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German Seeks Runaway Thai Wife For Son's Sake


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Surely DNA testing can determine if he is the biological father or not.

More reliable than anyone just signing to say he is.

The DNA test might spring some surprises. sad.png

Absolutely, It looks like a classic case here in Thailand of the "hunter getting captured by the game". The mother and daughter have captured a Farang, milked him dry and now she is off to find another sucker. For sure the Mother knows where her daughter is, who is probably back on the game as her husband's money has run out (no money no more honey), and is sending money each month to her. His wife was probably playing around, and from the photo, the odds are that the real father is Thai~Chinese. He needs a do it yourself DNA Paternity Test Kit which costs around B3,000. If positive, he needs a legally certifed DNA test, which costs around B10,000 from the police hospital Bangkok.

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clearly you haven´t been to LOfakeS yet, 250.000 a year??? at least half of it would be gone for a somewhat decent room, almost all of it would cost you "expensive meals" (whatever that means) for a year, drinks might be even more and don´t get me started on the sex thing....

It's possible if you find a rich girl who falls in love with you and lets you live in her nice house at no cost. Surely at least some of you are capable of making girls fall in love with you?

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So he built a house to live in with his wife and son, she takes off and when the money runs out the mother in law kicks him and her grand baby out of the house that he had built with his money? I do not understand Thainess.

To kick him out is not entirely strange since he is not the legal owner of the house, notwithstanding the fact that it was his money for the purchase, but for his mother in law to also kick her grand son is not understandable.

Nevertheless, he should know of course who the legal house owner is, his wife or her mother, if it is his wife then the mother in law would have no right to kick him out, so why did this occur, and on who's instruction.

In any event before departing from he house he should have sought the advice from a solicitor due to the fact that he provided the money for the house purchase and is thefore legally protected from being kicked out.

The absents of his wife is strange, but he should no longer be interested in her, he has two purposes, firstly to get matters of his son sorted, and then ensure legally that the house be placed on the market, and that he will at least get 50% of the sale price.

When all of this is sorted, then back to Germany as suggested,

Where do you think you are? This ani't Kansas, Toto.

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... This man is a 42-year-old idiot and deserves not a shred of sympathy. ...

I disagree with you. Even people that made huge mistakes still deserve our compassion.

i think a picture of this little asian gem would be a good idea.who knows,it could be your new girlfriend,or your friends. my friend has a new girlfriend,with black hair and her name is noi,thats not her is it.
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He blew 10 million baht in 2 years, if my understanding is correct? His wife and MIL might be right in thinking he is a little "odd"

I don't understand how he spend that much. I spent less than 1m last year. 10m would last me 10 years. Sounds like he's one of those people that can't manage their money properly. He knew he only had 10m, but he just spent it all in record time. Why didn't he spend it more slowly? This story is more about his stupidity than anything else. Stupid people would get taken advantage of in any country. How do you think UK/US women would act if 1000s of men turned up buying them houses, cars, etc. We'd have many stories like this in those countries as well. This is all about stupid men throwing their money at young women.

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50% of me feels sorry for this guy. The other 50% of me thinks he is yet another fool.

To be 10 million Baht down in only 2 years is idiocy.

Look on the bright side, at least he wasn't bumped off by the "brother". sad.png


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So he built a house to live in with his wife and son, she takes off and when the money runs out the mother in law kicks him and her grand baby out of the house that he had built with his money? I do not understand Thainess.

Why can't he go for an abandonment divorce and get half of the house, making it sold under a court order. That will bring the Thai user here out of her hiding hole.

Because he would get very hot walking around in a full suit of body armour!

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Many Thais are ashamed of this woman and the child's grandmother's actions, because they also are talking about this news story.

Through the 'Thai Network', news of this story has been received in Australia and the two Thai ladies I know here are ashamed.

They worry that Western men will think that the action of these two women (they blame the Grandmother as much as the child's mother) will reflect badly on them also.

The good news stories, of which there are thousands never get the limelight, because they are commonplace.

Sadly, we only get read the bad stories about the trash of Thailand.


You have completely missed the mark on this story. The Thais applaud this woman for being able to extract that amount of money in such a short amount of time AND making a run for it. This is common Thai behavior NOT an exception. Clearly the man was completely naive about Thailand as we all are when we first come here. I have heard from the Thais that the Germans are the mark they are looking for now because they are an easy take for big cash. They are all looking for Germans and now this article proves to them that it can be done.

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Hi, having spent a few minutes on the internet it is possible to test for fatherhood without the mother being available. http://www.dna-testi...ityTestDNA.html please note "But paternity can still be checked without the mother’s DNA" I think this can be done in Thailand. I am optimistic that the German Embassy has legal procudures for DNA testing both it's administration and legal procedures, alternatively if the boy was issued with a Thai Passport if DNA is proven can he then apply for German residency on the basis of established fatherhood. Sadly I am sure there are other cases like this so there is a way to sort it out. He is a good man for standing by the boy who I hope will respect this when he grows up, more than can be said for his wife and his mather in law. People like them blame poor education etc but in reality they are the lowest form of life you do not abandon family. There should be laws to prevent mother's from running away from small children, charges like neglect, attempted murder etc.

Nobody doubts that a DNA test can show if he is the father or not.

The link that you provided was not for a Thai based company and says nothing about Thai law orwhat is legaly acceptable by the Thai courts.

As I stated on my last post, when I went through this with my oldest boy I was told that I had to have the mother's permission to have the child's DNA tested.

If I had turned up at a Thai family court with a DNA test without the mother's (or court's) permision, the test results would not be admissible as proof or evidence.

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It states all the way through the OP that he is searching for his Thai Wife.

If he was married for Budha, the Thais would also call it his wife.

Otherwise, please explain why a legally married man needs to proof the fatherhood of the son from his wife.

I don't think it is about fatherhood, but having permission to take a minor out of the country, or rather into another country. I believe it states that this is a requirement from the German embassy?

Edit: From OP:

"He needed to locate his missing wife to sign a guarantee that he is really the father of their son, so he can bring his son back to Germany"

Edited by chrisinth
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Sympathy and compassion should be reserved for the patient that battles cancer, for the victims of a tsunami, for the unfortunate who are born with a disability yet bust a gut to get through life, for the poor little children you see having to sleep on sukhumvit road while the mother hands out the cups and begs. This guy inherits all that money, falls in love with a bar girl, has a kid and in the meantime just bows to every demand this bloodsucking family make.

Then one morning realizes he is running out of money. No this guy gets no sympathy here. The kid is the victim here, that poor child. That is where all the sympathy should be going. This man was not responsible enough (for god sake, it nothing more than common sense) in planning for a disaster, one of this kind that happens so often in this country. He failed to ask himself some vital questions, he failed to do some online research, he failed to see the obvious, he failed!!!!!

On top of all this, it seem Thailand with all its laws and bureaucratic bs will not do much in the way to help or solve this problem.

I often wonder how many guys would buy a house in their own country, pay for it in full and have the deeds in their wifes name, all with the first year??

2 rules.

No 1. Don't ever pay for anything in this country that will not be legally yours,

No 2, Don't ever forget rule No 1.

I truly hope there is some kind of solution to this that will benefit the child.

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Sorry, but nice that he seemed nice to his then wife by buying things, but what was his future financial planning? Thailand may be cheaper to live than Germany but it still costs money. Simple math should have told him how much he was spending and when it would run out with no other source of income. Bad situation, but not seeing a lot of smarts here.

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He blew 10 million baht in 2 years, if my understanding is correct? His wife and MIL might be right in thinking he is a little "odd"

It is quite easy to go through 10 million baht quickly when you build/buy a house and car.

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Over the years attitudes towards relationships have changed dramatically in Thailand.

These days I just don`t feel that Thai women make good wife/girlfriend partners anymore and best not to become too deeply involved with them.

The golden rule is:

Keep in charge and the upper hand of your assets at all times; do not place yourself at risk on trust and verbal agreements.

As the wise man says; cover your ass at all times and always expect the unexpected here in Thailand.

Sadly it is too late for this German guy and wishing him all success for the future and that he may be able to pass down this terrible affair down to experience.

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he could only leave the country with his child showing it´s thai passport (since it was born in thailand or paying the max. amount for overstay)

A small correction, overstay is not charged for children up to the age of 14/15 years (cannot remember which off hand)

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Surely DNA testing can determine if he is the biological father or not.

More reliable than anyone just signing to say he is.

The DNA test might spring some surprises. sad.png

Absolutely, It looks like a classic case here in Thailand of the "hunter getting captured by the game". The mother and daughter have captured a Farang, milked him dry and now she is off to find another sucker. For sure the Mother knows where her daughter is, who is probably back on the game as her husband's money has run out (no money no more honey), and is sending money each month to her. His wife was probably playing around, and from the photo, the odds are that the real father is Thai~Chinese. He needs a do it yourself DNA Paternity Test Kit which costs around B3,000. If positive, he needs a legally certifed DNA test, which costs around B10,000 from the police hospital Bangkok.

Agree with most of what you say but it is not high probability Thai-Chinese would be at all interested in 99.9 % of the women farang typically hang out with.

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Yeh seems fishy how come the mother in-law could throw him from the house if he built it. I tell you one thing if it was me she would have a fight on her hands the greedy thoughtless bitch. My advice to Mr Stephan is get a DNA test done asap if she's that kind of a person its likely the baby is not his. I blame the Thai government for this some of these bitches are married in villages but think nothing of going to Pattaya or where ever and again marrying a foreigner is that not bigamy or is that legal in Thailand like everything that's illegal in the western world. Ah well the old saying in Thailand prevails " No Money No Honey" Good luck Mr Stephan and prepare your heart for yet another arrow pending a DNA test.

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reading ThaiVisa should be compulsory to anyone moving to thailand! they would never get married here, and avoid ruining their life!

Some minor adjustments to your quote if you don't mind ...

"reading ThaiVisa should be compulsory to anyone moving to thailand!
they would never get married here, and avoid ruining their life!

By doing so they might gain a wider cultural awareness and not fall victim to the many scams and cons which do indeed operate in Thailand.

The Kingdom remains an amazing place to both visit and live and, like any country, your choice of partner is crucial to your happiness and, in this case, your bank balance also ... whistling.gif

Thailand can be your oyster, but choose your pearl carefully.

Edited by David48
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10 million baht to set up home in Thailand is hardly outrageous. When I got married in Chiang Mai I bought a newly built house for 4,000,000,baht and then spent 1,500,000 on fitted it out with all the furniture and a proper kitchen. I then bought a new car for another million and of course all the costs of the birth of our son in Lanna Hospital. I am sure his wife and mother-in-law made sure he also paid for her hand inmarriage etc etc.

However all of this is speculation as none of us know the truth. I would think that if this man is on the birth certificate as the biological father then he can apply for German passport for his son and then take him with him to Germany and give him a proper life.

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Interesting question earlier in the thread about who was in ownership of the house and how did the MIL kick him out without written permission from the official owner (assuming it was the Thai wife).

One possibility is that it was the Grandmothers land originially upon which the house was built.

Quite common in all parts of Thailand.

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reading ThaiVisa should be compulsory to anyone moving to thailand! they would never get married here, and avoid ruining their life!

Some minor adjustments to your quote if you don't mind ...

reading ThaiVisa should be compulsory to anyone moving to thailand! they would never get married here, and avoid ruining their life!

By doing so they might gain a wider cultural awareness and not fall victim to the many scams and cons which do indeed operate in Thailand.

LT, You are 100% wrong.

The guys problems have happened because he didn't marry the girl.

If he had married her, the kid would be his without DNA testing, and at least 50% of the house.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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If the wife is reported to be missing, no matter what the allegations are,

the first suspect would be the husband.

It seems he had not been questioned or investigated. Or had he ?

Just because of being a farang he must not be presumed innocent.

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they should at least show us a photo of the wife so everyone can look for her! DNA in Thailand dont matter you need signatures from her!! lets post a photo of the non carring wife so every one knows her face!

Hi there phuketjoy, welcome to Thai Visa ... welcomeani.gif

Sadly though, your information from your first post is not accurate.

The Thai Courts do actually accect DNA evidience.

You can discover some more information about it here.

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Many Thais are ashamed of this woman and the child's grandmother's actions, because they also are talking about this news story.

Through the 'Thai Network', news of this story has been received in Australia and the two Thai ladies I know here are ashamed.

They worry that Western men will think that the action of these two women (they blame the Grandmother as much as the child's mother) will reflect badly on them also.

The good news stories, of which there are thousands never get the limelight, because they are commonplace.

Sadly, we only get read the bad stories about the trash of Thailand.


You have completely missed the mark on this story. The Thais applaud this woman for being able to extract that amount of money in such a short amount of time AND making a run for it. This is common Thai behavior NOT an exception. Clearly the man was completely naive about Thailand as we all are when we first come here. I have heard from the Thais that the Germans are the mark they are looking for now because they are an easy take for big cash. They are all looking for Germans and now this article proves to them that it can be done.

Your mileage differs widely from mine ... rolleyes.gif


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