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Has Anyone Actually Seen A Ghost In Thailand?


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I am a ghost.

I am a god.

You don't believe me?

Tell me why not.

Next I will use YOUR arguments to prove that YOU are wrongly believiing in gods, ghosts, etc.

i dont believe in you. ghost or god don't post in thaivisa

Typical 18th century thinking!

Why would ghosts and gods not embrace the modern times media???

Yes I am a god.

But why would I go preaching on a hill in Palestine / a slum in the US / etc?

I am a modern god.

Not some loso TV preacher or old days prophet.

I use Thai Visa forum.

I reach The Most Intelligent People Of The World directly.

You don't want to be doomed, do you?

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Thank heavens for that, thought you were going to say it was JT. w00t.gif

You're sick in the head sir laugh.png ..I am a happily stupid daft racist called farang from the West and not a creamy creamer....blink.png I'm confused which thread i'm inlaugh.png

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I am a ghost.

I am a god.

You don't believe me?

Tell me why not.

Next I will use YOUR arguments to prove that YOU are wrongly believiing in gods, ghosts, etc.

i dont believe in you. ghost or god don't post in thaivisa

Typical 18th century thinking!

Why would ghosts and gods not embrace the modern times media???

Yes I am a god.

But why would I go preaching on a hill in Palestine / a slum in the US / etc?

I am a modern god.

Not some loso TV preacher or old days prophet.

I use Thai Visa forum.

I reach The Most Intelligent People Of The World directly.

You don't want to be doomed, do you?

Confirmation this place is full of fruit cakes.

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I am a ghost.

I am a god.

You don't believe me?

Tell me why not.

Next I will use YOUR arguments to prove that YOU are wrongly believiing in gods, ghosts, etc.

i dont believe in you. ghost or god don't post in thaivisa

Typical 18th century thinking!

Why would ghosts and gods not embrace the modern times media???

Yes I am a god.

But why would I go preaching on a hill in Palestine / a slum in the US / etc?

I am a modern god.

Not some loso TV preacher or old days prophet.

I use Thai Visa forum.

I reach The Most Intelligent People Of The World directly.

You don't want to be doomed, do you?

Confirmation this place is full of fruit cakes.

google "sarcasm"

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Never believed in it, then saw one for sure. Don`t really want to talk about, as it must be utterly ridiculous to most.

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect App

Come on.......that's exactly what this thread is about.

Stop teasing and tell us your experience.......promise I won't laugh. thumbsup.gif

+2...me and me spook mate here wont tell either.

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So many cultures and religions believe in ghosts - why do you think that is?

Because there's no evidence to prove that they don't exist, just like the fairy at the bottom of my garden.

That is no fairy. He's my friend Julian. He is sometimes called by the ultra polite and genteel, a mystery.

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Cut the crap. If you believe in ghosts, you have been here for way too long .

If you don't believe in ghosts, you are rather narrow-minded.

I've seen one in Scotland and felt the presence of one here.

So many cultures and religions believe in ghosts - why do you think that is?


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todays superstition is just tommorows science.

About 4 years ago my farang neighbor passed away only a couple of hours after he had passed by me on the way home (2AM ish). I lived on a cul de sac and had a 15 sq meter 2nd floor open balcony. My girl had said he would come back thru in 3 days as he left "for the last time".

By my count on the 4th day of his passing at the same time (4AM) as I was sitting out on the balcony, the dogs started barking the same way they do whenever a stranger walks down the soi. One by one from the major soi heading inwards. About 45 minutes later same thing but in reverse cul de sac towards the major soi.

For whatever its worth.

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todays superstition is just tommorows science.

About 4 years ago my farang neighbor passed away only a couple of hours after he had passed by me on the way home (2AM ish). I lived on a cul de sac and had a 15 sq meter 2nd floor open balcony. My girl had said he would come back thru in 3 days as he left "for the last time".

By my count on the 4th day of his passing at the same time (4AM) as I was sitting out on the balcony, the dogs started barking the same way they do whenever a stranger walks down the soi. One by one from the major soi heading inwards. About 45 minutes later same thing but in reverse cul de sac towards the major soi.

For whatever its worth.

Interesting indeed, there is a reason why Hindu and Buddhists don't burn the bodies of the dead before 3 days have passed.

Same for the Christian burials.. ( i am not sure about other Religions, but i'll venture to guess it's the same )

My ex-wife spent the night before the funeral in the apartment of her dead father, she could hear strange noises all night long.

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todays superstition is just tommorows science.

About 4 years ago my farang neighbor passed away only a couple of hours after he had passed by me on the way home (2AM ish). I lived on a cul de sac and had a 15 sq meter 2nd floor open balcony. My girl had said he would come back thru in 3 days as he left "for the last time".

By my count on the 4th day of his passing at the same time (4AM) as I was sitting out on the balcony, the dogs started barking the same way they do whenever a stranger walks down the soi. One by one from the major soi heading inwards. About 45 minutes later same thing but in reverse cul de sac towards the major soi.

For whatever its worth.

Interesting indeed, there is a reason why Hindu and Buddhists don't burn the bodies of the dead before 3 days have passed.

Same for the Christian burials.. ( i am not sure about other Religions, but i'll venture to guess it's the same )

My ex-wife spent the night before the funeral in the apartment of her dead father, she could hear strange noises all night long.

Are you suggesting that hindus, buddhists and christians all believe in other ghosts than their own silly gods?

Come to think about it, you are right!

Nonsense on top of nonsense, of course, why not.

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i experienced sleep paralysis once in a motel and saw some stuff clinging down from the ceiling. there is some scientific explanation to it but its really really creepy. one of the few experiences that get my balls shrink to raisin size


I've seen lights turn off and on in different rooms and places I go to, while other power sources are still on so ITS NOT a power shortage. I have the volume on my tv go up and down automatically and NO I'm not sitting on the remote. I feel the presence of energy in certain places that send chills down my cerebrum but nothing silly like you see on Thai TV. Ghosts actually do exist as does atomic energy........

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I once went camping with my Thai boyfriend to a camping site in the middle of a national park. We were walking back to the tent late one night in pitch darkness and he decided he wanted to use the toilet. There was a toilet near our tent but as it didn't have a light installed, he made us walk (what seemed like) half a mile in a different direction to the toilets with a light. When we arrived I told him I didn't need to go and would wait outside for him.

I waited a good minute or so then tip-toed into the toilets and into the cubicle next to him where I just stood in silence. After about a minute I made one single very loud bang on the cubicle wall. There was again silence for a few seconds before he called out my name. I remained where I was and in total silence for a good couple of minutes. There was also no sound or movement from his cubicle and he didn't call my name out again. After a couple of minutes I repeated what I did, making one single very loud bang on the cubicle wall, then slowly and silently made my way out of the toilets.

There was no sound or any sign of movement coming from the toilets for a good five minutes after this and I eventually shouted into the toilets innocently asking him what was taking so long. When he emerged I was stood in exactly the same spot he'd left me, casually playing with my phone as if that's all I'd been doing all the while he'd been in there, only to look up rather frustratingly and ask why he'd taken so long. I then noticed his trousers were halfway round his ankles and he was crying, half with fear and half with anger. I showed concern and asked him what was wrong, where he half accused me of playing tricks on him but I could also tell that he was very incredibly genuinely frightened that it might not have been me after all.

I soon realised that he was so upset over the incident that had I admitted it was me playing a little joke on him, there was a possibility that he would kill me while I slept that night and I was left with no choice but to continue denying all knowledge of it and accuse him of exaggerating what was probably the branch of a tree hitting the outside wall or roof.

To this day he still believes he had a paranormal experience that night and still talks about it with genuine fear that the spirit may still be following him and can re-emerge at any time.

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i experienced sleep paralysis once in a motel and saw some stuff clinging down from the ceiling. there is some scientific explanation to it but its really really creepy. one of the few experiences that get my balls shrink to raisin size


I've seen lights turn off and on in different rooms and places I go to, while other power sources are still on so ITS NOT a power shortage. I have the volume on my tv go up and down automatically and NO I'm not sitting on the remote. I feel the presence of energy in certain places that send chills down my cerebrum but nothing silly like you see on Thai TV. Ghosts actually do exist as does atomic energy........

there could be an electric malfunction in your alledged cerebrum

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I once went camping with my Thai boyfriend to a camping site in the middle of a national park. We were walking back to the tent late one night in pitch darkness and he decided he wanted to use the toilet. There was a toilet near our tent but as it didn't have a light installed, he made us walk (what seemed like) half a mile in a different direction to the toilets with a light. When we arrived I told him I didn't need to go and would wait outside for him.

I waited a good minute or so then tip-toed into the toilets and into the cubicle next to him where I just stood in silence. After about a minute I made one single very loud bang on the cubicle wall. There was again silence for a few seconds before he called out my name. I remained where I was and in total silence for a good couple of minutes. There was also no sound or movement from his cubicle and he didn't call my name out again. After a couple of minutes I repeated what I did, making one single very loud bang on the cubicle wall, then slowly and silently made my way out of the toilets.

There was no sound or any sign of movement coming from the toilets for a good five minutes after this and I eventually shouted into the toilets innocently asking him what was taking so long. When he emerged I was stood in exactly the same spot he'd left me, casually playing with my phone as if that's all I'd been doing all the while he'd been in there, only to look up rather frustratingly and ask why he'd taken so long. I then noticed his trousers were halfway round his ankles and he was crying, half with fear and half with anger. I showed concern and asked him what was wrong, where he half accused me of playing tricks on him but I could also tell that he was very incredibly genuinely frightened that it might not have been me after all.

I soon realised that he was so upset over the incident that had I admitted it was me playing a little joke on him, there was a possibility that he would kill me while I slept that night and I was left with no choice but to continue denying all knowledge of it and accuse him of exaggerating what was probably the branch of a tree hitting the outside wall or roof.

To this day he still believes he had a paranormal experience that night and still talks about it with genuine fear that the spirit may still be following him and can re-emerge at any time.

Is your bf a devout thai buddhist?

If so, do not blame him, blame his upbringing.

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I once accompanied my gf to her office Christmas party on the Queen Mary at its mooring in Long Beach. After awhile I grew tired of Japanese guys who became drunk and obnoxious (it was a Japanese firm) and I left the ballroom and walked all around the ship. My gf stayed there to schmooze with her co-workers.

During this walk I developed the strangest feeling. It was the most intense feeling of someone being there. I didn't see or hear anything but just had this strong feeling of "presence" as I walked the decks and visited the small bar up in the bow of the ship. It was 29 years ago and I still remember the feeling. The history on that ship is palpable. I'm an engineer and pretty down-to-earth so this was a very unusual experience for me.

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My fathers funeral - A bright sunny day not a cloud in sight and the hearst and accompanying vehicles enter the cremetorium road.....the heavens open up with hail stones the size of golf balls. Freaked everyone out even the sceptics. TRUE STORY still sends shivers up my back.

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