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Pest Control Companies (Termite & Ants Etc) Recommendations

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Hello All !.

I want to changed the pest control company that I am presently using ( not that impressed)

I want then to come monthly to spray the inside and outside areas and every 6 months too pressure spray under my house using the spray system which is pre fitted.

Any personal recommendations and pricing would be appreciated

3 Bedroom ,2 bathroom single story Villa on a plot of about 140 sq wah ( a guide to what needs doing ).

Cheer in advance wai.gif


We're on our second one, and may change again. Hard to find a quality one. We highly suspect the first one was not using chemicals...as bugs were still living on our plants the day after they sprayed. I sprayed it myself with some stuff I got from the weekend market and all the bugs were all dead the next day. After a few months of this, we let them go.

I also don't like these 12 month contracts. The next time, I'm going to only do 3 months and tell them if they do a good job, I'll sign up for more. It'll be interesting to see how they deal with that.


"We're on our second one, and may change again. Hard to find a quality one. We highly suspect the first one was not using chemicals...as bugs were still living on our plants the day after they sprayed. I sprayed it myself with some stuff I got from the weekend market and all the bugs were all dead the next day. After a few months of this, we let them go.

I also don't like these 12 month contracts. The next time, I'm going to only do 3 months and tell them if they do a good job, I'll sign up for more. It'll be interesting to see how they deal with that."

Much the same story with me too bah.gif ..can you remember the name of the stuff you got from the weekend market? I might invest in a pressure sprayer and start do it my self . cheers


I can't remember the name of the stuff. But we had a massive invasion of what I call white flies. Very small white flies on our plants. They were everywhere. I got this stuff from the weekend plant market across from Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, just past the flyover as you are headed north, and across the street from BPH.

The bug company did seem to do a good job inside the house. Never had a bug inside. With our new company, the bugs on the plants are dead, but we are now getting ants inside!!!


We don't use any of these guys and have no problems with pests either, apart from a termite invasion in the kitchen floor just after we moved in over a year ago.

For termites we found some baiting poison, poisoned wood that they take home to feed the family. Kills only the termites and lets other insects live.

sent from my Android phone


I have used a company called Bio Pest Control. No contract needed.

They charge 800 baht for a 250 sq./m condo. I would certainly recommend them.

The owner is 081 150 6080 (Ed) or the office is 038 231 641(Ying)


I have used a company called Bio Pest Control. No contract needed.

They charge 800 baht for a 250 sq./m condo. I would certainly recommend them.

The owner is 081 150 6080 (Ed) or the office is 038 231 641(Ying)


I wonder if there is such a thing as spraying ones condo for "German Roaches" - a smaller version of the cockroach, but faster, commercial sprays do not kill them, and they multiply faster than rabbits. I have tried the white sand with acid but it is a pain to leave around the house all the time.


We had a Pest Control company come and inspect our home a couple of years ago, since then I do it myself.

Reason for doing it myself you ask.

I had the house inspected and they told me they would come back the next day with the insectacide and spray for termites and the like.

They returned the next day and sprayed the home. The boss asked me and the wife to stay outside while the home was sprayed, due to the poison etc. Reasonable request.

The worker went in and drilled a couple of holes in the concrete at the back where the termites were coming up through, and sprayed poison into the holes.

He then donned a mask and then sprayed the interior of the house including the roof cavity. I paid the cash and said to him good job.

Two days later we were robbed within 15 minutes, they took only the valuable stuff in the house approx TB200,000 worth.

I told my German mate up the road about it and he said his home was also robbed 6 months previously after he had his home sprayed by the exterminators.

They spend a lot of time in the home alone going through each room spraying. As they spray they case each and every room, drawer, wardrobe, computer, cameras etc and know exactly where all is including the wifes gold etc. They are in fact CASING the home.

A couple of days later they watch the home and know when you have left and NO one is home. They follow you to the shopping centre and watch you, all the time on the mobile while his mates are robbing the house. If you come back early as I did, he lets them know and they leave ASAP.

I know they left in a hurry as they left some of the stolen property was still on the fence next door.

They got in through the roof.

Moral of the story DO IT YOURSELF. Don't trust the theiving bas***ds.

I dont remember the name of the company, do it yourself, buy the spray at the shopping centre.


We don't use any of these guys and have no problems with pests either, apart from a termite invasion in the kitchen floor just after we moved in over a year ago.

For termites we found some baiting poison, poisoned wood that they take home to feed the family. Kills only the termites and lets other insects live.

sent from my Android phone

You couldn't tell me where you bought the bait poison from and it's name cheers

I can highly recommend a new company called Creepy Crawly Pest Control, based on Soi Siam Country Club. I've used two other companies before with mixed performance, but these guys really are good. It's run by farangs and they import their chemicals and other stuff from Australia. Everything is done to Australian standards, and the guy who treats my house, Carl, is English but has a degree in entomology from Australia and was trained there. The same goes for his girlfriend, Ning, who usually works with him. They're both very helpful and really know their stuff. So far, apart from the standard spraying, they've destroyed two ants' nests behind the fitted units in the kitchen - I can leave bread and sugar out now and it's not covered in ants within 3 minutes - and a big termite colony in the garden. They only spray the place inside and outside once every three months as the Australian chemicals they use are much better than the locally made stuff, and they use a different technique to companies like Rentokill. I could go on and on about how helpful and effective they've been, but you get the point.

My house sounds like it's much the same size as yours, though my garden may be a bit bigger. The contract costs 10,000 Baht for one year with quarterly spraying inside and out, and for that they will fix any insect problems you have as soon as you alert them. Carl will also remove snakes if you come across any as an unofficial part of the deal, just because he likes them. I had a full termite inspection done, too, at a cost of 2000 Baht, as I have a lot of wood in the place (a 250,000 Baht Kitzcho fitted kitchen for one thing). Based on this they produce a report which recommends ways to minimise the risk of termite invasion. Unlike Americans and Australians, Europeans tend to very blase about termites until you suddenly find all the wood in your home falling to pieces. And spraying, of course, does not provide effective protection against them.

They're a new company and they are still working on their website so I can't give you a link. They have an e-mail address

and their phone number is 084 000 6605 (that should get you straight through to Carl). Ask him to come and explain their service to you and you will feel like a breath of fresh air has just wafted in if you've ever had to suffer the semi-literate Thai-staffed services of some of the other companies.

CCPC was originally recommended to me by the owner of a Walking Street Gogo bar who had a bad cockroach infestation. He had tried virtually every pest control company in town but they all just took his money and then gave up after a few sprayings. Carl is the only one who has actually been able to fix the problem. Highly recommended indeed.

Tell him that it was Steve, the koi carp guy, who recommended him, and he'll know what you mean.

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