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How Much Are They Worth Then?


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In the village, my wife's mother walked over to the rubbish disposal with two carrier bag full of bottles, got 30 baht. In town, I went to the local one and witnessed as my brother-in-law gets 42 baht for about 7 kgs of bottles. It seems to be a free (strange) pricing system in place.

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11 minutes? What type of glue did u use?

Scotch-Weld. She never got it off though. That just how long she tried.

7kg of bottles? How many is that? That must be a few hundred I would guess (anyone have some scales?)

@Transam - no mate - I was sat smoking and reading a book about 3 meters away from her. No binoculars required.

Edited by Pseudolus
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11 minutes? What type of glue did u use?

Scotch-Weld. She never got it off though. That just how long she tried.

7kg of bottles? How many is that? That must be a few hundred I would guess (anyone have some scales?)

@Transam - no mate - I was sat smoking and reading a book about 3 meters away from her. No binoculars required.

You sure, you rascal. cheesy.gif
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Good post, so many Farangs are total aholes, especially on this website

Thanks, it just failed to go down well with me and not the slightest bit funny in a million years.

Jumped up pratt.

Neither can he be too bright, boasting about his smoking when most smokers these days are in the frame of mind to keep quiet about that particuar form of suicide.

I am Mr. Angry and the fact that the totty seems to be a fellow Englishman makes me moreso.

Chill...... don't take the OP seriously..... If you follow his posts throughout Tv, you'll see what I mean...... He is a very negative person, but fortunately most posters are much more considerate.

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Good post, so many Farangs are total aholes, especially on this website

Thanks, it just failed to go down well with me and not the slightest bit funny in a million years.

Jumped up pratt.

Neither can he be too bright, boasting about his smoking when most smokers these days are in the frame of mind to keep quiet about that particuar form of suicide.

I am Mr. Angry and the fact that the totty seems to be a fellow Englishman makes me moreso.

Chill...... don't take the OP seriously..... If you follow his posts throughout Tv, you'll see what I mean...... He is a very negative person, but fortunately most posters are much more considerate.

Thanks friend. I am beginning to chill, but that crap was rank bad embarrassing. He could do well to take a serious look at himself and his values.

Horrible! To think, he thought he was being funny.

Edited by Beechboy
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You've been in Tv longer than I have..... but I think we can both spot a troll.....don't give him the pleasure of a reaction. The root of the thread was actually quite interesting, but it is ironic that the thread was actually hijacked by the OP himself!!

However, in another recent post elsewhere, he stated he was leaving Thailand as he hated the country, so I would not concern yourself too much.

Like you, I find it totally unacceptable to attack and ridicule people as we have seen. Yes, Thailand has lots of irritating ways.... but where is perfect?? No matter where we are, we have to take the rough with the smooth, and maybe the rough bits can be smoothed in part but showing more respect for others.

Karma..... coffee1.gif .

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Good post, so many Farangs are total aholes, especially on this website

This one in particular is the most mean spirited poster I've ever seen on this forum, constantly going on and on about how awful Thais are and how horribly they treat him. Big surprise Thais don't like him and treat him bad with his attitude and with stunts like this.

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In the last year I have grown a complete loathing for the narrow minded petty blame the Farang culture in this country. This is the final straw I think.

This morning the old lady with a food shop 2 doors down was at the head of delegation from the village telling my partner that we should pick up our dogs poo, and that we never did, and we are messing up the village. This was done without me there and of course she was being put upon by a load of old hags treating her like sh@t.

They can all get stuffed. Always blame the farang. Always. I know the old cow 2 doors down from me is upset that I no longer eat at her filthy shop (she might guess that the virulent diarrhoea I contracted from there that needed antibiotics was the reason and nothing personal).

I am pleasant to everyone, I gave 500 bahts worth of seeds and garden stuff to one house because they were growing a kitchen garden and I had no need for the stuff, I spent time with one young lad trying to learn English for his exam. I pick up litter when I see it. We are a quiet house, no loud music, dogs never bark, keep our selves to ourselves 90% of the time. This response from them though epitomises everything I have come to detest about living here. Small narrow minded plebs the lot of them. What can I do? Pick up every one elses poo? Go to the real offenders and tell them to sort their acts out?

So anyways, there is this strange falang living in the moobahn. He rambles about the village talking to himself and reaking of alcohol. He also spends alot of his time on the computer posting on internet web forums. The thoughts in the moobahn was that he was just Falang lunatic but generally harmless.

One day we saw him doing something to his trash bin. There is an old woman in the moobahn and she picks up bottles from the trash to sell them. It looked like this Falang weirdo was gluing a bottle to his trash bin to mess with her.

Well the other Thai villagers thought we'd take a piss with the old git. I know the Falang weirdo has 3 big dogs. So we started picking up dog poo and throwing it in front of his house. Everyone in the moobahn agreed to tell that weirdo Falang to tell him to pick up his dog poo. We sat about 3 meters away eating somtam watching him pick up everybody's dog poo. It was great.

~Your local Thais.

Nice one. You neglected to mention "fat-gutted." in your, otherwise, precise description of the prat.

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Horrible post.

Poking fun at less fortunates and then thinking you are a kind-hearted benefactor by giving her a bag full of bottles.

What a jerk!

You must be very short of cash yourself as you seem to be aware of every little baht's worth of everything you mention.

Be a person, give her 1000 and put the poor sole out of her obvious misery for at least a week.

Horrible post. Mocking the poor lady, thoroughly horrible.

What gives you the right to be so condescending to your fellow beings. She's probably worth ten times you.


She should have charged him for being his Dustman .

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Well, i used to drink nothing short of enormous quantities of beer per day some years ago,

and decided to sell the mountain of bottles from a couple of months worth of drinking.

My landlord loaded it up on his pickup, sold it, and came back with 14 baht

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The price of raw mateials now, it's worth saving your empty chang cans and bottles up and weighing them in every few months! Pay's for another night on the pop!

Another good trick is to superglue a shiny coin on the floor in a busy bar and watch how many ladies bend down to try and pick it up, hours of endless fun while your having a nice sabai relaxing smoke.

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The price of raw mateials now, it's worth saving your empty chang cans and bottles up and weighing them in every few months! Pay's for another night on the pop!

Another good trick is to superglue a shiny coin on the floor in a busy bar and watch how many ladies bend down to try and pick it up, hours of endless fun while your having a nice sabai relaxing smoke.

replacing the "C" in your assumed name with an "S" would be an appropriate action bah.gif

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Why so negative? I had to glue the plastic bottle on the bin to stop her taking it. I find it very useful for a reason that I can not be bothered to go into. it is on the outside, with the top cut off, and it something I have always done. My thread was about asking how much they sell the bottles for.

Cans - really? 1 baht a can? I don't drink beer really, but after a party a few months ago in a different house I gave all the cans to some poor old duffer. No wonder he was happy with that. Just out of interest, cans from food - they are considerably heavier - do they get more then?

Edited by Pseudolus
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Horrible post.

Poking fun at less fortunates and then thinking you are a kind-hearted benefactor by giving her a bag full of bottles.

What a jerk!

You must be very short of cash yourself as you seem to be aware of every little baht's worth of everything you mention.

Be a person, give her 1000 and put the poor sole out of her obvious misery for at least a week.

Horrible post. Mocking the poor lady, thoroughly horrible.

What gives you the right to be so condescending to your fellow beings. She's probably worth ten times you.


She has a bigger house than mine which she owns, in the front has a almost brand new VW beetle and her husband drives a Camry. She's not a "poor old lady". She also takes letters and all sorts out of the bin as well. Feel free to attack though :)

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Like most recycling etc its split into categories, aluminium, steel, plastic etc and is then determined by total weight not by each.

The amount seems to vary depending on whose buying. We get an old couple come by once a month doing a sort of "round" of the village to take ours away.

Good way of recycling and some apparently do quite well out of it. "Where there's much there's Brass" as they used to say.

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