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Don't You People Need A Break From Thailand?


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I think it becomes like home eventually and you don't really feel the need to have a break.

I'm going home for 2 weeks in the UK over Christmas and I'm super looking forward to spending Christmas with my family. But I wouldn't call it 'a break' - I don't think I need a break from Thailand just yet.

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"Seriously, I don't believe in politicians anywhere in the world, but Thailand is worse."

I'm sorry OP, but you must not be real familiar with the Republican party of the USA.

syria has a good government i believe.

LOL. Not to mention Iran, Somalia, Russia, Greece, Italy, Venezuela, China, etc.....the OP seems to have an unreasonably anti-Thai point of view.

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The Obama campaign pretty much accused Romney of killing a woman by somehow giving her cancer and also not paying taxes for 10 years when he did. On top of that, they bought the Hispanic vote by giving amnesty to illegal aliens and the gay vote by endorsing same-sex marriage after Obama claimed to be agianst it for years. Politicians in Thailand are not that special.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I certianly needed a bit of decompress time from Thailand. I think most people who aren't born there and didn't grow up there need a few 'mental health days' outside of LOS. Some longer.

Nothing wrong with it, and for most, you'll soon realise you are itching to get back.

Don't know how you blokes do it up in the sticks though. BKK is a nice balance for me most of the time.

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I certianly needed a bit of decompress time from Thailand. I think most people who aren't born there and didn't grow up there need a few 'mental health days' outside of LOS. Some longer.

Nothing wrong with it, and for most, you'll soon realise you are itching to get back.

Don't know how you blokes do it up in the sticks though. BKK is a nice balance for me most of the time.

Every time I leave Thailand for a visit to the states (at least once a year)--even if for a short time--I'm itching to come back to the LOS.

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Likewise I am happy here and no intention of going back to where I was born, if wanting a change for a few days out of Thailand then 1 hour or so can be in KL or Hanoi, and in only 4 hours can be in Australia...

Remember well one year being fed up with Portugal in August [live and worked there for 13 years] going to Madrid in Spain, much hotter, had no idea people from Madrid closed up for August to go on Holiday as so hot and humid in Madrid in August....... Only Problem with Portugal was when they joined the EU.

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"Seriously, I don't believe in politicians anywhere in the world, but Thailand is worse."

I'm sorry OP, but you must not be real familiar with the Republican party of the USA.

"Seriously, I don't believe in politicians anywhere in the world, but Thailand is worse."

I'm sorry OP, but you must not be real familiar with the Republican Democratic party of the USA.

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Don't know how you blokes do it up in the sticks though. BKK is a nice balance for me most of the time.

Everyone is different, I would never have moved here unless I found a place out in the sticks, I am sure if I lived in BKK would need a break away every 3 months., out in the sticks the few days break is every 3 years.

There again I have only lived in a City for just under 4 years [berlin] out of 62 years, used to pop over to the East every 2 weeks or so.

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I understand the OP entirely - I've spent around 14 of the past 20 years living and working in Thailand, the other 7years that I have been living and working elsewhere have been tremendously rewarding - The mixture (and the luxury of choice) between Thailand and elsewhere is to my mind a wonderful privilege.

Enjoy this freedom to pick and choose, the best of both worlds. Freedom to choose is real freedom.

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Same feeling as the OP.

Food is great, weather is great, nature is great, smiles everywhere... but then there comes this moment you only notice the general intellectual void, the widespread corruption and its acceptance/endorsement, the bodies on the roads, the political circus, the money-rule-everything attitude, the expect-able issues of foreseeable but unaddressed problems and the feeling it's not going to improve in a life-time.

That's when I enjoy boarding this outbound aircraft. And soon I realize again how everything is just dead-frozen in Europe and that's the #1 reason I'm in TH (actually it comes second after mi media naranja).

I'd like to pick a mix of both sides but no choice. So swinging in-between is the only option left.

I escape twice a year. To friends, snow, cheese and wine.

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I can't really comment as I work 6 month pr year overseas (2month on/off) so for me it's always nice to be back in LOS.

I just spend almost 6 weeks in Japan (working) and despite the extremely polite locals, beautiful girls/countryside &

everything works, but almost everything is bloody expensive, I was more than happy to return home to the "madness".

I live in Pattaya and are bored of my scull after 5 days in our house in Isaan (wife's) and tell my wife that tomorrow

we will be driving back to civilization or I will kill somebody (joking) just for having something to do.

I forgot to add that on this holiday I will NOT be going on any Japanese restaurants, really feed up with Jap food right now, lol.

Edited by guzzi850m2
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Don't you people need a break from Thailand?

Great posting, OP!

I can totally agree.

I don't live in the sticks here, but in BKK. Still I have to get out regularly.

I also fly business to Europe, as economy is total torture, even worse now on A380 with 500 folks. I don't have a home there, so I stay at hotels and rent cars.

Most things back home are of so much higher standards than here. Good foot paths, good nature walks, great public transport.

Supermarkets, food: an average village supermarket in Europe is much better than Villa Market or the crap at BigC and such. The driving is civilized, not like here where a Mercedes tried to run over me just a few days ago. The ruthlesness and inconsideration here sometimes gets me...

I have a few good Thai restaurants in my vicinity, but eating out in Europe is just a joy, everything you mentioned. Good beers (not Heineken), good wines.

But then there is the weather. The next 6 months will be painful in Europe. That is when Thailand can play out its advantages. The women here are pleasant, not narcissistic as back home. The lack of political correctness here, no zealots who try to reeducate you. Thailand has its points.

Yes I do get out regularly. Otherwise I'd get mad. Not always to Europe, but Asia too. A good dinner in Kyoto is quite a difference to eating at Fuji.

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If you go easy on the cheese, butter and cold cuts, you can take the “Fat” out of “Ugly Fat Farang” It does sound yummy though.

You forgot to mention the motorbikes on the sidewalk doing 40.smile.png

True being fat is a choice. But some food is so nice to eat. Its a hard choice and takes discipline to stay lean with all those nice choices around.

And no i don't need a break from Thailand, been here 7 years been back just once this is my home.

Edited by robblok
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