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If you mean by having a "conniption" getting bored withy your witty repartee, then yes.

And that make you different from Payak how?


Diddo or Ditto ... whichever you prefer coffee1.gif

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i was from farming stock in the uk, so it was just natual for me to want to try and farm here,

but i do love it here,

but i also like my time away working, not that i dont work at home, im allways building something or other, new pig stys ect,

life here as ive said many many times is what you want to make it, and your wife, some wifes arnt happy farming they like the bright lights of the big citys,

i love to watch my wife and her mama picking chillies or what ever laughing together they are happy, they dont earn a lot of money from the chillies,papaya and other things they grow, but what price can you put on being happy?



i will say this much, I came here with good intentions months ago, posted a story about my good times in thailand with my wife and children.

very positive story, it was shredded in every way, she was called everything from a bar girl to god knows what, i was called many things also.

decent story about a decent girl ripped apart for no reason, by not same posters, but the majority,

you showed me from the get go you want negativity and thrive off it, so im giving you what you want, negative stories.

people say nothing to a person who make rude jokes about woman, or jokes about someone who may well be dead on hear, but attack when you write a pleasant story.

you get what you asked for, same here are fine off coarse, but the old story goes if you dont like something, dont read it if its boring.

You can post negativity if that's your bag, but try and vary the subject. Complain about the weather, bad drivers, corruption etc. All you do is complain about naive falangs who get ripped off by Thai bar girls, or old falangs who think money buys them love. Your obsession with the subject makes one wonder if it hasn't happened to you and you've never got over it.

i posted about my missing brother in law, very sad subject at preasent, the objective was to point out the police issue in thailand, i was again put down and whatever amazingly during a terribly trying time, and the thread was shut down, that was about a different subject, same result i was attacked.

the other was about my family, again attacked, another buddism and again attacked, and by many not same .

anything positive is shut down.

Maybe it's you....?


i was from farming stock in the uk, so it was just natual for me to want to try and farm here,

but i do love it here,

but i also like my time away working, not that i dont work at home, im allways building something or other, new pig stys ect,

life here as ive said many many times is what you want to make it, and your wife, some wifes arnt happy farming they like the bright lights of the big citys,

i love to watch my wife and her mama picking chillies or what ever laughing together they are happy, they dont earn a lot of money from the chillies,papaya and other things they grow, but what price can you put on being happy?


I think it's more like when you are more concerned about money than enjoying your job... I could be wrong of course but I would rather take 20 000 baht less in salary and work with something I enjoy than feeling miserable on a daily basis.

Of course in a country like Thailand, money matters more than anything as the wages are far below average if you are an ordinary worker. That's why creating my own right now so I CAN feel good at work and make more than enough to live a good life.

If you are happy with where you are then stay that way. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise as they haven't found their happiness yet.


i was from farming stock in the uk, so it was just natual for me to want to try and farm here,

but i do love it here,

but i also like my time away working, not that i dont work at home, im allways building something or other, new pig stys ect,

life here as ive said many many times is what you want to make it, and your wife, some wifes arnt happy farming they like the bright lights of the big citys,

i love to watch my wife and her mama picking chillies or what ever laughing together they are happy, they dont earn a lot of money from the chillies,papaya and other things they grow, but what price can you put on being happy?


visualising that scene,sounds awesome.

if i was there there would be a lot of pigs with wooden legs gettin around.

goddam i love pork


i will say this much, I came here with good intentions months ago, posted a story about my good times in thailand with my wife and children.

very positive story, it was shredded in every way, she was called everything from a bar girl to god knows what, i was called many things also.

decent story about a decent girl ripped apart for no reason, by not same posters, but the majority,

you showed me from the get go you want negativity and thrive off it, so im giving you what you want, negative stories.

people say nothing to a person who make rude jokes about woman, or jokes about someone who may well be dead on hear, but attack when you write a pleasant story.

you get what you asked for, same here are fine off coarse, but the old story goes if you dont like something, dont read it if its boring.

You obviously missed my constantly repeated advice, never to introduce your wife, g/f, children, family or anyone you care about into this nest of vipers we call TV Forum.

There are some bitter and twisted people about, this forum is something of gathering place for them.

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i will say this much, I came here with good intentions months ago, posted a story about my good times in thailand with my wife and children.

very positive story, it was shredded in every way, she was called everything from a bar girl to god knows what, i was called many things also.

decent story about a decent girl ripped apart for no reason, by not same posters, but the majority,

you showed me from the get go you want negativity and thrive off it, so im giving you what you want, negative stories.

people say nothing to a person who make rude jokes about woman, or jokes about someone who may well be dead on hear, but attack when you write a pleasant story.

you get what you asked for, same here are fine off coarse, but the old story goes if you dont like something, dont read it if its boring.

You can post negativity if that's your bag, but try and vary the subject. Complain about the weather, bad drivers, corruption etc. All you do is complain about naive falangs who get ripped off by Thai bar girls, or old falangs who think money buys them love. Your obsession with the subject makes one wonder if it hasn't happened to you and you've never got over it.

i posted about my missing brother in law, very sad subject at preasent, the objective was to point out the police issue in thailand, i was again put down and whatever amazingly during a terribly trying time, and the thread was shut down, that was about a different subject, same result i was attacked.

the other was about my family, again attacked, another buddism and again attacked, and by many not same .

anything positive is shut down.

Maybe it's you....?

ok, break it down, you think its normal for normal happy stories to be attacked, or fun to be made of a missing family member, is that right because by saying maybe its me to what i wrote you must.

if you do happen to agree with such sick actions, you need to look at yourself, and not worry about me.


i will say this much, I came here with good intentions months ago, posted a story about my good times in thailand with my wife and children.

very positive story, it was shredded in every way, she was called everything from a bar girl to god knows what, i was called many things also.

decent story about a decent girl ripped apart for no reason, by not same posters, but the majority,

you showed me from the get go you want negativity and thrive off it, so im giving you what you want, negative stories.

people say nothing to a person who make rude jokes about woman, or jokes about someone who may well be dead on hear, but attack when you write a pleasant story.

you get what you asked for, same here are fine off coarse, but the old story goes if you dont like something, dont read it if its boring.

You obviously missed my constantly repeated advice, never to introduce your wife, g/f, children, family or anyone you care about into this nest of vipers we call TV Forum.

There are some bitter and twisted people about, this forum is something of gathering place for them.

truest post ever


i will say this much, I came here with good intentions months ago, posted a story about my good times in thailand with my wife and children.

very positive story, it was shredded in every way, she was called everything from a bar girl to god knows what, i was called many things also.

decent story about a decent girl ripped apart for no reason, by not same posters, but the majority,

you showed me from the get go you want negativity and thrive off it, so im giving you what you want, negative stories.

people say nothing to a person who make rude jokes about woman, or jokes about someone who may well be dead on hear, but attack when you write a pleasant story.

you get what you asked for, same here are fine off coarse, but the old story goes if you dont like something, dont read it if its boring.

You obviously missed my constantly repeated advice, never to introduce your wife, g/f, children, family or anyone you care about into this nest of vipers we call TV Forum.

There are some bitter and twisted people about, this forum is something of gathering place for them.

truest post ever

Payak, wasn't it you and another member here who were attacking the oldies like a couple of schoolyard bullies? Or have I got the wrong guy? This was on a post re old guys with young Thai women a few months back.


ok, break it down, you think its normal for normal happy stories to be attacked, or fun to be made of a missing family member, is that right because by saying maybe its me to what i wrote you must.

if you do happen to agree with such sick actions, you need to look at yourself, and not worry about me.

I rarely find myself being attacked, but then, I don't boast about my life, I try not to criticise others' lives and limit my criticism to what people post on this forum. Generally, I find that when people do attack me personally, the attacks are so wide of the mark that they indicate a base on ignorant speculation, rather than a careful reading of the available information.

There's enough on here, if people did want to have a go - I'm not secretive, but on the other hand I'm aware of the perils of self-publication. There are some quite unpleasant people on the internet, and I believe that the worst believe that they are righteous.

So if you're worried about being attacked and pilloried and vilefied; if you take offence at your good intentions being derided; if you find your morals and opinions being constantly undermined, then perhaps you need to think about how you portray yourelf on the internet. Maxme will tell you that you should stand up for yourself and be true to yourself, but he really enjoys bickering on the internet. Personally, if Iget fed up with it, I walk away and let someone else have the last word




ok, break it down, you think its normal for normal happy stories to be attacked, or fun to be made of a missing family member, is that right because by saying maybe its me to what i wrote you must.

if you do happen to agree with such sick actions, you need to look at yourself, and not worry about me.

I rarely find myself being attacked, but then, I don't boast about my life, I try not to criticise others' lives and limit my criticism to what people post on this forum. Generally, I find that when people do attack me personally, the attacks are so wide of the mark that they indicate a base on ignorant speculation, rather than a careful reading of the available information.

There's enough on here, if people did want to have a go - I'm not secretive, but on the other hand I'm aware of the perils of self-publication. There are some quite unpleasant people on the internet, and I believe that the worst believe that they are righteous.

So if you're worried about being attacked and pilloried and vilefied; if you take offence at your good intentions being derided; if you find your morals and opinions being constantly undermined, then perhaps you need to think about how you portray yourelf on the internet. Maxme will tell you that you should stand up for yourself and be true to yourself, but he really enjoys bickering on the internet. Personally, if Iget fed up with it, I walk away and let someone else have the last word


Now, now SC... There is nothing wrong with bickering but there is a difference between bickering and having a go. Which I might add I've seen you do plenty of times. TV is flourishing with sarcasm but it's not as much fun getting it as it is giving it, is it?


ok, break it down, you think its normal for normal happy stories to be attacked, or fun to be made of a missing family member, is that right because by saying maybe its me to what i wrote you must.

if you do happen to agree with such sick actions, you need to look at yourself, and not worry about me.

I rarely find myself being attacked, but then, I don't boast about my life, I try not to criticise others' lives and limit my criticism to what people post on this forum. Generally, I find that when people do attack me personally, the attacks are so wide of the mark that they indicate a base on ignorant speculation, rather than a careful reading of the available information.

There's enough on here, if people did want to have a go - I'm not secretive, but on the other hand I'm aware of the perils of self-publication. There are some quite unpleasant people on the internet, and I believe that the worst believe that they are righteous.

So if you're worried about being attacked and pilloried and vilefied; if you take offence at your good intentions being derided; if you find your morals and opinions being constantly undermined, then perhaps you need to think about how you portray yourelf on the internet. Maxme will tell you that you should stand up for yourself and be true to yourself, but he really enjoys bickering on the internet. Personally, if Iget fed up with it, I walk away and let someone else have the last word


Now, now SC... There is nothing wrong with bickering but there is a difference between bickering and having a go. Which I might add I've seen you do plenty of times. TV is flourishing with sarcasm but it's not as much fun getting it as it is giving it, is it?

True enough, but to some extent I try to restrict myself to criticism of what people post, rather than conjecture regarding others' personal lives (I'd need to do a thorough review to see how well I actually achieve this); when I do get to speculation on people's lives beyond the keyboard, its normally limited to putting forward an alternative possibility, sometimes by way of defence of a maligned person or group that is being villified in their absence



many things were said by old and young,

things that should have not been, even by me when i was frustrated.

I was pointing to older people who are being fooled, not the ones in good loving relationships,

i explained that until i was blue in the face but was ignored, there were no personal attacks at first until they started firing up because they misunderstood what i was on about.

and talking about something good is not bragging.

i will repeat it but its a waste of time because i have done so on more then 20 times, older and young, no problem if they are legit.

was never refering really to the age but to the foolish ones, the oldies read half the post and fire up, i react then do start writing bad shit.


if writing positive stuff gets you ripped here, what do you write about.

tell me.

if i start a post right now about,oh lets say taxi drivers, or shopping malls, or flowers, i will get more insults then replies.

then complaints when i fire up back, but no one complains to those doing the insulting, except those like maxme.


ok, break it down, you think its normal for normal happy stories to be attacked, or fun to be made of a missing family member, is that right because by saying maybe its me to what i wrote you must.

if you do happen to agree with such sick actions, you need to look at yourself, and not worry about me.

I rarely find myself being attacked, but then, I don't boast about my life, I try not to criticise others' lives and limit my criticism to what people post on this forum. Generally, I find that when people do attack me personally, the attacks are so wide of the mark that they indicate a base on ignorant speculation, rather than a careful reading of the available information.

There's enough on here, if people did want to have a go - I'm not secretive, but on the other hand I'm aware of the perils of self-publication. There are some quite unpleasant people on the internet, and I believe that the worst believe that they are righteous.

So if you're worried about being attacked and pilloried and vilefied; if you take offence at your good intentions being derided; if you find your morals and opinions being constantly undermined, then perhaps you need to think about how you portray yourelf on the internet. Maxme will tell you that you should stand up for yourself and be true to yourself, but he really enjoys bickering on the internet. Personally, if Iget fed up with it, I walk away and let someone else have the last word


Now, now SC... There is nothing wrong with bickering but there is a difference between bickering and having a go. Which I might add I've seen you do plenty of times. TV is flourishing with sarcasm but it's not as much fun getting it as it is giving it, is it?

True enough, but to some extent I try to restrict myself to criticism of what people post, rather than conjecture regarding others' personal lives (I'd need to do a thorough review to see how well I actually achieve this); when I do get to speculation on people's lives beyond the keyboard, its normally limited to putting forward an alternative possibility, sometimes by way of defence of a maligned person or group that is being villified in their absence


A half read post is a half understood one... I think you misjudged my intentions and therefor misunderstood what I said. Giddyup and me have a history and as he crave attention and having the last the word, I simply just deny him that. Childish... yes... but still extremely satisfying. smile.png

I never stared an old man down because he had a young Thai mia. I may not like it or agree with it because of what it does for other normal couples in the whole and if it weren't for hat fact, then I would not ever care at all since it ain't my business.

You like to say your piece and then let it take its course. Sure, that's your prerogative... but it's not how I work.

I would say that it's not the generation gap itself that bothers me but the perception differ so greatly between the young and old that it can be seen as disrespect towards the elders.

Now, if you somehow have come to the conclusion that being older brings wisdom then I suggest that you have stayed in Thailand too long and fallen for the delusion of Poo Yai-ism.


people start way back when, and cant handle it, dont start it then.

im the easiest person to get along with, i will be fair and quit now, never change the subject again, do right, but to prove my point watch how long it is before someone starts here for there own amusement.

backon track, i live between Australia and thailand, so i guess you could say im living in Australia even though time is shared equally.

That explains everything thumbsup.gif



I crave attention and want the last word, but you deny me that by having it yourself. Bizarre, but totally in character.


people start way back when, and cant handle it, dont start it then.

im the easiest person to get along with, i will be fair and quit now, never change the subject again, do right, but to prove my point watch how long it is before someone starts here for there own amusement.

backon track, i live between Australia and thailand, so i guess you could say im living in Australia even though time is shared equally.

That explains everything thumbsup.gif

such as,


many things were said by old and young,

things that should have not been, even by me when i was frustrated.

I was pointing to older people who are being fooled, not the ones in good loving relationships,

i explained that until i was blue in the face but was ignored, there were no personal attacks at first until they started firing up because they misunderstood what i was on about.

and talking about something good is not bragging.

i will repeat it but its a waste of time because i have done so on more then 20 times, older and young, no problem if they are legit.

was never refering really to the age but to the foolish ones, the oldies read half the post and fire up, i react then do start writing bad shit.

You and a couple of others (they knows who they are) attacked the oldies mercilessly, it went beyong any kind of constructive criticsm, but was pure malice. So please don't come crying about your "positive" posts being attacked, you have been one of the worst offenders yourself.



I crave attention and want the last word, but you deny me that by having it yourself. Bizarre, but totally in character.

As it should be... I'm not a 70 year old pretending to be 30 at least :)


fight fire with fire, I complain because they attacked first during the half reading of a post.

attack back as they are doing it, and they complain when we give it back because they misread something and thought we started it.

They are so old and wise, they should know better then to listen to us young ignorant fools anyway right.


Payak, I do think SC has a fair point when he says that the reactions people receive is down to how people post in online forums.

it does come across like you're merely trying to say "ooh look at me and how great my life is compared you all of you" in many of your posts.

I'm sure many people on the forum have equally great and happy lives (even those who have a go at you) but wouldn't dream of trying to share their domestic lives here in the detail you have, merely to make themselves feel better about themselves.

You can not complain about being ripped into when you post on a public forum.

It's the mere Nature of the Beast that not everyone is going to agree with you and may well get rubbed up the wrong way by the timbre of your posts.

If you post at all on public forums then you need a pretty thick skin. If you're going to post personal stuff on a public forum then you're going to need elephant hide...

Now, stop whining that everyone s picking on you and think about either adapting your style or your subject matter....



I crave attention and want the last word, but you deny me that by having it yourself. Bizarre, but totally in character.

As it should be... I'm not a 70 year old pretending to be 30 at least smile.png

Your comments are getting more and more bizarre. In what way am I representing myself as a 30 year old? This exchange is just ridiculous, but have the last word by all means.


for the record all my young friends seem to have fairly nice girls, most not all.

and they dont have much money, they older ones however i always saw getting played badly.

I made the mistake of judging from the 20 or so men i saw getting played, it stands at about 20 out of 20, that was wrong of me as thats pure coincidence.


I was pointing to older people who are being fooled, not the ones in good loving relationships,

But why pick on the older people, when young men are equally fooled?

This is actually true Tommo but I think Payak's initial post and mine are directed towards different goals.

Young people do get fooled , there is no doubt about that but mostly because they are inexperienced and yes that could be the case of the older people too but in many cases... they chose to be in that position because age is finally catching up with them and they see it as a better way to retire than building something up from scratch again.

I don't diss older people that choose Thai partners. Herein is the difference but a lot of elderly men I have met have married 20 or 30 years so Thai women with whom they cannot communicate because the woman can't speak almost any English or the man can't speak any Thai.

Though as I said before that in one way I think it's their business despite my opinion and I don't treat them any different than I would with any other couple. However some people move to Thailand in hopes of that time will simply freeze as it has done in Thailand and don't want to be part of the change and once they find it that it's not the case, burst out on people reminding them of this fact.


If i want to discuss my family i will, you can skip past it numnuts.

Changing my style will require me to became a liar like 99% of you, not an option.

people write a story, people bag it, you say the writers wrong, think about that idiot.

seriously heavydrinker give yourself an uppercut and knock some sense into your antique ass.


screw it, i'm gonna talk straight from now on.

all those offended so far dont realise this has been me being respectful and polite.

they older ones however i always saw getting played badly.

Did you run a poll asking them individually about their personal financial arrangements with their spouses?

for the record all my young friends seem to have fairly nice girls

Do you ever think that maybe (just maybe) your younger pals may tell the odd fib or two about their arrangements with their women or do you go through their books too?

I'm starting to think "Troll" now. as the above is just there to wind up the older lads....

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