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Animal Lover..? ................ Sometimes.


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The brother in law is currently in hospital.

It happened 3 days ago. since being admitted to hospital they have drilled into the left side of his skull.

x-rays showed that he had a clot in the brain and the pressure needed to be released.

he didn't wake up until today. he has minimal use of his arms and hands.

they will drill into the right side of his brain soon to release additional pressure and to aid blood flow.

he doesn,t drink and he had proper insurance. he wasn't however wearing a helmet. it happened fairly close to home.

the reason for the accident was that he came around a bend and there was a dog lying in the road. he swerved, instinct, and ended up crashing.

now....... I am an animal lover, always have been but it has got to the point here in my town that I have grown to have a massive hatred for dogs. most notably the ones who lie in the road. If I,m driving in the truck, I will honk 2,3 times for them to move. the dog lifts its head, gets up slowly, stops for a scratch and a stretch and looks alarmed when he has to run to get out of the way.

recently I have took it upon myself to no longer break for these animals. I will sound the horn but if it doesn't move, I continue on my journey and they are no longer with us.

I grew up loving animals, dogs especially but when I see these lazy bast@@ds not making an attempt to move, then all love is lost.

For every dog that chooses not to move and suffers the consequences, I see the roads being safer for drivers and maybe a human life saved. I have seen them lie in the roads at night when its very difficult to see them, especially for bikes. These animals are lying at the front of their owners houses but the owners don,t make them move.

I now have a bull bar on the truck because of the amount of instances of dogs on the road.

I hope the BIL gets better but he still isn,t out of the woods yet. dam_n dogs.

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Instead of killing innocent dogs with your car, maybe you should teach your inlaws to use a helmetwhistling.gif

yep, didn't take long. I deliberately mentioned that he didn't have his helmet on to see if I would get a response like this......... and heh ! thanks for that. I will be sure to explain that to him if he comes out of this incident safely. I will wait first though, just until he can move his limbs and speak.

on a side note, The testing and certification of a helmet requires that it withstand a 13 ( or 16 ) MPH impact. any faster than that, then....................

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Instead of killing innocent dogs with your car, maybe you should teach your inlaws to use a helmetwhistling.gif

yep, didn't take long. I deliberately mentioned that he didn't have his helmet on to see if I would get a response like this......... and heh ! thanks for that. I will be sure to explain that to him if he comes out of this incident safely. I will wait first though, just until he can move his limbs and speak.

on a side note, The testing and certification of a helmet requires that it withstand a 13 ( or 16 ) MPH impact. any faster than that, then....................

So what are you saying? Any impact over 16mph and it doesn't matter if you're wearing a helmet or not?

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I can share some of the OP feelings, in fact quite often i get attacked by the random crazy dog while riding the motorbike.

The dogs who sleep on the road don't bother me as much as the ones who cross the street suddenly and unxpectedly.

I can guess about 50 % of the accidents here on the Island see dogs involved one way or another, one can only hope the dogs start behaving, or the authorities go for a mass neutering, or a tribe of Vietnamese dog-eaters settle down here.

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I don't know whether to feel sorry for the OP and his displaced anger and hate or to laugh at the ignorance. A motorcycle that hits a 20-30 kg object on the road is most likely going to crash. As such, recommending the driver to initiate the collision under the described circumstances is indicative of a lack of common sense.

If a driver is paying attention and observing the speed limit, there should be sufficient time with which to see the object on the road and to either brake or take an avoidance measure safely.

I have to wonder at the mental state of someone that gleefully posts that he intentionally runs down dogs on the road. I suppose under the guise of anonymity one can say all manner of things. I doubt the OP would make this announcement down at the local pub and wait for the accolades.

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A few years back it use to amaze me at the way Thai dogs always seemed to just walk out into the road. Then all in a panic they look around and either have a narrow escape or get hit by a car or bike. On one such occasion I was walking along with my girlfriend when a dog had a narrow escape. I asked her "Why do dogs walk straight out onto the road, when they were born and have lived all their life next to a busy road."

Her reply was "If they were clever dogs they would have an owner and a home to live in, they are stupid, that's why they are soi dogs"

Now, I got to thinking why dogs back in my part of the world always look to see if there is traffic before crossing the road and they wait for it to pass before they cross. Now, I don't buy into the Farang dog is more intelligent to the Thai dog argument.

I go back to when I was a child growing up, there was a very famous and successful TV campaign on road safety in the form of a song. All the children knew it and ended up practising it. When we wanted to cross a road, we stopped on the edge of the kerb, we looked left, then right then left again. If there was a car crossing, we waited for it to pass. I think our dogs learned this behaviour from watching us cross the road. So to the teachers on this forum, do you teach the kids the safe cross code, maybe it will save the lives of people and dogs. why not try teaching them this song in one of your classes, it has worked. Most irish people can remember this song and all it's lyrics even now years later.

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I love dogs, kept dogs since I was a boy.

But stray dogs and dogs that are allowed to wander around on the highway - I would regard it a great public service for them to be removed by whatever is the most efficient means of doing so. (perhaps we should have a national prize for the most imaginative means of the disposing of them - feeding them to Cambodians and the Vietnamese doesn't seem to be reducing the numbers).

Next time you are at the hospital ask the your doctor what are the top three causes of emergency medical treatment. Dog bites and road accidents involve stray dogs are right up there.

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I love dogs, kept dogs since I was a boy.

But stray dogs and dogs that are allowed to wander around on the highway - I would regard it a great public service for them to be removed by whatever is the most efficient means of doing so. (perhaps we should have a national prize for the most imaginative means of the disposing of them - feeding them to Cambodians and the Vietnamese doesn't seem to be reducing the numbers).

Who are we ?

Next time you are at the hospital ask the your doctor what are the top three causes of emergency medical treatment. Dog bites and road accidents involve stray dogs are right up there.

I's say 100% of them involve humans.

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OP - It's clear to see that you're upset about your brother-in-law (and I hope he makes a full recovery) but deliberately killing an animal because it doesn't have the intelligence to respond to the sound of your horn??? and, apparently, taking pleasure in it.

I hope you are trolling. If not, you really need to take a step back and think about what you are doing.

taking pleasure in it ?

No. Addressing the problem of dogs lying in the road or just walking out in front of you so you have to take evasive action................Yes. Its a huge problem here. owners are not accountable for their animals and they run riot. people are coming off their bikes daily due to this. sometimes the dog cannot be avoided and lives are lost (human).

I am an animal lover but these dogs go where they want, terrorise who they want and risk lives everyday. announcing they are studid is not an answer. dogs in uk, europe, all over do not lie in the road. why is that ?

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Who are we ?

Clearly not you - so go love a rabid dog.

But don't feel excluded if you do come up with an idea for the mass extermination of feral dogs. All contributions are welcome.

But it's only all in your head, you will not actually do anything about the feral dog problem except rant about it here

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Instead of killing innocent dogs with your car, maybe you should teach your inlaws to use a helmetwhistling.gif

yep, didn't take long. I deliberately mentioned that he didn't have his helmet on to see if I would get a response like this......... and heh ! thanks for that. I will be sure to explain that to him if he comes out of this incident safely. I will wait first though, just until he can move his limbs and speak.

on a side note, The testing and certification of a helmet requires that it withstand a 13 ( or 16 ) MPH impact. any faster than that, then....................

Might tell him to buckle the strap too. Helps keep the helmet where it belongs during a sudden stop! Lust look at the number of people wearing helmets with the strap not fastened. At least to me, hitting any animal be it a human, dog, snake etc. with your truck,if it can be safely avoided, is unacceptable behavior. .

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Probably there would have been serious injury anyway had he hit the dog riding a motorcycle.

That said, every Driver I have ever had has been firmly instructed NEVER to brake, much less swerve, to avoid a dog in the road when we travel up-country - which I do quite a lot. Any driver who did so was immediately dismissed when we returned to Bangkok.

My life - and the lives of my family - is far more valuable than that of a dog.


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Probably there would have been serious injury anyway had he hit the dog riding a motorcycle.

That said, every Driver I have ever had has been firmly instructed NEVER to brake, much less swerve, to avoid a dog in the road when we travel up-country - which I do quite a lot. Any driver who did so was immediately dismissed when we returned to Bangkok.

My life - and the lives of my family - is far more valuable than that of a dog.


Too bad we don't have driver anymore, I would hire your fired driver immediately.

My wife can spot a stray dog almost 1 km away and immediately start shooting to slow down. The driver who pass over a dog would have to hitchhike his way back to Bangkok.

That said, even if I am the guardian of two dogs that I like deeply, I agree with you, human first !

Edited by JurgenG
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Too bad we don't have driver anymore, I would hire your fired driver immediately.

My wife can spot a stray dog almost 1 km away and immediately start shooting to slow down. The driver who pass over a dog would have to hitchhike his way back to Bangkok.

That said, even if I am the guardian of two dogs that I like deeply, I agree with you, human first !

In the UK, when learning to drive, all learners are taught not to slow down, or, swerve for any animal on the road.

This has come about due to horrendous accidents involving multiple vehicles that was started by someone that swerved to avoid an animal.

If professional driving instructors consider running over the animal as the safest course of action, then that is good enough for me.

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Too bad we don't have driver anymore, I would hire your fired driver immediately.

My wife can spot a stray dog almost 1 km away and immediately start shooting to slow down. The driver who pass over a dog would have to hitchhike his way back to Bangkok.

I don't think you would be saying that if you had ever found yourself, as I did just before I instituted my policy, travelling sideways along a 2 lane road, at 80 km/hr and 9.00 pm, in Pitsanuloke hills after your driver had swerved to avoid a dog running across the road!


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In the UK I have encountered cows on the motorway.

I slowed down, sorry to say.

This was many years ago, perhaps they have better fences now.

big difference hitting a cow and a dog. it would be like hitting a wall. Cows are really stupid so must be given the benefit of the doubt. Dogs however are much much smarter and should know better. I can't explain it, dogs here are thick as <deleted> and do things without thinking.

what is it they say, "dogs are like their owners'.......... something like that. I could be wrong.

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In the UK I have encountered cows on the motorway.

I slowed down, sorry to say.

This was many years ago, perhaps they have better fences now.

big difference hitting a cow and a dog. it would be like hitting a wall. Cows are really stupid so must be given the benefit of the doubt. Dogs however are much much smarter and should know better. I can't explain it, dogs here are thick as <deleted> and do things without thinking.

what is it they say, "dogs are like their owners'.......... something like that. I could be wrong.

Now you got me thinking...For sure i asked myself the same question countless times..

Why in my homecountry a dog would never cross the road without looking, while in Thailand they seem so unaware of the danger..

As those street dogs have not a real owner, could it be that dogs without owner are more stupid ?

It seems to work in the opposite way for cats, i've never seen cats defying the dangers of traffic in Thailand, while at home, every morning going to work, there were sadly a few of them dead on the road.

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^ have you considered that in itself is an assumption that might only be in your own head?!

Maybe so, but I have read so many threads about stray dogs and other issues where BM's have indicated taking drastic action. The dog problem is still the same as are other issues. Other than posting on forums, I find it difficult to believe that you will actually do anything to solve the problem.

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In the UK I have encountered cows on the motorway.

I slowed down, sorry to say.

This was many years ago, perhaps they have better fences now.

big difference hitting a cow and a dog. it would be like hitting a wall. Cows are really stupid so must be given the benefit of the doubt. Dogs however are much much smarter and should know better. I can't explain it, dogs here are thick as <deleted> and do things without thinking.

Lack of protein in their diet,

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