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Drunk Driving Crackdown In Force


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One thing is for certain, and that is that people consistently underestimate how drunk they are. Read the science.

If you have to drive with your hand covering one eye in order to not see two versions of everything, you're too drunk.

Don't you know anything? wink.png

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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I was stopped last week on the 121 near sarapee on my way back to San Sai,I was stopped in a line of traffic and was asked if i had been drinking and made to leave my car while the bib did some checks.I was ok because only been drinking coke so they sent me on my way. While i was waiting for the bib to check my details i could hear how they catch you out like the man behine me.They ask have you been drinking and where,they send another bib to the bar/restaurant where you may have been and check your bill there to see how many drinks were on your bill and compare it with your statment and BINGO if you lied. As for the new DD laws not sure how long it will last tho ???

Edited by SausageKing
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I was stopped last week on the 121 near sarapee on my way back to San Sai,I was stopped in a line of traffic and was asked if i had been drinking and made to leave my car while the bib did some checks.I was ok because only been drinking coke so they sent me on my way. While i was waiting for the bib to check my details i could hear how they catch you out like the man behine me.They ask have you been drinking and where,they they send another bib to the bar/restaurant where you may have been and check your bill there to see how many drinks were on your bill and compare it with your statment and BINGO if you lied. As for the new DD laws not sure how long it will last tho ???

Do they put your name on the bill in bars, assuming you pay cash? blink.png

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Nice agrument but you don't have to accept people using alcohol in traffic. People can drink all they want and have a designated driver or take a taxi. You don't have to ban alcohol, its perfectly ok to drink. Just don't drink and drive.

do you trust tuktuk and taxi drivers to be sober at midnight? i don't.

Then don't drink, just because they might be drunk does not mean you have to be too. God how hard is it not to drink and drive.

I have drunk a lot of alcohol even did drugs and all sort of things and i believe people should be free to do such things. I just don't believe you should enter traffic while under the influence.

Its really not that hard to not drink and drive, some might not like it because it cost money. Taxi or sleeping it off in a cheap hotel (plenty around). Just because it makes it a bit harder to drink does not mean your excused to drink and drive because its easier on you.

If drunk drivers are scum of the earth, I can't imagine what you think of people who fall asleep at the wheel.

I feel they are just as bad IF there are signs they are tired, like driving long without stopping. On the other hand plenty of cases just like my wife where it just happend. No prior sleep deprevation or a long ride. Just a 30 minute ride in the afternoon. If anyone thinks im stupid enough to sit next to someone with signs and reasons for being tired and not drive myself then its up to them.

Anyway nice that you found a reason to deflect from the issue of drunk driving. But i throw the towel in the ring, because there are just too many people here that think its perfectly ok to drink and drive. You can't fight stupidity. You guys won, not that i ever expected anyone to change.

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I was stopped last week on the 121 near sarapee on my way back to San Sai,I was stopped in a line of traffic and was asked if i had been drinking and made to leave my car while the bib did some checks.I was ok because only been drinking coke so they sent me on my way. While i was waiting for the bib to check my details i could hear how they catch you out like the man behine me.They ask have you been drinking and where,they they send another bib to the bar/restaurant where you may have been and check your bill there to see how many drinks were on your bill and compare it with your statment and BINGO if you lied. As for the new DD laws not sure how long it will last tho ???

Do they put your name on the bill in bars, assuming you pay cash? blink.png

Yes... I think the only drinking that went on was while writing that post..

(A breathalizer is affordable and a lot easier than finding a bar, identifying a person, then going back and ... etc. )

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robblok,I'm sorry,but next time you should take the car for the ride after your wife's afternoon nap...smile.png

No longer about drunk driving i have given that up here.

But there were no signs of her being tired. We just had lunch at sizler and did some shopping. Drove home at 14.00, 2 km before our home she fell asleep and as it happened i screamed (funny that i reverted back to Dutch). Went too fast nothing i could do. Car was total, both lucky to have worn seatbelt.

Later also had the Dr check for brain problems as the sleeping episode was totally unexplainable. Nothing found, i doubt that anyone with half a brain would sit next to someone who was obviously tired and not taken over the wheel. I know i would have taken over the wheel if i had known. It would have saved us a lot of trouble. I feel that people who drive to long without sleep are as much a danger as drunks. However not every time that someone falls asleep it can be attributed to sleep deprivation or driving to long.

But if your taking a risk willingly by driving too long or driving when real tired your risking others just like drunks do who drive. Both are totally wrong. If you don't have any signs or reasons to be tired and it happens its a totally different thing as you did not take the risk knowingly / willingly.

Maybe that clears it up a bit. So yes i agree falling asleep behind the wheel is dangerous and you should not risk people when you know you are at risk. That is why they have drive time limits in the EU its a good thing.

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Just got in--was at tae pae gate-starbucks and they were set up in full force---i was on foot and came back around 11pm--they had a few cars pulled over as well as mbikes--some bikes looked like they were heading to the impound--a few thais--guy and girl doing the breath test--looked like a few might be going to the pokey----seemed to be random pullovers--luck of the draw for the drunks

--even had the alleys blocked off for those that spotted them ahead and tried to make a break 4 it

seemed a little "showy" its TP gate and i can think of many other more popular watering holes if they wanna catch drunkies---just appeared they were putting on a little show for all the tourists--

"oh look honey CMs finest" always thinking of us and have our best interest at hand--kudos boys!

i find this location curious. it seems you can go from anywhere in town to spicey and leave again without going through the checkpoint.
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robblok,I'm sorry,but next time you should take the car for the ride after your wife's afternoon nap...smile.png

No longer about drunk driving i have given that up here.

But there were no signs of her being tired. We just had lunch at sizler and did some shopping. Drove home at 14.00, 2 km before our home she fell asleep and as it happened i screamed (funny that i reverted back to Dutch). Went too fast nothing i could do. Car was total, both lucky to have worn seatbelt.

Later also had the Dr check for brain problems as the sleeping episode was totally unexplainable. Nothing found, i doubt that anyone with half a brain would sit next to someone who was obviously tired and not taken over the wheel. I know i would have taken over the wheel if i had known. It would have saved us a lot of trouble. I feel that people who drive to long without sleep are as much a danger as drunks. However not every time that someone falls asleep it can be attributed to sleep deprivation or driving to long.

But if your taking a risk willingly by driving too long or driving when real tired your risking others just like drunks do who drive. Both are totally wrong. If you don't have any signs or reasons to be tired and it happens its a totally different thing as you did not take the risk knowingly / willingly.

Maybe that clears it up a bit. So yes i agree falling asleep behind the wheel is dangerous and you should not risk people when you know you are at risk. That is why they have drive time limits in the EU its a good thing.

OK,thanks for you explanation...

I've pressed this issue because most of the times,when I saw an accident here was big trucks that crashed,because driver has fallen asleep behind a wheel...one time on the way from BKK,I've counted 5 accidents and 4 of them were big trucks!...and that was at the day time!

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Just got in--was at tae pae gate-starbucks and they were set up in full force---i was on foot and came back around 11pm--they had a few cars pulled over as well as mbikes--some bikes looked like they were heading to the impound--a few thais--guy and girl doing the breath test--looked like a few might be going to the pokey----seemed to be random pullovers--luck of the draw for the drunks

--even had the alleys blocked off for those that spotted them ahead and tried to make a break 4 it

seemed a little "showy" its TP gate and i can think of many other more popular watering holes if they wanna catch drunkies---just appeared they were putting on a little show for all the tourists--

"oh look honey CMs finest" always thinking of us and have our best interest at hand--kudos boys!

i find this location curious. it seems you can go from anywhere in town to spicey and leave again without going through the checkpoint.

There are a handul locations where they have checkpoints often. Thapae is one of them.

I think Thapae is popular because it's very convenient: lots of space to keep vehicles of people who are caught, and traffic not moving too fast.

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robblok,I'm sorry,but next time you should take the car for the ride after your wife's afternoon nap...smile.png

No longer about drunk driving i have given that up here.

But there were no signs of her being tired. We just had lunch at sizler and did some shopping. Drove home at 14.00, 2 km before our home she fell asleep and as it happened i screamed (funny that i reverted back to Dutch). Went too fast nothing i could do. Car was total, both lucky to have worn seatbelt.

Later also had the Dr check for brain problems as the sleeping episode was totally unexplainable. Nothing found, i doubt that anyone with half a brain would sit next to someone who was obviously tired and not taken over the wheel. I know i would have taken over the wheel if i had known. It would have saved us a lot of trouble. I feel that people who drive to long without sleep are as much a danger as drunks. However not every time that someone falls asleep it can be attributed to sleep deprivation or driving to long.

But if your taking a risk willingly by driving too long or driving when real tired your risking others just like drunks do who drive. Both are totally wrong. If you don't have any signs or reasons to be tired and it happens its a totally different thing as you did not take the risk knowingly / willingly.

Maybe that clears it up a bit. So yes i agree falling asleep behind the wheel is dangerous and you should not risk people when you know you are at risk. That is why they have drive time limits in the EU its a good thing.

Have you checked for epilepsy? My ex had it, and on a daily basis she just went blank for a few seconds. And that's enough for losing control of the vehicle.

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robblok,I'm sorry,but next time you should take the car for the ride after your wife's afternoon nap...smile.png

No longer about drunk driving i have given that up here.

But there were no signs of her being tired. We just had lunch at sizler and did some shopping. Drove home at 14.00, 2 km before our home she fell asleep and as it happened i screamed (funny that i reverted back to Dutch). Went too fast nothing i could do. Car was total, both lucky to have worn seatbelt.

Later also had the Dr check for brain problems as the sleeping episode was totally unexplainable. Nothing found, i doubt that anyone with half a brain would sit next to someone who was obviously tired and not taken over the wheel. I know i would have taken over the wheel if i had known. It would have saved us a lot of trouble. I feel that people who drive to long without sleep are as much a danger as drunks. However not every time that someone falls asleep it can be attributed to sleep deprivation or driving to long.

But if your taking a risk willingly by driving too long or driving when real tired your risking others just like drunks do who drive. Both are totally wrong. If you don't have any signs or reasons to be tired and it happens its a totally different thing as you did not take the risk knowingly / willingly.

Maybe that clears it up a bit. So yes i agree falling asleep behind the wheel is dangerous and you should not risk people when you know you are at risk. That is why they have drive time limits in the EU its a good thing.

Have you checked for epilepsy? My ex had it, and on a daily basis she just went blank for a few seconds. And that's enough for losing control of the vehicle.

Its been checked, because it was unexplainable. But nope, it was not the case. It scared me a lot. That is why we let her be checked for that and other stuff by a Dr. The first few rides next to her after the accident in the new car were tense. Anyway before that she never had an accident and made many km in the car. So it remains a mystery. Lets hope it wont happen again. Its not fun seeing a concrete piece of road separation coming at you and you cant do a thing about it.

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Just got in--was at tae pae gate-starbucks and they were set up in full force---i was on foot and came back around 11pm--they had a few cars pulled over as well as mbikes--some bikes looked like they were heading to the impound--a few thais--guy and girl doing the breath test--looked like a few might be going to the pokey----seemed to be random pullovers--luck of the draw for the drunks

--even had the alleys blocked off for those that spotted them ahead and tried to make a break 4 it

seemed a little "showy" its TP gate and i can think of many other more popular watering holes if they wanna catch drunkies---just appeared they were putting on a little show for all the tourists--

"oh look honey CMs finest" always thinking of us and have our best interest at hand--kudos boys!

i find this location curious. it seems you can go from anywhere in town to spicey and leave again without going through the checkpoint.

There are a handul locations where they have checkpoints often. Thapae is one of them.

I think Thapae is popular because it's very convenient: lots of space to keep vehicles of people who are caught, and traffic not moving too fast.

Free coffees and hamburgers for you know who ???

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Nice agrument but you don't have to accept people using alcohol in traffic. People can drink all they want and have a designated driver or take a taxi. You don't have to ban alcohol, its perfectly ok to drink. Just don't drink and drive.

Seems many expats come here and seem to forget about the dangers or drinking and driving. This just shows its not that we are morally better or better educated then the Thais (at least not those expats) but it all comes down to enforcement.

I for one am happy that they crack down on drinking and driving. They are a danger.

As for the point that there is a difference between driving drunk and drinking and driving. I agree there but as with every limit people will complain about it. If they double the limit then people close to that limit will say but officer i am just a little bit over the limit. That will never change.

Robblok, no offence mate, but this is just theory. I've heard it all before so many times. Drink/drunk driving is an issue all over the world. Of course it is, every country has drinkers and every country has drivers.

And i'm sorry, it's not so simple as organising a 'designated driver'. This is why i call it just theory. Practicalities are often very different.

As for thai culture, drink driving fits in perfectly. Speed driving does too. Cutting corners does too. Red light jumping does too. All manner of poor driving is totally normal, and that's with the drivers stone cold sober.

Asian driving is very different to european or american driving.

The bloody doctors kill more people than drink drivers. It's all part of life. If we don't like the outcomes of booze drinking, then get rid of booze. But as is totally normal for western ways, treat the symptoms, and ignore the root causes... if you want booze, then accept them driving home. How else can they get home??

I was kind of hoping that thailand would retain its own ways in life. But no, we are being assaulted by the western ways. Oh dear.

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There are a handul locations where they have checkpoints often. Thapae is one of them.

Traffic lights after the bridge near Holiday Inn is another checkpoint, as it was Wednesday night, at 9pm, not midnight.

Just a game. Any time, any place. More money for the police, more kudos for the polis who get a decent ride in the media.

Meanwhile the citizens have to suffer at the hands of the western ways being imported over here.

You're more likely to die from all manner of causes than from being hit by a driver who's been drinking.

And you're most definitely more likely to die from being hit by a speeding driver in thailand who's been nowhere near a drink.

It's yet another western intrusion into life in thaiways...

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There are a handul locations where they have checkpoints often. Thapae is one of them.

Traffic lights after the bridge near Holiday Inn is another checkpoint, as it was Wednesday night, at 9pm, not midnight.

Just a game. Any time, any place. More money for the police, more kudos for the polis who get a decent ride in the media.

Meanwhile the citizens have to suffer at the hands of the western ways being imported over here.

You're more likely to die from all manner of causes than from being hit by a driver who's been drinking.

And you're most definitely more likely to die from being hit by a speeding driver in thailand who's been nowhere near a drink.

It's yet another western intrusion into life in thaiways...

So let me get this right..drink driving is an issue everywhere in the world except Thailand, and the establishment/enforcement of drink driving laws is a western intrusion?

True you can die from many causes but there is a generally a desire not to hasten it hence we have laws on guns, drink driving, health promotion on smoking and diet, have HIV prevention schemes, and try not fly off a balcony in Pattaya.

You must be a hell of a comforter to the Thai families that will grieve enmasse at Songkran. I think the families would rather suffer this western way being inmported than the imeasurable grief of losing a loved one to drink driving at Songkran or indeed any other time.

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Robblok, no offence mate, but this is just theory. I've heard it all before so many times. Drink/drunk driving is an issue all over the world. Of course it is, every country has drinkers and every country has drivers.

And i'm sorry, it's not so simple as organising a 'designated driver'. This is why i call it just theory. Practicalities are often very different.

As for thai culture, drink driving fits in perfectly. Speed driving does too. Cutting corners does too. Red light jumping does too. All manner of poor driving is totally normal, and that's with the drivers stone cold sober.

Asian driving is very different to european or american driving.

The bloody doctors kill more people than drink drivers. It's all part of life. If we don't like the outcomes of booze drinking, then get rid of booze. But as is totally normal for western ways, treat the symptoms, and ignore the root causes... if you want booze, then accept them driving home. How else can they get home??

I was kind of hoping that thailand would retain its own ways in life. But no, we are being assaulted by the western ways. Oh dear.

Huh? Just curious, can you defend that statement? Using credible, verifiable evidence?

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Nice agrument but you don't have to accept people using alcohol in traffic. People can drink all they want and have a designated driver or take a taxi. You don't have to ban alcohol, its perfectly ok to drink. Just don't drink and drive.

Seems many expats come here and seem to forget about the dangers or drinking and driving. This just shows its not that we are morally better or better educated then the Thais (at least not those expats) but it all comes down to enforcement.

I for one am happy that they crack down on drinking and driving. They are a danger.

As for the point that there is a difference between driving drunk and drinking and driving. I agree there but as with every limit people will complain about it. If they double the limit then people close to that limit will say but officer i am just a little bit over the limit. That will never change.

Robblok, no offence mate, but this is just theory. I've heard it all before so many times. Drink/drunk driving is an issue all over the world. Of course it is, every country has drinkers and every country has drivers.

And i'm sorry, it's not so simple as organising a 'designated driver'. This is why i call it just theory. Practicalities are often very different.

As for thai culture, drink driving fits in perfectly. Speed driving does too. Cutting corners does too. Red light jumping does too. All manner of poor driving is totally normal, and that's with the drivers stone cold sober.

Asian driving is very different to european or american driving.

The bloody doctors kill more people than drink drivers. It's all part of life. If we don't like the outcomes of booze drinking, then get rid of booze. But as is totally normal for western ways, treat the symptoms, and ignore the root causes... if you want booze, then accept them driving home. How else can they get home??

I was kind of hoping that thailand would retain its own ways in life. But no, we are being assaulted by the western ways. Oh dear.

I won't make any more comments on the moral issue and stuff. But i just could not let this go, i seldom read such stupidity in a post.

The bloody doctors kill more people than drink drivers w00t.gif . I bet they save more lives then they kill and people who go to a doctor usually have a serious issue its only normal that some die. I really don't understand that somebody could make such a stupid remark. It really shows what kind of people drive and drink and what they do to justify it.

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Nice agrument but you don't have to accept people using alcohol in traffic. People can drink all they want and have a designated driver or take a taxi. You don't have to ban alcohol, its perfectly ok to drink. Just don't drink and drive.

Seems many expats come here and seem to forget about the dangers or drinking and driving. This just shows its not that we are morally better or better educated then the Thais (at least not those expats) but it all comes down to enforcement.

I for one am happy that they crack down on drinking and driving. They are a danger.

As for the point that there is a difference between driving drunk and drinking and driving. I agree there but as with every limit people will complain about it. If they double the limit then people close to that limit will say but officer i am just a little bit over the limit. That will never change.

Robblok, no offence mate, but this is just theory. I've heard it all before so many times. Drink/drunk driving is an issue all over the world. Of course it is, every country has drinkers and every country has drivers.

And i'm sorry, it's not so simple as organising a 'designated driver'. This is why i call it just theory. Practicalities are often very different.

As for thai culture, drink driving fits in perfectly. Speed driving does too. Cutting corners does too. Red light jumping does too. All manner of poor driving is totally normal, and that's with the drivers stone cold sober.

Asian driving is very different to european or american driving.

The bloody doctors kill more people than drink drivers. It's all part of life. If we don't like the outcomes of booze drinking, then get rid of booze. But as is totally normal for western ways, treat the symptoms, and ignore the root causes... if you want booze, then accept them driving home. How else can they get home??

I was kind of hoping that thailand would retain its own ways in life. But no, we are being assaulted by the western ways. Oh dear.

I won't make any more comments on the moral issue and stuff. But i just could not let this go, i seldom read such stupidity in a post.

The bloody doctors kill more people than drink drivers w00t.gif . I bet they save more lives then they kill and people who go to a doctor usually have a serious issue its only normal that some die. I really don't understand that somebody could make such a stupid remark. It really shows what kind of people drive and drink and what they do to justify it.

in support of femi,i think he is trying to say that educating a nation,on there favourite past time,and enjoyment,is not a easy job,and a few farangs,on a non thai web site,is not going to make much inroads.
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Robblok, what's your obsession with drink driving in Chiang Mai. I thought you lived near Bangkok. Does your personal crusade extend to forums around the world?

Yes it does happy now ? I am little more interested in this subject then others because i got a family member killed by a drunk driver. Not in Thailand though does that make it any less ?

I was not going to post anymore but if someone post something so stupid as femi did then its hard not to respond.

A gem of wisdom.. doctors kill more people then drink drivers. First off doctors are there to save people and in doing so they sometimes make a mistake. I am pretty sure that more people would be dead if doctors did nothing. How can anyone with half an IQ make such a remark.

Come on guys try to defend that remark, id love to see you guys try. Im not going into drunk driving the morality im now just focusing on this stupid remark.

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Robblok, what's your obsession with drink driving in Chiang Mai. I thought you lived near Bangkok. Does your personal crusade extend to forums around the world?

Yes it does happy now ? I am little more interested in this subject then others because i got a family member killed by a drunk driver. Not in Thailand though does that make it any less ?

I was not going to post anymore but if someone post something so stupid as femi did then its hard not to respond.

A gem of wisdom.. doctors kill more people then drink drivers. First off doctors are there to save people and in doing so they sometimes make a mistake. I am pretty sure that more people would be dead if doctors did nothing. How can anyone with half an IQ make such a remark.

Come on guys try to defend that remark, id love to see you guys try. Im not going into drunk driving the morality im now just focusing on this stupid remark.

I was referring to ALL your previous posts on this matter, this thread & another. I'm much more concerned about the appalling standard of driving by sober drivers in Thailand, especially in daylight hours when I drive my kids to school. The Bib need to focus on this, catching the freaking idiots weaving in & out of traffic to gain a few car lengths, the red light jumpers, the speed freaks, the pillocks that pull out without looking, the corner cutters etc etc. The list goes on & on & on & on, pretty much like you on the had a few drinks drivers. You're like a stuck record. Comprendez?

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Robblok, what's your obsession with drink driving in Chiang Mai. I thought you lived near Bangkok. Does your personal crusade extend to forums around the world?

Yes it does happy now ? I am little more interested in this subject then others because i got a family member killed by a drunk driver. Not in Thailand though does that make it any less ?

I was not going to post anymore but if someone post something so stupid as femi did then its hard not to respond.

A gem of wisdom.. doctors kill more people then drink drivers. First off doctors are there to save people and in doing so they sometimes make a mistake. I am pretty sure that more people would be dead if doctors did nothing. How can anyone with half an IQ make such a remark.

Come on guys try to defend that remark, id love to see you guys try. Im not going into drunk driving the morality im now just focusing on this stupid remark.

I was referring to ALL your previous posts on this matter, this thread & another. I'm much more concerned about the appalling standard of driving by sober drivers in Thailand, especially in daylight hours when I drive my kids to school. The Bib need to focus on this, catching the freaking idiots weaving in & out of traffic to gain a few car lengths, the red light jumpers, the speed freaks, the pillocks that pull out without looking, the corner cutters etc etc. The list goes on & on & on & on, pretty much like you on the had a few drinks drivers. You're like a stuck record. Comprendez?


I understand, but might i hazard a guess your one to drink and drive ?

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Robblok, what's your obsession with drink driving in Chiang Mai. I thought you lived near Bangkok. Does your personal crusade extend to forums around the world?

Yes it does happy now ? I am little more interested in this subject then others because i got a family member killed by a drunk driver. Not in Thailand though does that make it any less ?

I was not going to post anymore but if someone post something so stupid as femi did then its hard not to respond.

A gem of wisdom.. doctors kill more people then drink drivers. First off doctors are there to save people and in doing so they sometimes make a mistake. I am pretty sure that more people would be dead if doctors did nothing. How can anyone with half an IQ make such a remark.

Come on guys try to defend that remark, id love to see you guys try. Im not going into drunk driving the morality im now just focusing on this stupid remark.

I was referring to ALL your previous posts on this matter, this thread & another. I'm much more concerned about the appalling standard of driving by sober drivers in Thailand, especially in daylight hours when I drive my kids to school. The Bib need to focus on this, catching the freaking idiots weaving in & out of traffic to gain a few car lengths, the red light jumpers, the speed freaks, the pillocks that pull out without looking, the corner cutters etc etc. The list goes on & on & on & on, pretty much like you on the had a few drinks drivers. You're like a stuck record. Comprendez?


I understand, but might i hazard a guess your one to drink and drive ?

You guessed wrong.

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I understand, but might i hazard a guess your one to drink and drive ?


You guessed wrong.

Strange, but if you say so. Anyway just more connected to this issue, because like i said i lost a family member. He was my nephew, mowed down on his bike by someone who decided he had to drink and drive. Guy did end up in jail for all its worth. So yea, when i see topics like this i feel more connected.

But i was all done in this topic until that remark, it was just over the top.

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Come on guys try to defend that remark, id love to see you guys try. Im not going into drunk driving the morality im now just focusing on this stupid remark.

I think he was being ironical. But femi is right, Muang Thai is on the change and will be a fully-fledged nanny state before you know it. It went from great to alright when T curtailed the drinking hours to midnight all them years ago, but is well & truly on course to becoming a right bore. Expect restrictions en masse in all areas of society over the coming years ... such as ticketing five-to-a-bike families and pick-up trucks loaded with 15 tons of garlic! There'll be nothing left to laugh at.

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I'm much more concerned about the appalling standard of driving by sober drivers in Thailand, especially in daylight hours when I drive my kids to school. The Bib need to focus on this, catching the freaking idiots weaving in & out of traffic to gain a few car lengths, the red light jumpers, the speed freaks, the pillocks that pull out without looking, the corner cutters etc etc. The list goes on & on & on & on, pretty much like you on the had a few drinks drivers. You're like a stuck record. Comprendez?

this is a really good post, speaking as someone who lives in CM. the general quality of driving and policing thereof is pathetic, and i often feel more concerned in daylight hours than i ever do at night when people are boozing.

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Interesting divergence from two TV Titanium members above: jackr is afraid Thailand is becoming a nanny state where rules are enforced, while StevieH believes current quality of policing (rule enforcing) is inadequate. Clearly it's impossible to please everybody.

While I am opposed to victimless crime nanny state rules (what business is it of the government if adults choose to gamble, pay for sex or smoke relaxing herbs?), I do support the government cracking down on all forms of dangerous driving, An idiot operating any vehicle recklessly is putting not only their own life at risk but others as well. Going after the drunk drivers is simply a matter of starting with the low hanging fruit; it's much safer and easier to catch a drunk at a roadblock than to chase down a maniac weaving through heavy traffic. But of course the people who drink and drive will argue that the police should go after the speeders and weavers, while the speeders and weavers will insist that the police's time is better spent going after the drunks. Once again, it's impossible to please everybody.

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A new checkpoint last night at around 9pm, river road across from the elctricty company offices, complete with loads of teenagers carrying placards and handing out stickers saying don't drink and drive, the BIB were friendly and polite enough and a couple of the girls really cute!

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