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The mini_drinkingbird2.gifBrigade


The ''Yes Men'' brigade eh. laugh.png

transam ... you are indeed a smart man ... sparking brighter then some of the chrome you used to polish!

Maybe there are multiple interpretations meaning ... rolleyes.gif



Sure are. smile.png

But smart noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. laugh.png


" The Bromance brigade". People who become so enamored with the online persona of another, they continually profess their admiration in every post the other writes, and award him "Likes" as if they were confetti.

aka "The get a room" brigade

I've heard that you are indeed a hansom man ... as all Aussie men are!

I'm free Wednesday week ... biggrin.png

  • Like 1

" The Bromance brigade". People who become so enamored with the online persona of another, they continually profess their admiration in every post the other writes, and award him "Likes" as if they were confetti.

aka "The get a room" brigade

I've heard that you are indeed a hansom man ... as all Aussie men are!

I'm free Wednesday week ... biggrin.png

i find your response most in character


" The Bromance brigade". People who become so enamored with the online persona of another, they continually profess their admiration in every post the other writes, and award him "Likes" as if they were confetti.

aka "The get a room" brigade

I've heard that you are indeed a hansom man ... as all Aussie men are!

I'm free Wednesday week ... biggrin.png

Very insightful, like all your posts.clap2.gif I've given you a "Like"!

  • Like 2

" The Bromance brigade". People who become so enamored with the online persona of another, they continually profess their admiration in every post the other writes, and award him "Likes" as if they were confetti.

aka "The get a room" brigade

I've heard that you are indeed a hansom man ... as all Aussie men are!

I'm free Wednesday week ... biggrin.png

i find your response most in character

An uncommon generosity of spirit I would have to agree.


" The Bromance brigade". People who become so enamored with the online persona of another, they continually profess their admiration in every post the other writes, and award him "Likes" as if they were confetti.

aka "The get a room" brigade

Now look here, there is nothing between Mig16 and myself, or eek, or Ph. It's all a fabrication which l deny totally. w00t.gif Well l think l do. smile.png

  • Like 2

" The Bromance brigade". People who become so enamored with the online persona of another, they continually profess their admiration in every post the other writes, and award him "Likes" as if they were confetti.

aka "The get a room" brigade

Now look here, there is nothing between Mig16 and myself, or eek, or Ph. It's all a fabrication which l deny totally. w00t.gif Well l think l do. smile.png

I think that room is reserved for Tutsi.

  • Like 1

" The Bromance brigade". People who become so enamored with the online persona of another, they continually profess their admiration in every post the other writes, and award him "Likes" as if they were confetti.

aka "The get a room" brigade

Now look here, there is nothing between Mig16 and myself, or eek, or Ph. It's all a fabrication which l deny totally. w00t.gif Well l think l do. smile.png

You know what BRO-mance means don't you?


The "I'm too sexy for my avatar" brigade.

People who use pictures of beautiful,sexy, film stars or similar to hide their reality. They probably fit the old, fat, tattooed and bald category and may be of either gender.

The "Sad Sack " brigade. People who fall for the sexy avatar of other posters, and fawn to them, in the mistaken belief it is the reality.



The "I'm too sexy for my avatar" brigade.

People who use pictures of beautiful,sexy, film stars or similar to hide their reality. They probably fit the old, fat, tattooed and bald category and may be of either gender.

The "Sad Sack " brigade. People who fall for the sexy avatar of other posters, and fawn to them, in the mistaken belief it is the reality.


A mere passing resemblance; a mere uncanny passing resemblance.


  • Like 1

Over 1000 posts brigade!!!! tongue.png

Over 10000 posts brigade. laugh.png

I will get to 20,000 by........brigade biggrin.png

Who knows? Maybe I won't get there.....there's dark stuff goes on here unseen ups! laugh.png

It's only a number.

As a gentleman that he is, he's obviously not concerned about this futility in any way.

I think that room is reserved for Tutsi.

brigade? I doan got to show you no stinkin' brigade...

I'm part of great tradition...epistolary declarations of affection and all that...

and...here is a song recorded over 50 years ago in appreciation of my efforts in this regard...

You just broke my heart Tootsie.. Nice OP headerthumbsup.gif

Ricky Nelson


Good job nobody knows I drank a whole Bottle of Sang Som while Posting last night,strangely my post wasn't quite so witty this morning,Brigade sick.gif

I didn't even spell Song Sam right.


The "Staying self conscious while posting" Brigade

The "staying conscious while posting" Brigade........

  • Like 1

The "clearly failed to stay conscious while posting" Brigade.....coffee1.gif

The "that took you 24 hours to come up with thisblink.png " Brigade.

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