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Choice Of Woman?


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I was recently sitting in a western bar having some drinks with friends. The crowd at this place is generally younger (20's - early 30's) but all types pass through. I am in my late 20's.

An older fellow came in (maybe 50's - 60 or so) with his young Thai wife. She was 28 and very attractive. He was from England and seemed to be a very nice guy.

To cut a long story short, I ended up having a conversation with her in Thai where she proceeded to talk s**t about the guy right in front of him. Of course, he spoke no Thai and had no idea that what she was saying. To make matters even worse, she had her hand on my leg under the table and she was coming on pretty strong.

Let me just add that I would not involve myself with another mans woman, so this was a non-starter from the beginning.

I usually never let on that I know Thai just because I think you can learn a lot from people when they think you are oblivious. This type of scenario happens all the time, i.e. guy comes into the bar with the Thai wife/GF who then proceeds to talk s**t about him to the other Thai people working/drinking there.

The question is this:

Why do seemingly nice folks come to Thailand and involve themselves with these nasty bar girl types?

I would say that a high percentage of men who come here and marry, end up marrying an ex hooker/bar girl. And it's generally the decent folks who get taken advantage of the most.

I personally would never even touch a bar girl far less marry one. Why? because there are many more normal Thai women who are more attractive and trustworthy.

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Oh god....more of the same old BS. This has been done to death. get a life. coffee1.gif

....and furthermore, I strongly suspect your bar was under a rather rickety old bridge 1zgarz5.gif

Yep! same as I thought, just another way of having a Pop at the old fellas with gorgeous young wives or GFs, YaaawwwN.

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I don't think that you speaking to the girl, in Thai, behind the man's back, was particularly decent of you (if indeed that was the case).

I too don't see the point of your post other than perhaps an ego shot?

Let me clarify. I was not speaking about the man negatively. As I have said he was very nice and I was trying my best to avoid it.

My issue is with the fact that he was a decent guy who was being taken advantage of by this girl.

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Oh god....more of the same old BS. This has been done to death. get a life. coffee1.gif

....and furthermore, I strongly suspect your bar was under a rather rickety old bridge 1zgarz5.gif

Yep! same as I thought, just another way of having a Pop at the old fellas with gorgeous young wives or GFs, YaaawwwN.

No one is having a "pop" at the old fellas. Just don't don't understand why fellas "old or young" choose to marry prostitutes.

Would you marry a prostitute back in your home country?

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I don't think that you speaking to the girl, in Thai, behind the man's back, was particularly decent of you (if indeed that was the case).

I too don't see the point of your post other than perhaps an ego shot?

Let me clarify. I was not speaking about the man negatively. As I have said he was very nice and I was trying my best to avoid it.

My issue is with the fact that he was a decent guy who was being taken advantage of by this girl.

Did the guy look happy? If so, fine (for now).

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Would you marry a prostitute back in your home country?

Yes, I would, as long as she accepted my previous life too.

Why does being a prostitute make someone a bad person?

I wouldn't say so. But it certainly isn't something you should put on your C.V.

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Would you marry a prostitute back in your home country?

Yes, I would, as long as she accepted my previous life too.

Why does being a prostitute make someone a bad person?

It doesn't make her a bad person, but a person without dignity making bad choices. I for sure would not marry a hooker who had slept with thousands before me. Why buy damaged goods, when the shop is full with good stuff? And don't give me the crap about supporting her lazy family.
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I wouldn't say so. But it certainly isn't something you should put on your C.V.

Neither would being a drug dealer, murderer, pimp, wife/husband beater, drunk driver, corrupt police officer, but I seem to know plenty of these types now. Occasionally some of them walk out of the jungle to say hello to me near my farm, AK45 over their shoulder and a bag of opium or cannabis in their hand. Didn't meet many of them in my home country either.

Damaged goods .... at 50+ I don't think I am likely to encounter any 'undamaged goods', in any country in the world, not to mention I'm getting a bit battered myself.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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I usually never let on that I know Thai just because I think you can learn a lot from people when they think you are oblivious. This type of scenario happens all the time, i.e. guy comes into the bar with the Thai wife/GF who then proceeds to talk s**t about him to the other Thai people working/drinking there.

Why do loads of Westerners insist they speak Thai but hide it, so they can observe and learn?

Maybe all Thais speak English but hide it so they can observe and learn too....

I know real Thai speakers do not hide it, so it always makes me think the opposite when someone says they can speak Thai but hide it..that means they know touristy Thai..and then get words which sound

similar mixed up in meaning and context... its a pile of crock...you either speak Thai or you don't...you don't hide it...that is silly and stupid...

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The problem is that lots of the sexpats here are trying to be heros saving a poor upcountry girl with a sick dad/ Buffalo from the evil bar owners.

Others got a young wife and think that treating the wife real good and giving her whatever she wants will make her love him.

If a relationship started out of money, most cases it will end with money.

Lot of farangs were killed for insurance or just a few hundred thousand baht.

Others got divorced with the wife, losing both his assets and cash.

Sent from my XT910 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Would you marry a prostitute back in your home country?

Yes, I would, as long as she accepted my previous life too.

Why does being a prostitute make someone a bad person?

In Thailand, a prostitute may not have started out bad, but within weeks of starting to serve as a parking lot for many a man, he/she rapidly descends into a lifestyle and mentality that is characterized by duplicity, dishonesty, cruelty and selfishness. I used to try and take into consideration the economic reasons for the activity and even tried to rationalize the behavior However, after many years of observation, and discussions with these people, I realize that Morgan's Canon holds true.

In no case is an animal activity to be interpreted in terms of higher psychological processes if it can be fairly interpreted in terms of processes which stand lower in the scale of psychological evolution and development.

Many of the westerners that fall for these people are genuinely decent, kind people. These are the same people that fall prey to swindlers, call center fraud operations and the like. One can heap ridicule on them, scorn them and even write about them in internet forums, but they remain vulnerable people that just wanted a slice of the happiness pie. The people that exploit these folks are indeed bad.

what an unpleasant turn of phrase

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In Thailand, a prostitute may not have started out bad, but within weeks of starting to serve as a parking lot for many a man, he/she rapidly descends into a lifestyle and mentality that is characterized by duplicity, dishonesty, cruelty and selfishness. I used to try and take into consideration the economic reasons for the activity and even tried to rationalize the behaviour. However, after many years of observation, and discussions with these people, I realize that Morgan's Canon holds true.

And this was a scientific study, was it? Or just your own experiences after "many years of observation" (so you berate them but still choose to hang out with them, for research only of course)

What a load of nonsense.

Edited by BoonToong
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I have known 2 guys who married bargirls, they are no longer married.

They were in many ways worse then the worst bar girl, the kind of guys you would shoot if they looked at your daughter.

birds of a feather right, they both must take what they can get, they both think they can get much more but cannot,there inability to change and there general bad nature earned from a hard life does not make for a lasting relationship usually.

bargirls looking for cash and a way out, man is looking for a woman as its often a man for whatever reason struggles to get any woman elsewhere, but i'm know genius we all know this.

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Would you marry a prostitute back in your home country?

Yes, I would, as long as she accepted my previous life too.

Why does being a prostitute make someone a bad person?

In Thailand, a prostitute may not have started out bad, but within weeks of starting to serve as a parking lot for many a man, he/she rapidly descends into a lifestyle and mentality that is characterized by duplicity, dishonesty, cruelty and selfishness. I used to try and take into consideration the economic reasons for the activity and even tried to rationalize the behavior However, after many years of observation, and discussions with these people, I realize that Morgan's Canon holds true.

In no case is an animal activity to be interpreted in terms of higher psychological processes if it can be fairly interpreted in terms of processes which stand lower in the scale of psychological evolution and development.

Many of the westerners that fall for these people are genuinely decent, kind people. These are the same people that fall prey to swindlers, call center fraud operations and the like. One can heap ridicule on them, scorn them and even write about them in internet forums, but they remain vulnerable people that just wanted a slice of the happiness pie. The people that exploit these folks are indeed bad.

what an unpleasant turn of phrase


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Oh god....more of the same old BS. This has been done to death. get a life. coffee1.gif

....and furthermore, I strongly suspect your bar was under a rather rickety old bridge 1zgarz5.gif

Yep! same as I thought, just another way of having a Pop at the old fellas with gorgeous young wives or GFs, YaaawwwN.

No one is having a "pop" at the old fellas. Just don't don't understand why fellas "old or young" choose to marry prostitutes.

Would you marry a prostitute back in your home country?

how do you know she was a prostitute, did she have a tattoo saying it on her forhead,

dont you think some thai girls just might want to marry an older guy, who yes could give them a better life,??

and like one of the other posters say,, you shouldnt of been speaking thai with her like you say you were, you wouldnt of done it in front of me that i can tell you!!


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I usually never let on that I know Thai just because I think you can learn a lot from people when they think you are oblivious. This type of scenario happens all the time, i.e. guy comes into the bar with the Thai wife/GF who then proceeds to talk s**t about him to the other Thai people working/drinking there.

Why do loads of Westerners insist they speak Thai but hide it, so they can observe and learn?

Maybe all Thais speak English but hide it so they can observe and learn too....

I know real Thai speakers do not hide it, so it always makes me think the opposite when someone says they can speak Thai but hide it..that means they know touristy Thai..and then get words which sound

similar mixed up in meaning and context... its a pile of crock...you either speak Thai or you don't...you don't hide it...that is silly and stupid...

I never thought that I would but I do try to resist speaking Thai, Lao or Kam-Mueang (I'm a loog-krueng) when I'm in a farang gogo bar. It does seem silly and stupid because it's a really good craic but the girls aren't allowed to associate with fluent Thai speakers (i.e. people who are practically locals for most intents and purposes) in any way shape or form - it XXXXs with business, said a friendly and candid mamasan.

Edited by Trembly
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