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Saeco Odea Go Auto Coffee Machine "troubleshooting"

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Are their any engineers out there who can cast some light to this problem...

Saeco Odea Go Automatic coffee machine

Top & bottom red indicator lights flashing


When I power on my machine from cold it indicates a flashing green light as normal in heat up mode, after about 30 seconds both top & bottom red indicator lights flash alternately & nothing else happens.

Saeco Odea Go self analysis checks performed:

Hold steam button in & turn on power, when all lights flash anti-clockwise release steam button

1) Turn dial fully right position press steam button, brew group operates & top LED light flashes dregs draw (brew position)

2) Turn dial middle position press steam button, brew group operates & bottom LED light flashes descale warning (home position)

3) Turn dial fully left position press steam button grinder operates.

4) Turn dial fully right position press coffee button, pump blips/runs for 1 second only & stops

5) Turn dial fully right position hold coffee button & open steam knob pump runs & delivers cold water from steam nozzle.

6) Turn dial middle position press/hold coffee button nothing happens

7) Turn dial fully left position press/hold coffee button nothing happens

I have removed & fully cleaned the brew group, removed & cleaned the filter plate checked all moving parts are free to move.

I have opened & checked that the gearwheels are properly aligned (as per manual) & the single micro switch is located on the pins.

Replaced the brew group.

When powered back on I get the same indication as before.

Boncafe has a service centre in Bkk & Hua Hin but i'm in between so it means a 2 hour trip in either direction to drop off & pick up after repair, I would rather try to solve the problem myself & order the parts to be delivered to me so I can replace them at home..

Any advice is welcome




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Thanks for the reply, within my post you will read I've removed the brew group & cleaned everything, including removing the filter plate from the unit to which the video refers.

Thanks for your help though much appreciated.


we had a saeco in an office i used to work at, there was a sensor for the ejected coffee bin that would get dirty and flash a warning, even after the bin was cleared.

the sensor would have to be wiped clean before the machine would function again



Thanks for the tip, must admit I've not looked into that but will give it a go, maybe it's the same or similar sensor & giving the same fault.

I'll just have to look to see where the sensor is located in this model as I can't say I've seen it when I've had it opened up, even with the casing off.

Thx again for your help.


Please do not cross post the same topics across multiple forums. I presume since you are not satisfied with the answers in the Cental Thailand Forum, will move to General, maybe you'll get more responses there.



Thanks for the tip, must admit I've not looked into that but will give it a go, maybe it's the same or similar sensor & giving the same fault.

I'll just have to look to see where the sensor is located in this model as I can't say I've seen it when I've had it opened up, even with the casing off.

Thx again for your help.

u need to prime the machine .... make sure the light that shows green when u use just for hot water is off ...then turn on the steam wand and it will prime itself ..then u should have normal operation ..cheers


Firstly an open apology to Metisdead.. I didn't realise I was breaking forum rules by cross posting..

I will make note of your remarks & stay within the rules & reg's in the future

Once again my apologies.

To Tinfoilhat I have looked for the dregs tray sensor & have found out that this machine does not have one, it electronically counts 9 brews then gives a clean-me tray full indication. If you clean every day in between indications you can override the system, when the light shows tray full (ie 9 brews) leave the power switched on, pull out the clean or part full tray, waiting a few seconds then pushing the tray back in again.

To cdmtdm I think I have tried that too, if you check in my initial post above it's in my testing list #5 and covers that..

Thx for all your help.. keep throwing out the ideas I will try anything..


Firstly an open apology to Metisdead.. I didn't realise I was breaking forum rules by cross posting..

I will make note of your remarks & stay within the rules & reg's in the future

Once again my apologies.

To Tinfoilhat I have looked for the dregs tray sensor & have found out that this machine does not have one, it electronically counts 9 brews then gives a clean-me tray full indication. If you clean every day in between indications you can override the system, when the light shows tray full (ie 9 brews) leave the power switched on, pull out the clean or part full tray, waiting a few seconds then pushing the tray back in again.

To cdmtdm I think I have tried that too, if you check in my initial post above it's in my testing list #5 and covers that..

Thx for all your help.. keep throwing out the ideas I will try anything..

i am convinced u have a priming issue ..

start the machine as normal .....

turn on the hot water button so the green light is on

open the steam wand until u get hot water

turn off the green hot water light and open steam wand again until u get steam.

the machine should then go back to normal operation mode ..ie lights as normal



Thx for your continued advice, I have followed your above instructions but alas no go..

I have switched on the machine as normal, immediately pressed the steam button so the green steam light illuminates, then opened the steam wand knob & nothing happens, not even cold water!!

The green thermometer light flashes as if in heat up mode, after about 30 seconds the top & bottom red lights flash alternately as before.

Pls don't give up & suggest anything for me to try next.



Hi Fareastguy,

check if all micro switches ( brew group, door, other....) are working properly or if an hi temp thermostat has shut off , seems your machine start the "test function" ( the first 30 secs seems ok) then find out an "error" .



Have tried the internal micro switches located behind the brew group cover plate when I checked the gear wheel positions, all seemed fine, located on their pins etc & seemed to function OK.

Not sure about a high temp stat/switch though, not sure where that is located or if found how to tell if it is on/off position or operating OK ?

Maybe a bit more info from someone would help me cover that idea.

Just as a further question: when I power on my machine as normal, for 30 seconds-ish all seems ok, the green "thermometer" light flashes as per heating mode, the brew group can be heard positioning itself, then after 30 secs top & bottom red lights flash as described above.

If the heating cycle is the problem is this the indication I would be given??

Maybe this is linked to either the temp stat as mentioned or maybe I have a problem with the heater elements located on top of the cylinder, is there a way to check these out ??

Thanks again all..


I can only give to you some generic suggestion due to I don't know that specific machine.

In effect I don't know if that machine has a stats or thermo fuse or other temperature control device such as a probe, so in case you want to try to inspect the machine you must to be sure you can even verify the status of the devices and you need a multimeter.

Anyway a re settable temp stats look like a small ceramic cilinder with 2 faston connector and a small button on the top.

It's usually attached to the water boiler or thermoblock surface.

In OFF position ( meaning the temperature has gone higher than safety limit) the small button go up and you have to push it down ( should do a "click" sound).

In case it happen you have to verify even why the temperature has gone over the limit or maybe you will create a danger situation, once you found the cause and solve it you can safety plugged in the machine again.

Reading the user manual it's mentioned only that in this case ( top and bottom light flashing after 30 secs) you should to contact the service center, so maybe it's a problem they know involve a partial disassembling of the machine, often not easy to do, hoping some members will be useful more than me.

Good luck


Sorry I haven't read all the answers. We have the same machine, have you Descaled your machine?That bottom red light indicates it needs it.


Sorry I haven't read all the answers. We have the same machine, have you Descaled your machine?That bottom red light indicates it needs it.

Dont use the expensive descaler that some manufacturers sell, dont use vinegar either. Buy some citric acid in crystal form, small jar about 25 baht, enough for at least 5-10 descales


Rooo & KNJ

Thx for your collective responses, yes first thing I did was a thorough descale etc.. initial problem persists.


Your advice is very welcome & sounds good, I have had the side casings off the machine a couple of times to try to do/inspect certain things so dis-assembly is now not a problem

On top of the hot single water cylinder are located the two heater units each with two electrical connectors (they look a bit like very large watch batteries) not sure if they both heat at the same time & then ramp up to get the steam temp or one operates normal brew temp & then #2 heats up to give the steam temp ?

There is not a reset thermostat attached to the boiler/cylinder as you suggest, however underneath the boiler a single cable enters the body of the cylinder, I have removed the retaining screw/plate & pulled out the wire which is shrouded as if for temp protection, the wire enters the boiler by about 8mm approx but has a blunt/dead end if you can understand what I mean, the shroud continues to the end of the cable, so no bare wire or sensor tip is visible that enters the boiler. I have not traced the other end of this cable as it disappears further into the centre of the machine & requires more dis-assembly, I'm happy to investigate this if you think that maybe a reset/thermo switch is on the other end of this cable?

Once again thanks a million for all your help.. I'll have a look tomorrow & post my findings



just check the outlet to the coffee grounds to the machine for ground coffee is not clogged.

Let us know when we can come round for a coffeesmile.png


If you already dis-assembling your machine it's a good beginning biggrin.png .

If there is not a reset thermostat I guess should there is a thermo fuse.

Usually a Thermo fuse or thermal fuse seems a resistor with wires connected to the ends, just type thermal fuse on google to see it.

I think the single cable you found, who entering the body of cylinder, it's a temperature probe.

Even Harrry gave to you a good advice, in effect some ( remember i don't know this machine so take my words with caution) fully auto machine has a coffee ground tunnel with a dosing system( and a micro switch to) that in case it stick, nothing works.

Once more time good lucksmile.png .



My original post test mode #3 yes coffee grinder operates OK & is clear through to the brew unit

at the moment that"s all I have.. a rather large & expensive coffee grinder smile.png

Cheers for your reply



Yes your right I think, in the absence of a reset stat/switch connected to the boiler unit then the wire I have seen entering the boiler must be a temperature probe of some kind, maybe it has a dual function for the brew temp and/or steam temp management?

I will investigate further tomorrow & delve a bit deeper to see where this cable leads to..if it ends with a thermal fuse or resister of some kind then I guess I've gone as far as I can, then it looks like a trip to a "Boncaffe repair centre" to let them check out the wiring or mother board !!

I'll post my findings tomorrow when finished so you can all see where it led me, maybe it's not good news for me but at least it may shed light on something for some one else in the future..

If I get it to "fire up" your all welcome for a brew

If not anyone got a spare "cafetiere biggrin.png cheers



No I'm not testing empty, I fill the top with coffee beans & with the brew group removed I place an empty vessel inside & grind away (in test mode) until all the beans are gone.. like I said all I have at the moment is a large grinder. biggrin.png


Ok. Well I am out of ideas. THe reason I said that was there may have been a light sensor to detect whether the coffee is passing a path.

Hope you get it sortedout soon. If you are like me coffee is esential.



OK where do I start, investigated further this morning & have found out a bit more but I'm still none the wiser !

I will attach some photo's to this post so you can visually see & understand what I have found.

Pic 1) what appears to be the two heating elements located on the top of the boiler.

Pic 2) Is the cable from the underside of the boiler, this is connected to the rear of the front control panel PCB. (pic 3)

Pic 3) The other end of this cable wired to a connector at the rear of the front control PCB top right corner(possible the indicator light)

Pic 4) This shows two separate probes connected to the boiler, one at the bottom of the boiler & one at the top, each has a single wire connection & each

wired to one of the heating elements in pic 1

Pic 5) This is the view of the mother board/PCB top center is a white connector with a light blue & black cable (entering from the left of the board) each of these go to one of the heating elements in Pic1, making 4 connections on the elements with the other 2 from the probes in Pic4.

In center of the motherboard picture above the black plastic spacer is what looks like a possible thermo fuse (in a horizontal plain) with another one slightly above that, they look ok not discoloured but that's all I can visually ascertain.

It looks like I may have been beaten in this task & a journey to a repair center is required for this machine to live another day, I have no means or knowledge to test any of the individual fuses/probes or components on the mother board.. unless a coffee machine savvy engineer is reading this post & can say where he thinks this is all leading to or has come across this machine/symptom before & knows the answer then I don't know what else I can try.

Thanks to all respondents & if you have any further ideas then I'll be glad to hear from you..


I just noticed if you click on an image it will expand/zoom to give a better view.. thx







Goodmoring Fareastguy,

Actually my only idea is to warmly recommend you a trip to a Saeco service center.

What pictures showed are not the parts you are guessing.

Picture1: the couple of brown small cylinder are thermostats not heating element

Picture4: the parts you call probes are the ends of heating element

Basically you don't need a savvy coffee machine engineer, is more useful a young boy but with the proper knowledge about "this" machine and it's symptoms and cause of malfunction, in brief a Saeco technician at Boncafe', last time I went there to buy a spare part they has the table loaded of similar machines waiting to be repaired, they know how to deal with it.





Thanks for your correction, I got the parts the wrong way around thermostats are indeed on top with the mistaken probes being the heating elements.

As I guessed I have to concede defeat & take a trip to a Boncafe service center.. Still a good learning curve for me to know most of what's inside my machine & what makes it "tick" or not as the case may be !

Thanks again to all contributors, most helpful.



Never sure:

Yep checked for that in the early day's.. no loose, split or leaking hoses. even when under pressure..

Keep throwing out the idea's until I eventually find the time to go 2 hours up the road to my nearest service centre !!

I'm still of the opinion I have a heater/boiler problem or temp stat issue:

Does anyone know of the replacement cost of a new boiler of the temp stat's fitted on the top of the unit ?

Ref my pic attachment #1 in post #24



Did you try to write an email to Saeco?

I had once something blocked by ground coffee (which I didn't know) and they sent me a nice email how to fix it myself.


There is no need to make the two hour trip each way if you do not want to. Just pack it well and EMS it or send by one of the many truck services. Probably 300 baht each way.

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