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Wanted !


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There seems to be enough candidates, around here, should be easy to find! whistling.gif

This will be a hot topic in no time.....biggrin.png

Taking a long time vetting them all, even the armchair critics are having a hard time.

Need an assistant.

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Great ! When do I start ? rolleyes.gif

Are there any perks as no pay I presume ? whistling.gif

I don't even mind getting some hands on time rolleyes.gif

Having to ask these questions Bert means you don't have much chance of getting the job. You should have assumed you know the answers already.wai.gif

Mind you, I'm surprised a spell checker is an advantage, there is a slim chance we shall be able to understand the winners posts.laugh.png

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Great ! When do I start ? rolleyes.gif

Are there any perks as no pay I presume ? whistling.gif

I don't even mind getting some hands on time rolleyes.gif

Having to ask these questions Bert means you don't have much chance of getting the job. You should have assumed you know the answers already.wai.gif

Mind you, I'm surprised a spell checker is an advantage, there is a slim chance we shall be able to understand the winners posts.laugh.png

cheesy.gif To funny!

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It rained all day yesterday. What would you know about it? Bangrak you say...?....ah well this was in Maenam......yes yes I'm sure....I saw a guy who lives there with a brolly coming out of Tesco....didn't have his dog with him neither....not surprising with the number of burglaries there nowadays.....whassat?....crock of what?....nah mate straight up....an Iphone 5 an all...yeah from his balcony....I know terrible....and with 4G arriving next week too....must be pissed off yeah.....want another beer mate?......no?....ok.....just the one then.....!

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Great ! When do I start ? rolleyes.gif

Are there any perks as no pay I presume ? whistling.gif

I don't even mind getting some hands on time rolleyes.gif

Having to ask these questions Bert means you don't have much chance of getting the job. You should have assumed you know the answers already.wai.gif

Mind you, I'm surprised a spell checker is an advantage, there is a slim chance we shall be able to understand the winners posts.laugh.png

I was always told that if you don't ask you don't get. it has served me well throughout my life.

I have been on may a job and asked the guys how much dig money they were gettiong and they all said none. Which was strange as I was getting 25 quid a night. it turned out that the supervisor was pocketing their money as when they started they didn't ask about it so he never gave it to them. those that asked got it. whistling.gif

So am I through to the next round of selection or am I binned sad.png

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Great ! When do I start ? rolleyes.gif

Are there any perks as no pay I presume ? whistling.gif

I don't even mind getting some hands on time rolleyes.gif

Having to ask these questions Bert means you don't have much chance of getting the job. You should have assumed you know the answers already.wai.gif

Mind you, I'm surprised a spell checker is an advantage, there is a slim chance we shall be able to understand the winners posts.laugh.png

I was always told that if you don't ask you don't get. it has served me well throughout my life.

I have been on may a job and asked the guys how much dig money they were gettiong and they all said none. Which was strange as I was getting 25 quid a night. it turned out that the supervisor was pocketing their money as when they started they didn't ask about it so he never gave it to them. those that asked got it. whistling.gif

So am I through to the next round of selection or am I binned sad.png

I predicted this thread three days ago. CrystalBallFortuneTellerSmiley.gif


Looks like Poor Sucker's ahead of you in the job stakes Bert. whistling.gif

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As I have what could only ever in a court of law could be loosely called a brain that surely means I have the upper hand as I wouldn't need a permit.

Just when I thought I had it in the bag.

I've spent all day looking for my Tarot cards but can't seem to find them which was surely an Omen sad.png

I suppose I will just have to go drown my sorrows for yet another of life's injustices rolleyes.gif

I know when I am beaten by the better man wink.png

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As I have what could only ever in a court of law could be loosely called a brain that surely means I have the upper hand as I wouldn't need a permit.

Just when I thought I had it in the bag.

I've spent all day looking for my Tarot cards but can't seem to find them which was surely an Omen sad.png

I suppose I will just have to go drown my sorrows for yet another of life's injustices rolleyes.gif

I know when I am beaten by the better man wink.png

Crikey, don't give up hope Bert, you never know PS may need a deputy in case he ever becomes of sound mind.shock1.gif

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Troll fixer.

Just employed my new helper. Please show some respect.He needs no work permit & does not need a gun licence.

PS : He is available for hire.

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Yeahhhhh Deputy Bert has a certain ring to it I suppose. wink.png

Hi, The names Bert, DP to PS on TV. I'd like to say more sweet cheeks but you know, cough, cough. national security and all that you know whistling.gif

Anyway beautiful, another Baccardi breezer ? rolleyes.gif

Yeah it might work

Bert I will deputize you in your official role on the 26th.
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