my phone. Bingo. I also purchased a sims card reader and transferred all her SMS to my computer even though she had deleted them. Bingo. Come to find out she was seeing two Thai guys. I only wasted twelve years of my life with this winch. Could have been worse. But as they say, all's well that ends well. I made 20 CDs of her calls to these guys in which all maner of things were discussed including how stupid I was and their weekly plans to meet in the local "love motel" better known as a resort. I distributed these CDs to all her family and other interested parties in the village. Case closed.

So don't leave us hanging. I believe what you did is illegal in Thailand as the defamation or liable laws here have nothing to do with the truth of the issue. Did she sue you or have you arrested?

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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They must have surveyed my ex-wife.

And mine , now there is an interesting survey , how many T.V. readers have been Cuckolded ( sorry its normal use is gender based but use it in the broader sense) , I think that is the right term , or simply put been the victims of adultery , and how did you discover the awful truth .. For my part working away from home I fibbed about my flights and returned home late evening when I should have been on a plane ... it still stings a bit ...after many years ..

Well being an old retired guy from the intelligence gathering field it was quite easy. One day I discovered a phone in her purse while I was searching for beer money. Turned it on and there were only two numbers for incoming and outgoing calls. The call log was full. I confronted her and she said it was not her phone it belonged to her aunt. Liar, liar pants on fire. So I told her ok no problem. I went to a website in the US that sells sw to capture all incoming and outgoing calls in the stealth mode (no beeps) and is hidden in the phone. Cost me $25. Bought her a new Nokia phone that the sw works on. She was very happy with her new phone. I had installed the sw on it. Each night when she was in the shower I would download the calls by blue tooth to my phone. Bingo. I also purchased a sims card reader and transferred all her SMS to my computer even though she had deleted them. Bingo. Come to find out she was seeing two Thai guys. I only wasted twelve years of my life with this winch. Could have been worse. But as they say, all's well that ends well. I made 20 CDs of her calls to these guys in which all maner of things were discussed including how stupid I was and their weekly plans to meet in the local "love motel" better known as a resort. I distributed these CDs to all her family and other interested parties in the village. Case closed.

So don't leave us hanging. I believe what you did is illegal in Thailand as the deformation or liable laws here have nothing to do with the truth of the issue. Did she sue you or have you arrested?

She did not sue or have me arrested. She was ostracized by her family as I was the proverbial bread winner. No me no family support. When the wives of the two guys found out and heard the CDs the dung hit the pot lom. One of the wives cut her husband's wrists, as he had been warned from his last little fling. He rushed to the hospital for a stich job. The other wife (of a policeman) didn't do anything drastic. She just left him and went back to Mom and Pop.

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I wonder what the outcome would be of a survey over Thai politicians...

I'd suggest to launch two separate ones :

- one questioning Thai people ...

- another one questioning expats...

Compare the results in nationwide newspapers or, why not internationally. Maybe spend a website to it and a forum ?

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@ Pimay1....

Have you thought of getting outta your village, town, city, large urban metropolis...

etc...etc...preferrably at zero dark thirty in a black vehicle with the lights turned off,

rapidly...for greener pastures? Like say from Isaan to Samui....just some advice

from a retired "spook" in LOS! Don't forget to take the dog...leave em the carabao.

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Dated: Kuala Lumpur, Mon Aug 27 2012, 15:04 hrs

Women from Ghana and Thailand landed the top spots as the world’s most unfaithful lovers in a new survey.

According to the survey carried out by condom producer Durex on 29,000 women in 36 countries, Malaysian women came third - 39 per cent admitting they often cheat on their mates, behind Ghana (62 per cent) and Thailand (59 per cent).

In fourth and fifth place were Russia (33 per cent) and Singapore (19 per cent) respectively, Star Online reported.

Among couples cheating on each other, Malaysia trailed behind South Korea and chart-topper Thailand.


Dated: December 7, 2011 - 4:57pm

A survey conducted by condom manufacturer, Durex, in which 29,000 people in 36 countries were interviewed has ranked Nigerian women as the most unfaithful in the world.

According to the survey, Thailand men are the most unfaithful in the world, with 54 percent of them admitting to cheating on their spouses.

South Korea came in second with 34 percent, while Malaysia ranked number three with 33 percent.

The survey revealed that the top two countries with cheating women are Nigeria, with 62 percent, and Thailand, 59 percent.

39 percent of Malaysian women also confessed to having betrayed their partners. Russian women came fourth at 33 percent while Singaporeans are fifth at 19 percent.

For unfaithful women, one says Nigeria in last year, other says Ghana this year #1. % are still same for every 1-5 rank country.

One says couples cheating, rank Thailand, South Korea, Malaysia, other says men cheating rank Thailand, South Korea, Malaysia

Where is the survey?

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These are all lies by foreign media that want to put a bad light on Thailand.

Thailand is one of the best countries in the world, with the best and most beautiful women and the best fruit and beaches and everything else so much best too!

scams, coruption and racism to name a few.

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59% of Thai women cheat on their mates?

Shocking, I will surely discuss this tonight.

Best of luck with that one.

Thai doctors are renowned for their ability to re attach a penis that's been removed. There's a reason for this that you may want to consider.

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These are all lies by foreign media that want to put a bad light on Thailand.

Thailand is one of the best countries in the world, with the best and most beautiful women and the best fruit and beaches and everything else so much best too!

scams, coruption and racism to name a few.

Don't forget posters who take delight in denigrating other countries or races or people of different sexual orientations.

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@ Pimay1....

Have you thought of getting outta your village, town, city, large urban metropolis...

etc...etc...preferrably at zero dark thirty in a black vehicle with the lights turned off,

rapidly...for greener pastures? Like say from Isaan to Samui....just some advice

from a retired "spook" in LOS! Don't forget to take the dog...leave em the carabao.

As a matter of fact I did just that. Moved up here to Udon shortly after the hammer fell.

Edited by Pimay1
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Well, I stand corrected on the percentage of Thai women being unfaithful.

My own experience gave me an indicator of no less than 100%. Surely they were not representative of the whole female population in Thailand.

I have to relocate to these areas that show a lower % of unfaithfulness. Please advise.

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I'm wondering, how was this study made .. did they like give a pen to mark the used condom if it was wife or not and the cleaning lady then caunted 'em together, or have they installed spy cams in the short time rooms .. if it's a net questionnaire, they're utterly worthless.

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Gross generalizations

How was the questionnaire compiled?

There was an extensive questionnaire design

process, comprising several stages and with

input from numerous sources, in order to

obtain a holistic view of people’s


A literature review was undertaken and a

series of workshops were conducted

with Harris Interactive and the

Durex Project team in local markets

to ensure that the questionnaire was

culturally relevant.

Once a draft questionnaire had been

designed, a two phase pilot was

conducted to ensure respondents

understood it and found it easy to

complete. The final questionnaire was

also reviewed by experts in the field.

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