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Son Of Red Bull Executive Arrested For Alleged Fatal Hit-And-Run Against Police

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I live in the area. Those A holes that rev up their screaming engines and leave Muse (et al) at 3 am + on TL soi 10 is a disastrous recipe. For 2 yrs plus now, amazing this has't happened sooner. Poor cop, just going or coming from work. Condolences to the family.

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What can you expect? That underage female driver who caused the deaths of several people in the tollway incident barely got a slap on the wrist and she is nowhere near as well connected as this fellow.

Umm she was about as connected as you can possibly get in this country. Do a little research on who her daddy and uncle are. They kept well out of the spot light and did all the grubby work to make sure their little darling never had to spend a few years eating maggots.

You're barking up the wrong tree.

Don't think I am, but instead of just posting a little "I know more than you do" missive, why not continue and explain? Sure, she bought her freedom, and the judge made sure that happened. However, well, her Daddy and Uncle are exceptionally well connected...... exceptionally......massively......

I believe in the two cases, the former has social status and family position on their side, while in the most recent case, it's more a matter of flat out MONEY/wealth, which in Thailand and elsewhere buys status.

The girl is I believe the niece of a particular VIP, whereas the Ferrari guy is the grandson and son of other VIPs.

Because the Ferrari guy is more directly in the VIP family line, my original comment gave him the higher echelon.

The girl's extended family certainly has substantial connections, but she's personally more a bit removed from them... at least that would be my assessment. But no doubt, someone in her clan did the work that needed to be done on her behalf.

Does anyone else see the potential hi-so match made in heaven here??? Ahh...but what decoration to put atop the wedding cake... the Ferrari or the Civic? tongue.png


Lt. Gen. Comronwit Toopgrajank is a brave man!

Lt. Gen. Comronwit Toopgrajank is (going to be) a brave rich man!



The Ferrari car was seen fleeing into Chalerm's house, prompting Kamronwit to RUSH to the house and talk with Chalerm for about an hour.

Kamronwit rushed to the house with his eyes spinning like a poker machine, Red Bull, Ferrari, BIG MONEY, hoping he would be the first to start negotiating a settlement, I guess it took an hour to sort out the fine details, I wonder if the ferrari will be part of the settlement

I maybe not right, but I believe you are completely wrong!

To let it run in the style the Thonglor Officer was already starting to deal with it, would be the quiet way out and money for all.

Just a Test drive from a guy (Scapegoat) and not so big story at all!


Kamronwit rushed to the house with his eyes spinning like a poker machine, Red Bull, Ferrari, BIG MONEY, hoping he would be the first to start negotiating a settlement,

Only to find out that he had been beaten to it already by a lower rank officer, which was promptly transferred to an inactive post.

Amazing how many Forum Members have tried and sentenced Boss, without knowing the details of the accident. Agree it doesn't look good that a cover-up has already been attempted, but it does not say "ipso facto" he is guilty. There just might be other factors that need to be considered in the case. C'mon "peps" engage brain before hitting the keyboard.sad.png

Just making comments based on the details known and reported to date . . . what's wrong with that?

It's a public forum here isn't it . . . or are we all supposed to keep our thoughts and opinions to ourselves now????

It is typical of the ex pat community,to much time on there dirty hands,it is the same all over where ever lots of ex pats reside.


Killing a cop in most countries is a big time no, no. So is killing a judge, DA and etc.

99.9 % when a cop is killed on or off duty, people get prosecuted to the maximum and get max in sentence range.

Little chick got off killing 9 nobodies in the eyes of the cops, but kill one if their own and try to split will probably get treated with more harshly the the 9 deaths. Cops will be pissed and know powers that be to press for maximum punishment. That being said, dude has a lot if money and will now be a sitting duck for huge extortion and bribe amounts. If dude walks, there are going to be a couple of cops, a prosecutor and a judge who are going to make serious bank on this. We will never hear what really takes place and will only see the end result.

Geriatric kid commented what good would it do to put little chick killing 9 innocent people in jail. Even handedess if justice. That case makes this case more difficult to prosecute properly.


Killing a cop in most countries is a big time no, no. So is killing a judge, DA and etc.

99.9 % when a cop is killed on or off duty, people get prosecuted to the maximum and get max in sentence range.

Little chick got off killing 9 nobodies in the eyes of the cops, but kill one if their own and try to split will probably get treated with more harshly the the 9 deaths. Cops will be pissed and know powers that be to press for maximum punishment. That being said, dude has a lot if money and will now be a sitting duck for huge extortion and bribe amounts. If dude walks, there are going to be a couple of cops, a prosecutor and a judge who are going to make serious bank on this. We will never hear what really takes place and will only see the end result.

Geriatric kid commented what good would it do to put little chick killing 9 innocent people in jail. Even handedess if justice. That case makes this case more difficult to prosecute properly.

"Killing a cop in most countries is a big time no, no."

We had a previous case almost 10 years ago I think. The son of a politician 'allegedly' shot a police officer in a disco, left the country for awhile, papa did what he had to do (even boosted about it later), son came back, no one remembered a thing. By now the worthy young gentleman just moved from an army position (his papa had arranged) to a police position (father says to disagree with) and been installed as small weapons / sharpshooter in some police academy.

Justice for all, no double standards, I would buy a red-shirt if the UDD hadn't befouled it so much.

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Sadly, this topic's discussion just ended up sour, featuring rude and insulting comments while admins seemed to have fallen into a deep coma. Naming the Red Bull/Vodka mix a "Hit and Run" (even though a rather bizarre idea) seems to be the only useful part of an otherwise utterly useless pissing contest... saai.gif


Killing a cop in most countries is a big time no, no. So is killing a judge, DA and etc.

99.9 % when a cop is killed on or off duty, people get prosecuted to the maximum and get max in sentence range.

Little chick got off killing 9 nobodies in the eyes of the cops, but kill one if their own and try to split will probably get treated with more harshly the the 9 deaths. Cops will be pissed and know powers that be to press for maximum punishment. That being said, dude has a lot if money and will now be a sitting duck for huge extortion and bribe amounts. If dude walks, there are going to be a couple of cops, a prosecutor and a judge who are going to make serious bank on this. We will never hear what really takes place and will only see the end result.

Geriatric kid commented what good would it do to put little chick killing 9 innocent people in jail. Even handedess if justice. That case makes this case more difficult to prosecute properly.

"Killing a cop in most countries is a big time no, no."

We had a previous case almost 10 years ago I think. The son of a politician 'allegedly' shot a police officer in a disco, left the country for awhile, papa did what he had to do (even boosted about it later), son came back, no one remembered a thing. By now the worthy young gentleman just moved from an army position (his papa had arranged) to a police position (father says to disagree with) and been installed as small weapons / sharpshooter in some police academy.

Justice for all, no double standards, I would buy a red-shirt if the UDD hadn't befouled it so much.

That was political I guess. This will be economic with same result. Sadly, powers that be will likely see too much economic opportunity with billionaires involved. As I indicated, someone or some few are going to get very, very wealthy off this and I am sure Red Bull family will pay huge amount. Gotta be some officials chomping at bit and working behind scenes already. This is like hitting the Lotto.


The Hell Hound says the cop was trying to pull him over and the kid took him out. Maybe the cop had even pulled his firearm if it was not on his person when he died. Both the kid and the cop were drunk. And therein lies excuse/defense in this case.

Let's see if I am right ;-)



After deal is worked out, I bet bike will have run a red light, crossed center line or etc. Didn't bike have front end damage or was that photo a different incident.

The Hell Hound says the cop was trying to pull him over and the kid took him out. Maybe the cop had even pulled his firearm if it was not on his person when he died. Both the kid and the cop were drunk. And therein lies excuse/defense in this case.

Let's see if I am right ;-)

When's the last time a single, low-ranking cop on a motorbike pulled over a Ferrari? Especially one belonging to a very rich man in his local police district.

Hellhound obviously knows nothing about how things work.


5 AM in morning, might be drunk...

More pictures here :


I assume it is the young man in the blue shirt who is being arrested and it is obvious that he shows no contrition whatsoever for what has happened.

I think if I were a common Thai that I would urge everyone that I knew to boycott purchasing Red Bull until justice has been done; and the expatriate members of TV who are aware and consume the product should do so also.

OK, I will start.

I don't drink Redbull untill justice has prevailed.Any more followers?

I don't drink Red Bull so I guess I'll have to halt/boycott my Ferrari purchases instead. And color-coordinated cap/shirt accessories as well. At least the kid wasn't wearing his cap backwards in the arrest photos ... that's a plus.

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Also...the guy is 27. I think we can stop calling him a "kid" for chrissakes. He's well into adulthood.

His actions suggest otherwise.

His actions suggest he is a criminal, not a kid.

Case closed. Over and out.


Also...the guy is 27. I think we can stop calling him a "kid" for chrissakes. He's well into adulthood.

And when you drag the body / bike for 200 metres!!!!!


What price a Police Lt-Colonel? And just what do you have to do, and be caught doing, to get FIRED and PROSECUTED in this place?

Hard to imagine.

Mostly that he tried to cover the death of a colleague. What would it have been in case the victim was a regular folk?.


"This was unacceptable for him to set up for an arrest of a scapegoat. He ignored the death of his subordinate," Kamronwit said".


Chaloem Yuwitthaya, the father of the accused driver, appeared at the funeral of the deceased policeman and gave his apologies to the relatives, saying he will pay compensation.

He said the crash was an accident which occurred due to the boy's car having engine difficulties which caused smoke to spew from the bonnet and obscure his view.

The sister-in-law of the dead policeman said that she believed initially when hit he was still alive but the driver tried to escape dragging the body for 200m which killed him.



Earlier on the driver had claimed the policeman cut in front of him which led to the accident.

The article also mentioned that the familiy's chauffeur, who had initially falsely claimed to be the driver, was charged with making a false statement to the police, which carries a sentence of up to 6 months and/or a fine of up to 6k Baht and was taken to Bangkok South Municipal Court.


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This kind of event points out several breakdowns in Thai society. The fleeing of the accident, the willingness of police "officials" and "authority to immediately go for a "coverup," the persuading of a driver/staff to take the fall, the willingness of the driver to try to cop a plea for money, the police investigators pursuing the in flight vehicle but not being able to be admitted to the house "because the owner wasn't home," the immediate effort to promise "compensation" and "settle all affairs and more. All in all a great case to illustrate the total breakdown of any moral conscience in this society.

Plus the light bail, and the original culpable police's "transfer." If the cause of death is a broken neck and bones from being dragged, then it would be 'premeditated murder." Dragging a still alive human 200 meters seems to be premeditated murder.




Chaleo's grandson held

The Nation


Policeman allegedly struck by Red Bull scion's Ferrari; senior cop made 'inactive'

BANGKOK: -- It could have been explained away as another death of a policeman killed by a car on a Bangkok street at dawn on Monday. However, this time the car was a Ferrari driven allegedly by a grandson of late billionaire businessman Chaleo Yoovidhya. And the accident caught the attention of the media after a senior officer of the victim allegedly attempted to make another man the suspect during the prosecution process.

A senior Thong Lor police officer, Pol Lt Colonel Pannaphol Nammueng, who is the immediate boss of victim Pol Snr Sgt Major Wichean Klinprasert, has been transferred to an inactive position for 30 days by an angry Pol Lt General Khamronwit Thoopkrajang. Khamronwit announced he would quit his position as commander of the Metropolitan Police Bureau if he could not bring to justice the driver responsible for the death of Wichean, 48.

The police chief made the emotional announcement at a news conference at Thong Lor police station, drawing loud and long applause from the victim's fellow junior officers, after Worrayuth Yoovidhya, 27, agreed to turn himself in.

Earlier there was a show of police force at Worrayuth's luxury home off Sukhumvit Soi 53, not far from the scene of the fatal accident between Sois 47 and 49. Witnesses said Wichean, riding a motorcycle, was hit by the Ferrari and dragged for a long distance.

A grandson of Chaleo, who was a regular on Forbes' richestpeople's list, Worrayuth is managing director of the Krating Daeng Company, which produces and sells the popular drink locally. Krating Daeng is the original brand of worldrenowned Red Bull. The Yoovidhya family was ranked the fourthrichest in Thailand this year by Forbes, with a net worth of US$5.4 billion (Bt169 billion).

Chaleo Yoovidhya died in March at age 88, leaving his heirs a wide range of businesses, including shares in the globally popular energydrink brand, hospitals and real estate.

In his show of force, Khamronwit ordered two companies of antiriot police to surround Worrayuth's house after obtaining a courtapproved search warrant, at around 8am. He spent 20 minutes inside after talking his way in, before emerging with Worrayuth, who appeared emotionless.

Even though he is a senior Bangkok police chief, Khamronwit's first attempt to get into the house was turned down, along with another attempt by a number of senior policemen who entered the grounds but not the sixstorey home, before a warrant was obtained.

Worrayuth was kept in a room at Thong Lor police station before being released on Bt500,000 bail in the evening.

Police had said earlier that a suspect in such a case would be charged with causing death through carelessness and hit and run and would undergo an alcohol test. But it was not immediately known whether Worrayuth has been charged accordingly or tested for alcohol.

A senior investigator in charge, Pol MajGeneral Anuchai Lekbamrung, later quoted Worrayuth as claiming during initial questioning that his car hit Wichean after the officer, on his service motorcycle, cut abruptly in front of the Ferrari.

rank insignia

Initial crimescene investigation (CSI) found a piece of metal rank insignia that had been worn by Wichean stuck on the shattered windscreen of the Ferrari, which sustained several cracks in the front left bumper. The bronzegrey coupe is a Pininfarina model and carries the licence plate Yor YingYor Ying 1111 Bangkok. It has been towed to the Thong Lor police station as evidence and will undergo checks for DNA and latent fingerprints.

A CSI team also reported seeing a logbook recorded by the family's personal security guards, which read: "Boss [nickname of Worrayuth] leaves home at 0512 am."

A reenactment was carried out at the accident scene, on a 650metre stretch between Sois 47 and 49. Details were volunteered by taxi motorcyclists who police said claimed to have witnessed the accident and followed the Ferrari to Worrayuth's home.

Speaking before his successful search of Worrayuth's house, Khamronwit said he knew that a senior Thong Lor police officer was close to a person living in the home and had produced another man as the suspect. He was later charged with giving false statements.

"I have transferred this officer away, so he will no longer work closely with the people. A policeman was killed, but he is siding with the [actual] suspect," he said emotionally.

Wichean, whose duty hours were midnight to 8am, was riding to a regular sentry position in Sukhumvit Soi 53, a superior said.

He was described, by former wife Nongnuch Saengpraphan, as a silent, wellbehaved and tidy man. His funeral will be held at Wat That Thong near Soi 63 at Shelter 10.


-- The Nation 2012-09-04

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