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Native American Indians - Asian ?


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Let me say right at the start of this, I am not in anyway Thai bashing nor do I wish to cause any form of insult or offence to any race or gender.

i was walking through my little backwater village today and I observed a group of Thai women sat in a circle chatting and eating together, It immediately struck me how they reminded me of American Indian squaw's, then the more I thought about it, the more the images of Indians and Thais seemed to melt together and they really do look so much alike. (to me anyway, or is my medication kicking in)

When I got back home I looked on the net for images and sure enough they do, not only that but I was also amazed to read during my search that the American Indians actually originated in Asia which I wasnt aware of.

"Most theories say Native American Indians migrated to the American continent from Asia across a land bridge around 11,500 years ago. Yes, this would, in fact, make the first Americans Asians."

So, never too old to learn something and I was quite surprised at the outcome, so next time you see a group sat in circle, see if it rings the same bell for you.

Just an observation.

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In my whole life living in the United States I only ever met 1 real Native American (Some Mexicans like to masquerade as Native Americans to get chicks).

If you ever meet one make sure to snap a pic as they are becoming increasingly rare!

Lots of young Americans like to claim they are part Native American cause it's apparently a cool thing to be right now.

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Yes native americans as a race are considered mongoloid.

And then?... You are adding 1 more to the equation: Now we have: Mongolians, Thai and Americans. I stay with trying to compare native Americans to the Thai. Surely their facial treats are similar, i noticed this also. How about cultural comparisons.

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In my whole life living in the United States I only ever met 1 real Native American (Some Mexicans like to masquerade as Native Americans to get chicks).

If you ever meet one make sure to snap a pic as they are becoming increasingly rare!

Lots of young Americans like to claim they are part Native American cause it's apparently a cool thing to be right now.

There are some, but you will find most are on a reservation. I think they are allowed on the rolls if they are 1/64 th, in some tribes. The Apache may have the most percentage wise, but some of them have a lot of Mexican in their bloodline.

I certaoinly cannot see a big similarity between Thai and the American Indians of any tribe, other than the perchance to set around and visit, smoke, and drink a tad. This trait seems to be more common on the reservations, as the rest are out trying to make ends meet.

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In my whole life living in the United States I only ever met 1 real Native American (Some Mexicans like to masquerade as Native Americans to get chicks).

If you ever meet one make sure to snap a pic as they are becoming increasingly rare!

Lots of young Americans like to claim they are part Native American cause it's apparently a cool thing to be right now.

There are some, but you will find most are on a reservation. I think they are allowed on the rolls if they are 1/64 th, in some tribes. The Apache may have the most percentage wise, but some of them have a lot of Mexican in their bloodline.

I certaoinly cannot see a big similarity between Thai and the American Indians of any tribe, other than the perchance to set around and visit, smoke, and drink a tad. This trait seems to be more common on the reservations, as the rest are out trying to make ends meet.

they are by no means approaching extinction, though their culture becomes increasingly diluted.

As for being accepted into a tribe, i don't know if it is fashionable, but in some cases it can ensure you never need to work again.


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Native Mexicans (and all central and south America as well) were Indians coming from the same place that USA Indians came from, yes Asia via Siberia, and in Mexico Indian blood is much more widespread among the general populace. So for a Mexican who looks stereotypically Mexican (as opposed to Spaniard appearance) to say he is part Indian is probably spot on. In many parts of the Americas, the word Indian is considered a racist slur word. Really, not a grey area word like f-rang. Indigenous is the PC term.

Not saying it isn't OK to say Indian here. Just find it interesting.

Edited by Jingthing
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Yes, the original Americans did cross into that continent from Eurasia via a land bridge at what is now the Bering Strait about 12,000 years ago.

As are all modern humans, except those of 100% African blood, they were descended from the first modern humans who migrated out of Africa about 150,000 to 200,000 years ago; supplanting the earlier humans, such as Neanderthals, who had migrated out of Africa from about 600,000 years ago, and even descendants of Homo Ererctus, who had migrated out of Africa 3 million yeras ago.

Whether this was through some form of replacement, even genocide, or by absorption through interbreeding is a matter of great controversy.

However, any cultural or behavioral similarities between some indigenous Americans and Thais, or anyone else, is purely coincidence; the separation has simply been too long for it to be otherwise.

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Thais came from China, when Gengus Cann, I think thats how you spell it, he Ammalgamated all 8 tribes of China, the Thi Dinasty went South to avoid the constant fighting they became the modern Thais. so yes they could have traveled looking for a place to live in peace.

There is a thought that man did not actualy come from Africa.

Edited by Thongkorn
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If you look at an image of Inuit people I cannot tell the difference, whereas I think Aboriginal people especially with Metis heritage have lost some of their distinct Asian look but you can still see the resemblance.

I can't find the information but I recall Inuit throat singing is also from Siberia but originated in Cambodia ?

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so in the USA its cool to be a native indian, here in Australia being a native has not really became cool yet, little hard to pretend to be aboriginal to.

so in the USA its cool to be a native indian, here in Australia being a native has not really became cool yet, little hard to pretend to be aboriginal to.

Most Australians I know look like Sitting Bull or Geronimo don't you think so?

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so in the USA its cool to be a native indian, here in Australia being a native has not really became cool yet, little hard to pretend to be aboriginal to.

so in the USA its cool to be a native indian, here in Australia being a native has not really became cool yet, little hard to pretend to be aboriginal to.

Most Australians I know look like Sitting Bull or Geronimo don't you think so?

not really, i was thinking more like the missing link.

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so in the USA its cool to be a native indian, here in Australia being a native has not really became cool yet, little hard to pretend to be aboriginal to.

Yeah, I suppose it is. That said, native Americans have a very high rate of poverty. I have personally met some "authentic" ones; yes they are rare in some regions but common in others such as the Southwest. I feel like I should feel guilty about what happened to their land and people, but my relatives came after it is was pretty much over. coffee1.gif It doesn't help that I used to support this team:


Edited by Jingthing
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, when Gengus Cann,.

There is a thought that man did not actualy come from Africa.

I was intrigued, because his name has several variations, but I can't find that one, but I knew who you meant.

Now Homo Sapiens not coming from Africa can only be discounted by Aliens visiting the beer bars of Kenya and propagating an explosion in Ape evolution and dispersal and migration into Oceania and Asia.

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there is not one cultural native anerican, htere are many many sub groups, languages, genetic make ups , based on houseing types, food hunting, farming, what and where the tribes started out and where they ended up ...

lakotas are almost extinct. so are the paquayackis, theyve lost their language but speak spanish now...

the list is endless.

and for some wierd reason, my korat born and bred husband ahs been mistaken as a meixacn/indian mix, more then once, by several different people from different cultures and countries... short, dark, stocky, slightly slanted eyes, black hair

and its 1 sixteenth i think, i could check. my father worked with the native american projects for 30 years. daughter went to the states to arizona to study native amrerican studies for a semester. frankly, it was only the kids from the res, and a group of amer.mexicans that made any overtures or invites to parties and stuff. the plain white americans disregarded her as an overseas foreigner. (and the other groups listed all like to eat, havgfe a good time, warm, social... )

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Thais came from China, when Gengus Cann, I think thats how you spell it, he Ammalgamated all 8 tribes of China, the Thi Dinasty went South to avoid the constant fighting they became the modern Thais. so yes they could have traveled looking for a place to live in peace.

Genghis Khan (Temujin) united the nomadic tribes to create the Mongol Empire which is the largest contiguous land empire in history. It was Kublai Khan (Genghis's grandson) who started the Yuan dynasty and created the capital of Daidu which is modern-day Beijing. His summer capital was at Xanadu.

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The great plains of the US and other areas have yielded what are called clovis points, (arrowheads) and these are dated to about 14000 years ago.

Knowledgable people have made several comparsions/estimates of past immigration of early man and thus, throw out possible timelines/ dates for the trek across the land bridge, ice ages, etc.DNA testing has shown that what is now called Mongolia was probably where some early travelers departed from.

When you look at how some of the American bloodline has been diluted by Europeans, Africans, etc in the past 600 years, its amazing that any group of people can be considered as "pure" or "full blooded" anywhere in the world.

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Yes native americans as a race are considered mongoloid.

And then?... You are adding 1 more to the equation: Now we have: Mongolians, Thai and Americans. I stay with trying to compare native Americans to the Thai. Surely their facial treats are similar, i noticed this also. How about cultural comparisons.

cheesy.gif I suggest you learn the difference between Mongolians and mongoloids.....lest you offend everyone in Mongolia or those with down syndrome.

Who uses that term? OP, are you measuring craniums as well>?whistling.gif

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